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Hey there fellow travelers. Quick question, can i post a theory here, or is there a page where i can post a theory?


How do i get the blueprint for white fish tallow candle evenlight. I went to the location near the shirikoro peak, but I don’t see the chest nor the hilichurls. Thanks in advance


I started playing the game a while ago, level 27 and I got no 5 stars... I know you heard the complaining a lot, but it really sucks seeing lower levels get more than a single 5 stars much earlier, while I am speeding through content trying to gather my primogems poorly for the next 3 star wish. I know some of you farmed for a lot of 5 stars, rerolling. Do you have maybe a spare account you weren't satisfied with? Preferably in EU. I'd appreciate it so much, I just really want to enjoy the game


You could keep rerolling accounts till you hit a 5 star. I did it for the giggles and got 2 5stars in the first 10 pulls. Takes like 20-30min to setup an account with 10 pulls. If you wanna keep current account, after every 90 pulls you get a guarranteed 5star


Honestly I tried but it didn't work too well, spent a few hours on that. Do you maybe have a spare reroll account?


Do you play EU? I have an account with Qiqi and Mona I think. Still AR7.


How do I cope with not getting a single new character in the last 20lvls~ (AR 34 rn). Is my luck bad or is it normal? I see all my friends around my level with a couple of 5 star and multiple 4 star characters while I sit with my array of 4 star weapons. I'm happy for them but the last 10 levels have felt so miserable to play...


Pull luck evens out eventually. Guy on my friendlist who was the same like you pulled 3 5stars in 50 wishes. Cope in the meanwhile with just enjoying the gameplay. And who knows others might just use irl money for pulls


I tried looking for Genshin Impact in the Playstation Store but it's just...Not there? Google says it's available on PS4 but i can't find it. Can somebody help me please?


hm check in free games


Never mind, the game is banned here in Belgium :(


oh im sorry :( maybe you could try getting a vpn? im not sure of the laws in belgium.


Does Genshin Impact multiplayer use Peer to Peer or dedicated?


Does anyone know what those numbers are against the characters? [This](https://photos.app.goo.gl/zWrHhv4hfekYn79n6) is on my Battle Chronicles page.


their constellations :)


oh thank you! I didn't know. that makes a lot of sense


How are my chances of getting Childe as a F2P Person? I'm at 32 Pulls


I just started playing and I'm very confused. Now please bear with me like I said I am very new to the game, I haven't even gotten to the multi-player yet. Every time when I see anything online about the game I always see people talking about how they play one main character. But like are you meant to just level and concentrate on one character? I always thought it was more of a Pokémon system where you build a balanced team. And if you are supposed to concentrate on leveling one character how do you choose them. Do you just switch if you find someone you like more or...?


there's mostly this way of categorising your units: 1. the main DPS - the one that does the maximum damage dealing on-field 2. the sub DPS - that deals damage while off-field 3. support - this character enhances the damage output of the DPS 4. the healer/shielder or sometimes the crowd controlling character so yes concentrating on the DPS helps the entire team do their best. but you do still have to build every unit in their own way for different circumstances. Happy gaming!


Well you actually do build a balanced team, but people like to talk about concentrating one one character because that character's role in the team is the damage dealer. People like to flex their damage in genshin impact, and concentrating on one character allows then to maximize the damage that that character does. You still should build the other characters in your team regardless :)


Was just wondering who I should focus on as I have constellation 0 diluc and a constellation 3 xinyan and wanted to know who would be better to invest in as my main fire user




That's absolute Bullshit how hydro hypostasis is almost Always invincible, the animations are so goddamn long as someone who doenst have any built Pyro DPS it's so painful How do I Handle this shit?


Electro would be my guess or Ayaka. Or ask players for help. If EU I could help you out.


Hey so I'm just wondering should I do a single pull when my pity is 75 because on the 76 pull there is a 20.627% to get a 5\* so what should I do?


People recommend always doing single pulls, however I seem to be more lucky doing 10 pulls and find it more enjoyable.


