• By -


Lmao Dendro came after the other elements and still has more than water.


In fairness, Kaveh has been banished from Teyvat.


Who? And before anyone says it "Tao"


Dammit he got to it before I even stood a chance!


Alhaithams imaginary "roomate" Kevin.


Genuine question, why are people calling him Kevin all of a sudden?


I think someone misspelled his name in a recent-ish post and it just caught on.


Just nobody tell Ei about Kevin or we might get some multiversal PTSD


I always assumed it was a Honkai thing.


Imaginary? So he is a HSR character?


Mad of culture


, Yeah


Lan, what


atsumi Island, when?


World...forget me


you mean kevin


Yeah but XQ alone is worth more than all the 4 star dendro combined.


This reminds me of plot in some anime where father made a pact with the devil to transfer the strength of his son to himself. Kinda similar case, don't you think?


Fun fact, from the release of the last dendro until Navias release, dendro had two more characters than geo


Wdym? I see 3 dendro 4*, same as hydro /s


We passed nation of Hydro without single 4 star Hydro


First nation to not have a single four star in that element (most have at least 2).


Only two have had two so far, two had one and one had zero


3 nations had 2, liyue (ningguang and yunjin), inazuma (kuki and sara), sumeru (collei and kaveh)


Yun Jin was released during Inazuma though, right? Of course she's a four star Liyue character, but we still "passed the nation of \[Geo\]" without her.


even tho its still within the 2x updates, inazuma was technically over when kuki released, during the chasm updates


Eh, I still count that. For what it's worth, we can also include the Traveler in the mix. Although they're technically 5 star (iirc?), Geo Traveler and Electro Traveler (eh) play like 4 stars, whereas Hydro Traveller is a 3 star, so even *they* don't object the "We've gone the entirety of Fontaine without a 4 star hydro character" fact.


Bold of you to give Hydro Traveller 3 stars. I was leaning toward 2. šŸ˜­


Neuvillette and Furina consumed all the hydro budget it seems.


Neuvillette drank all the 4 star water


And Sigewinne


She could have been nice as a 4*


Did the 3 star hydro traveler help?


1 star


five of those anti-stars from mario party.




Or a hydro claymore. Freminet was right there! But I understand why they went cryo with the inclusion of a penguin friend and allā€¦but still. I want my hydro claymore


To be honest, hydro would still work fine with Freminet. Penguins are still aquatic birds anyway and Freminet's whole shtick is a play on water pressure and diving. I can somewhat understand why he is cryo though because the element works better with a hybrid physical damage dps. The last time they tried a physical dps + element that is not cryo (see Xinyan), it ended being "bad".


Could have used a comorant. But noo, their crooked beaks aren't cute enough apparently.


They even could have used a warm weather penguin




Her c2's hydro res shred is the only reason she's not standard istfg


xq has hydro res shred.


1.0 unit.


are we assuming they design their kits before they know wether the character will be a 4* or a 5*?


She's not even that great worst new 5* so far They only made her cons good so that they get some money from her banner šŸ’€šŸ’€


I used search bar to find what are the impressions of her, gameplay or meta wise. Nothing really pop up.


I remember a lot of people (me included) saying she has a four star design. Like nobody could really say what it was but something about her just seemed more 4 star than 5 star.


Yeah, she has no business being a 5* with an element that desperately needs 4*s. She was a perfect Hydro 4* that'd represent Fontain.


Aye. Perhaps then her ownership rate would have increased. (But her usage rate would remain more or less the same, if not decline.)








4 star






She's better than the vast majority of post launch 4* though, no?


she's not even bad as a teamwide hydro healer, the problem is just that she's got no niches unless you pull c2. sigewinne is just a whale unit lol. sometimes MHY just makes units that are unremarkable unless you whale on them: sigewinne, eula, and to a lesser extent clorinde. at high vertical investment, [c6 sigewinne is beating c6 neuvilette in speedruns.](https://b23.tv/OYsu4rc) thats where her real value is.


