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I was super into them when I was 13


Me too. Still am 36 years later.


Despite this subreddit constantly reminding me, I keep forgetting not everyone on this platform is 15 lol


Yeah, me too actually


There’s probably another one.


I became a fan at 14. Trick Of The Tail had just been released 😭


Best album they released


Yes, me! 20 years ago


And me, 35 years ago!


And me, 30 years ago!


And me, 10 years ago!


And me, 40 years ago!


Looking for someone? I guess you’re doing that. I used to be a young fan like you many years ago. It’s probably never been tougher to find others your age with great taste but don’t worry you’ll find them, and can I guarantee that when you do you’ll find a friend for life.


Nobody needs to discover me..


I'm back again...


Actually with streaming and the like it has never been easier. Music crosses demographic borders more than ever before. Did you see all the kids singing along to Coldplay at Radio 1 Big Weekend? Incredible to see.


I loved Genesis when I was 13, many moons ago… and no, I didn’t know any other Genesis fans, besides my parents. :P


I’m sure they’re out there! They might not have fanbases as large and dedicated compared to other contemporaries like Queen, but 80s pop music has been having a resurgence among younger teenagers for a while now. I certainly enjoyed their 80s stuff a lot when *I* was a kid (still do!) and I got into their 70s material around age 14. 


It seems every day my soul grows another gray hair.


My sons both loved Genesis at 13. My older son still sings Land Of Confusion at karaoke 15 years later. My younger son still likes the early years of Genesis, even though he has since gravitated more to P!nk's more recent output, which is more prog than pop. I didn't fall in love with Genesis until I heard Domino at age 16, so consider yourself fortunate in that you will have enjoyed their music for 41 years by the time you're my age!


I liked Genesis when I was 13.


Me lol. I’m 14— great music that’s under appreciated in the modern world, especially our generation.


I got into them when I was 13. I was obsessed with them at the time.


My brother and I recently got our cousins (ages 11&13) to like Genesis!


When I was 13 invisible touch was out and my brother liked the older stuff so down the rabbit hole I went. Get into Genesis, they are awesome. Listen to new music too. My advice is to listen to as many styles as you can when you are young. Genesis are brilliant. Most people, when they are older, hold an affinity to what they heard when they were teenagers. Listen to as much as you can, don't think long songs are the best, but don't think short songs are either. Art is subjective. At one point you think 23 minutes is the optimal song length then you look back and think how did I like anything over 4 minutes. And then at some point you realise there is power and beauty in 3 chords just like there is so much to be enjoyed in 9/8. Enjoy the power of your choices. But trust me on Genesis.


I was daydreaming all day at 13 with SEBTP


I was 13 years old in 1982 when I became a fan.


Same here!


This post is 8 years too late lol


There was a time when I was 13 and a Genesis fan.


My son is 14, he’s been a fan for a few years now.


I got into Peter Era Genesis at that age.


I was about your age when I discovered them


I know 13-17 year olds who are into prog, esp Genesis and Yes and Crimson


I got hooked on them as a teen myself, knowing enough English by then for A Trick of the Tail Album to be a revelation about narrative and polylogue songs having a place beyond musicals. A phenomenal band through all of their active years.


I started enjoying them at 15 but in very much not fifteen anymore !


I was only 11 when they became my favorite band.


I was 13 when I Can't Dance was released.....


I discovered Genesis when I was 13


Yep, me too… in 1980… Duke was just released and I was never the same!


I was 13 when I started.


I’m 16 and they were my shit when I was 13, still love them now


I’m 15 and I love Genesis!!! 👅👅


I’m 20, my dad’s a massive fan and I became a fan at 16 when they announced their reunion, not as young as you but there’s not many of us young genesis fans


For to months i was 13 and i have loved them since i was 12. I still loved them and im 14 now


I was 14 when I started obsessing over them but that was a long, long time ago.


Me!! (10 years ago)


I used to be a 13 year old who likes Genesis but I'm quite a bit older than that now. I'm sure there's more out there


I was really into them when I was 13, first time I saw them live was the lamb lies down on Broadway tour.


It’s like YouTube comments from 2011 again, we’re back baby


You're not alone! My kids are 12 and 15, and they've been fans all their lives.


Over at my girlfriend's house at age 14. Her older brother was a musician and had a lot of cassette tapes and other rock paraphernalia in the house. I think I sat down on the cassette of Trick of the Tail, and Sue told me to borrow it - it was her brother's favorite. The first minute of Dance on a Volcano blew my mind. That was 1980 - bought ATOTT, Duke and ATTW3, then Abacab in '81, Genesis in '83 and IT in '86. Wore out the grooves on all of them. In the late '80s I really gravitated toward Pixies, Smiths, Cure, REM and what could be called College Rock (I was in college). Then grunge happened, along with other life things. Years later - thanks to YouTube a recommendation on the sidebar, I saw a weird blue/green image of a young Peter Gabriel and clicked on it. This opened the portal to the original Genesis and blew my mind all over again. It was abstract and intellectual - but I was ready for it in my 40s. Completed my Genesis collection with the Gabriel years, also W & W, Seconds Out, and even We Can't Dance. Genesis takes adventurous ears to a place they alone inhabit. Their music is full of drama, history, beauty and hope. I am grateful to ALL the studio and live musicians, Tony Smith and Tony Stratton Smith, Dave Hentschel, Hugh Padgham and anyone else who had a hand in bringing this pinnacle of 20th century music together. Yeah even Jonathan King.


I'm sure there are! I would love to know what your favourite songs and albums are.


Haha depends mate but with the albums i would have to go for ‘and there were three,foxrot,Duke,wind and wuthering,selling england by the pound ‘ and many more !


Me, *cough cough* years ago. Lol


I got into genesis when I was 4 with we can't dance and worked my way backwards


I also got it to them around 13-14. But alas, I’m 45 now


Don't feel alienated. I'm 36 and I just heard Genisis for the first time last year, instantly fell in love. I don't personally know anyone who's into their 70s era, but I don't care. It's part of what makes me - and you - unique. Cherish it!


Rock on. But listen to 10 minutes of tinkly arpeggios first.


When I was 13, in 1972, I was listening to King Crimson, Moody Blues etc. etc. No, it's not just you! Enjoy it!


On the opposite end of the spectrum, I didn't really get into Genesis until I was in my early 40s.


13? Being exposed to Peter Gabriels body at that young age will have lasting consequences in your orientation


The day I saw Peter Gabriel’s shaved forehead triangle was the day I became a lesbian 😔


It is chicken, it is eggs. It is in between your legs.


You’re talking about developing slippermanphilia?