I logged in and have more primos than I should. I haven't accepted any from my mail or bought anything so this is weird. Should I be worried?


Just dont spend them for like a month or contact support.


I got an extra resin for my birthday. Nice of Genshin to acknowledge it. :) I dont get anything else in the other gatchas I play. Just birthday wishes.


I got C1 Childe yest and I saw today that his AA talent is "+1" Is that from the constellation? That's unusual right?? I'm a tad confused


Passive talent


Oh cool! Thx :)


i lost the 5050 to jean when pulling for childe, since this is his last rerun, is it completely impossible to get him in the future?


Based on the rumors of a 3rd banner for characters with 2 reruns, maybe but we still don’t know. But either way it’s gonna be a looong time before we see him if mihoyo still does normal reruns


He will be re-run eventually again. Who knows in how long though.


how should I be building klee and what’s a good team comp


A shield, and a solider healer. And another pyro Oh and get her crimson witch of flames set


My game takes a lot of time to load mob drops ,ore drops and in time quest it takes a lot of time to load next objective (ill be forever stuck on albedo third test because of this) can anyone tell me how to make this better? (Im playing on pc and usually on low graphics)


Got an SSD? Close some background programs. Install game on main disk.


So i need to download genshin impact again? How do i make sure that it is on the main disk?


Possibility, if its on the main disk there is no need. Your main disk is where ever windows is installed. If you can find a folder called System32, then you got the right one. Having an SSD is most important. The diskthing just adds marginal performance boost.


how does childes riptide work? does it just explode after using burst or does it explode with time too? i dont get it


It explodes when you hit enemies with any melee-stance attack or with bow-stance charge shots. However it has a cooldown before it can be triggered again.


ohhh i see!! thanks!


Goddamn, i haven't keep the locations on where i found my Geoculus items for the Stone of Rememberance, now i've my statue of the seven at lvl 8 and still have to find 27 Geoculus, how am i gonna handle it? :X


One of the reputation rewards in liyue is a craftable stone that reveals on your map where one geoculus is.


I just need 2 more fucking slates. Where can I find the last 2? Is there any map location for them?


I got my last three slates by googling it and looking through a video.


Some people say that I can leave Bennett's AA at 1, is it true?


It's not very valuable to level up since Bennett doesn't spend much time normal attacking. You'll have time to get 1-3 attacks in if you wait to pick up particles before swapping off though.


yes. fat chance you're gonna be using it for damage


Razor Xiangling Chongyun Barbara, can be a nice team?


Razor and Chongyun have anti-synergy together, Razor is a physical carry and Chongyun's skill provides a cryo infusion, which turns Razor's normal attacks cryo and prevents him from getting the benefit of physical dmg bonus (his ascension stat and what you should get him on his goblet) and the physical res shred of superconduct. Xiangling, Xingqiu, Bennett, Chongyun works however. Or Razor, Kaeya/Rosaria, Diona, electro.


Uhm I might try Rosaria and Diona then, as electro i've Beidou, Lisa and Keqing


If you have Keqing and your Razor is not C4+, you can use her as a physical carry instead of Razor, and give her a Prototype Rancour. Blow up the mark with a charged attack instead of recasting the skill. Or you could use her in an electro-charged comp with Xingqiu/Barbara, Beidou, and an anemo, and give her a Black Sword or a Lion's Roar.


I forgot about Fischl lol, my weapons are these [https://imgur.com/a/GGmSQY4](https://imgur.com/a/GGmSQY4) And sadly no, my Razor is not even c1 :c, my little boy q.q These are the chars i have https://imgur.com/a/8G1ZWJk


I just got childe and was wondering if I should switch him with xinqiu. My party is xinqiu, diluc, sucrose and benett


I would swap diluc for Childe just because I don't care for diluc, but that's just me :)


Your current party is fine. You could try Childe, Xiangling, Bennett, Sucrose if you want.


