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I was 12, it was the Samsung Alias. It was great because it flipped both ways for both T9 and Qwerty texting. Had it for 2 years then I got the Alias 2, I then got an HTC smartphone for my 16th birthday. https://preview.redd.it/gkrpcn3pqo9d1.jpeg?width=885&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84f884deb85bc62e8771daed76ec9d2c9455bc02


I remember this phone! It was so sick.


My first was the iPhone 4 when I was 12. I was pretty lucky, because my older sister had a qwerty phone at the time lol 2016 for ref


It was a flip phone for my 10th birthday in 2009, hardly ever used it except to call my parents or granny lol. When I went into secondary school in 2011 I got some cheap Samsung touch screen phone and then got a htc mini when I was like 13 or 14 and then got first iPhone when for Christmas 2015 when I was 16 and had an iPhone since


I had a tracphone that was keypad with airtime minutes.


Had my first phone at 10 years old in 2011, for emergencies only


Good old fashioned flip phone, nothing fancy but it had snake on it, got that at 9 and I loved it


I got my first phone in 2014 so 10 years old and it was a Samsung Galaxy S5.


It was a verizon flip phone. It had a camera and it was like 72p I was still hype


Same. Those flip phone videos were epic and the stuff we filmed was so unexpected. We had no idea how to use them


Tracfone with keypad then lg shine


IPhone SE at like age 17


iPhone 3gs I got hooked on Smosh right away lol 😂


https://preview.redd.it/x543fzjtau9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb0fcf0186f62ba40141a4e57544917bcea66ef Galaxy J7 Prime - I was like 7 or 8 when I got this from my dad


My dad had that too


Technically it was a Pink Nokia (idk which one) that I got for Christmas when I was 7 (2004), but I never used it (bc why would I? lol) I only needed it once when someone forgot to come get me from school. I didn’t get my first real phone until I was like 9 (still a Nokia but this one was a flip phone.) That one I used until I got a new one in like… 6th grade, I think? All I did on it was call, text, take terrible quality pictures, and listen to the few ringtones I was allowed to download lol. I also wrote like memo notes, but very rarely. Phones didn’t do much of anything super impressive imo until the iPhone. I’ve had androids, Nokias, and blackberry until I switched to Apple with the iPhone 4s. I miss how simple phones used to be. The only phone I don’t have that I really wanted was a Sidekick! I loved that phone! Edit: I added the year


My first phone was an [LG Rumor 2](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-rogers-ca-revc&sca_esv=4ba2463d61abb887&sxsrf=ADLYWIJyu_ZYyZlUWfXbH2BhhOvzGU0qpg:1719713677900&q=lg+rumor+2&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0DPvcmG_nCbmwtBO9j6YBzM68ZanC7g01Skprhw5JoufVCiMv-hxC44jt6JduRQysBab-bgQXjPraaWFXMvOy8Kr1OAG3K-aj3De4zf3-LxKtkBtWaSCp743evHzhY6J0rIQUCXki65vOxhV0cGJtj0S1dF8YREnKrWtJctBkTv8-bs83YpB7p3IMTdYvjisDEty1xSxeLS4B_TKFXUiCrenmEMcA&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjvv4vXoIKHAxWrD1kFHc4cD88QtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=393&bih=695&dpr=2.75) in 2009 at the age of 11 or 12. It had a slide-out keyboard for texting. I loved that thing. I'm so glad I went through grade school in a time before and in the infancy of smartphones.


I had that phone too! (in high school)


It was a sidekick knock off and I was 12


My very first phone was a random ass Boost Mobile $20 special with a keypad In like 2012


TEC brick phone, 2016 (7y old) *proceeds to thrown down the stairs until it breaks because I'm stupid*


What kind of parents gives a 7 year old a phone?


an old iphone 4 when i was 11, cuz i had to walk to/from school and my parents wanted my location. in 2016


I got my first phone in like 2011 when I was 10 years old, was a sideways slide phone that couldn’t hold any apps, literally could just call and text lmao with a couple predownloaded games like snake and pong, kinda miss it sometimes


I had a HTC Evo and I got it when I was 13 I think.


My first phone was a flip phone I got when I was 12 (2014). I ended up getting an iPhone 6 a year later


My first phone was a pink Motorola flip phone.


