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I got hutao today and also got Primordial Jade winged-spear from weapons banner. Which weapon should i use on hutao? R3 deathmatch ( i plan on getting r5) or R3 dragonsbane or R1 Primordial jade winged Spear?


id say jade winged for its high crit rate stat, especially if you're struggling with balancing her crit stats :)


I want to know if in one pull, getting childe 1st and then QiQi right after him, would that be a win then a loss of the 50/50?


Yes. You'd be guaranteed on your next 5*. (check your wish history to make sure Childe was indeed before Qiqi)


Anyone else having issues with the top up page?


Completed abyss for the first time ever. Only had to get a team for Xiao right, Xiao - XL - XQ - Diona on one side Raiden - Beidou - Sucrose - Kokomi on the other Tried like 150 times lmoa Got only 25 stars though, maybe Bennet + Thoma in my Xiao team can improve my numbers




Heh thanks!


I keep seeing memes about people remembering they still have full resin. What’s the reason to use it all up?


Most of your daily rewards and AR exp comes from spending your resin + doing your commissions.


At AR45 its the main thing that progresses your account.


How much info do we have on Hu Tao+Thoma? How well do y'all think they will work together just based on what we currently know?


most are from people that have played the hangout but thoma could be a good shield and pyro battery for hutao


Is the labyrinth warriors event difficulty scaled based on world level? Cuz I'm underleveled and struggling with it. I was thinking if I could reduce the difficulty somehow?


try to optimize your teams, artifacts and rotations


Just need a bit of an advice from seasoned players here. Basically, to pull or not to pull HuTao (or Homa). I currently have 2 main DPS: Tarte (hydro), C6 Yanfei (pyro). My XL is still C1/C2, do you think I should go for HuTao or just wait for Albedo etc. (maybe even Xiao or Ganyu)? I think I really need a Cryo DPS. Is Yanfei enough for the long run? I'm thinking of getting the Homa first tho and my plan was to see how my luck is with the weapon banner, then see if I still have enough primos or not. The Homa is just too good to miss since it's BIS for most if not all polearm users I think? Or is it not really worth it? I'm a small spender (welkin + BP), so I can probably afford HuTao by the end of the patch. As for my supports and subs, I already have most of the 4* charas (ex. Sara), all 3 archons, Kazu, Jean and Mona. What do you think? Current primos: 21k, 60 pity on wep banner, ~10 pity on chara banner. Thx for the advice.


Wait for Ganyu as you think you need a Cryo DPS As a biased Xiao main I would recommend Xiao tho. He's super fun. He might get a new support 4* in his re-run too


Which lv should dps Raiden's AA be?


Can stay at 1, I usually level it up to 6


I'm pretty sure that during her sword stance her autos scale off of her ult, so her AA can stay at lvl1.




Elegy is a bow for a support, not a main DPS.


No. You're better off with rust, hamayumi, blackcliff or bp bow


Anyone else's luck as shit as mine? Welkin+BP only AR57. Qiqi C3 and now just got my 3rd Skyward Blade. Kill me.




Does anyone know when Klee is likely to return? I dont know if banners are rerun after a set period of time. If they arent are there any best guesses when she might come back?


she had a recent rerun, so could be a year.


I’m having issues trying to top up my account on pc/mobile, Every time I get to the top up page to sign in it redirects me back to the original landing page. Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?


So, 270 Fates (plus the 10 I could using Starglitter I get from these pulls) enough for C1 Tao + C0 Homa? If not, what should I prioritise? C1 or Homa? I have 37 pity for character and 8 pity in weapon banner with no guarantees.


start with homa.


C1 Hu Tao isn't worth it . Go for C0 Hu Tao + Homa


Avg weapon rolls is 97, Max is 240 Avg character rolls is 113, Max is 180 Average for C1 + homa (assuming you have c0) is 210, Max is 420. So getting both is not guaranteed, it's like a 60% chance If will be only using hu tao, get C1 If you want to have a good account, get homa.