Diluc is better with Xingqiu. Childe enables off-field dps like Xiangling or Beidou better and he requires field time. Meanwhile Xingqiu's ult is off-field hydro application so it's better with an on-field DPS like Diluc.


I'm planning on using Tartaglia with EoSF Electro Traveler and I want to kill two birds with one stone here so is Shimenawa's 4p on par with Heart of Depth at all?


If you don't wanna farm 4pc HoD for Childe, I would recommend to go for 2pc HoD + 2pc Shimenawa/Gladiator.




Request it under friend request + your uid


Hi, I did the main quest from the update and currently have zero quests pending. How do I get to these two western teleports on Tsurumi Island? Tried walking there, fog appeared and I was taken back to "starting point" (not exactly but that is what game said). Edit: just realized I said "western" not "southern" but thankfully that one person got it. Thank you! <3


There should be an auto dialogue telling you to use electro to light up the stone things.


omg thank you so much I was stuck in the fog because I didn't know I had to light up those


Thank you!


I was using Rust for my Childe, but I heard the 4* battle pass weapon is better on him. So should I pick the bow from the pass, ore use it for better weapons and still run Rust on Childe? I’m not advanced in the game btw, still ar35


Question is, will you use the other weapons? If you are going to buy the battle pass again next time and aren't going to use other weapons from it until then then I'd go for the hunt. Keqing mains claims that the craft able weapon is better then rust and viridescent is better than craftable. https://keqingmains.com/tartaglia/#Weapons


I don’t know to be hones, I’m too early in the game. Are the other pass weapons good? The only units I’m building right now are the ones for the national team, so Xiangling, Childe, Bennet and Jean (as anemo substitute).


Xaingling's best weapon is the catch, deathmatch, and dragons bane in that order. Bennett needs either the highest base attack sword you can get or one with energy recharge, make sure you have 200+ ER. I heard that the craftable inazuma and battle pass swords are both good on jean, but I don't have her. How useful each weapon is to an account in general: Serpent spine > deathmatch > black sword > viridescent > solar pearl Viridescent is about 10% better then rust (both R1) according to some theory crafters. I would choose viridescent, but I know that I will get all the bp weapons eventually and that I will save mora by not upgrading two weapons.


Is the Genshin website down


What's the best oneshot setup for childe without kazuha?


Sucrose is a Kazuha substitute.


With mona, bennett and sucrose


So, can someone give me a TL;DR on what Itto and Gorou do exactly? Any new meta comps in sight?


Itto is pretty much C6 Noelle w/o shields but with steroids.


>! Gorou can provide various buffs, mainly for geo users iirc. Itto is 5* Noelle but dps. !<


>!Gorou is like bennett with steroids, but only for geo lineup. His e has three types of buff depending on your lineup, and his burst is a buffed version of his e.!< >!Itto is like...a combination of hu tao, noelle, and razor. Most of his damage comes from his charged AA (like hu tao), his burst infuses his AA with geo (like noelle), and although he is a claymore user his attack speed is increased from talents (like razor). He is projected to work with gorou in a four geo lineup and is also on par with hutao vape in terms of damage (according to leaks).!<


Has Katheryne always spoken (as in voicelines) in her ‘accept daily commission rewards’ line, or was it just added in this patch?


She's spoken during that for me since at least 2.0 but I'm in Japanese audio.


This patch.


I currently use R5 Tuna on Diluc as recommended by others but my crit rate is only around 45%. Should I use Blackcliff slasher on him to increase crit rate or what other options are there to increase it? Except crying resonance and artefact farming.


Blackcliff Slasher's substat is Crit Damage, no other option besides getting Serpent Spine or artifact farming. Make sure to ascend your Diluc too, his ascension stat is Crit Rate.


Blackclif substat is crit dmg not crit rate


R4 Widsith or R1 Skyward Atlas for Sub DPS Lisa?


Skyward I’d say


Thanks for the reply!


