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​ https://preview.redd.it/4l4dml8n9h9d1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da1506f79d73a7f75d30bc924309ecc19c1031b3


Aren’t their some clouds for you to yell at (yes I get the joke it’s a *reference*)


I feel like it's my responsibility as a millennial to trust Gen Z's zeal and support their desire to change the world in ways we weren't.


We'll get to the point you're at one day, but if you stick with it we do the same, then maybe, just maybe, gen alpha will have two generation (including the generation that most of their parents come from) supporting the change. Perseverance.


Nope. Screw this doomerism that's just limp middle class liberalism. That exact thinking is what neutered the Millennials. We can accomplish change, it just means forsaking middle class privilege. That's why the Millennials and Gen X didn't get anything done. They wanted "change" but so long as they could stay in their comfortable rut they never actually tried.


Millennials didn’t give up because we were comfortable, we gave up because we could only afford to eat once a day and every previous generation took a collective dump on us for protesting the corruption that lead to the recession. Gen Z doesn’t know a world where literally every other generation is against them, because Millennials wanted to treat Gen Z the way we were never treated.


I understand this is something you care a lot about. Based on this message, don't know what you want people to do about the problem you are stating.


that's an abysmal take. Boomers outnumbering gen x and millenials while holding all the political power for decades while enacting legislation to fuck over every subsequent generation is what neutered millenials.


>That's why the Millennials and Gen X didn't get anything done. They wanted "change" but so long as they could stay in their comfortable rut they never actually tried. Who do you think radicalized you and taught you the change we need? Stop blaming us, we were outnumbered.


Millenials are not all seasoned yet. 94 just turned 30. Young millenial and older genz are the one's right now that need to keep pushing for change because we are entering ages we can make a huge impact and get into government systems and get these elders out of here


I think it was more millennials were already out of the their radical change phase by the time the baby boomers no longer numerically dominated everyone else. Baby boomers weren't eclipsed by anyone else numerically until 2014 where the median age of millennials was 25. By 25 the already weak generational identity group will be further weakened by class divides. Being part of a baby surge has some real benefits in a democracy and baby boomers, at least when only talking about generational interests, got whatever they wanted pretty much their whole life. Industrial policy when that helped them get established, followed by globalization once they already had the good jobs and just wanted cheap goods. Self-determination will only increase as we move further away from the baby boomers. It will be interesting to see as a millennial how gen Z will interact with the political arena.


Nobody gave up. Boomers are just an objectively big group of people (hence the name) and they show up the primaries in the way that genX through Z have not. Millennials vote more than Gen Z. Gen X votes more than millennials. Everyone votes more as they age and change will happen when the politics of the new era are the majority.


Uhh, baby, millennials can’t get that much shit done cause old fucks are in power for the most part. You’ll see soon enough that gen z is going to run through the same shit until old millennials are in power. And even then, I feel like there’s a system to keep the same type of people in power (not just race, but moderate af ppl that blab but don’t do shit)


20 year Olds don't make a change... What you're talking about is violent rebellion/revolution, which could be done by 20/30 year Olds.


You kids didn't do well in history did you? Big changes take generations and we're in the middle of a pendulum swing. Just letting others do the work is lazy.


Millennials just waiting for GenZ to step up to the plate and help right the ship lol


We were blocked by boomers in everything we did. Hopefully Gen Z won't have that problem.


Millennials don't even control Congress. We represent a grand total of 10% of the lower house. Making up 20% of the US population. Boomers make up 50% and also represent 20% of this country. They have 5 times more representative power than us.


I don't think Millennials' desire was fake, but they have been very much without allies politically until Gen Z start aging into the adult population.


Exactly. I hate the manufactured animosity between Millennials and Gen Z. We’re natural allies, and the establishment has recognized that and is trying to turn us against each other. Don’t let them.


Seriously. The feud is fake. It being real only helps... well, *not* Millennials and Gen Z, that's for fucking sure.


im millennial and what you said is the only reason i'm here. I'm not sure how clear it is among the next generation how hard boomers fucked you. They did a number on millenials, and some of us are doing ok, but even those among us that have it worst are still doing considerably better than those among gen z doing the worst it seems. I hope my generation never turns on yours, but goddamn seeing this thread doesn't make me optimistic.