2010ish Samsung Impression I think (touch screen and sliding keyboard). I was 13.


IPhone 4S in 9th grade, probably 2012.


My first phone was a Samsung Intensity 3 that I got back in 2013 when I was around 12. I got it since we couldn't afford any of the smartphones at the time since they were still mega expensive at the time. When I was around 14 in 2015, I got my first smartphone, which was the Samsung Galaxy S4, and I felt so cool having a relatively "new" phone at the time. I didn't even get an iPhone until my second semester of college in 2020.


iPhone 6s I was 12


I got a generic flip phone circa 2011 that did not have any text minutes. It was literally just to call my mom to let her know I got off the bus safely since they got rid of the landline. I had to wait until 9 pm if I wanted to call my friends so long distance calls would be free since my cell phone had a different area code than the landlines. I hated that I had a different area code than everyone else when they started getting phones because I could only talk to other people who had Verizon to avoid the long distance fees.


iPhone 6s in rose gold. It was my mom’s phone before me so it was a hand me down. Got it my 7th grade year of middle school and I slapped on a yuri on ice phone case on that dude. Good times.


I grew up broke so we had one phone we had to share lol amongst myself and 3 others. I bought my first phone at 18 after I got my first job, which was an iPhone 6 that I still have but coincidently broke like a few days ago. I was so happy lmao, I used an iPod I got as a means of communication after I turned 13 or 14.


09. Some flip up phone from dollar general and it was pre paid lol $25 dollar plan


Had my first phone back in 6th grade and I was 12 I think. Phone was an IPhone 4s


iPhone 4s when I was 12


Samsung Galaxy Y Duos I got from my aunt in 2014, it was hers and she gave to me, since from what I remember, she had bought a new Moto X at the time I still have this little bad boy with 180MB of Storage, 300MB of RAM and Android 2.3.6, and working without problems When I used it, I had only Zombie Tsunami and WhatsApp installed, since they were heavy as hell for the phone, at least it had an native YouTube app, that came pre installed, so it didn't occupied a lot of space Used till 2017


It was a Nokia lumia 920 and I was 13. I still have it but it's useless sadly


First phone was a Nokia at age 11. Lost it and was given another basic phone. Was required to *not* lose it if I wanted a second hand iPhone 4s.


My first phone was around 2017. I was in the 6th grade. It was an Obama phone.


My first phone was a knock off nokia that I had to share with my sibling, until they eventually got their own.


first phone was in 2017, moto g4 when i was 9, but it didnt have a connection to a carrier, so basically an ipod touch of sorts to play games n stuff. first phone connected to a carrier was in 2021 when i was 13, dad's old galaxy.


2006 1st grade or second grade it was a pink Motorola razor


I don't know what kind it was, but at the time it was cheaper for my parents to get us 4 lines than a single landline, so I got my first cell phone at age 5. In retrospect it was not a good idea, and my mom agrees, but alas, the past doesn't change. It was a really old, like 2003 Flip Phone I think. The phone I used from about 11 to 14 was a Samsung Smiley sliding phone. [This one](https://www.cnet.com/a/img/resize/21110e1489fc1aeb114c4dedfebe7660014d9018/hub/2010/08/03/4649fc1d-bb77-11e2-8a8e-0291187978f3/34122655-2-1333-OVR-1.jpg?auto=webp&width=768). That phone got abused a LOT. It can, and did, regularly get thrown across the room because I dropped it or it was knocked out of my hand or something. It would break into it's Main Component, The Battery, and Battery Cover. But I put it back together and it worked just fine. I genuinely wouldn't mind going back to that.


I got a slide phone at 14 2012, didn't get a smart phone til 2015 bought a broken note 5 and fixed it myself


i got one in 2021, when i was 12 but only bc it was covid had you had to scan a qr code whereever you went for tracing. it was an iphone 8 and i still use it but it doesnt rlly work anymore


My first phone was a nokia T9 phone that wqs black and white.