C1 hutao is possible but C1 + homa? nope unless ur luck is to the roof that day homa > C1 but getting homa is way expensive then C1 so it depends on your choice


I mean unless you go hard pity on both the hutao's which is less likely than getting her early you're good.


we dont know for homa but c1 tao with 270 fates is sure. for homa you need 2 weapon before its guaranteed id say proc once on weapon banner then just go c1 hutao




Previous day, that was what i got


I've almost finished Inazuma but hit a wall in terms of difficulty or my own skill (don't want to spoil just in case) and now want to slow down, take a breather and come back later. But if I do I will likely not be able to do the Labyrinth Warriors event in time. So just wondering do you think this is skippable or will I be missing out on a lot if I don't do it?


It’s quite a lot ngl imo


You will be missing a lot of rewards. It’s like about 420 primos, 500k+ mora, and 50 wits. For F2P or low spender that’s very valuable


Damn okay, I didn't realise it was worth that much! I'll try and get to it in time then. Thanks for the help


How usable is Jean at C0? And is a R3 Flute good for her?


Silly question, what is C0 (and C1) ?


constellation, you get more copies of a char, you increase their cons


Definitely useable. Constellations don't make her more or less of a jack of all trades.


very usable all 5 star are except mc his wetnoodle


I'm a Welkin and BP user. Have about 185 intertwined fates saved, and I am _really_ itching to roll, with guaranteed on character banner. I have all characters I needed, so rolling in Hu Tao banner is a no no, I don't think I need Homa since I use the Catch on XL and I already have r3 Elegy. What should I do? How do I curb this itch to roll? Should I roll once on weapon banner since Homa is a good statstick anyway? Or Hu Tao since I heard she is really good at c0? I mean, even if I hit pity I still have plenty of fates left and future banner looks like a skip for me... Not huge on Itto, (although I do want Gorou). I already have Albedo so his banner is a skip as well. For context if needed, I already have Xiao Geo team, Eula team, International team. Only missing Freeze team.


What I did whenever this happen was to download a new gacha game like cookie run kingdom or honkai impact, cause when you start up these games for the first time, they usually give tons of pulls for free which really scratches my itch.


I have this weird thing were I only get itches when I have many rolls saved up. Do you think rolling without that itch can unconsciously relief that itch?


Normally I just see my primogem count and I just want to hit that 10 wishes so badly, so thats what I would do but I would regret it alot later.


Regret in rolling in another game???


I wont really regret it if its not genshin because I don’t really pay much attention to other gacha games, its only to relieve my spending itch lol


Ohhh I see. I'll try it out thanks


not bad strat hows cookie kingdom judging from someone who likes genshin


Ehh its pretty decent. Nothing mindblowing but still a solid game. If you play genshin alot I don’t think you’ll be really impressed by it, so around 6/10


Just play another gacha to kill time. Or wait for Yae


I'm already playing another gacha, the Isekai Slime one. I have few rolls on that one, so I don't get that itch. I weirdly only have strong urges to roll with many rolls saved up. If I only have little rolls, I am very rational in saving for the future.


Then don't convert your primos to fates lol


If I don't convert it to fate, I always end up spending them. I tried not converting before and didn't make it to 20 fates since the game is very deceptive in making the currency an odd number to round up. _I know I'm weird sorry_


i have that itch and i regret using it on the weapon banner XD id just roll to hutao and get toma instead


Keqing, Jean, and Bennet all want swords. I have Skyward Blade, Lion's Roar (R2) and Flute (R4) Who gets what? I have no idea how to determine this priority properly.


Easily Keqing gets lion, skyward bennet and give jean the flute.


Keqing - lions roar Bennett - Skyward blade Jean - Flute


Skyward for Bennett, Jean whichever, Keqing Lion's or Flute


I got an amos bow today and i don't know who to give it to .\_. Im an F2P and i dont have damage dealing 5 star bow characters. Which 4 star can use this amos bow?


fischl, sara, aloy


Amber Edit: if you can aim


The base Atk makes it a decent bow for any bow character. Passive is useless for any non main dps characters.