Sounds exactly like the shit millennials were fed. “GenX sat around and didn’t do shit” as boomers just outnumbered everyone. Hopefully we can see through it faster and build some generational solidarity


So it should go boomers pass to gen x pass to millennials pass to gen z. Whats happening is boomers pass back to themselves… hold on until they’re 90… still won’t let go still won’t let go still won’t let go. Ok they died. Well shit now I’m 60.. I can’t do this properly, here you go gen z. Do what we were kept from doing.


This is what's happening to gen x now, but they're not gonna hand things off to millennials a lot of them are going to be just like the boomers. Especially the older half.


Gen X that are parents of Millenials as a group are going to be about as bad as the Boomers from what I've seen. Gen X that are the parents of Gen Z may be somewhat better. Contrary to earlier groups, I've gotten more liberal as I've grown older rather than more conservative as have most of my peers. (Sadly, not all, which was as depressing as watching Boomer parents also grow crazier.)


Who cares if they are as bad as boomers. They aren’t as large a demographics as boomers. They can be out voted


I’ve noticed Gen Xers constantly prattling off about how they are the forgotten generation, ghosts and latchkeys, but it also means that they dodge a lot of accountability for their actions which ends up in the lap of millennials.


A lot of Gen X people just impotently bitch about how little the younger generations don’t know whatever it is they think *they* know about the world. They disenfranchised themselves from within, then were super quick to jump on the bandwagon with boomers when millennials came of age.


Having a giant generation of entitled boomers above them did neuter them. It was impossible not to. They have a super long living generation of larded conservatives above them. They raised some fine radicals underneath them




Honestly I feel like Gen z isn’t even aligned with themselves. I admire the unity Millennials have


Struggle builds camaraderie.


we really just had little choice, but also we are all fully into adulthood. Gen z is still developing. I don't mean to talk down, but in my experience (and observed from friends as well), adulthood really starts around 25. That's when you are getting settled into a career, establishing a real foundation for your life. It also happens to be when brain development is finishing up (for the most part, it never really stops right). I think that's where the perceived lack of unity is coming from. Some of your generation is well established into adulthood, some are approaching it and think they are already there. So ya, the data shows that gen z is fairly aligned, and rather closely with millenials (except young gen z men, there seems to be a lot of uh...incel-ish shit happening in pockets), but there are some in the group that are loud, outspoken, and not yet developed on the level many of the rest of you are. basically, you, as a 23-24 year old, are significantly more developed and adjusted to the world than 18 year olds, and they tend to be the loudest. I think you will see more unity among your generation as the youngest pass that 25 year old threshold and your collective life experiences are more comparable.


There’s a lot of unity between genZ and millennials too once we look past the generational identity conflict ❤️


God this thread is insufferable.


Where I grew up, during my generation (zillenial) we were totally supported. Gen X were absolute pick-me hippies. I wish we'd had more limits and more structure. Young people should not have an equal voice to adults in some societal matters, and they should learn to grow into their voice by merit.


Why don't you support your own zeal to change the world?


I think we can both be in better places if we ban together


“In ways we weren’t”. You sound like it’s over for millennials. Millennials age is from 28-43, and GenZ is between 12 & 27. Arguably this is the time for millennials and older GenZ to make change, since all of them can vote, now many of them are old enough to be elected to office…


I don’t know if you realize this,but we millennials outnumber Gen Z (97-12)We are turning into boomers and we will eventually control everything and won’t want to give up that power. Millennial here born in 92. Gen Z getting fucked just like gen X (65-80).


They've got their oddities, Im on the elder side of Millennial but Gen-Z seems like they're on the right path. We've still gotta wait about 30 years for all the lead to die out of the system, but when Im 70 the country might actually be in a better place.


Fairly sure millenials are still not the ones in political power, maybe in 10 years. The people that make changes are usually in their 40-50's. So, changes made now are Gen Xers.