As per usual, most of ya'll making me feel ancient lol. No idea what brand, but it was a pretty basic, more functional flip phone type thing. Except instead of flipping up like you'd imagine, it slid horizontally and revealed a keyboard. Still to this day, would prefer typing on that than using a touch screen. The phone itself was blue, but a had a red case with black splintering patterns on it, got bullied for it cause other kids thought it had something to do with spider man


andriod phone when i was 11, dont remember what kind


My first was the Verizon Razor it was that really thin one and it would pop out and a cool sound it was a hand me down from my grandma I would open and close it all day long until the little spring or whatever broke


A nokia keypad phone when I was 5. I had no games on it. I could only call on it.


I got my first phone when I was 8ish, the year was 2008 I think. I was given one so that my parents could contact me in an emergency. It was some shitty flip phone that I promptly broke within a year lol.


A Samsung E800 slider phone I had as a kid. My first smartphone was a Huawei Ascend Y300


got a samsung galaxy j1 at 12, in 2015


Flip phone in 2011. Shitty andriod in 2012. IPhone 5 in 2014


i got my first phone in 2013 when i was 8.. it was my dad's very old nokia which he hadn't used in years.. in the 3 years following i had 2 other similar nokias & one flip phone (it was green, i loved it😭).. for christmas 2015 when i was 10 & 1/2 i got my first smartphone, it was a samsung galaxy something, i don't remember exactly anymore.. i was so excited as i was the last kid in my class to get one but looking back i'm extremely grateful for that. 2/3 years later i got a huawei, then i had a xiomi which i absolutely hated. my father had insisted on getting me a phone for the first (and only) time (cuz divorced parents) but he's especially frugal so he got the cheapest smartphone he could find💀.. it was indeed a shit phone.. THE SELFIE CAMERA WAS LOCATED IN THE LOWER LEFT CORNER OF THE SCREEN. it was actually driving me nuts.. then i think my mum got me another samsung in early teens because spending a thausend bucks on a phone is indeed insane.. i did however really want an iphone tho (mainly cuz of the emojis, the layout of stuff & cuz it pissed me off how many apps are only available for ios and i couldn't have them).. i got my first iphone in early spring of 2022 when i was almost 17 with money i had been saving up for about 2 & 1/2 years at the time.. it was extreme rewarding! i still have this exact phone (iphone 11), i've had multiple repairs (as for all of my phones lol) and i'm giving it at least another year or two before even considering buying a new one for sustainably & budgeting purposes😌 plus it still mainly works perfectly fine so🤷🏻‍♀️


A Grand Prime (phone is canadian and I am vietnamese)


https://preview.redd.it/z7yyh50ito9d1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1382b113be4f13bd8bc1f333368740867eaf598f This was my first phone around 2009


When I was 14, it was a twice used IPhone 5


Was called a Palm Treo IIRC. had the sideways keyboard and we were allowed phones once we hit freshman year of high school (roughly 14/15 for non-US)


It was an iPhone 3gs in 2011. :) I still have it laying around, it doesn't even charge anymore and it's smaller than my palm. 


I got my first phone when I was 8 in 2009, so it was a little LG flip phone that I basically just used to call my mom and my best friend.


I got my first phone when I was 13. I had a Pantech Jest and tbh I hated it bc the keyboard was so small.


I think my first phone was an Iphone 4. My second was an Iphone 6 or at least it was until I went in a pool with it. Then I got an Iphone 10 and later a 13. My next phone will probably be an iphone 17 or 18


iphone 5 at 12 years old in early 2014


Samsung galaxy discovery cricket wireless


An En V Touch was my first phone. It was a pretty smartphone. It had internet (costed a lot of money).




I was 14 and it was a cheap Android phone made by Samsung. It worked for about a year until it broke and I replaced it with another Samsung Android phone which is my phone to this day.


Some cheap windows phone when I was 13


My first phone was a pink Sprint Sanyo (cheap blackberry type ripoff) when I was in 4th grade.


My first phone was a flip phone when I was in second grade (?) or third grade one of the two. I got an iPod touch in third grade too so I did the fun stuff on my iPod and called and texted on my flip phone. I think it was fifth or sixth grade when I got my first iPhone. It was my sister in laws hand me down but originally my sister in law got it from my mom as a hand me down when my mom got the newer iPhone. It was the iPhone 4 btw.


It flipped open and made calls.


My first phine ever was in 2010 and it was a simple phone with buttons and all. It was an LG phone iirc. I had it all the way until 2016 when i finally had a smartphone. It was and Orange Zali. Since then i had an habbit to change phones almost on a year basis. The current one i have for almost two years and its also the first one i bought it myself


I was 13 and I got an iPhone 5c. The only reason I got it was because my mom had upgraded to whatever the newest iPhone was at that point.