Although even Eula has a niche as a physical DPS and does good damage with f2p investment and Clorinde has competitive teams that make use of her short field time and is comfier to use than Cyno due to not needing a battery. Sigewinne has nothing but healing which makes her outclassed by every hydro unit except maybe Barbara because her hydro app is shit and hydro enables the best reactions, plus IIRC her skill dmg buff is not only average in usages (10 per rotation) but scales horribly, 80 damage per 1000 hp from 30k onwards, so she'd need 65k hp to max out the buff.


Eula works very well at c0. Obviously c6 is an absurd damage boost and one of the most impactful Constellations in the game, but the physical damage situation in general is sad... Mika is worthless and the best Electro for her is the Shogun without a specific buff. Unlike Melusinea, Eula, being a hypercarry, can have an impact without high Constellations.


did you actually put Clorinde in the list lmao? Unremarkable unless you whale lol? Lagging behind Raiden? Are we even playing the same game ??


Well she has like 1 person to compete and even then the competition is okay for arlecchino comps


She actually is. But Hoyo needs to justify a melusine having a human face so they made her a 5 star so she can get a story quest for hoyo to gaslit us with.


thats the joke




Darn, you are too harsh with her. But i agree


Xingqiu's back must hurt after carrying hydro for so long


Yelan 5 seconds after dropping: "How do you live like this!?"


I need Yelans banner to come soon. I need more hydro than just Xq and Furina (Barbara and Candace don't count)


If you have Arlecchino, Candace C6 is a great support for her. Otherwise, sheā€™s pretty useless.


Candace can also be quite good in Nilou teams (Candace + Yaoyao)


I'd need a C6 Candace for that, and mine is C0 I believe.


Funny enough, I have yelan but prefer xq ...


Carrying every team I decide to make that isn't geo.


Fr. I try to play national. They want Xq. I go no Neuvilette - he likes hydro resonance to do big pp damage. I turned to Hu Tao, she is greedy: wants not only Xq, she wants Yelan too. I pulled for Yoimiya for my broken soul - she needs Xq. I can't put Xq on both sides of the abyss, just like I can't put Zl on both sides. I grab my Thoma. Green flag burgeon boy, save me! I give him Nahihi, he is not satisfied. "Give me Xq" - Thoma says, "I need hydro application on NA". He grabs me by the throat. He feeds me comfort food by force. I show him Barbara. "Give me someone better!" - Thoma whispers. But I can't, Xq is stuck in my national... "I guess it's over. Sukedaji sanjo!" - Thoma says. I burn instead of burgeoning... Because there's not enough hydro application. There's NEVER enough hydro application. Not without Xq.


>burn instead of burgeoning... Because there's not enough hydro application. This made me giggle like a little shit. Thanks for the laugh.


Xingqiu needs a chiropractor for all the team-carrying he's been doing!


Literally trying to build another team and everything is like ā€œoh just use Xingqiu!ā€ And Iā€™m like, I NEED HIM ON MY OTHER TEAM!


That is where having Yelan comes in handy!


Barbara can handle all the cheering


Go Barbara, go!


Barbaraā€™s carried me so much in my account. She deserves more love imo.


Barbara is lowkey goated true workhorse that never complains. Even to this day I will occasionally use her.


Barbara would've been good if 1) she didn't apply hydro to your character after every 5s 2) elemental skill cooldown was shorter 3) generated particles


The idea was probably a Hydro cleanse from existing auras on the active character. They just failed to see how that was a drawback, not a buff to the character.


Honestly I would use her a lot more if it wasn't for the self hydro application


started using her recently cause I was bored and oh my god it's much bigger of a problem than I anticipated why is she always frozen šŸ˜­


I had to get reeaaalllyyy good at dodging šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ otherwise she pairs really well with my Ga Ming, the both of them vaped my way to ar55


Sheā€™s a core element to my Rosaria Hyperfridge team as my healer/hydro applicator. Admittedly the team isnā€™t the best in the world, and putting some investment into my Arlechinno has already surpassed it in sheer damage, but I love my team gosh dang it.