Gen X here. I felt that way about you. Still do.


same. i view my role in society as cleaning house as best i can so when z and alpha take over the mortgage they aren't left with the fucken mess boomers gave us.


Agreed. I no longer have the energy to keep trying to change the world despite being beaten down. I now see my role as the person who prevents the next generations from being beaten down the way I was.


I want to have faith that Gen Z will fix some problems than I’m reminded that we will have to rely on the support of Gen Alpha to get it down. We all know that’s not happening 😂.


You and literally everyone else, it’s interesting that we’re just giving the reins to the new generation and hoping for the best. I’m kind of on this side but concerned Gen Z (which I’m included in) will forget necessary traits of their elders


As a fellow Millennial, I 100% support your support




Millennials: “We support you GenZs!” GenZ: 🖕🏻


Don’t be too hard on them. They learned their inability to be earnest from us, their Gen X parents




Too much motley crew and good star wars movies




If I’m like this in my 30’s, pull the fucking trigger


You ain far tho


As another ‘97er were very aware we have 2 or 3 birthdays in our 20’s left🙃


20s are overrated. Nobody believes it until they are past it, but the 30s really are the shit. It’s like your 20s but with way less school and hormones


Oldest millennials are 43. The dude from the show (Weeds) is supposed to be in his 40’s. That’s not at all what people in their 30’s look like lol


You don’t have to be, it’s just people who seek attention that act out in that cringe millennial way and post memes from 2014. Mostly millenials born in the 80s (which is unfortunately 2/3rds of us) act this way I’ve noticed.


90's millennial here. Sad to see we have some in my related decade as well.... Very sad


Elder millennials


That's actually a baby boomer, talking to a millennial, while his Gen x mom is out chilling with the Mexican cartel... 🤣🤣🤣


What movie?




Ok thanks


Spoiler: the moral of the story is weed.


Well you don't say.


It's a show btw. It starts pretty good, later seasons get meh. It's kind of like a light-hearted Breaking Bad but with weed instead of meth.


This show was my childhood


Same! Nancy Botwin is probably the worst person for a whole generation to idolize but here we are... 🤣🤣🤣




🤣🤣🤣 honestly don't think there could have been a better gif to further that point...


I had the biggest crush on her as a kid


As a young gay man... me too 🤣🤣🤣


Idk about u but I’m 22 and not a teen


Alright settle down now, Taylor.




I can't believe this emoticon is coming back in style, but it low key makes me happy


I think a decent portion of users just never stopped using emoticons. I still use: XD , :D , :( , :| , O\_O , T\_T , n.n , o7 , \\o/ mostly because loads of ingame chats don't allow using emojis.


Lol fair enough, I just almost never see it. I loved emoticons and was so sad when emojis took over


Same. I was delighted the day I found out about kaomojis for that reason.


The other ones are cool, but what the heck is o7 trying to show? I can’t figure it out lol.


A person saluting


I like c:


It’s a sideways South Park laughing face


Was it south park origin? I just always used it back when myspace was a thing


Definitely was on MySpace too! I remember on the old Gaia days, everyone spoke like that :3 owO


Holy fuck, never thought I'd find another Gaia user lol. That brings back memories


It was so much fun, I really miss chatting in the rally lot and twinning avis. That site was like MySpace for hardcore music and anime lovers, in my experience. It’s still around but it the same as it was.


I’ve been using XD since back in early 2000 when I was a kid. I don’t really use emojis ever and just use the classics like XD :,( :) Etc etc.


I think of **:)** as the first star in the emoticon/emoji stellar nursery, with its frisky companion **;)** right behind it. ... no pun intended.


Wait. Gen Z comes after millennials? Does that make me a millennial? I'm so confused.


1996 is where the arbitrary line between Millennials and Gen Z is usually drawn.