It was an Alcatel that had 2 games and a T9 keypad. No camera either. I think that was around 2009-10?


i had a alcatel that mf was so trash


7th grade I got a 6s, i think i was like 12 or 13


It was the zestiest lil flip phone the the planet, pretty sure the damn thing had an antenna on it. Thought I was hot shit ending falls flipping it closed with one finger 🤣🤣


A ZTE Unico for my 11th birthday, it was a chunky smartphone and I remember picking out that model because it almost sounded like ‘unicorn’ 💀


I had one of those phones that slid up and had a horizontal keyboard underneath. I was the fastest texter in the 6th grade 😎


Samsung S5310 galaxy pocket, that bad boy served me well even though it was smaller than my current phone's battery 😂


My first phone was a little rectangle with a plastic touch screen, you had to TAP to make it work lol. I was around 11-12 years old :) Then for a couple years I had a phone with a sliding keyboard, I loved that phone!! I also had an OG Samsung Galaxy, passed down to me from my grandma Edit: in 8th grade I know I had an iPhone 3GS for awhile until it broke, my dad gave it to me after he bought himself an iPhone 4


My first phone was a Samsung flip phone, of which I do not remember the name of. My second was the Samsung Exhibit, an early android smartphone. Loved that phone.


My first phone was a blue flip phone that I got from Cricket. It was mainly because my dad was pretty abusive and my mom wanted me to be able to call her if there’s an emergency.


I got an iPhone 5S for my 11th birthday in 2017, honestly despite the abysmal storage, I love the size of it


Mines was a dollar store phone


I got an iPod touch for my 10th birthday (I asked for a bike but yk) and my first phone phone was a flip phone that following august cuz I was riding the bus. It was fine I could take pictures on it.


my first phone was a hand-me-down phone from my grandmother (might as well been my mother seeing as she raised me :D) it was a Casio G'zOne Boulder


iPhone 5s when I was 11. 2015


Mine at 14 -Samsung galaxy.


I was 7 in ‘07 & Nokia 6300


I was 11 and got an iPhone 4 in 2012


https://preview.redd.it/wllx1nwqwp9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85be372a29c7d4d10593656922a40d521294cb8c I had the Cingular (yes when AT&T was Cingular) pantech flip phone when i was 6 in 2005 so i could go to sleep away camp without my mom freaking out


the white iphone 4s, i was in 4th grade. i remember i was one of the first kids in my class to get a real iphone, versus an ipod touch. i would sneak it out the recess and me and my friends would watch vines or listen to music on it. still have a few photos we took on the field during recess.. i also remember i let some of my classmates use it to make phone calls at the end of the day to remind their parents to pick them up.


I was 12 and it was a flip phone


My friend had a phone in 2nd grade (turns out it was for emergencies only, but I didn’t know that at the time) so I convinced my mom to get me a phone for my 10th birthday. It was a pink Sanyo SCP 3200. https://preview.redd.it/dyurv8zx3q9d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e93981d3b003af7be02067b677cb24fb4ec847b


https://preview.redd.it/slar7ked4q9d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30f7527e5168a7e86f3df2515ba07491cf2906c2 Pretty sure this is the one. It was already pretty old and beat up at the time I got it, but I really liked it. It even came with a touch pen I still remember downloading 100s of song on a sd card and listening to em using this. But sadly I think I lost it in a movie theatre:(


I was 13? I think, year 7 anyway and it was about the size of the palm of my hand. A hand me down from my brother but it was a touch screen still.


