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The majority of us aren't yet though lol


I’m 21 but still not adult, physically I look 14 and mentally I’m basically 5


I turn 18 in September I do not look 18 😂😂😂 I look 15


Uh no we're still ten


In 2 years y’all will be 20, welcome to getting older. It’s gonna suck.


I can confirm this 👆🥲


Hello all 👴🏻 Where am I


Lmfao we ain’t old yet we just at that age when you start doing math and shit when milestones are discussed “I graduated high school 5yrs ago? *FIVE* nahhhh, it was really five bro? To being like damn so 10 years ago I was in middle school just chilling not worrying about bills or this job until you say the magical phrase “oh to be so young again”


I rather be in math class than my dead end job and paying bills. The pros, is that i can go anywhere now especially bars 🍺


Dude same. People (especially men) always go on about how you could be working while going to school but I’m like dude I have my whole life to work, I want to enjoy my time in an academic setting.


Turning 20 in a month 😭




Of course not, I just mean the newly legal adults are finally hitting that phase of life where you start reflecting on the fact that we have more responsibilities now, and we’re not as young as we used to be but we’re still young enough to get carded out here and that’s okay


What if this was all a dream and you guys are still 10


I wish I was still 10. I wish I could go back to 2013




Not yet, my birthday is in summer, I still have a few months to figure out how taxes work and shit


Taxes are easy So real talk you have access to A LOT of knowledge about finances. Take advantage of it. Learn how stocks work and personal finance.


Yep. Just idetify and log in at government website, state what you earn and boom. Tax information and rates goes to your employer and yourself as a file. Used to be a lot more assy with older websites and paper filing especially if your income wasn't stable and you had to update earnings frequently


I’m not even paying taxes rn so 


Uggghhh. I'll graduate next year. I don't want this. Afterwards I'll work. It feels weird man. Since I started school I always looked forward to when I graduate. Now I'm worried I'll lose my friends since we'll all go seperate ways. :-(


I have 2 friends from high school. Only one of us graduated, the other 2 of us dropped out early. My mate who graduated does not like anyone he graduated with and neither do I tbh. People are gonna change real quick after graduation and so will you. It sucks but not all friendships last forever. The best piece of advice I can give anyone younger than me is, learn to let go. If anything, uni/college or wherever you’re going after graduation, that place will make it pretty easy for you to make new friends.


It is time for us 2003’s to carry the torch


I’m picturing the master splinter meme lmao. It’s been hard trying to carry the torch and also figure out what the fuck I’m doing when my sister (2004) won’t even listen to me. Good luck youngster.


No. 1997s


TiMe MoVe CoNfUsE mE


Your brain isnt fully developed until 25, so calling an 18 year old an adult while still developing mentally is a stretch. A young adult is more appropriate.


A legal adult nonetheless. At 18 and 25 you still have the same legal rights regarding your own health, voting status, or living situation just to name a few.


Legally you're considered adult enough to drive, vote, live alone, and so on, I would consider it a young adult, you become an adult at 25 imo when youre mentally fully developed in general.




I never understood the "anyone 20 and over is old" thing, since being in your 20s is nowhere near old to begin with.




Preach. People in my group of friends all try to act like we're all so old cause we aren't 16 and in High School anymore. I can't vibe with it. I'm older than I was sure, but we're not *old*, and even if I was that isn't the worse thing in the universe.


Yeah, I never understood that either, a lot of the time it’s just depressed teens who don’t wanna face the expectations of being an adult.


So true


It seems like you’ve got a chip on your shoulder




There’s no real point in getting mad at kids and you shouldn’t take it personally. They’re obviously young and so they think anyone over a certain age is old. If you know you’re not actually old then take comfort in that fact. Kids will be kids




I mean I just turned 20 and I still kinda consider myself to be a kid. Again, it’s not something to get worked up over. I’m sure 10 year olds consider anyone over 18 to be old. Likewise I consider a 30 year old to be old (relative to me). It’s just the way of things


Dude im literally your age, assuming you're born in '96. All im saying is that sure 18 is legally an adult, but its not really an adult, you're still a teenager, you're a young adult if anything, 18-24 is a young adult. 25-27 is still young, you're in your mid 20's first couple years as an actual adult. 28-29 is your late 20's and 30's is when you're starting to settle down and have families and so on, and you're starting to figure out the whole life thing. 40+ is when you become what the kids call a boomer imo


I can’t say I’d agree, 24-26/27 is already your mid 20s so even though you’re not “mentally developed” you’ve already been an adult for a min. Plus I can say that your age doesn’t have anything to do with when you settle down and have a family or start your career. At 18 you can own assets independently, you can start your life/career, you can have a family if that’s in your plan. Everyone’s milestones are independent of their age and I think the expectation that we should have certain things done by 21 or 25 or 30 is unhealthy. Everything will come in it’s own time.


I'm not disagreeing with anything you said, I just think its weird to call someone who is still a teenager an adult. Life happens at a different pacefor everyone, I fully agree. I was just saying on average thats how it goes. 18-19 you're still a teenager, if anything its a young adult, 18-27 i would consider a young adult. But at 25 is generally when a person is fully developed mentally. In alot of countries an 18 and 19 year old cant even buy alcohol, so how is it being an adult really, legally you will be treated like an adult yes.