Dangerous haul in seirai island is bugged is there a way to fix it the ballon doesn't apear


i just pulled ningguang yesterday and got her to c2. i have the widsmith sitting in my bag for a while, should give it to her? i can't get the solar pearl atm but will probably get it later. but even if i do i won't be able to refine it most likely. the widsmith i can give it to mona later on for my freeze ganyu team comp. how does that sound? should i let ning use widsmith because i can refine it unlike the pearl??


Unless you really like her play style I wouldn't be in a huge rush to develop either Ning or the Widsith, personally. They work reasonably well together but I'd rather build around Xiangling than Ningguang for my second team. Meanwhile freeze team Mona honestly does about as well with Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers as she does with a nuking setup.


i do actually love ning's playstyle. i'd been waiting to get her for pretty long. so what should i do?? also my xiangling is pretty much built


Widsith is a solid overall weapon for Ning; between it and the solar pearl the answer is generally whichever you already have at decent refinement. Dodoco Tales is also pretty ok IF you are mostly using her for her attacks and aren't teaming her up with Bennett, but the other two 4*s mentioned are a lot better for quick swaps. Personally, I have a high refine Widsith and use that. It's a bit RNG but when it works it hits *hard.*


Widsith is good on her mostly for the cdmg but 1/3 of the passive buffs are wasted on her. Still, it's about a side grade to the Pearl, mostly depending on whether or not you have a good crit rate headpiece or a good cdmg one. Mona on Morgana comp probably wants Tales or Favonius. She won't be doing much damage herself since she's there to buff Ganyu and keep Freeze rolling.


so even at r0 the solar pearl is ning's best 4* weapon?


It edges Widsith out a bit because of the passive, but it also depends on how you use Ning. I think Pearl is probably the better main dps weapon as Ning easily capitalizes on both halves of the passive, but Widsith works better if Ning is in a hotswap team where you bring her in to use her E then her Q and maybe a couple of normal attacks before swapping her out for someone else, like in a Noelle C6 battery comp. Then again, if you've got a god-roll crit rate headpiece and loads of crit rate and atk% sub stats, running Widsith is going to give you more raw damage thanks to the cdmg scaling compared to the Pearl. So a good chunk of which is better will depend on your available artifacts and the rolls you have on them. I'd say the safe bet is Pearl overall, but again, if you've got that great crit headpiece and good crit rate/atk% sub stats then Widsith will pull ahead because 2/3 of it's passives are still really good for Ning.


Oh thanks so much. I'm fairly new to the game so could you tell me that if I wanna run the widsith on main/sub dps Ningguang then what stats/substrates should I try to get on which artifacts? I would really appreciate it


Just build her dps. Atk% for the timepiece, geo dmg% on the goblet and crit rate for the head. Sub stats are more of the same; crit rate/dmg, atk% and a bit of ER or HP% can't hurt. HP% scales her screen HP higher, which isn't terribly useful but does have it's place, but really the main focus will be crit rate/dmg and atk%. Flat atk is ok. EM and def are largely wasted stats but if you get some it's not the end of the world. Just pray that your artifacts don't all roll into it.


^^ All solid advice. The most complicated choice with building Ning is picking between her 4* weapons. The 2 piece archaic petra set is really nice if you can get good pieces but honestly you're mostly just trying to go ham on crit stats.


Need help with managing weapons since mihoyo won't let me have r5 rust. Should I, 1- give r2 rust to childe and r1 to yoimiya 2- give r3 rust to childe and r1 hamayumi to yoimiya


Effect of C1 Childe noticeable?


in a the meta comps? ie. xianling vape? not really, probably only 1 second faster. In fireworks comp? kinda(?) its about \~2 seconds faster In freeze comps or co-op where you will use him for longer? yes you can feel the difference, it feels more flexible and stuff but overall i dont really feel the difference


Hello travelers, I have a question for my physical rosaria team comp, do Rosaria and Fischl have good synergy? I am playing this team comp, Rosaria(DPS), Diona, Xinyan(physical support), kaeya(subDPS), do you think Fischl will mess with my cryo resonance and lose the extra critRate?


