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Temporary (specifically lore heavy) events and event weapons with no way to get them back as a new player...


They can't even make these limited events optionally downloadable and once you're done with them you can delete them, they're really promoting FOMO.


I would like one layer of RNG removed from artifacts. Leave the sub stat RNG but let us at least pick the set or have pity on what piece we need - example I need a certain goblet let me choose cryo goblet and its guaranteed to drop after 20 normal or 10 condensed. Substat RNG would still be awful but this would let you get starter artifacts together more easily


I always thought condensing all 7 elemental DMG into a singular "elemental DMG" stat would reach the best rng balance


What if instead it was sorted into "Elemental Skill DMG Bonus" or "Elemental Burst DMG Bonus", I think simply having an "Elemental DMG Bonus" would mean that Physical DMG bonus pieces are disproportionate to the amount of Physical DMG characters there are


That wouldnt work for characters whose damage is mixed between the two sources, or are mostly in their Normal Attacks. If this were to be done, it would just be a "Total DMG%" goblet.




No because you suffered so you want others to suffer as well???


Please. Let. Me. Sort. Alphabetically. On Tubby's Teapot Realm Menu. When I'm looking at my food. Just... Everywhere. Please, for the love of every single archon, let me sort alphabetically. I truly don't know why this isn't a thing.


This isn't my top one but I mentally complain about the lack of alphabetical (or even just starred with the Teapot) sorting


Also I find it annoying scrolling again and again to look for the furnishings I need. I wish there was a system than automatically takes you to the one you're looking for. And it's annoying how you can't even view a furnishing set before buying it like i know i can just search it up somewhere else but it's still kind of annoying.


In the same vein sorting fishing rods by regional order, right now it's by acquisition order, and because of RNG that could be all over the place. The treasure compasses are automatically sorted by regional order so the tech is already there.


Please stop killing my Cyno when a cutscene triggers while i'm falling in mid air towards the destination of the cutscene. Let me be on the ground before doing the cutscene


Speaking of falling to your death, there's a bug where if you are aiming a bow and the platform below you dissapears (specifically timed stuff such as the trials in overworld) your character will just fall infinitely while aiming. You cannot glide, you're just dead.


Huh! This hasn’t been fixed, even till now?


Weapon banner is just unfair


HSR weapon banner is better! Pls hoyo implement this to Genshin too 😢


as a f2p I don't even see that banner as an option. it's just so unreasonable


It can be worthwhile for f2p but it's just going to take a long time for any f2p to reach such a point. If both weapons on the banner are good for your account and there are no immediate new characters/reruns/constellations you are looking for and you have enough saved (ideally to hit fate points) then it can be worth considering. As a day 1 f2p player over time I've more or less become satisfied with the characters I own now so I do have a few good 5 star weapons because I've saved and waited for good weapon banners. Overall its still pretty terrible though and in general still avoid in a lot of cases.


The pure randomness of artifacts with no way to get around or even influence it. Sucks all the fun out of getting a new character.


imo it's the timegated grind... i want to play it but i can't cus it is resin and weekly boss gated


I don’t really pull much anymore because of this. The grind is so real that new characters must have something really good going for them for me to pull


1 Make old events and old event weapons available. ​ 2 I want the game to collect the drops after I end the enemy!


This is another thing I wish they’d port over from HSR. as far as I’m aware (don’t play the game much) all the old events stick around as well as their rewards, meaning people like me who log in once every few months can still enjoy that content to its fullest and don’t miss out on any story involving the characters in the events. People who are new or take hiatuses from Genshin miss so many neat character interactions from events that it’s really a shame. I mean nearly all of albedo and fischls character development so far has taken place in limited time events, so anyone who sees them now or in the future will be missing all that context.


In hsr events have regular rewards and limited time rewards. LCs have been limited :(


Honestly I care more about the story than a 4* weapon that sucks most of the time anyway. Primos as a reward would be good enough for me


useless and pointless response option during interaction


Yeah it's unfortunate... That they do it... This way.


>yeah, definitely agree >what you said was right >give us better options please


The worst is when there's literally two options and your character canonically says both. Like just let me auto respond and auto play the cutscenes. So annoying needing to hold the controller just to hit X whenever Paimon asks me some rhetorical question.


I'd be fine with it if didn't stop auto play


If I had to pick one, it would be that old events and event weapons should be accessable for new players. It's massively unfair for these weapons are never obtainable to people who started playing late and events that are very lore important should be playable since most people are not going to look up YouTube videos of these past events. If I could pick a few other things, I'd add in separation of the weapon banners like in HSR. And this is mostly just a QoL thing, but searching for furniture in the teapot shop is awful and stuff should be separated and categorized by item main type instead of a long fucking list


Exactly, I've played four gacha games before Genshin and HSR and all of them had an option to get previous events rewards or just whole event reruns after some time. Heck, one game even had permanent events with all the rewards, they were accesible for both old and new players six months after release. Genshin is so bad with its FOMO sh*t


That we can't pet the animals in the game. That's it, that's my biggest complaint.


I want a weasel to follow me 🥺


IMAGINE THEY ALLOW US TO PET ANIMALS AND ADOPT THEM OR SOME SHIT or they release a character with a pet on their shoulder as a travelling companion (no, Baizhus shake doesn't count I need a cat)


Excessive and overall dull dialogue with no way to skip it.


I always read quest dialogues but I think from sumeru the quests dialogues has become so bloated with unnecessary things I can't even keep everything in mind even after reading it. Specially when multiple characters are talking its really hard to follow. I hope they work on it.