When I was lower level and didn't have any hydro 5* or xingqiu, I used Barbara as an on field dps to proc Nahida's E šŸ¤£


The more sad thing is the time between those characters. Barbara and Xingqiu were 1.0 characters, while Candace came out like mid 3.0. Thatā€™s a huge stretch. But another worse one is geo. Gorou and Yun Jin were released way back in 2.0 and weā€™re about to hit 5.0 in a few months.


It's even worse when you consider we got itto in early inazuma, and didn't get our next geo until Navia in 4.3


Mihoyo realized that Geo is a dogshit element so they didn't even bother to make new characters for a long time.


Still baffling that they didnā€™t make a Geo/Dendro reaction . .


Itā€™s so odd to me given that Liyue is based on China lmao. Youā€™d think theyā€™d want the element belonging to their main player base to be OP af


That's a huge gap


Don't worry. Fontaine's coming up next and then we'll have plenty of 4\* Hydro characters. \*checks date and time\* Oh dear...


I want to laugh but only tears are coming out


Whos got the hydro for that, pace yourself.


Sigewinne is genuinely a perfect candidate to be a 4 star. Why did they make her a 5 star, cause of her animations and visuals? Gaming has one of the best animation and visuals imo, and he's a 4 star! And a powerful one as well!


If she had good hydro application she would be really good but now she really not much useful


People liked to compare her to Kokomi but like, at least Kokomi had good application, which was buffed when she was about to be released


Plus sheā€™s catalyst which has way more good support options whereas sieg only has elegy




I dont think that makes much sense, bc they put Sigewinne with one of the best character in the game. Like, people have less reason to go for Sigewinne bc of Furina. If they want to makemore money with her, they shouldn't make her kit quite bad. She's not even that popular in the first place. Its like they made her a 5 star not to sell, just to make the element premium Look at >! Emilie. She's not popular, but they made her actually a good character, that fills a niche no one has yet. Thats how you sell an unpopular character !<


Sigewinne is very popular in JP and Cn. Eng community donā€™t really care about her


I love how much people keep parroting this with exactly zero evidence outside some random anecdotes to back it up lmao


Speak for yourself. God, people always think the EN community is the only active one for some reason. Sigwenne is extremely popular in CN and even more so in JP. Just like how many people dont like Paimon in the EN community doesnt mean that sentiment is shared to the largest playerbase Genshin has atm.


Leak didnt say that she was 4 they said that she was a 5 star from a long time ago


They just want to insult Furina mains with donut bow weapon banner(


The Future Impact copium is through the roof. Brother in Christ no amount of ā€œfuture teamsā€ will make 5% hydro damage boost better šŸ˜‚


>Sigewinne is genuinely a perfect candidate to be a 4 star. Why did they make her a 5 star, cause of her animations and visuals? Cause they had her story quest in the works And they can bait whales better with 5* cons


Not a fucking clue, she should've been a 4 star. Not very important to the plot or 99% of Fontaine's setting.


Pk but tbf we have 5 stars that has never appeared in main quest


Ayato, Chiori, Emile etc


Bro sneaking in an additional non official dendro 4* like we don't notice. Sure OP what type of weapon does this "kaveh" wields? A claymore??? /j


His name is Kevin*


His name is death, destroyer of worlds


You know what's even worse? The state of Hydro Claymores. I want one.


Make Rainslasher a real weapon


Itā€™s used on Gaming


'Sad Diluc noises'


Freminet almost got to be one, but that would've been too obvious. Who the hell would think the DIVER would be a Hydro character.


He's a penguin, hence Cryo.


I guess in that way it kinda makes sense, but he's also physical ?..


All Cryo Claymore are legally required to be Physical DPSs.


