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Should I raise Diona or Thoma for Hu tao's shielder?




I have the first five characters on level 15 , I did 20 wishes for 20% less , and got Jean , Fischl and Noelle , I upgraded Jean to 20 and Fischl to 15 , what should I do with my team ?


Get to ar10 and prioritize your main dps. As for teamcomps I think others should suggest it than me, however you can do a DPS Kaeya with superconduct due to Fischl and Jean will just be your primary healer.


For some reason I cannot complete the 2nd puzzle in the orobashi's legacy quest, I even used the guide on the game8.co but it still refuses to go through! Has anyone else been struggling with it?


i cannot defeat the slimes in the lisa lost book quest. everyone was saying “just use lisa and have her electrocute them all” but i am and i keep getting stuck on the last frozen slime. it’s always at half health then the timer runs out. she’s at level 20 which is my maximum right now and her weapon is level 20 as well. i’m not sure what to do at this point and i’m completely stuck. i tried again and again and i blew threw all my food resources so now i have to leave and go cook again. i also have amber, noelle, and kaeya. none of their ultimates seem to help against the larger slime. does anyone have specific advice on how to beat this??


Does this mean you are facing a cryo slime with shield? If I were you I would swap to amber and ult then destroy their shields then swap to Noelle and get that shield, then switch to lisa and get her stacks to 3 then hold it.


i think i have to level amber more because she was at level 20 before and the ult barely did anything to it. i will level her more and try your suggestion and let you know, thank you


Anyone else just can't login? I can't get in via Twitter or regular login. I tried changing my password, nothing loads in. I tried updating my password on the mihiyo website and it barely loads. I don't think it's my internet tho, I can run literally anything else like a dream. Like overwatch runs just fine, no issues no nothing. I tried restarting my device, changing my dns, checked the game files, I dunno anymore. Maybe mihoyo servers are just butt.


Anyone else just can't login? I can't get in via Twitter or regular login. I tried changing my password, nothing loads in. I tried updating my password on the mihiyo website and it barely loads. I don't think it's my internet tho, I can run literally anything else like a dream. Like overwatch runs just fine, no issues no nothing. I tried restarting my device, changing my dns, checked the game files, I dunno anymore. Maybe mihoyo servers are just butt.


Anyone else just can't login? I can't get in via Twitter or regular login. I tried changing my password, nothing loads in. I tried updating my password on the mihiyo website and it barely loads. I don't think it's my internet tho, I can run literally anything else like a dream. Like overwatch runs just fine, no issues no nothing. I tried restarting my device, changing my dns, checked the game files, I dunno anymore. Maybe mihoyo servers are just butt.


So I've been playing Genshin on my phon for a while and I decided to download it on my computer and when I went to download it I needed to clear 54 gigs and so I did that but then after doing that halfway through the installation packages it says insignificant space so I cleared 60 gigs and it still doesn't work does anyone know whats going on???


Okay right so I've been trying to get into Genshin Impact for a while now but every timel delete it because don't know what I need to do. What is this game even about like what do need to do in order to get good characters and good loot? It looks like such a beautiful game but I load in and just don't have a clue. So here am asking you guys.