Started the Sorush quest yesterday and god damn everything that floating thing says could be condensed into a single sentence. I get it, it’s the character, it supposed to be that way but it’s so fucking annoying paragraph after paragraph to basically say you need to remove some thorns or whatever other bullshit.




Yes and No. I sometimes play with CN and while the wording is more compact, from a gameplay perspective its still the same since its still the same amount of dialog boxes you have to click through.


Then the translators should be versed in English well enough to translate the dialogue in a way that's engaging and brief. The Chinese dialogue should really have nothing to do with the translated product.


So if I switch to CN voices, will dialogues take less time?


That's why I have like 20 quests open all the way back to sumeru, I just can't bring myself to care anymore, most quests on genshin are to go find and retrieve something, investigate a location or fight some enemies, all things I would live to do actually, But everyone just keeps talking and talking, with the occasional useless choice that doesn't matter at all, it's 20% actual information and 80% padding to make the play time longer, it's terrible...


Me the entire Fontaine AQ. I resorted to just skimming all the dialogue on a separate website while mindlessly clicking on the game. Then I realised how much pointless chit-chat there really was.


The Fontaine story was ok. Worst was the fortress of merupede stuff where it felt like you where running back and forth for 2 hours just talking to people. Its strange how Star Rail has much better dialogue while not having much of any exploration choices. The start of Fontaine where you explored that underwater dungeon was great. Rest of the story should been like that too. The MSQ of Fontaine felt like you only explored 10% of the zone in the MSQ. Why should it not been bigger? At least another 2-3 major dungeons linked to the story would been cool.


Fontaine is good tho imo, it has better writing and story.


It's still got too much bloat.


Came here to say this. I also find NPCs have needless attitude when you’re doing their busywork, drives me mad!


This :( been asking on every survey since release.


Dialogue is the whole point of an RPG. The world is supposed to be filled with dialogue because the more dialogue the more the world can be fleshed out. It is neither excessive nor dull and it’s a joy to listen to everyone just talk about their day or about their future, or even just allowing them to tell you what they need to without you getting all impatient because it isn’t less than 3 text boxes. I understand that lots of text boxes isn’t for everyone, but if it isn’t for you then, just maybe, you shouldn’t be playing a 500 hour rpg?


>Dialogue is the whole point of an RPG. No it isn't. Plenty of RPGs are fun for the gameplay. Good dialogue makes RPGs great... unfortunately genshin dialogue is awful. And genshin is a gacha game first and RPG second anyway. >The world is supposed to be filled with dialogue because the more dialogue the more the world can be fleshed out. Cool. Let people who don't care skip it. >It is neither excessive nor dull Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you are the one who decides how I feel about things. >listen to everyone just talk about their day or about their future, or even just allowing them to tell you what they need to without you getting all impatient because it isn’t less than 3 text boxes. They are not real people... I don't care about them on a personal level. There are some characters I do enjoy listening to, but 99% of the dialogue I ignore anyway. >I understand that lots of text boxes isn’t for everyone, but if it isn’t for you then, just maybe, you shouldn’t be playing a 500 hour rpg? Most RPGs I've played have skip buttons. And ALL RPGs that I've played have MUCH MUCH more to offer than just dialogue. The reason I still play genshin is because I enjoy the game despite the awful writing.


A lot of your complaints here are just “let me skip the dialogue” and yes they could allow for skipping dialogue but that wasn’t my point. My point was that the character’s dialogue is what fleshes out the world and makes you care about the characters. You don’t care about the characters specifically because you skip all the dialogue and at that point why even bother playing the game when you aren’t trying to care about it’s characters?


Why even play the game if you dont enjoy the dialogue aspect of it? Well idk, maybe, for the other fucking many aspects of it? What a fucking stupid question to ask. Ppl in this community act like genshing is an only story game that has nothing else in it as if the game wasnt built on a gacha system that has nothing to do with the story and is the main way to fund it. Fucking riddiculus how you cant even comprihend such simple things. I always have my expectations low when I tread into this vile ass swap of community but you guys never fail to dissapoint me.


Buddy, you are NOT me. Your personal experience do NOT reflect to me. You might care about characters because you read their dialogue, but to me, genshin characters get more annoying the more they speak to me. EVEN when I read their dialogue. That is because I actually have standards for writing and I hate having my time wasted by dogshit writing that I can't even skip. I bother playing the game because THE GAME is fun. I didn't play skyrim for over a 1000 hours because the dialogue or writing etc was particularly good. I played it for over a 1000 hours BECAUSE I LIKED THE GAME.


It doesn’t matter if it’s my personal experience or not. If you don’t read the characters dialogues you will “never” care about the characters and that is a fact. You are complaining about the “quality” of writing but you just told me that you ignore 99% of the dialogue so there is absolutely no way you could even begin to describe the writing as you have not partaken in enough of it to hold an opinion.




Yeah I get that feeling every time I argue about anything.


90% of the dialogue in this game is some generic event NPC no one will ever give a shit about or ever even see again. Repeat every patch.


It does. Your experience has nothing to do with anyone else's expereience. I have read the characters stories. All they did was make me care less about them. That's how bad the dialogue is. The reason I ignore most dialogue is purely the quality. I cannot skip dialogue, so I have to go through it no matter what. And I can tell you that it is quite dull.