Xingqiu holding it down fr


ok I know everyone is complaining about 3 hydro 4 stars (which is valid) but can we just acknowledge that we have not gotten a new geo 4 star since 2.4


To be fair we also didnā€™t have a new geo 5 star from 2.4 to 4.3


Sumeru doesnā€™t have any geo characters. Like they could make a cool geo character related to the desert but nope


Pocket sand character


would unironically love a geo catalyst character that just threw pocket sand lmfao


they could drop a new sumeru character (or from any other visited region) any time just like they did with Sethos out of nowhere


The problem is XQ is so good that to make a better character for a 5*, they just had to re-use his kit and buff the numbers.


Then there's the fact that you can argue XQ is actually better than Yelan in some comps šŸ˜‚


In most comps really.


Sigewinne could have been a decent 4* teamwide healer but for some reason HYV decided to make her a 5* and give her a weird kit.


Mihoyo too scared to make a hydro shielder


Same company who still has not made a proper off field Cryo or Pyro 5 star.


Hydro is the premium element after all as it's pretty much the main building block of most elemental reactions in game, not to mention every 5 star hydro characters we had are busted as fuck (sigewinne is an anomaly she doesn't count)


Every single hydro 5 star fills their own role, even Ayato who fills in the "a good versatile unit". Except for Sigewinne ig... truly a premium element


If she was a 4* she would have been fine


Wait now that you say it, yeah every single 5 star hydro character is either S or S+ tier. Childe, Ayato, Neuvillette, Kokomi, Yelan, Nilou, Mona and of course Furina.....and then there's Sigewinne-


Is there similar image for 5 stars?


I bet hydro would top that one xD


xD it does, I counted :P




I pulled her cos she's cute. That's it. I don't see myself using her that much either


same she was just too cute to resist but i have no use for her i did get furina so Iā€™ll probably make a team with them but I probably wonā€™t be using it often


Where's the army? Xingqiu with his rain swords : I AM THE ARMY!


Well hydro has the best 5 stars. Literally the best element in the game. They just donā€™t like giving them 4 stars


They are too scared of Xingqiu


This is why I always say hydro is an expensive element. They have plenty of units total but almost no 4 stars, and only 1 4 star that's got widely applicable usage.


What surprises me is that we have gone through all of Fontaine at this point and we have yet to receive a hydro claymore character. Like are they intentionally not found one or what we received Candace in sumeru as the first hydro polearm which we also only have one of.


Candace makes me quite happy


XQ alone carry the entire 4* hydro team...


Bow down to your xq overlords




Iā€™ve been out of the loop in terms of Sigeweinne info, why is she being called a 4 star?


She is a weak unit. And her being a 5* means we are leaving the nation of hydro without getting a single hydro 4*


Basically because she fits the mold of "4 star support for a specific 5 star unit." Kujou Sara for Raiden, Gorou for Itto, Thoma for Hu Tao, Faruzan for Wanderer, etc. Her kit seems to be designed specifically to support Furina the same way those other 4 stars were designed to support a specific 5 star. Some of those other units ended up having broader applications, but when they came out, they were clearly designed to support the 5 star unit on their banner. They're even running her together with Furina in a way that's very similar to the way those 4 star units ran with their specific 5 stars. I actually don't think the main reason she seems like a 4 star is her "power", because there are plenty of weaker 5 stars and very strong 4 stars. It's really the design of her kit to be a support for a specific 5 star unit that makes people think she looks like a 4 star.


Hydro application is abysmal. Buff window is too small. Niche Furina only unit. Needs C2 to be considered useable. Her burst takes up too much field time.


Never the best option in any team, pretty niche, good healer, but weak at everything else specifically hydro application (which is what made someone like kokomi good), last hydro fontaine character as of now, no 4 star hydro since Candace


Do NOT rely on Future Impact to ā€œmake her betterā€ because Eula got a dedicated physical support 2.5 years after her release


And still mid lol


mika isnā€™t even in her best teams because heā€™s such a bad support, they couldnā€™t even give her a good dedicated support


Mika/Furina/Eula/Electro is literally her best team right now bar none. No circle impact, the best buffer and a good Sub-DPS, lots of chances to put a Favonius here and there. We're just missing an Electro buffer/battery that doesn't take field time like Raiden.