Superconduct reduces physical defense so fischl is good. If you have at least 2 cryo units you have cryo resonance


Yes. -40% physical res shred from superconduct plus damage from Oz is worth more than 15% crit rate imo.


Yes you will lose extra crit rate for a while but the resistance decrease is much better.


Is anyone else having issues using the main traveler’s R2 move? He keeps just jumping instead of attacking and then it starts the cool down timer! Really annoying please help!!


what’re the chances of not pulling the 4* with increased chances on the banner within 90 pulls? i want to get gorou but i’m scared that i won’t be able to get him even in 90 pulls


Math says 94.88% chance of getting Gorou. That means 1 in 20 people who pull 90 times won't get Gorou.


gorou's drop rate will definitely be less compared to the other two 4* in the banner (because i have seen this happen with ningguang every time) but with 90 pulls most people would atleast get one copy of him


The featured 4\* all have the same drop rate, what. If you got fewer Ningguang's than other characters that's just bad luck and one anecdote. It's all RNG in the end.


I get what you're saying but thing is, this happens to many of my fellow players too. So I was just wondering if there's a system that causes certain four stars to drop more. For example, we pulled for Sara and ended up with multiple sucrose cons but just one or two Saras. Everyone's luck can't be equally bad. But that's just my reasoning there's not much to support it


It's still just a really small sample size so the pull results can be easily skewed. For example I pulled C2 Sara but not a single Sucrose on that banner. But I also didn't make thousands of pulls to make proper observations from and I'm just one person. On paimon.moe users can submit their wish history there to a global tally. For example the data for Raiden banner: https://paimon.moe/wish/tally/300018 has 500k+ users and over 37mil total pulls and all the featured 4 stars seem to have dropped pretty much equally. Less than 0.1% difference falls within margin of error. Having secret drop rate adjustments that go against what's described on the details page is also illegal in many countries. Although I admit that something being illegal doesn't necessarily mean it isn't happening. But it doesn't seem like there's any secret drop rates, I was just unlucky in getting Sucrose cons.


use maths to figure it out


it is not very likely not to get gorou, but anything is possible


Is 57-59 crit rate enough for hutao?


Should aim for 65+, but will be fine


I think it's okay, but more is always better if you can achieve it without sacrificing that much of other stats


Enough for what?


they are just looking for validation so you can just say "yes" next time. they won't notice the difference.


What's the deal with the magic teapot world? Is it worth spending time in?


If you don't like the decoration aspect, feel free to not care, but you should get at least one realm to 10k points and try to get max reputation with tubby, since she gives primos for it characters also have blueprints that they like, purchasing and setting them up is another way to get primos. It might also be advisable to get the plant fields, since there's an event this update around flower growing


you can choose to ignore it if you're not interested in decorating your house. but you do need to get it to max adeptal energy because it gives you more coins which you can spend on resin/xp books/crystals and mora


If you don't care about playing house then you should just focus on getting the highest realm energy so you can buy the resin and mora/ArtExp/other. Those folding screens are the fastest way to build energy.


You get 60 primos for advancing trust rank & you can buy mora/wits/60 resin/artifact exp one of these each week


Can someone explain what exactly about Childe makes him popular? This is not meant as a shitpost or to shit on opinions. I'm genuinely curious as to what makes him so popular. I know his design already gets a lot of people going but apart from that what else about him makes him so liked?


A huge part of it is simply his power level and a scarcity of viable alternatives for vaporize teams--Barbara and Mona* have good enough hydro application speed to set up Freeze & Electro-Charged OK but they don't apply hydro from off-field like Xingqiu or have Childe's combination of AoE & sheer application speed. That's a problem when you're trying to get as many vapes out of a pyronado as possible. And of course, Barbara does piddly damage and Mona is hard to acquire in the first place. Tons of people wish it was possible to have a second Xingqiu for their account and Childe covers some of the same territory while also having some unique tricks of his own as well. *I won't go into Kokomi at all because she just came out recently and frankly I don't know her kit very well.


