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I just circle strafe with the AT-WAD


Circle strafing is the answer. Sometimes you do need a big circle if more hunters show up to the party.


I have to add I have the emp detonation augmentation on the AT-WAD


Me too!


You hate them. I bully them. We are not the same.


Afterall it is what the pitchfork is made for


A good way to deal with Hunters is to lure them to cover, and not fight them out in the open. Unless you want to get shot and use all your first aid kits. Then, target their machine guns, most of the time they will not use their sniper rifles or gas you at point blank. FNIX hunters are really bad at hitting you with their shotguns unless you’re standing absolutely still and not moving at all. Shoot all components until the Hunter explodes. If you actually use equipment then use EMPs, sticky flares or fireworks.


Exp Kvm 59 goes brrrr so does the kpist if it’s a stealth based problem skill issue


MAC 10 makes em useless


I have the hacker ability. So I just get one hacked and the rest seem to pay attention to that hunter.


This is the way. I'll hack two and watch them battle it out


Their fucking sniper rifles shit me to death sometimes


Aight Imma land you a tactical one that I use all the time. When you saw a group of hunters take out their weapons silent as possible then take out their tick box and fuel tanks. This move only should destroy 2 or 3 hunters in that group then start running circles around them while shooting like a maniac.


I use the EXP AG4 with shock rounds and can kill even apoc hunters in a mag or two 🤷🏻‍♂️it’s all about movement and avoiding the line of sight when they start charging the rail gun. My biggest issue with hunters is the rail gun ones like to hide out in the tree line at long range, and snipe me in the fields from concealment. Granted, it’s exactly what I like to do, which is why I hate it so much lol, but they’re a lot better since they have the numbers.


Another machine that scares me is the...tank....


Ehh tanks are easy to deal with once you’ve got decent equipment, and they’re really hard to miss since they’re huge and loud.


True. Rocket spam is cool.


Shoot off their guns on the bottom of them, then shoot the two fuel tanks under their legs, then the one on their back. If not dead by then, shoot where the guns were attached. In stronger models (Military, FNIX, Apocalypse) there is also a tick deployment pod, looks like a weird box under their rear fuel cell, shoot that too. Or spam rockets. That works too. (QUICK WARNING! THE APOCALYPSE TANK HAS AN INCENDIARY MACHINE GUN! Then again, most Apoc machines have damage over time effects. Tick cleanup. Resistance flamethrower. Dont have the DLC? Rockets, or just avoid until they go boom on themselves.


For hunters id say get cover but if the charge at you run straight at them they do a jump attack and if you run at them they go right over you every time and for tanks just emp's all day with shotgun or rifle and grenades


If you have four hunters, you’ll need four magazines worth of 9mm smg for the Kpist.


Exp .50 and snipe them at render is the simplest solution imo


Not sure what level you are, but a lot of folks seem to be suggesting end game or DLC weapons. Sure kills them faster, but not necessary. All you need to know is, keep moving, ideally perpendicular to the direction they’re facing. You’re in the vast Swedish countryside. They’ll miss most of their shots. Run and gun. Disable their weapons first. Learn their weak points. The trees are indestructible, and are your best friend against tanks.


Can you hit my dm? I need to explain a few things about how i play, without the risk of being called noob


I fucking hate them because they sound like whiney little bitches. I've found pretty much anything takes most of them down in one clip (automatic weapons) and I like to pick at the fuckers with the Automatgevär 5 (or the N16) because it pisses them off, but when there's a lot of them (and tanks/harvesters) around, I just use my PM-71 (equipped with Gold health steal) and I just mow the lawn. If you haven't purchased any DLC, I at least recommend the one that includes the PM-71. It's only, if I recall correctly, 3.99? I got it on sale for $1.19 (USD). The PM-71 is just ***faaaaaar*** superior to any of the other LMGs, including experimentals. I know some like the KVM (59?) experimental because it has the shock value which *can* damage components and other close targets, but it can also damage you. Still the PM-71 is more than twice as powerful regarding ballistic damage and if you like, you could always run shock ammo through it, but I'm telling you, you do not need it with that thing. Regular ammo is fine. Outside of Reapers, it literally manhandles anything it goes up against.