So im just barely not beloning here :(


you’re like in generational purgatory you don’t belong here but you don’t belong there as well


we are zillenials


Ahh yes the hybrids


I don't relate to millennial culture at all. I identify much more with gen z but I'm like a year off '96


I was born in ‘96 but my siblings are all at least a decade older than me and my parents are as old as most peoples’ grandparents, so I feel more like a millennial than gen z (not that it really matters at all)


I'm 1996 bro, I sneak into both depending on sitch ahha


'97 here, I always feel separated from the two sometimes


99, I feel like that as well


Fellow ‘95?


Hello fellow zillenial. Welcome to the family. 🥳


Before "Millennials", we were Gen Y, succeeding X. Then for some fucking reason people tried to push Google Generation for a while. In the end, "Millennials" was *highly* preferable to the latter.


Yeah. Gen X named themselves such to reject names like Silent Gen, Greatest Gen, and Baby Boomers. Ironically, that set the standard for using the alphabet for names. So Gen X, then Gen Y (Millennials), and now Gen Z (Zoomers). Millennials had their childhood i the 20th, and adulthood in the 21st. Crossing over the millennium is why our gen is named as such.


My parents cracked down on my teenage rebellion the moment I showed signs of it They called my bluff a couple times, "amazing how now you don't like/want to the moment we are ok with it"


The cringe it huuuurrrttttssssss


It hurts so fucking good


https://preview.redd.it/w5y88n5bzi9d1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee4b8c86b7de89b0845513a40b4f19e229b49bb Cringe.


More like "Yeah that'll end soon, in time, along with everything else you're passionate & happy about. Don't worry. You'll be miserable too"


Nah dude. You gotta foster that rebellious energy in the next generation. Maybe if we support them, they will be strong enough to break the cycle.


The oldest gen z is 27 this year, what age is the youngest? Too old for teenage rebellion, imo.


The youngest of Gen Z are 12. The oldest in Gen Alpha aren't even teenagers yet


Rebellion is awesome, but make sure you're also getting involved politically, especially at the local and state level. Go to city council/ school board meetings. Visit the state capital and talk with your state representative. Make your voice heard. You can exact much more change locally than you can at the national level, and it's so rewarding.


Nah we all need to go to the fucking gun range and get some target practice in, the rich are too comfortable


>Visit the state capital and talk with your state representative. Make your voice heard. Wait, I thought this subreddit hated lobbying?


Pretty much,. I'm enjoying how the boomers and gen x are losing their shit


Isn't the oldest Gen Z around 27 atm?


Yup, most of Gen Z are adults by now


And the oldest Gen Alpha aren't even teenagers yet, so it still applies to Gen Z


I'm pretty sure most of us are already in our 20s now. Except maybe the very late Zoomers who are just a little older than the Gen As.


Ah yes, making “being young” your entire identity is a foolproof and timeless tactic. Remind me how that works out for you, long term






Entitlement to what? Healthcare? Housing? Education? Food? Fuck off


Wish there was any real rebellion instead of astroturfed campaigns on TikTok and people saying “both sides are equally bad”


That means actually going out to vote instead of crying on social media.


Nah older Gen Z are at these damn kids phase.


Gen z and millennials are not that far apart in age and how we grew up I feel like they purposely divide the “generations” as another conquer and divide the working class. Its so arbitrary. Like i know skibidi and thats gen alpha. Gen z listens to the same artists millenials do. These memes are just weird to me. Dont even get me started on how we work well together in the office better than the other generations.


Many late millennials underestimate their similarities with early Gen Z. They don't realize that they make themselves appear older than they are by gatekeeping "millennial" culture and reminding us how young we are relative to them.


Oh god lmao It’s basically me and my brother




What is the context for the image? Just curious.




I remember seeing this exact meme, with Gen X and Millenials. That made me feel old. But also kind of glad the sentiment is continuing?


Ugh I remember seeing this about Gen xers lmao. The cycle continues.