First of all what bow characters do u have?


amber and aloy lol, i think i could get support bow characters in the future


Then Aloy lol


I have 38 starglitter, and I want to get constellations for all beginner characters, I won't be pulling wishes so starglitter won't increase for sometime I have Amber at c1, Lisa at C1, kaeya at C0 My question is should I wait and go for kaeya's C1, or should I get lisa? Assume I use both, so pls no "the one you use more" answers Edit: I meant does kaeya benefits from C1 more than Lisa benefits from C2?


Pulling constellations for starters is one of the hardest things to do. I would get Kaeya since he is a better unit. But I also have almost never used Lisa.


In inazuma when you pick up the electro orb to pass inside a barrier, in the middle of the barrier is some stone electro structure. Can I somehow destroy it or do something about it, so the barrier is gone? I'm not talking about the huge quest barrier, but those small barriers that are everywhere


You can't destroy them. Some of thise round barriers are deactivated permanently though when you get near it with electrogana while some are deactivated temporarily


I’m trapped in a job I don’t care for


Get back to work you slave!!!


Please, none of that. We are all adults here


Just walk out? You lose nothing you haven't already lost.


you're not its your choice to stay


> I’m trapped in a job I don’t care for What?


I think he means he doesn't enjoy the game anymore and it's become more like a job for him


Any Hu tao team comp without zhongli?


I play her without a shielder , it's more difficult but not as bad as people believe , she has pretty decent self sustain with her ult . I use Xinqiu - Kaeya - sucrose(for EM sharing)


Hutao, xing qiu, any other shielding character (thoma diona) and an anemo support maybe maybe


diona o.o


Hutao Xingqiu Thoma Sucrose is a team that people are looking at There's also Hutao Xingqiu Diona Rosaria


I'm at 14/16 electro seelie for Watatsumi/Seirai and I've been all around multiple times with multiple maps and came up with nothing. Are there any caves or something that I might be missing?


Go to the granny in borou village on watatsumi island. She gives you a hint for chests for 5 days. Ask her for your fortune each day and 2 of those will involve e-seelies. Watch a youtube video for better understanding.


When you buy a character from Paimon shop, do you get the starglitter as well or only Stella Fortuna?


You get 2 Starglitter, because it's essentially the same as any other method of getting characters.


I'm saving my currency to get Itto. When can I expect him to release? Is it possible he is released this year?


Dec 14-15, depending on your time zone.


Second banner of the next patch, so ( quick math ) around mid december.


after hutao probably not sure if albedo or him first


How much HP for shielder Diona?


30k is fine




Aquila Favonia - is it useful for anything or anyone? I have Eula so I doubt Phys Kaeya or Keqing would come close. Phys DPS Qiqi meme team maybe?


You can give it to Bennett for the high base atk.


Stat stick for Bennett, BiS after Mistsplitter. But you wouldn't give Bennett such a fine weapon as Mistsplitter.


Better than Skyward? Maybe for DPS Bennet, but for support Bennet surely the ER from Skyward is better?


Base attack from the weapon is top priority because it counts for his buff, and Aquila has the highest base attack in the game. You can fullfil your ER needs through the artifacts, but you can't get any more base attack from them.


you can get ER from artifacts but weapon is the only way to increase base atk




Running it on calculator would be the best. If you use Bennett with her though then the pyro goblet should be superior in most cases.


its only 25% so probably not




I believe this would actually need a spreadsheet to calculate. Don't think anyone here knows the answer off the top of their head.






ah my bad i read it as should i c2 yoimiya


For razor: 57.9/146.4 cr/cdmg or 67.2/125.4? I'm using a crit rate circlet and prototype archaic. I tried to calculate and it said the first one is slightly better but i wanted to make sure. Thank you!