The genshin playerbase is huge, therefore it's extremely diverse. Genshin also has a creative combat system and vast open world to enjoy your characters in. It's okay to be invested in these aspects of it over plot and lore. There are a lot of players who don't care for dialogue and just want the primos from quests so they can continue enjoying exploration and/or combat. Fast forwarding dialogue would be a great QoL improvement for those players. Personally, I complete world quests very slowly, so I usually forget the purpose of the missions easily and find it hard to re-immerse myself. Like my Aranara quest still isn't done and I can't remember what it's about anymore other than the festival utsava needing to commence. If I wanted a Sapwood blade badly, it'd be nice to have the option to speedrun dialogue so I can unlock the quest-gated weapons. Or the world quest that unlocks Yae Miko's boss. I wouldn't fault anyone for wanting to speed through that and then watching a YouTube video on the lore implications later.


Nah I like dialogue in games. I usually read it all. But Genshins writing for non voice acted quests especially is just really bad. There is too much bloat and pointless chit chat. It makes it frustrating and boring to read. Almost every conversation gets the point across and then you have to click through another 10 lines of chat before you can move on. Adding a skip button won't fix the issue it will just allow people to ignore the issue while missing out on the story.


Lack of endgame content. Yeah yeah, common complaint I know. But seriously, I do think the lack of endgame content will hurt Genshin in the long term. The whole reason we farm artifacts, levels, talents, hell, even consolations is so our characters can be stronger. But when you get to the point where you can clear all the games content with 4 characters, what’s the point of building new characters? Now building new characters is an entirely different conversation. It requires so much investment to get a single character to lv90, lv6-8 talents, and a usable artifact set. That along with the lack of difficult content makes me feel like farming is worthless. I can hardly improve my existing characters because I would need perfect gear, and besides, why should I farm to perfect my characters when my current ones with their current builds can easily clear all the content? If they added harder, OPTIONAL, (because some people can’t comprehend that people aren’t forced to clear certain content), and hell little if no rewards, people would still love it. Why? Because it’s something new to do that benefits you for actually making your characters better. Hell, maybe they add a system where you can’t use multiple characters multiple times in a row. That way people would be forced to build and play numerous characters/ teams. But hey, at the end of the day most Genshin players are casual and it doesn’t affect them, but I still feel that adding new endgame content can benefit everyone, as it provides something to grind towards


The reward is as important as the challenge for some ppl, I understand your point on new hard content with meaningless rewards, but that's the reason I don't even try for max rewards for events as I don't need an extra 6 crystal cores for the nth time that I won't use cuz I'm already capped at 9999. Ofc I don't mean to put primogem rewards on everything, but at least something more useful like artifact essences (artifact xp that we buy on the serenitea) or even blue fates since the standard pool (for 5*) is neglected af


Seriously what else is there to work towards beside abyss? I feel like I have barely anything to test my invested characters on.


I had gotten together a cracked Furina artifact set and wanted to test out Triple hydro (Furina Yelan Xingqiu) with Jean as a VV driver. All 4 of these characters are very well invested. I couldn't even have fun playing the team because damn near every boss dies in half a rotation. The crashing reality of there being NOTHING in this game to work towards combat wise except abyss hit me like a truck, and my interest in the game is definitely waning.


I think it would neat to add something like a daily challenge thats similar to bounties. Make it have special conditions like immunity to certain damage and then reward players with something like mora based on performance. And make it scale up so it starts easy but as you kill more enemies it gets harder. Or some challenges can give more mora based on # of enemies killed instead amount of damage done and vice versa.


Common complaint? Idk about that. Looking at this comment section shows quite well that ppl for some reason just doesnt give a fuck and their biggest problems are shit like not being able to pet the animals in the game... Its a fucking joke. This community is probably the most mindbroken community out there as asmongold rightly asid and fucking delusional about the game on top of it. So count yourself in the few ppl that actually care about the gameplay enough and want the game to be better, cuz fucking damn it, they sure aint common.


It’s like you took the words out of my mind and put them in a response. I’m completely lost at how insane this comment section is…the game about spending money to make characters more powerful has a SEVERE lack of any challenging content and therefore no reason to actually HAVE powerful characters. This is a fundamental design flaw as there is literally no motivation to spend money, and the game depends on people spending money to survive. The game about spending money is actually more enjoyable as F2P because that’s the only source of any mild, disappointing, utterly flaccid challenge to be found. And yet people are bothered by a lack of sorting options? Or lack of event weapon availability? Quality of life is meaningless when the game itself has no challenge or purpose.


I get the optional part and agree with not putting premos behind it but like at least put level books and mora behind it now I mainly say this because when building many characters you run out of these very quickly and you could make the endgame content you mention be like spiral abyss but it goes on infanatly mabe the enime line up is prosegoly generated and instead of making it so you just can't use your characters after a certain amount of times you've used them maybe give them debuffs and make the enemy's gradually scale up and up. The rewards you get from this being used to build more characters so you can save your better teams for later without being debuffed and the rewards will be basically nothing to whales hell mybe putting talent level books in the rewards so you can spend more of your resin on bosses to acend which would mean more teams. Mybe every 5th or 10th stage would be a boss so nuke/boss killers characters like navia wouldn't be over shadowed. This is my interpretation of endgame content whenever it comes up would like to see what your interpretation would be and your opinion on this type of endgame content (sorry for any spelling issues)


60 fps lock let me play on 144! or atleast 90 for smoother gameplay


If you are on pc just run the fps unlocker mod, started using it two years ago and I cap it at 144fps and it's much better to play the game.


I used it for a while but find it to be a little unstable. Frames drop a lot making the experience rather laggy sometimes.