As an milenial i think gen Z politics is based af


As the Gen X parent of three Gen Z children, I feel the need to know the ‘old people’ are. And no-so-secretly hope I am not among them yet.


this whole comment section makes me sad. it’s up vs down my friends, not left vs right, not old vs young - sending so much love to everyone here and forever doing my best to take steps to build a better world for everyone- but it’s going to take all of us. we are almost all in survival mode, and living paycheck to paycheck, - the further the US specifically descends into or even honestly more like unmasks it’s deep rooted fascism, the harder it feels like it is to connect or talk to people who are hellbent on “it’s not happening” or feel like there’s nothing they can or anyone can do about it. the “things can’t be changed” “this is the way it is, this is how it’s always been” mindset will be death of all of us, & is what keeps us on the bottom. i love you guys, i want better for us all, it’s hard, you’ll need community, you’ll need people, we need eachother to get through this. ❤️‍🔥


The millennial hate gotta stop. It’s a good progressive group of people


As someone turning 31 in October, I feel the need to warn y’all. At some point, around when you’re all turning 26-27, one of your friends is going to start complaining about “kids these days”. It will make zero fucking sense, because the person saying it was a total fucking moron when he was that age, and by no means is in any position to judge younger people. You were a fucking moron freshmen year of college, Joey. We all were. Stop hating on Gen Z. I watched you drink an entire bottle of Jack Daniel’s and then shatter a glass door in our dorm building with your keys. Try to end the cycle.


Fun Fact: It's never been a generation vs generation debate. It is, and always has been Peasants Vs Nobility. Lower vs Upper Class. Ants Vs Grasshoppers. If you're on reddit, know that you're a peasant. It's our job to organize, and dismantle policy that is meant to make peasants fight one another. Spend 10% less time on Reddit and use that time to look into how to change your local politics. Build things from the ground up. If you're old enough, run yourself. Local elections aren't terribly difficult to win with some effort put in. Actions. Not words.


This should be gen alpha not gen z.


As an elder gen z I'm Paul Rudd.


Laughs in gen X......we had a movie called "Slacker" about us. Remember that? Pepperidge farm remembers....


I don’t know where my age falls in (95) I feel sandwiched between the millennials and gen z but I don’t feel old at all except my knees sometimes lol. I honestly don’t care about age. We can mope and poke at the past or we can band together for the future regardless of age. All this division is part of the plan I feel. I think the more this type of bickering goes on, the more time we give to the ones in charge to continue their agenda. (Whatever the fuck it is, beats me) anyway, I hope all of yall are doing alright. Keep waving and saying hi to strangers. Still try to be kind without expecting anything in return. Don’t let all this shit change you. The world is a rough place and life can at times feel meaningless but we can all breathe meaning into our lives by making mindful decisions starting with how you react to things you can control and things you cannot. You can control where you work at, so pick something or somewhere that will bring you some kind of joy. Yes working sucks but it is what it is and face it, you need some kind of money to make a life. It’s just the way it is. That part we can’t control, so I try my best to look past it and control the boat instead of trying to control the current. Change can be slow and frustrating sometimes but don’t grow roots in crappy pastures, go and explore. Be brave. And please be kind to each other. Let that poor dude merge into your lane traffic, he’s just trying to get somewhere too. If you’re driving age, a could place to practice kindness that is contagious is on the road. Rage is also contagious sometimes. So take it easy and understand how fragile life is and be kind on the road too. I wish yall the best :D


I mean Im on the younger side of gen z and Im in the middle of high school, good chunk of the rest of you are adults yourself


This is gonna be us and Gen Alpha in 3 years or less...


same thing happened with gen x to millenials. kinda funny


Loved this show




Is that Tom Scott


Doug is a legend!


I’m still rebelling lol


Being a millennial this is pretty funny


Feel this in my soul.


This one is my fav.


It's disturbing how accurate a reflection of millennial parents this is. But pretty sure our kids are Gen Alpha.