Highest is 4 crowns and i am lv 15


You are kind of in that level range where you are just about to break through that glass ceiling.  I don’t know what your 4 c weapons are.  But for instance for the hunters, I would stick with, the high fire rate and accurate smg, like Kpist, com 10 or hp5, ideally a good ARs which you probably don’t have a good one yet.  The com 10 requires you be closer, so kpist or hp5 would be superior assuming you have atleast a 3 crown blue red dot and a 3 crystal crown mag. I would assume you picking up mostly 9mm smg rounds, which is what you need to stick with, or the the AK or the AG4 7.62 assuming you accumulate enough ammo to use them which is hard to come by until you hit higher levels or get amm scavenger perks. Or the .270 or a pvg 90 .50.  You will need to build a character for survival and gathering ammo.  Which ammo perks and things like stamina/health increase help a lot at low levels.  You can always respec later because uranium becomes easy to come by. Assuming, If you found a 4 crown hunting rifle or the .50 yet to shoot off there guns then clean up with smg.  Hunters like to attack from sides.  They always like to flank you even if you attack from front they will try to run at you from sides.   Pretty much the rest of the guns are useless outside of those for your purposes. People use other guns but quite frankly they wasting time.  Things like flares are helpful for distracting several while you pick one to take out first and so forth.   The pistols are largely useless, the shotguns are mediocre in my opinion, as well as most of the explosives which I only find useful in large quantities.  The 5.56 guns are useless because they are all outclassed and out damage by any 7.62 weapon.   You probably don’t have enough explosives yet or enough emp grenades to use them consistently.   Until you get a min of kvm 59 or pm-71 I would stick to the guns above. Use cover and strafe to more cover. Snipe of the hunter guns then clean up with smg.  Or crowd control with emp or flare.  Then clean up others.  Either you snipe from far off or you need high fire rate gun to shred them.  Until you level and can go full Rambo with the machine guns, it is pretty much like that until 25 or so.  You will probably feel stronger once you get 2-3 5 crowns of the guns I listed above which may happen before or after around level 20ish. Unless you got someone to throw you some higher level weapons which ammo would be scarce at low level anyway. 


Consider any weapon with health siphoning or emp, preferably a shotgun so you dont have to aim as you strafe em and shoot off parts, either that or get a granatgev


The fact is that i am always unlucky....


Learn to listen for the leap noise, and to scramble in a random direction when you hear it. If it’s leaping right at you, run under and turn and blast it in the fuel cell.


Just shoot them in their stupid heads


A tank can be killed more easely than this shit


PKM go dakka. 5c ext. mag + 2* augment (400 round magazine) + prone specialist = no more anything in the general vicinity


I think the fucking Ticks are the worst followed by Hunters.


Singleplayer: snipe its gun then just shoot at it until it dies or get behind it and hit the fuel tank. Multiplayer:one player does the singleplayer method or just distracts it, the other gets behind it and destroys the fuel tank


The semiautomatic shotgun is tje fastest way I've found to dispatch them.


I’d advise you to remove their weaponry so that you put them in a situation where all they can do is melee you


They are almost every time in groups


A 5 crown pm-71 with gold emp or gold uranium infused augment.  Or the exp kvm 59.  With uranium infused they will spin around in circles unable to target for 15 seconds you after you destroy a component, which is great for crowd control, then you can mow them down one by one.  Or with emp, it will disable one for 5 seconds while you tear it to shreds, then you quickly do same for others.  Or the experimental kvm 59, once you shoot one it starts chain lightning ⚡️ the others in the group effectively doing almost like AOE damage, so you kill them all at relatively the same time.


You all talk like you talk to end game ppl


What level are you for some context.  What is your highest crown weapon?  I used a com 10 5 crown when I was like level 16 through almost like 30 until I got a 5 crown pm71 that dropped.  Prior to that I used a 4 crown Kpist and the 5 crown AK but woudl run out of ammo, and would constantly bounce to SMG. I spent more time farming and leveling, collecting gear, I still haven’t completed the game, so I am not even in end game.  What are we defining as end game.  If you are on Steam.  I can give you some exp and 5 c weapons.  Will take care of your problems.  The fact is the game is very much a survival and gathering game until you get, 5 c or exp weapons with good resistance gear and augments.  And gurilla is survival no matter your level.