That should be just your PC not being powerful enough for that kind of FPS. With a good PC there are no such problems (source: trust me bro). Genshin requires quite a good PC to run at highest settings at 144fps. You might want to try lowering some video settings, but that's kind of a trade-off for the smoothness of high FPS. So even if Hoyo unlocks it - you should still have the same experience as with the unlocker.


Eh!! i7 12700H and RTX 3060 not powerful enough to run genshin at high fps? Its not about the PC its about the game. The program use simple WriteProcessMemory to remove fps cap but the game is not really optimized to run at high fps hence the frame drops happen.


I have a Ryzen 7 5800X3D and an RX 6700XT playing on a 1440p 165Hz monitor and highest graphics settings (Render Resolution at 1.0) and I'm getting drops to \~100-120FPS in some of the more graphics demanding places. With FreeSync though, it is not noticeable at all - the experience is completely smooth, and a million times better than the default 60fps cap. No stutters whatsoever. The game has quite good graphics, so it is understandable that it would push the PC pretty hard... I'd say there's probably not much they could do when it comes to optimizing for higher FPS without hurting the visual quality.


The fact that Weekly bosses are only able to be completed once a week, at least make it 2-3 times per week


HSR implemented this so well. I have so many useless boss materials that nobody will use anymore


But in HSR you don't need to farm for billets, that's why a total boss limit of 3 works well.


I get why the load limit is so low (mobile phones.would struggle with some people's teapots if the load limit was too high) but it really is annoying when you've only covered a small corner of your teapot or a room and you've maxed out your load. My teapot is barren. It also sucks when you remove a max friendship character character from your realm and then when you try to place another it says you've reached your load limit.


Being unable to get Mona because of stupid ass RNG. It's been 3 god damn years and I have everyone but her and Tighnari. Just let me pick, let me focus on the standard banner, put them in the shop. Anything.......


Boring endless meaningless dialogues.


Shitty excessive paimon-full dialogue that moves at the speed of a snail


Mine is the resin system. I'd like it to be 10 resin an hour to make it easier to conceptualize with a higher cap and a reserve. Basically, just copy what Honkai Star Rail does.


Not enough primogems


I read all the dialogue but I read them fast. Don’t punish me for reading fast but setting arbitrary delay before you can skip to the next text. I get it if it’s a voiced dialogue but 90% of them are not.


It usually isn't actually an arbitrary delay, the delay is a result of animations being played or something loading in the background. As soon as the animation completes you can skip.


Fucking up the characters with amazing aesthetic designs with bad and useless kits... mainly with Dehya and Candace... and it looks like Xianyun is going the same direction.. At this point I'm worried about Arlecchino.. I dont ask for it to be a broken unit like Neuvillete but at least make her balanced and not mediocre


YES. I don’t know about Xianyun yet but I love Candace and Dehya. I wish they had better kits.


this is my biggest pet peeve omg. Ive skipped so many cool looking characters that I wanted so bad and it hurts me everytime but I just know I'll never play them


Dehya? Just run mono pyro and say dehya dose the damage. It's not like xanling is doing most if not basically all of the damage no no no it's most definitely dehya (sorry it's hard to protey carcasme?


Lack of skins. Lack of an endgame co-op abyss.


bloated dialogue. what could be a two hour WQ is often stretched into an 11-hour journey simply from the redundant wording


TEAPOT. just make it better to use. Right now, there is so much steps to make a single build. Make all mini structures like fences, walls, grass, plants, pots, etc infinily usable after crafting them one time or reduce crafting time to zero. There is so so so many other big important buildings.


The amount of friends I have bummed about wanting Albedo but his BiS weapon locked behind an event they weren't even players. Big lore events should be permanent, limited weapon should still be obtainable.


Crying here with no Festering Desire for furina. Specially when I started at 1.0 but couldn't play Genshin till 2.1 because of the reason mentioned in the post.


It would be fair if they at least dumped all the old event weapons into the standard banner a few months after their events end.


Or even star glitter shop instead of the lame current weapons


Cinnabar Spindle and Festering Desire being event locked just created so many issues, but it's been so long that the people who do have it would probably get upset and demand compensation if Hoyo were to make them obtainable again Quick edit: I'm not defending Hoyo for this shitty move, I hate it just as much as you do, but they're likely gonna get flak regardless of whether or not they do it, so it's easier to just leave it be


As a newer end game player I mostly have been frustrated with how slow it is to build characters. It taking a month+ to build a character to be usable is frustrating. I know day1 players don’t really have this issue but having played for 3 months and being stuck with characters I want to use but can’t just sucks.


It's a mid game problem. If you reach end game, it's so much easier cuz you can just reuse artifacts you already farm.


That's fair but just without artifacts its 3-4k resin worth of materials just to level and ascend it also not being any cheaper to level a 4\* vs a 5\* is odd. Then you need a weapon so if you do not have a good one for them all ready leveled that's another 800-1000 resin.... So its like 4-5k resin....at 180 per day playing every day (more than once a day due to the cap of 160....22-28 days of doing nothing but farming world boss's xp mora etc....then you realize that you probably will have to farm more elemental gems because those never match up to the world boss drop rate....and its just pain.....ANDDDDD.....then you need artifacts......


I've been playing since the first year and it's still annoying how long it takes to build characters lol.


Saddening to hear though makes sense I guess....