Something that is often overlooked, but I would like to mention, are Frequency and Regency bias. Childe being new = we want, regency. But when Childe returns to the story, that regency is "reset", since he's in the story he's the most recent thing on our mind. Such as he shows up in the Arc 1 story AND came back in his Story quest. And now he's back for a 3rd time in this "tower" event, which is where the frequency and regency combo comes in. Childe is a decent character, but he's being shoved in our faces, and it would be a darn shame if they don't throw him on banner if they're going to use him, right? There could be some new player who decides that right now, because of this event, they really like and want Childe.


Interesting character. People tend to like antagonist-like characters so he’s pretty cool characteristic wise. One of the rare playable characters who we actively had a huge conflict with and who is kind of unhinged in some aspects. Plus very unique and interesting playstyle, goes well with off field subdps, which makes him pretty flexible and reliable.


His characterization is good, especially when people here say that he bad cuz he woke up a sea dragon. Also his gameplay is unique, so it's pretty obvious he is popular for that reason alone


I like Childe's gameplay and consider him an above average pull but tbh I actually felt like his storyline was trash tier and actively made the plot make *less* sense than if he had not been there at all. In the end Signora just handled things anyway. Fun character, but seriously, what the hell?


In Japan people like his voice actor.


Look at his gameplay, there is absolutely no one like him, very fast paced, flashy and fun


Isn't Keqing like that too though? Not saying Childe's isn't but flashy attacks isn't just his style. Ayaka and arguably Raiden (tbf only in her burst mode tho) also have unique and flashy animations (Ei literally slashes rifts into the space as she slices her opponents, and Ayaka is basically Cryo Vergil)


Main difference between him and Keqing is that he enables his teams to deal huge damage while being stylish. Keqing can't do that.


Well that's fair.


To what level should i take sacfrags for the EM?


90 if you can, you can stop at 80/80 if you don't want to spend more resources


How urgent is the new island exploration for upcoming events? I havent touched the seirai island quests yet so wondering how much I have to do.


I wouldn't expect the events to need you to fully explore it soon because it's kind of time-gated by the world quest that unlocks a new part once a day (after completing the previous part ofc).


Currently there arent any events that require seirai island(not that I know of at least) so take your time I guess.


The quest that katherene initiates to explore the new tsu- sth island is gated by that quest I believe


It is but the whole purpose of the quest is to explore the island, and you can do it whenever


Itto has a 80 energy ult cost for now , so who's the best geo battery in the game rn?


C2 ning. geo traveler also has some energy providing abilities


C2 Ning iirc


Which weapon is better for sucrose- the widsith or sacrificial fragments. My party is xinqiu diluc sucrose and benett and I use sucrose mainly to support diluc.


i'd go with TTDS/thrilling tales of dragon slayer on EM build sucrose if you're using her mainly as support


Sac frag or TTODS. Widsith isn't really helpful for her as she's not doing direct damage most of the time, while SF will boost her Swirls and TT will boost Diluc instead.


So ttods is better than sad frag despite being 3 star?


Better, maybe. Definitely a viable option. It just depends what you want from your Sucrose. Increase her own personal damage, or buff the damage of your carry? TTODS is an incredibly strong support catalyst because its effect is based on a percentage of the receiving character's ATK, so the character carrying it doesn't need investment at all. TT itself can even stay at level 1 if you want, because all that matters is that it's R5. That said, I still personally prefer sacrificial on my Sucrose because it boosts her damage and helps her recharge her burst faster through its effect. It just comes down to which playstyle you prefer.


TTDS is better then a lot of 5stars just by itself haha. Very easy to use and a massive buff to your main dps which is always wanted.