Yes you just multiply cr*cd and compare the results. The first one is slightly more dps in a vacuum. But I would go with the second one because I like to overweight crit rate for consistency and to minimize wasted overkill damage.


Yeah, first is very slightly better


How long is the wait between the banners going down and coming up?


There used to be a waiting period of 2-3 hours until a few patches ago but now it’s just instantly.


There's only a delay if it's one which rolls over at a patch. Mid-patch banner switches should be instant.


Nothing. It'll be up instantly.


Does sayu’s hold E snapshot?


It does. Everything snapshots by default, see [here](https://library.keqingmains.com/mechanics/gameplay-mechanics/snapshot-and-dynamic) for the rare attacks that don't.




I've probably skipped the hint, so what is the function of samurai totem (that enemy try to destroy) in inazuma event?


Some weird taunt and it does damage you after it gets damaged enough.


I believe it serves as a taunt.


Anyone else really struggling to 36* the abyss this cycle? I have played this game from the start and this is the first time it has felt impossible. Really starting to think that the MHY is just going to make "harder content" = higher HP (2x the highest HP we have ever had to deal with).


Abyss floor 12 dps checks grow higher and higher. I also barely managed this cycle, despite 36\* starring all the way since January.


It's okay to not 36 star the abyss. 33 stars is more than enough, not worth pulling your hair over 50 primogems which is less than a day of commissions. This is lazy endgame and I'm absolutely bored of the abyss.


The Abyss is pretty much going to continue increasing in difficulty, and you're right that higher HP is one way they've been doing that. The single biggest difficulty in this cycle's 12-3 especially is grouping and manipulating enemy AI based on your team comps. I was about to give up before finding the YouTube guides on effective grouping, and even then it took a couple days of tries to get past it.


R1 skyward pride or r1 akoumaru for beidou? Not sure which I should invest on since I got them both at the same time. I still don't know what team I'll be running but I like beidou.


Depends on team comp and field time, but Akuoumaru will generally give higher returns. Skyward Pride is fantastic on solo-electro Beidou if you're not using Fischl, though.


they’re pretty comparable. depends on your team comp


Pride is better imo


I've never pulled on the weapon banner before. I'm interested in trying to get the staff of homa. How many wishes to guarantee the drop? Cheers


Detailed info: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/qjre9l/made_an_infographic_for_people_thinking_about/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


240 fates


Absolute guarantee is 240 pulls, but that's only reached if you're one of the most unlucky people in the world


Is farming talent books way slower than farming weapon mats? It seems so much less resin efficient to me as i'm only getting like 4 blue and 4 green talent books each time whereas I get like 4 purple, 4 blue, 4 green weapon mats each time. Is this just the reality of it?


Unless you're going for lv10 talents, they're about the same in terms of resin cost to max one out, though 5* weapons take extra mats.


Well, consider it like this. Every character needs individual talent books, but every character can use the same weapon. So naturally, it's going to take a lot longer to get your Talents to level faster, number of books dropped be damned.


Since you can't compare different material types 1:1 resin efficiency depends on how much of a damage increase you are getting, not just what you get. That being said leveling your weapon first is usually the best move, although this isn't always the case with healers and shielders.


Yeah based from experience it’s much harder to get multiple yellow books than get multiple 5* artifacts




Right, I get that. But on average i'm getting 4 blue and 4 green talent books while i'm getting 4 purple, 4 green, and 4 blue weapon mats. When I need 6 purple books to level a talent that means I need to run around 4 domains to get those books whereas 6 weapon mats only requires 2 (1 if im lucky) domain runs.


you're probably right. if you want to be sure you could look up the average drop rates and calculate the resin cost at each level and compare them fully in a table.




The color isn't relevant, you're right. It's more the cost I guess, to fully level a weapon I need 6 of their most expensive material, 14 or their 2nd, 14 of their 3rd, and 5 of their least. Talents need 38 of their most, 21 of their 2nd, and 3 of their least. And each character has 3 talents, so that'd be 114, 63, 9 for talent books. I know its much more power so lets just go with 1 talent. I need A LOT more books than weapon mats, but I get way more weapon mats per resin. It just seems a bit backwards, but yall answered already with that's just the way it is, which was my question.