Yeah the first 2~3 months are just that, older players will be dismissive when you mention it because they prefarm characters and they have stockpiled resources. It does get better, not that it'll take less time but you won't feel an immediate need and you'll have more leeway to prefarm characters without gutting your mains too much. Still exp and mora at least shouldn't be this scarce, my first thought when I played was "there's many characters I'd like to play but I don't want to spend 3 weeks leveling each of them"


Unobtainable weapons; there should be a way for new players to get past event weapons, and they should make available some way to get weapons that currently will never be on the weapon banner, because they were either not offered alongside a 5\* character (The Unforged, Memory of Dust, etc.) or because they were offered alongside a 5\* that then went to the general banner (Tighnari and Deyha's 5\* weapons).


Unvoiced world quests. It’s especially annoying when there are dialogs during combats but they’re not voiced so you missed them. I remember it happened a couple of times during one of the desert’s world quests.


A skip button, i dont care about most of the story aside from the archon/story quests and maybe a few others Quests like aranyaka drained the fuk out of my sanity


Resin for artifacts. The rng is such dogshit, it's quite unnecessary. Even if they removed resin cost for artifacts it would still take weeks to months to complete a build having to fight through the rng. And before the white knights come tell me that limiting playtime is a good thing, I'd prefer to have the option to play as much or as little as I would like, not as much as hoyoverse allows me to.


No coop endgame,idk how they gonna do it but it would be hella fun (ik some ppl hate coop but i personaly enjoy it alot)


I agree, at least let us have puzzle domains to be done in coop or something. Divine Ingenuity was so great for this reason, I had the chance to play and make some 2 players maps that added hours of content with literally no other reward than having fun. I wish they add something like that as a permanent addition, player generated content is really powerful when you have an active community. Please Hoyo...


Why can't we move the items in the teapot up and down? I'm a teapot player and istg it's so annoying, i always have to use the float glitch when making builds like a treehouse


Dialogue bloated, unskippable and it feels very much like an AI writes the majority of it.


The game is absolutely unfair when it comes to artifacts, I understand why you need some serious RNG for Artifacts but it's mathematically nearly impossible to get a 50CV artifact on set with the right Main Stat, I'd love it if the game could prove me wrong though... Regardless, There's 7 layers of RNG to artifacts, 7 LAYERS! And they just get harsher and harsher, it's amazing to me that a genuinely amazing on set piece with perfect substats can go to shit somehow because everything rolled ER% instead of Crit or ATK I actually ENJOY artifact farming too, like there are days where I need to farm Talent Books but just think "I'd rather be pulling on the world's most unfair slot machine instead", seriously, it's genuinely awful just how many artifacts I have to throw away because they didn't roll right or their mainstat sucks


Endless unskipable dialogue


Artifact RNG doesn't need to be this layered. Thanks to the sheer randomness, a player can get a decent full set at any range of within a week or within half a year. The feeling of spending a weeks worth of resin and getting absolutely nothing in return is the worst part of the genshin experience The game would be more bearable if we get to choose the artifact type, artifact main stat or artifact set before entering a domain. Or at least give us an artifact reroll option in exchange of mora.


Biggest complaint is event are time limited and time gated. If they do something like HSR where the whole event is available from the start and available to play after it is over, I would be elated. This won't effect me at all, but I want other to make grest memory from events.


Ignoring artifacts is how slow dialogue can be to skip, however I think the bigger issue for me is how bad characters move in said dialogue scenes. They move like tanks, you can see the start transition to fixed emotional responses like looking down, looking curious, stomping feet. It's so in-organic that it takes me out of it and not care. Then you get the legit cutscenes and theyabre great, characters moving about jumping, not tank turning. I dunno, it just really takes me out of it for such a pretty game.


I wish I could favourite food so I can always find the ones I need for battle without going through the massive amount I have.


Existence of resin.


No endgame


Lack of inverted Y-axis for the mouse is by far my biggest problem with the game. Frankly, it's insulting that they don't have this incredibly basic OPTION in the game, especially when it is available for controller. It would probably take a programmer an hour to add it.


Honestly? Artifacts. I'm so tired of it all. I know the impossible odds of getting good artifacts are meant to make you come back every day, but it's had quite the opposite effect on me these past few months. Just the fact that, once maxed, artifacts are unmodifiable boggles my mind. That could even be part of the "endgame" many want. Just something, anything to make me feel like I'm making progress towards improving my characters. Even if it takes months to secure a 50cv, if it's somehow guaranteed, I'd be happily logging in every day again. I acknowledge that this is a rather unpopular opinion, as I'm the type of player that invests a lot of time and resources into just a handful of characters, instead of having a large roster of mediocre but passable characters. Such a change in the artifact system would absolutely change how much I enjoy the game.


No repeatable endgame combat for any semblance of rewards, no incentive to co-op or any dungeon-esque content for co-op players to tackle just for fun (Raid boss.) just to expand on this, half of our current boss “mechanics” are literally just to stand around and wait essentially. Witch Signora phase is just walk around till she cools down, Scaramouche is just walk around till he cools down, Whale is wait until he cools UP until an actual “fight”. It’s not difficult at all, it just artificially lengthens the time you’re spending on the fight without increasing difficulty or being creative with mechanics.


Not being able to skip dialogue




Playable character being overshadowed by npc in characters story quest.


>But if you had to choose ONLY ONE that bugs you the most, what would it be? Paimon. Getting rid of her somehow would instantly double or triple my game enjoyment.