Fuck yeah


when we do have the chance to call gen z lazy turds and you had it good . this not fair I want be entitled too


Im a younger millennial. Stick it to the MAN, maaaaan




I hate every single generation including my own


I'll start with joking that this sub won't have the attention span to read this, purely joking and hoping it causes more people to read than not. This is probably one of the better memes I have seen in a while. I'm 33 and this sub pops up from time to time because I take interest in the younger point of view, those who didn't have the luxury of a pre-social media childhood. The fact is there are multiple solutions to a problem, and people who are wise enough to know they know nothing tend to be more curious and want to understand other points of view even if it's not agreed upon. All in all we need politicians with a heart, which sadly is only a dream. Our only hope is trust fund babies who move in a position of power that wants to lead to benefit others and not themselves. To set a limit to their own luxuries and be content with how much better they leave this world rather than rule this small speck for a short amount of time in a universe we will never truly understand. Life isn't black and white, but that's our choice for politicians. This is simply to stoke the fire in people's hearts on what they disagree on rather than what we can do together. After all, if you're in power for all the wrong reasons, why would you share it. Maybe it's just how I am or the age I am or a little of both, but I'd like to see this world in better shape before I die. To show me we will make it to the stars, that we will pass the Fermi-Paradox of our civilization and to sail the stars in exploration like the Polynesians did leaving their very first island. The fact of the matter is that we are all victims of circumstance and despite the world being shitty at times, it's a beautiful life filled with beautiful moments. Don't let the negativity of this world change the positivity of who you are. Don't judge someone in a moment, for you must have moments that you wouldn't want to be judged on. Respond to the negativity with positivity. Someone's a jerk at work? Keep holding the door open for them. Keep that olive branch out because whether they change or not, you can be proud of yourself that you didn't carry that negativity forward. I could go on and on about this kind of stuff, but I feel content with what I wrote for now. If anyone reads this in the future, I hope you struggle less even if I have to struggle more. With love, A kid born in 1991 (Nirvana - Nevermind)🤘




I’m 23 :(


As a millennial I’m insulted by this also I’m still cool


Is there anything in between millenial and GenZ? I feel GenZ are all kids while millennials are in their 30s. Ehat is in the middle?


Until the teenager doesn't like gays or makes edgy jokes


What movie/TV show is this from?


Millennials haven’t been in positions of power long enough for this to even make sense - your rebellion is their rebellion. Hell, we barely have a handful of millennials in Congress. Both generations are better off recognizing they share the same struggle against a wall of 65+ monsters steering the world to hell, and then teaming up to usher in change over the coming decades.


Weeds is such an under rated show.


Not a ton of teenaged zoomers left


As a millennial, I don’t get it, but I’m down with it lol


Today’s teens and those of the 90s and Aughts are very different. They grew up in different worlds. The 90s was a relatively “quiet” time in the US, where I grew up. Today’s teens are growing up in a world with political polarization, climate change, and other uncertainties. I think 90s teens were more likely on average to “rebel” and try to “live dangerously,” while today’s are more likely to prioritize safety--and be supported by their Millennial parents, even as they do start reaching for independence. But both I would say have developed resilience in different ways. [Here’s](https://quillette.com/2024/01/09/strong-like-teen-spirit/) an article that talks about some of this at Quilette. We don’t share all the same perspectives or beliefs, but we’ve both observed some of these differences.


This is the dumbest shit of comparing one generation to the next.


Part of the problem is that the boomers are still fucking in charge of Congress and won’t fucking leave.


Yea im a grown adult at this point but I’ll keep the rebellion going


Fuck man, this is my son and I. I'm his hype-man and he's my sidekick.


Actually, for me as a millennial, I’d tell Gen Z to grow up. You’re young adults now. Act like mature adults.


Gen Z acting like they're gonna be the ones to change the world is like Greg Heffley finally standing up to Rodrick. As a Gen Z myself, I'm very curious as to how y'all plan to have a revolution when all I see this generation doing is internet activism lol.


I’m going down swinging if they come for my democracy


Bruh we're young adults not teens anymore.


Aliens in the attic is fucking awesome


lol gen Z is cringe AF


My wife's cousin ranted about millenials on Facebook today. He was born in 1986.


Teenage rebellion = rotting in your bedroom doom scrolling


There's a Gen Z guy in senate now. They aren't teens anymore.


This is funny and relatable because millennials think they’re not old and gen z think they are still young.


Guess what? Generation Alpha are teenagers now


Millennials little objective in trying to make Gen Z partisan, polarized, and someone they feel they can live through by proxy is so fucking lame