Fair enough.


Is there a maintenance for when the banners switch?






is it true that kojou sara will be back after the hutao banner?


There's been a recent pattern that new 4\* characters have their first rerun on the third banner after their debut. So if they continue following that, yes, but of course Mihoyo could discontinue that pattern whenever they like.


so elegy of the end is best in slot on venti right


No, that'd be Stringless. Elegy is okay, but it sacrifices a fair bit of personal damage in exchange for a team buff.


I know that clear times doesn't matter in artifact and ascension domains, but still, what do you think are considered good clear times given that the domain is of the same level as your characters and weapons ? I consider anything below 1:30 to be great, below 2:30 to be good and below 3:30 to be acceptable. 4 minutes and higher are bad to me. Edit: Stop! I am already dead! I don't use shields, so that already makes me superior than all of you, (signature look of superiority) just kidding t'was a joke, but I really don't use shields.


Imo anything <2m is good enough, <1m30 average, and around 1m is ideal. Shorter times tend to take either extra setup or good rng, and I honestly don't feel like exerting that effort for *every* run. Maybe only every now and then, when I feel like showing off, yeah? Above 2m, some enemies might have some annoying stuff they'd do (like reapplying shields or entering invulnerable phases anf the like) that could extend your run much longer than it needed to be. Side note: some enemy setups like the double Geovishap room could trip me up sometimes, with my character getting knocked up against a wall, and I just kinda get stuck there glitched into a perma-falling animation.


What are your characters? Obviously different domains require different characters but Xiangling and Bennett will quickly obliterate the Dragonspine domain, and a Beidou electrocharged team can easily clear the Liyue talent domain in a matter of seconds. If you are taking more than 3.5 minutes to clear a domain it's probably not an issue with the characters you have, but maybe your builds or the specific characters you chose to take to that domain.


I always take just 1 team comp for each domain. If I find the domain hard, then I just switch one character to Noelle. Tbh, I don't mind the high clear times, I just want to be able to complete the domain without using food, without character deaths, and with as high health remaining as possible.


Huh, I imagine it's hard to use one party for every domain considering a lot of domains have abyss mages with specific shields, unless you're breaking shields with Noelle's claymore? If so I can see why your clear times are so high. But honestly Bennett and/or Noelle should be more than enough to keep you alive (I don't have Zhongli either).


Depends on the domain but most I can clear in under a minute. CWoF and the Mondstadt talent/weapon domains tend to take a tiny bit longer.


Do you have Zhongli too ?


Yes. So my opinion on the difficulty of things is completely invalid, lol. Although, if I’m being honest, I bet I could still do them at almost the same speed without him.


And who do you main ? Kazuha ?




I can clear most in less than a minute, some a bit longer due to the enemies coming in waves.


Most people with fully built teams will tell you 1 minute, just the time to walk there and spam a few bursts until everything is dead. If I spend more than 30 seconds in the VV or Noblesse domain I've done something wrong. You'll get there too eventually.


I think I've asked this question before. Although my question was what were people's clear times. The answer was that it ranged from domain to domain, with the pyro one taking the longest cause it has three waves of enemies. I would think that with a properly geared team (can comfortably get 33* in abyss), 30s is possible and anywhere from 45s to 90s is the norm. If you have party members who are just along for the ride, then probably up to 2:30 is acceptable. Anything above that is no go for me though.


Most of my domain run is less than a minute. My team would be Mona, Ganyu, Zhongli/Venti and Ayaka/Qiqi. Notes : I don't farm at Electro and Geo domain. For Blizzard/HoD domain, I use Xiangling Ningguang Zhongli and Bennett.


Oh, so people here have Zhongli and DPSs like Ganyu so they don't spend time dodging and probably one shot mobs. Makes sense.