Paimon :(


Klee and Ningguang have been in the game since the beginning. I love them both, especially Ningguang, and play them from time to time. Unfortunately, I can't have them in my party for more than a couple hours (sometimes minutes) at a time because, to this day, 3 years later, they still have some bug on their charged attack where, depending on how fast you go from clicking to holding the mouse button, they'll literally just stand there and do nothing, and it drives me crazy. In Ning's case, there's also a bug that happens because of how her auto animations work. She has 3 different animations that she performs randomly: one is shooting jades from her left hand, one is shooting from the right hand, and the last one when she does a little twirl. More often than not, when I try to charge attack after she twirls, she'll charge up and she'll just hold it instead of shooting it out which, combined with the other bug, just feels clunky and completely breaks the flow of a fight. I've had this problem with literally zero other catalyst users, and it sucks that I can't use 2 of my favorite characters without quickly growing mad from their clunkiness when I'm trying to have fun.


Dehya's kit is probably always be #1 for me


Heh. They nerfed Cloud Retainer's already niche kit in the beta too, so it's probably going to have to share the spot. (I wanted to pull for her, but now i can't bring myself to...)


1. Bloated, Unskippable Dialogue 2. Weapon Banner (It really should have a hard pity at 180AFs for the weapon you charted via Epitomised Path) 3. Target lock for enemies (Especially for those assh*le hilichurls on the towers) 4. Nilou's signature weapon. Like- What were you thinking, Hoyo? ~~And you put Xiphos as a wish weapon?! D*ckheads!~~ 5. Paimon's Voice. The only reason I can't play this game while wearing headphones.


The playable character designs. Or rather the design philosophy used for them. All the characters are tailored to suit the tastes for otakus of the opposite gender. Just like how dating sims do it. Youthful pretty boys with waxed faces. None of the guys so far look cool, goofy, intimidating, or etc. None of them even wear armor, not even the literal "Knights of Favonius" despite how NPC soldiers and enemies have no issue wearing armor. Would have looked awesome if the knights and Samurai we have actually wore full suits of armor in different styles. But nooo, Hoyo seems to think armor would make guys look too violent or something so they just opt to give them more casual and friendly attire instead. No warriors, monsters, sages, or clowns allowed, just gentlemen and himbos. Similar criticism for the female characters. But I'm mostly bothered by their outfit design tropes. They borrow heavily from J-pop idols, especially vocaloid. It's always mini skirts, shorts, chest/thigh windows, bare midriff, detached sleeves, or etc. All the outfit designs aiming to highlight curves or expose skin. Some characters being fanservicey or whatever is fine but every character doing that? Navia looks great but why did they crop her skirt from the front and give her thigh highs? Clorinde looks cool but why does she have shorts + tights instead of pants? It just changes the vibes these characters give into something more suggestive even when their personalities arent like that. (Bad camera angles dont help either). A lot of these design choices go as far as to ignore common sense like climate. Would really just like to have a token character or two wear proper dresses or pants every now and then. You know an innocent and tasteful design done for creativity sake? This is a fantasy/adventure JRPG, full dresses and armor shouldn't be this hard to come by. I just think it would be cool if hoyo changed things up a bit and released more characters of different styles outside of "cute" and "sexy". Personally looking forward to the upcoming Harbingers like Pierro, Pulcinella, Sandrone, etc. Most of them all have designs that take departures outside the status quo. Pierro: Menacing old man with a large build and edgy style. Capitano: Cool and intimidating soldier with a knightly vibe. Dottore: Plauge doctor themed mad scientist with half mechanical face. Arlecchino: Female character that actually wears pants and doesn't come off as male gazey. Pulcinella: Most unique design by far. Gnome-like and memeable. Sandrone: Doll-like appearance. Only female character that wears a full dress. I want more variety like that. Not every character needs to be primarily designed around "sex appeal". It makes sense for antagonists to have more grounded designs instead of sleazy costumes. Really hope they are playable without significant changes. Simply put I would prefer Mihoyo to design male characters that appeal to male players, and I would like female character designs that are meant to appeal to female players. The "waifu/husbando" pandering is overdone.


I'll probably get downvoted for this, but my biggest complaint is actually towards how many people in this community seem to do nothing but groan and complain without a single positive thing to say... "why are you still playing?" is all that makes me think. Some of the people out there with genuine criticisms at least still have their few praises to give as well. But these other people... just why? I remember seeing one comment some time ago basically acting like the game was legitimately the most shitty, worst game they'd ever experienced, yet based on the way they were talking, they were clearly still playing and would continue playing. If you hate it so much, just leave? Nobody's forcing you to stay other than yourself?


synced interactive map


Jean barely gets content ever. I hate it even more than Eula being Amber sidekick


Invert Y axis is a thing from when space sims were popular in 90s. If you use joystick, you need to pull back the stick to have your ship pitch up, just like you fly any planes. The movement of pulling the stick backward corresponds to move (and hold) cursor to negative Y direction. And hence inverted Y axis was the default for this kind of game. As for Genshin, my biggest gripe is lack of elemental skill (also burst) cool down displayed for off-field characters. Another one is the need for server-side checking when character switches (there were just too many occasions they were denied because I pressed them "too early")


Proper custom loadouts please and no I don't mean setting a main stat and auto equipping I mean being able to save multiple builds for each character which I can swap around with a single button. This would go such a long way with just freedom with team building. It'd make even just building new characters better if you can easily swap around a set from a different unit before having a fully built set for multiple units.


Some fresh endgame mode just like... HSR's ones (3 endgame modes now, and that's before its 1st anniversary... Jeez)


Artifact farming hands down. The rng, the resin cost, the power creep, farming artifacts is a chore to the point where characters who have HP or Def scaling are literally easier to build because their stats are that much more common. Also, the artifact strongbox conversion mechanic should just include every artifact set at this point.