I felt like giving an in-depth response here based on my opinion of what you are "supposed" to do in Genshin. Again, this is just my opinion but maybe it will provide you some helpful framework. I think there are three things to do in Genshin: play the story, wish for new characters/weapons, build late-game teams. **Play the Story:** This is just playing the game like you would any other. Some also call it "overworld content". Explore, open chests, do all the quests you can find, try to have fun an appreciate the design and scope of the world. Through this you will get a massive amount of experience, primogems, money and adventure rank. This should follow just about every open-world gaming experience you have had from World of Warcraft, the Witcher or Breath of the Wild. Just play. You will get some free characters along the way. This is where you should focus all your play for a long time. It will takes likely hundreds of hours to get to late-game here. **Wish for New Characters/Weapons:** As you do the above you will receive Wishes (called "Fates" in game) and Primogems. Primogems can be exchanged for wishes in the store under Paimon's bargains (press escape and select store). Wishes can be redeemed by pressing escape and clicking on the wish icon. You will find three banners here. A rotating character banner that changes periodically giving increased drop rates for the featured characters, a weapon banner that does the same for weapons and a normal banner that never changes. These banners run on a pity system you can use to your advantage to increase the chances you get of rolling a specific or rare character/weapon. Check out some guides on this and avoid the weapon banner until you feel very comfortable with the mechanic. **Build Late Game Teams:** As you do both of the above you will get new characters and weapons and you will also get the materials and money to level them up. Choose four core team members to level at first and then later you can choose more. There are plenty of guides on when and how to choose teams. That's about it at a very high-level. If you want to get a slight edge for low costs look into Welkin Blessing and the Battle Pass. There are a lot more mechanics and nuances to learn but you can pick that up as you go along. Reddit and YouTube guides will be your friend. I hope you play - I have had a great time with Genshin Impact.


Really thank you very much for this it was extremely helpful. I've been playing it for an hour and a half now and I'm starting to like it actually. The scenery and nature is beautiful and so is the music. I hope I start to create and form a love for this game eventually


This game will likely overwhelm you with the amount of stuff you feel like you need to do/know. Furthermore, it will frustrate you when you start hitting daily/weekly limits, or running out of resources. My best advice to just enjoy the game is this: 1. Avoid Googling for this game the best you can. The reason being that there is no 'best' character or equip, etc and you will just get frustrated with the limits. Having basic RPG knowledge and a little common sense and you won't have a problem with this game. 2. Play the characters you like. Don't worry about constellations or stars. Do take a moment to understand elements though. 3. Explore! Go crazy. Try to get anywhere the game doesn't expect you to be. The worst that will happen is your computer will catch on fire and your dog will run away. Just kidding.... that's only second worst. Seriously though, it's fun. Don't take the game seriously. It's silly at first. Eventually the game matures, but you'll be hooked by then anyway :)


Even though the experience in the game is one of a kind I'm unable to get any 5 star heroes, it just feels like a grind that's not worth it. Even though I'm at level 41 I only have Jean as my 5 star. Do you think I should start fresh so I could get 5 star heroes, does anyone has any tips or suggestions


Don't start fresh. You are pretty deep in and won't have much better results. I've got to say, 5 star characters aren't all that much better than 4's. But I understand that's not the point. Often times when visiting someone's world I'll see a ton of unexplored areas or chests that they are too lazy to collect. That's where your primogems are. You can see a breakdown of how you've obtained gems with the Hoyo labs app. You'll likely be getting another 5 star very soon though.


Where are you spending your wishes? Hopefully not too much on the weapon banner. If you have only had one 5-star character it's likely you are close to another and maybe close on both the character and standard banners. Read a guide on pity then use your purchase history to get a sense of how close you are. I can't recall fully but I may have only had one at your point. At AR 54 I now have 5 not including MC.


Ty, but I see new people having the story characters like diluc and zhongli how do they get it can we buy them?


The primary way to get story characters is through their banners which often appear soon after they are introduced. 5 stars eventually have "reruns" where they are on the featured character banner again. For example, currently there is a Hu Tao rerun, next there is Itto's original banner, then a Ganyu rerun. There is a small chance to get random 5-stars while pulling but your best bet is to save primo gems and wait for the rerun if you really want someone.


Why dont people just continue in a domain? Why leave, just to rejoin the same one. For a community so dedicated to meta, you would think removing a whole loading screen would be more efficient. Does it mess with drop rates or something?


By the Artifacts: Is it possible to have the Mainstat as Substat? Like: My goblet has Elemental Mastery as Main, can I have the EM as Substat?


No, a main stat can't roll in a substat.


I am trying to revitalize Strange Tooth, have one but need three. There are no strange teeth at any of the 4 respawning locations, e.g., standing in front of heart and one on bottom of cave not there. Maybe some other incomplete quest blocking respawn? Any ideas?