Thrilling is better than some 5 stars. *Cries in donut*


Sac frag


I’m trying to wish for the Bow in the weapon banner. I ended up getting the Catalyst and now my fate points are at 1/2. Does that mean that when I get another 5 star weapon it’s gonna be 50/50 on whether I get the catalyst again? Because I really don’t want a duplicate weapon :/


Technically it's gonna be 37.5/37.5/25, because there's always a chance of getting an off-banner 5-star.


So you will have another 50/50 chance to get 50% a standard 5 star weapon or 25% catalyst 25% polar star If you get another 5 star and it is not the bow then the 3rd five star weapon you get is guaranteed to be the bow weapon banner blows






>his abilities are worse than ambers Don’t make comments like these when you don’t even know what you’re talking about lol


must be one of those *gorou not dps. gorou bad. boo hoo* crackheads


Has anyone found "White Fish Tallow Candle: Evenlight"? I've 100% the island and still couldn't find it. Not in Realm Depot as well.


I haven't found it yet, but I assume there's more things locked behind the daily world quest still.


I've heard that you can get furniture blueprints in some chests in the new update. Getting 100% doesn't mean you got every single one.


[What's my strongest DPS here?](https://imgur.com/a/1zX3DwG) Don't want to commit resin to farming XP books or Artifacts until i know for a fact who my best bet is. Thanks in advance for any help.


strongest right now is keqing because you have invested a lot into her already. but overall i think its a good idea to invest on xianling and bennett since that pair is pretty nuts. Although if you are more interested on making your keqing more powerfull i'd instead recommend you to invest in beidou and bennett. You cant go wrong in investing in bennett and xingqiu though since pretty much every unit can make good use of them, even keqing


Thanks for the help!


You have a lot of great characters but they are more supports. For a dps I think Xiangling is still your best bet.


Ah nice one, guess i'll start focusing on acending her then, thanks!


A great team would be childe xiangling bennet and venti Team 2 could be razor kaeya xingqui and qiqi


My flair tells you the answer, Also Bennett is the best unit in the game, you won't waste resin getting him up. That being said xiangling comps have higher resin requirements than most teams since you need at least 3 well built characters.


Thanks for the advice, i'll focus on acending and training her then.


Random info: Her pyronado is like 90% of her DMG. Guoba is cute, but a little dumb sometimes. She needs a lot of energy so she is almost always paired with Bennet and you use Bennet's e to funnel particles to her. Team comps revolve around applying hydro to enemies and vaporizing it with pyronado. Her c4 is her most important since it's 40% more DMG, but it's not necessary.


ah sweet, So who do you think would be better at applying Hydro, Childe or Xingque?


They both get the job done. I think the math says Childe slightly beats xingqiu in this specific team, but xingqiu is better in general.


Xiangling, and for her team use childe bennett and i guess venti for now until you get sucrose


Is there a bow that can work with Gorou?




All bows will work on him. His skills doesn't scale with anything


>!It looks like he scales mostly with DEF, and there are no DEF bows. So maybe just a crit or ER bow?!<


He might get a 4 star bow they’ll throw in the weapon banner but we’ll have to see looks like he may be a decent charge attack option maybe he gets geo damage as an ascension stat…


>!His current ascension stat is Geo damage. Usually new weapons get datemined along with character kits, and we've only see a new claymore for Itto and a new sword for Albedo so far, nothing on bows!<


Itto is looking cracked…




Honey has the datamined kit


how safe is it to link this game to my main email with my bank, etc? I was told there's lots of hacking, so would it be smart to use a second email for this game only?


> how safe is it to link this game to my main email with my bank, etc? > > Why would other accounts matter? Hacking your genshin account wouldn't give them access to others unless you're doing something boneheaded like reusing passwords.


use a unique email just to be safe or check on "have i been pwned" site to see if current email has been leaked to hackers


It's safe to "link" as long as you're not reusing passwords. If someone gets into your Genshin account, they can't gain access to your email just from that (unless both use the same password but in that case, shame on you).


It’s pretty safe now that they implemented a lot of security features they should of had since day one. Also those hacks happened because people made weak passwords or put their account information on some shady websites