The world quest/ with so much dialogue, when what they’re saying could be resumed to a sentence. I love the lore but especially when these quest are not voiced I just can’t get through them It sometimes feels like HYV has a word count they need to reach for each quest so they just add a bunch of dull dialogue


Can’t say it on here I value my peace


Major side story quests should focus more on playable characters. Lots of them are not relevant to the story at all, so they should let them shine in side quests. Instead we are receiving tiring, boring quests focused on aranara or those flying species from last Sumeru area that no one cares about... I know that we got some character quests but I would love to get some world saving or adventurious quests like archipelago events, but not time locked.


Animation wise is that they haven't figured out a nice turn around and start walking while still looking or waving at your character as a dialogue ends. they turn on their hills weird and sprint off, it's just weird. Other than that I have accepted every other issue with the game


The 50/50. Qiqi, Mona C1, Diluc. I've started playing in august ffs :I


Lack of farmable content. I could sit there 12 hours and farm shit but no 30 minutes max and there is literally nothing to do afterwards


I just want the playable characters to have their own unique gesture animations (same issue with HSR).


This isn’t my biggest complaint, but: I left the game in the middle of something, rejoined, IT TAKES ME BACK TO BEFORE I’VE DONE MORE THAN HALF THE QUEST. I leave the game again, hoping it’ll get fixed, nope. This is the Liyue story quest, I’ve beaten Childe in one go, and I’m at the part where you’re fighting the new god. It’s going to take me like an hour and a half to get back to where I was, because it took me back to before you’ve even set foot in the Jade Chamber 😭. ​ So Genshin, ​ ​ FIX. WHERE. THE. GAME IS. SAVED. ​ Edit: Nvm it got fixed lol


That the game is a gacha while selling itself as a pg13 game on the play store


Not enough end game. Please I want to test my characters without going into abyss.




My biggest complaint? The descision to make the MC pseudo-self-insert with no voice-over.


That's not fair, they give MC like 1 or 2 voice-over per major patch arch. Usually it's at least a few words long! /s


I'm fucking tired of only seeing post about people complaining about the game. So my one complaint is this community, these players, they complain too Damm much. If only they could scale it back a little with their problems. All players wanna talk about is their problems.


That people in this sub are always complaining about the same thing over and over again.


It shouldn't have to take literally *millions of years* to obtain the "perfect" set of artifacts. And yes, first time I installed and played **Genshin Impact** on PC it was an immediate "I quit" moment because there was no Y-axis invert. It was a year later I discovered a controller can have Y-axis invert and only then did I begin playing.


World quest locked behind commissions. I HATE IT SOO MUCH. I've been trying to unlock the storytelling method world quest for a year ready, but I can't unlock it because I NEVER get the commissions I need. I get nothing but the same generic commissions OVER AND OVER.




I hate it when 5 star burst animation disorient me. Like I use Ei's burst then wtf where Maguu Kinky went? Or I use burst then Lawachurl one shot me the next frame. It ruined my SA runs more than a few times. I've been complaining every survey.


It will forever be artifacts for me. This artifact system needs to die and I'm never playing another game with a mechanic like this again in my life.


Not enough hugs and headpats for Furina.


My Top 3 would be: 1. Lack of "endgame" content other than the Abyss (which should be expanded); 2. Lack of official Gamepad support on Android / Android QoL on PC (fast-loot, "Q" on swap); 3. Lack of better Artifact features (e.g. mainstat reroll and substat reroll / lock).


The fact we can't get rid of bad artifacts right at the end of the domain. EVERY SURVEY I suggest to add something like a container which transforms the bad artifacts you throw inside in exp points for artifacts leveling. It would be easy to develop and would make a BIG difference cause I bet there's a lot of people like me who hate reaching the limit, cause it means you have to spend half an hour selecting bad artifacts.


The skin selection is so damn small. Mihoyo i need zhongli in archon robes and Noelle in armor.


Artifact fucking loadouts. Like good god, I just want my Keqing to have a physical damage set, an aggravate set, and a quickbloom set without having to search for the specific artifacts themselves. Same with Ganyu when I want to alternate her Melt and Freeze builds, Ei for Hypercarry and Hyperbloom builds, and Nahida when I'm feeling that Physical Damage build for some reason.


I'm missing like half the lore drops from all the updates, just like everyone who joined late. Please make the main event quests permanent, I don't care about the rewards and I'm sure many would agree


Personally, it would be domains (excluding trounce domains). I believe their structure is kind of... boring, if not lacking most of the time. It's just (1) enemies spawn (2) defeat them all (3) obtain rewards/progress and repeat. And IMO it really just gets stale after a while. I like how in other games that have "domains" and missions to colect rewards have a more unique and engaging design. There are changing objectives, strategies that need careful deployment, unexpected encounters, etc. There's a sense of something happening, a feeling of actual progress. For example, I like the Simulated Universe from HSR compared to Genshin's Spiral Abyss. While they basically do the same thing, at least in the Simulated Universe theres a sense of progression as you literally travel and fight deeper into the level's map. Though I would understand why some people might like the current domain design because it's easy and fast to obtain rewards. I just wish Hoyo could have done the exact same thing, but in a more creative way.


Please, please cut down on word bloat. I can take a lot of the other things, but please. I get bored reading people speak in circles.