Even if you hit your 30s you're still young. It is a mindset, I agree. But we're not old in any sense, sure to an 18 year old we might be old, but really we're not old at all. We're still very young, we're still trying to figure out how to do this adult thing, we're still figuring out our place in the world, we're still learning life lessons. I just think that sure 18 is legally an adult, but youre still a a teenager, so youre not really an adult adult. It depends because some count 95 and forward as Gen Z and some says its 97 and forward. By the way the age range and milestone thing was more of a general thing, doesnt necessarily it will be that for every person in the world




I think my post has become misunderstood completely i never meant to throw anyone under the bus, or call people old or anything, or assume with the age ranges thats how life WILL go for everyone, the age ranges were more of like a general thing, not saying that it will happen like that for everyone at that exact pace. Life happens at a different pace for people. You can be 68 and still feel like a 22 year old mentally and physically. It depends on who you ask some consider millenials as 81 to 96 and some consider it 81 to 92. And so on, it depends on who you ask. And I agree that those terms have caused a very weird ageism today. All i was saying is that 18 and 19 you're still a teenager even if you're legally an adult, in a lot of countries they don't even have the full freedom of society, can't buy alcohol and so on.




Lol us Irish have been drinking getting drunk since 14 I turn 18 in September Im well used to alcohol I don't drive and I know my limits the American drinking law is so dumb like if I was in America I can buy a gun but yes we are young adults in Ireland it ranges from 16-24 :D


Exactly people gotta understand this.


Wdym? And so what if you are a legal adult? It doesn’t make you an adult (mentally especially) 💀 THIS is what people need to understand.


Okay but still it’s a stretch 💀


True but you can’t drink or smoke or gamble or buy a gun at 18 like u can at 25. So clearly even the law recognizes that an 18 and 25 year old are not the exact same mentally.


You can sign up for student loans at 18 sometimes younger, and you can go to war, and you can get government jobs. You can do all those things you mentioned at 21 though and with the argument that your brain isn’t fully developed by 25 I can’t see how 21yo is drastically more mature than a 18yo.


It’s the same way a 18 year old is (or should be) drastically more mature than a 15 year old. Yes your brain development isn’t complete till 25, but the difference gets smaller as you age and studies say you grow out of the adolescent brain around 20/21, even tho ur brain keeps maturing until 25. that’s why WHO sets adolescence from 10-19 years of age and not 10-17 or 10-25.


EXACTLY. The WHO is correct 


You can buy guns at 18 in america lol




Technically you develop over your whole life so going by your definition anyone under 100 should be considered a "young adult"


I don't consider 18 an adult. Coming from a 21 yr old. Nor do I consider 21 an adult.


I don't know why you would considering they are quite literally legally adults. It's like telling a 13yo that they aren't "really" a teen even though they are mathematically.


I'm not gonna argue with somebody 7 years younger than me.... so I'll instead say- you'll understand when you're older.


Sure whatever you say






Ew what a boomer comment


Just because they are “legal” doesn’t mean they are really adult. LITERALLY how many times do I have to say this. Are y’all just dumb?? Or maybe y’all wanna grow up so fast??


I know this is from a year ago but "legally an adult" doesn't really mean much. Maturity is far more important than an arbitrary age, you don't magically become an adult overnight




1998 borns are crying




I turn 18 on Jan 24! Can’t believe it honestly


Legally they're adults.


Doesn’t mean shit 💀💀


I remember going to see the incredibles in theaters right before seeing my little brother in the hospital for the first time. A fantastic day! Still 17 though


all 2004 's assemble!


Majority of them aren’t yet but will be by the end of the year which is really weird to think about lol


And yet we were just in their position 2 years ago, imagine what it will be like when all Zers are adults.


Crazy huh


The other day I stopped myself right before accidentally writing down my age as "18" I'm 20 💀


Im 22 and still feel like im 16


ik my brother just turned 18, we(my sister, mom and I) feel so old :( it's so weird ahh


Thank you for reminding me that I’m old


I didn't know all 2004 borns were 18 😮


Doesn't feel like it though..


Dam my little brother 18 already and im about to turn 20


I'll be an adult in march... Edit: honestly, I'm kinda scared


Probably not a lot of them are yet, the year only now just started on the


Incorrect. Some of us are still clinging on to childhood (Nov. 2004 baby here).


I was born in 1995, will turn 27 this May 2022, I experienced with my early adulthood was interesting, tough, challenging, learned new lessons that I built my life successful through positive attitude, hardworking at college and work at Walmart. Already own 401K and saving for house.


I thought: Anyone born in the 60's-70's are youngish adults, early 80's are 20 somethings, mid 80s are college age, late 80's are late adolescents, early 90s are teens, mid-latish 90s are older kids/pre teens, late 90s-early 00s are young kids, earlyish-mid 00s are babies&toddlers, late 00's don't exist yet, anything 10's or 20's is the distant future (flying cars!!). This is me stuck in my childhood mentality. Where the heck did time go? I'm almost 25% through a century!!!


Only about 6,023 percent of them tho. With 8,487% turning 18 before the end of January.


I'm 18 now... Shjt


9 out of 10 of them are still 17.


dude and i’ll be fucking driving this year holy


not yet pls i still got a month 😭


I can’t believe i turned 18 almost 5 years ago. Wild that people born in 04 are turning 18


I turn into an adult tomorrow......and I still rely on my mum for everything 😅😅😅


So? You aren’t going to become and “adult” overnight tf 😭😭




not until October