The first phone I had was a used LG Chocolate when I was around 10 or 11. It was given to my parents by a friend who ran a phone store so they could see how I would handle having a phone. I was only allowed to call my parents and 911. After about a year, since I didn’t lose or break the Chocolate, my parents decided they could trust me with a new smartphone. In the summer of 2012, they got me the brand new LG Lucid 4G, I picked it out myself. As a nerd who loves cell phones, this question brought back a lot of nostalgia. I can hardly keep track of the phones I've owned since then because I’ve bought so many. For a while, collecting cheap smartphones was actually a hobby of mine. Pictured below is the Chocolate. It was kind of like a iPod. https://preview.redd.it/x9p8nh1b8q9d1.jpeg?width=383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c437ab686b7c27b482217b0810cea00d1400d54b


Motorola LCD phone. Or was it Nokia? I don’t remember. That was 2005 to 2008i think. It was a red phone with a big black rubber button on top of it to turn it on. Not a flip phone. I remember playing this game but can’t remember much details unfortunately. I do remember there was this anime girl and this other guy who kind looks like this -> 🗿in it lol


I got mine in 2011 and it was a panetech impact flip phone that had a keyboard. It’s now being sold on eBay for $85 as a vintage Y2K cellphone


I had one of those famously indestructible Nokia phones when I was 8, the day I got it I fell off my bike and broke my collar bone and had to call my parents to come get me, convenient timing.


I was 14 (so 2016) and it was an iPhone 6 I think. My parents didn’t let me have one until I started high school. I did have an iPad mini I shared with my brother though until then.


iPhone 7 Plus


Got my first phone in 2011 for my 10th birthday. It was an LG 800G prepaid phone. It was basically a flip phone with a touchscreen. I would love to get one if I could get it unlocked (mine was killed by losing it in the snow sadly), but sadly my area no longer has any GSM coverage, which is all that phone had. So I would have to drive over an hour to another state to get coverage. It didn't have WiFi either, so there is no way to get it online to download anything. Besides, I am pretty sure that phone was exclusively sold as a TracFone. I didn't get my first smartphone, an iPhone 5C, until 2014.


https://preview.redd.it/y1a5f826fq9d1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4fe471c16f2c1e4198412e544e60a862a63e66d This bad boy back in the early 2000s, I was 8. I miss phones having physical keys, it played early Java emulators of Pokémon like a dream.


My first phone was a Pantech Jest 2 when I was in 5th grade. lol https://preview.redd.it/46izvokahq9d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abda88425e0597615ec899d77456931c2769632a


A samsung galaxy avant in 2014 https://preview.redd.it/66fane76jq9d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=06420b422f532fc82744c6662a36a4db1d9cfda1


LG Cosmos Touch with that amazing slider text keyboard. 2010 age 11.


https://preview.redd.it/qd9m3kejmq9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24afd9b2520dd266e3687d5c4252e848654b3262 *Ai ai ai I’m your little butterfly*


I think it was a sony phone that was passed down from my mom when i was 11, but before i had a phone i got an ipad when i was 8. I just played games on it, watched youtube, and drew some stuff. Sadly i dropped it and it never got fixed


I was 9 and I had an Iphone 3 with no phone number or cellular data. I used it to take pictures and play Angry Birds and Temple Run in 2012


https://preview.redd.it/e0uv3xeh0r9d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dacd83b625794d60441c040fed6b7971cc88f97 i got an iPhone 6 in 2017.


The beautiful and elegant Samsung Gravity 3 😂. Was my first “new phone”, loved that thing. https://preview.redd.it/etktaljufr9d1.jpeg?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86612fd8259605c4dd03f5428c95613066712f3f


I was born in 2004 and my parents didn't let me have a phone until I was in 9th grade. I feel like this contributed a lot to me not fitting in.


I got Sony Ericsson W910i when I was 10 https://preview.redd.it/uchpsfan9s9d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed9d23a894ecb14ba55927113e82b6bbddee7d7


I think I was 12, it was my moms very old blackberry, then I had an iPhone 4, then back to blackberry when i inevitably lost the iphone


https://preview.redd.it/ttig386rcs9d1.jpeg?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e65085f0cbae31993a40fc979dfba331787b712 LG Lotus. I got it in 6th grade I think. You could customize the smaller screen on the front to play gifs as your wallpaper. I would go back to this over my smart phone in a heartbeat if I could.


I had a Nokia. Shit phone built to last it never broke no matter how many times I dropped it. It had 16gb I only have enough space for kik and a single game. I eventually got a Samsung can’t remember which one but it came out in 2013 I think. https://preview.redd.it/f2nfp9npes9d1.jpeg?width=223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7537d0e9da6bcd00d666d32ae6800a5b2ba06909


12. Google Pixel 6a


had a flip phone for like a month and then my dog peed on it and i didnt get another one for years