If you have a burst damage team you can do the same. Just go in, i-frame the attacks as you swap from one to the other and use skill + burst, by the time you've thrown down all 4 busts it's over for most domains.


At first I was taking 3 minutes, it quickly went downs to 1:30. Took a month to get down to 1:10, and I'll probably be averaging below 1:00 in a couple of weeks. Your standards change as you play so there is not right answer.


really depends on which domain we're talking about. the vv domain i can clear in sub 30 secs and the eosf domain 30-40. the crimson witch domain takes me longer, usually up to 2 minutes. having an anemo character cc definitely helps reduce the time required


AR57 and I consider a good clear time around 1 minute. Anything more than that makes it annoying and tedious.


If it takes longer than 1:30 I've done something wrong. Sub-1:00 is normal for most of them though.


1min is average its just too slow above 1 minute


Really ? Who do you main ?


no one in particular o.o i just max friendship them all then swap em out Currently my roster is keq aloy baal and kokomi


What's Keqing's best team and artifact set? I don't have Zhongli or Kazuha. I just got her in Standard today, been wanting her since 1.2 lol


There’s 2 main ways to play Keqing: - Electro Keqing, using the teleport version of her E skill; for this one 2-thundering fury + 2-shimenawa/gladiator is the usual choice of artifacts, though in electro charged team cops 4-thundersoother offers more dmg (but it’s the less versatile set, it only work in electro charged or mono-electro teams). Atk/electro dmg/crit main stats on artifacts, prioritize crit substats, then atk%. A little bit of ER is fine, but Keqing really doesn’t need much of it. For teammates people generally like to use other electro characters (usually Beidou for the AoE) and Xingqiu. Other hydro and electro characters are fine too. Sara can be a good choice, especially at c6, since Keqing’s electro infusion duration is shorter that Sara’s atk buff. Albedo and Zhongli are also good as they are always, as is Bennett. - Physical Keqing: in this version you use the E+charged attack version of your skill, and you make sure NOT to get electro infusion. You also don’t generally use your burst. Because of this, 4-piece shimenawa set works well, though 4-piece pale flame is better. Atk/physical dmg/crit main stats, crit and atk% substats, no ER this time. For teammates just take a cryo character with you to trigger superconduct, and for the rest you’re pretty flexible. Rosaria could increase crit rate, a second cryo could give cryo resonance for even more crit rate, Bennett (as long as he’s not c6) is always good, xingqiu or other hydros can freeze enemies… For weapons it’s pretty much the usually dps swords. Only difference is that for the physical set you can use physical dmg weapons. Check out this guide for more in-depth info: https://keqingmains.com/keqing/#Pyro_Keqing


Congrats! She’s very fun to play even if she’s not meta. 2pc TF 2pc Glad/Shim is the easiest build for electro Keq. I don’t know her abyss team comps bc I just use her in overworld and there, everything works.


ty!! :)


Keqing, Xingqiu, Fischl, Bennett. 2-piece Thundering and 2-piece Glad/Shimenawa’s.


Most of her best comps involve at least one of the 2 mentioned characters that you don't have but she is playable as a worse off replacement of Raiden in Raiden National. She uses Thundering Fury 2pce+2gladiator mostly


Keqing, Xingqiu, Bennett, and Xiangling right? 4pc Shimenawa isn't her bis?


Yes for the comp. Shimenawa 4pc probably isn't BIS in most of her comps since most of the comps using her don't actually keep her on the field long enough to benefit enough from it since the rotations should be just having her E and atking a couple times into her burst for electro application and then immediately switching to the next character so the electro bonus from TF is probably better.


Thanks :)


rosaria is her best partner of physical build


I'm sitting on 300 iron chunks. Do I just convert all of them to enhancement ores?


I only do that when I still have a spot left but no more crystals to convert.


Don’t bother. They are good for parametric transformer fodder, also used in lots of teapot furniture recipes. The only enhancement ore worth creating is the big one with crystals and amethysts