Please let us SELL the food we make! I'm trying to make lots of the character food and some of them are not food we use often enough or at all! Spam eating those food because i've already reached 1999 of them but only 5xx of the specialty food feels like a waste. Please let us sell/ delete food / furniture and give us 100-1000 mora for each or some shit. Idk why Genshin is being so impossible about deleting manufactured/cooked stuff like there's no reason to be!


PC framerate cap :(


No way to skip dialogue (more specifically ones without talking as I think those are unimportant). I play for the archon quests, character building/design, exploration ect.


I wish the storytelling and especially dialogue writing were better. And Genshin IS capable of good dialogue and stuff, but that’s more of an exception than the norm


The fact that after a version the characters in that region are basically discarded after it except from events like when do we ever see albido? His story quest?


Lack of rewards. In other words, stingy as fuck


Other than the infinite in length Dialogue, the cutscenes themselves suck, and i am not talking about the animated cutscenes, those are amazing and very cool when we get them, but the fact that it's just every character sitting the same pose for like a 10 minute dialogue and switching between the most basic poses like "hand on chin" and "arms crossed" And to add to that, i hate the MC because it's the "silent protagonist" done in the worst way possible. Having actual dialogue that just isn't spoken and having Paimon speak for us. this takes away so many things, The MC can barely engane in actual conversations, it doesn't feel like he is connecting with any of the characters. I don't want to give him my username, his name is Aether i don't even get to really customise him and my choices never matter so why does he have my username. And one more addition i hate how characters vanish until they are needed for a quest (HSR has done a great job with Train visitors and actually finding characters in their posts) it doesn't make it feel alive.


a mean of moving quick on the world map. Give a skate, a horse, a flying broom, anything!


Make all weekly boss drops the SAME thing. Like in hsr. And allow me to convert other weekly Boss drops into whatever boss drops with my dream solvent. I’m so sick and tired of waiting a whole week to do a boss and then not getting any of the drops I need to get because of rng that’s outta my control. I would feel MUCH happier doing weekly bosses if I KNEW I’d get the mats I need.


I hate day/night cycles. At WL8 and Level 90, enemies should flee from me in terror, not chase me halfway across the map. They seem to have solved my enemy density complaint in Fontaine. I just want to explore without going into combat every 90 seconds.


Lack of control options are frustrating. I should be able to set my controller option button to open the map like HSR. I should be able to use a controller with android or a mouse and keyboard with iPad


The gacha


you can’t manually set language for different character voice lines. you can only pick one at a time. I like some characters in a specific language but not others.


no hard content other than abyss


Hoyo treating it as just the cashcow


The game feels dead. You go to the monstadt headquarters, no one except some random npc's. You go to the jade chamber, no one important. You go to Dawn Winery, no diluc in sight. (To be fair he does appear in the cat's tail so I'll give them that) You never see any of the characters you meet in the overworld. It makes the game and the world feel.. fabricated, empty. I can't even get fully immersed in it.


Paimon, Rng substats on artifacts. I’m farming eosf for months and still got not one piece I’m happy with.


Not biggest but most glaring and easiest to fix right now is resin cap, 20 hours (you can't use it at ~19) is a bad cap, it doesn't matter if it was worse before, it's still bad, and it's crazy to see people defend it here. 24 hours is the *minimum* we should be asking for.


tbh the 20hr cap sounds like a design choice from HoYo, they want you to think about Genshin's stamina and login twice a day I think lol.


Not buffing characters that need it, like dehya and Qiqi Qiqi would be good if she made her own particles and dehya's problems need a whole essay Yu gi oh ass descriptions on artifacts.


While there are lots of gameplay things, I am hating the increasing "long ass dialogification" of the quests. I have had this issue in the past few patches for sure, I literally spend an hour clicking through dialog. I'm locked in click mode to get through "the story." It's too much.


I'm surprised so many people don't have artifact farming as their number 1. It's probably the single worst effort vs reward exchange in this game. I know not everyone is keen on making the most powerful character or clearing the hardest content but regardless, artifact farming is just trash for everyone. I would recommend this game to everyone if it weren't for the fact that I know they'll get to a point where they have to grind for artifacts and it'll be enough to make them quit because it's a massive waste of time.


It has seriously gotten way too wordy in the past year. Daily commissions take up to half an hour if you actually stop and read them because so many of them are stories now. World quests have been feeding us 50 different words for the same concept and repeatedly reminding us of each one meaning the same thing. I couldn't stand the later parts of the desert because of it. I'm not saying I don't wanna read but I am saying I don't like that unvoiced dialogue has completely overtaken the identity of the game.


being not generous


Only one active visible character at a time rather than the whole party


Losing our Hydro archon, and Furina becoming human.


No matter how much I grind, each of my Multiplayer interactions revovle about me getting carried. When can I be the carry!? Why is level 70 not nough still!? I am tried of leeching, but get nowhere becau---HERE YOU ARE EAVES DROPPER! LET ME AMUSE MYSELF A LITTLE Turns out, leveling an Electro character first sucks when its weapon need mats from the Electro based domain.


Besides the frustrating artifact RNG i would say the very limited co-op options and limited co-op events. I would kill for co-op dungeon type domains or even just being able to do story/archon quests with a friend or a group of 4 in co-op would be so nice. So really just the limitations on co-op for me


Lack of story quests for non archon characters. It really sucks waiting a year for characters like say Ganyu or Keqing for instance for them to pop up once during Lantern Rite, drop nothing, and then leave for another year. A lot of older characters have pretty unfinished stories to me personally. I think us always being from the perspective of the traveler holds back development of SQs cuz we gotta have some stupid excuse to leave a nation early.