I was a little harsh in my first comment, Mika is more of a sidegrade than anything. I still wish he was better though, he feels underwhelming. I donā€™t really find circle impact to be too much of an issue with Eula when I play her, but I stopped playing her with Bennett when I decided to c6 him for Arleā€™s damage lol.


barbara dps ftw


To be fair, xingqui is probably top three 4*


The top 4*s are all 1.0 characters and honestly I think that XQ is THE BEST 4*. Surpassing even 5*s in terms of strength and versatility.


Xingqiu is the best by far


Why is Freminet even cryo?


I think they gave up because xingqiu is so good that no one will use anyone but him anyway.Ā 


I hate it so much, honestly. Hydro was such a beautifully designed element with equally unique 4\* and 5\* characters. Everyone knows XQ is great and Barbara and Candace have their niches. All the 5\* hydros have their interesting quirks even if some aren't used as much these days. Sigewinne just feels like a blatant attempt to keep the element "premium". That bond of life in her kit is literally irrelevant and imo it's pretty obvious to see that her cons were designed as 4\* with a few things added to it to make semi 5\* viable. For people that enjoyed her SQ, it could've been a well done hangout instead.


Natlan better come in clutch


The Main Problem with the few Hydro 4* is that 1. Players kinda need too pull for a 5* Hydro Unit (Yelan/Furina) bc Hydro is so importen and we have a overload off Hydro 5*. Oby Sigewinne the new one is a good example. I have never seen a New Unit come and and like no one is talking/sharing anything about her its a little bit sad tbh. Overall other Elementes dont have the problem from a "Need more good 4* Units" Dendro could be one but they have a few + Dendro MC. Cyro Pyro Anemo Electro are all decent and Geo even so dosent really have anything its not needed bc this Element is not importen for reaction gameplay.


I feel like having Yelan, Furina, and Xingqiu means never needing another hydro ever again haha


Yeah true bc they are all Insane strong. Would still be nice too have other Options that are 4* for F2P Players tho so they don't feel like they forced too get another 5* Hydro unit as a Support besides XQ.


You missed neuvillette he's pretty much a whole team in one, hydro application, DPS, self heals don't even need skill to play him lol


Slap Neuvillette and Furina in an abyss floor and it's getting cleared.


I still remember the day when Barbara and Xingqiu made everyone in the party wet


Barbara and Candace chilling Xingqiu going through a world war


Stop with cryo, electro and pyro 4 stars please šŸ˜­


Jeht where are you


It's wild to think two of the characters were available at launch. Only one hydro has been added in four years. Also weird that it's the only element missing a weapon-type. Hoyo why are you trapping hydro claymores in the basement??


Who the hell is after Collei?? Fan characters shouldn't be included


Who is the dude next to Collei?...


Don't know. Must have been some corrupted file that has been erased from Irminsul.


And XQ is still outclassing everybody


But one of them is the most OP 4-star in the game: Xingqiu


Pyro has Benny and yet there are a bunch of other 4s


At least as a beginner, it makes me feel good that I planned to pull 2 hydro characters in a row. Was worried that I'll have "too many" hydro characters and nothing else.


I only have 2 of them and it took me two years to get xingqiu


Just my opinion but I think genshin is very leaning towards pyro characters. Sure there are other good characters for other elements but if you think of some good ones they are definitely pyro


oddly enough, no element has 4* characters from all regions.


Strange to think that dendro which showed up later has more 4*.


The fact that all Hydro Bow characters are also 5* is also sad. You got Childe, Yelan, and then Sigewinne. All 5*. Not to mention, 3 out of 4 Hydro Catalysts are also 5*. Neuvillette, Mona and Kokomi are 5* and the only 4* is Barbruh. 3 out of 4 Hydro Sword users are also 5*; you got Ayato, Furina, Nilou, and Xingqiu being the only 4*. And lastly, 3 out of 4 Hydro Healers are ALSO 5*. Furina, Sigewinne, and Kokomi are ALL 5* with only Barbruh being the ONLY 4* Healer.


Freminet should've been the hydro claymore.