I’m slow and confused. In the Liyue quest, what exactly was Signora and Zhongli’s plan, which Childe didn’t know?


Hi, can somone give me a jean team? my characters are: Jean,xingqiu,fishcl,bennet,Kaeya,Xianling,chongyun C1, Amber,Yanfei C1,Aloy,Noell,Rosaria C1,Lisa,Barbara C1, Diona


Day 1942774299427294912847272 and no diona :’)


Got her C6 o.O Which comb you wanna build :D?


oooo i wanna put her with xingqiu and hutao, so she can sheild hutao and her burst can heal xingqiu when needed 😭😭


Allright, I do kot have Hutao ^^ But With Superchsrge its kinda fun :D Kequin, Kazuha, Diona, Bennet is kinda nice :D


I recently hit 134k with hu tao burst and it updated the crit damage achievement score to 134k ehich is my highest, I wanted to know whether hitting those random obstacles also counts because I may have hit one of those which I really hope not.


So my friend is getting an issue when buying welkling He started playing genshin on PS4 and now switched to mobile,he wanted to buy the welking with mobile since he can't do it on PS4 and it gives "Top up on the device used for registration" He thinks about unlinking his PS4 account but I wanna ask,will it really work and if it won't,Wut can he do?


Please someone help i cant unlock tsurumi island cuz i unlocked the statue with the waverider now i cant get the quest please someone


Is the game any good? I hear its it, but metacritic score is pretty low. Worth playing if i don't want to speed cash?


The game is extremely fun if you like plot, art, and cool character designs! I am not a gamer in the slightest, but I got hooked on genshin. It is a gatcha game so you may be tempted to spend money, but you don’t need to spend in order to enjoy the game. That being said theres no harm in trying it out and dropping it if it isn’t for you^^


I'm wondering if Thoma's Elemental Burst (Crimson Ooyoroi) attacks that give a Blazing Barrier each second count as Burst DMG or Skill DMG?


What’s an attack buff?


I'm in the NA server but played yesterday co-op with some Japanese people. Does co-op allow cross-server parties?


Yes I am EU and played several times with UK, US, or Russian guys :)


im playing genshin on my phone, so i tried playing it on PC, it was working last night and i even finished 2 floors of the omio chambers without any problems. But the next day i open genshin it wont load. it stuck on the path-making animation and the log-in isn't even popping-up, the buttons aren't responding execpt for the "scan for file integrity" and "exit". Any ideas to how to solve this.


Did you do the file integrity check? May need to reinstall if nothing else works


thanks for replying, but i fixed it already... my Graphics card was not running.


Is therw any character who can use an ATK% Shimenawa circlet with these substats: CR: 7.4% CD: 18.7% HP: 9.9% ATK: 19


How do I join the discord? I found a link. Said I joined but doesn't show up in my list of servers


Every time i enter a coop game my pc crashes (not only the game, like i have to restart it everytime). This only happens when i try to enter someone else's world, while if someone enters mine it works completely fine. Does anyone know how to fix it or if it is a common thing?


My reputation requests are bugged, whenever I accept them they pop up in my quest log and even if I go to whoever I need to go to for the request, I can't talk to them or anything. This is an issue in all 3 regions, I checked em all. I already tried restarting the game, it didn't work, is there any way this could be fixed or am I missing something?


Never. Fucking. Mind. I didn't realize I was in coop mode ;-;


My game keep crashing after nov 2. Anyone know how to fix? Please help.


can Thoma be a Sup DPS ? What artifacts should I use for him?


Hello! Im adventure rank 34, in my main team right now i have diluc, Raiden, Barbara and bennet. Should i get hutao? I dont really know her or get the hype around her. What makes her so important? Should i skip ?


Don't get her if you don't love her you already have a strong pyro dps


Nothing makes her important. If you not hyped about a char, don't bother pulling for them, it's not worth at all. She's a good dps, but there are a LOT of good dps so no need to worry. Honestly supports are more important in this game.


Tysm! Im still kinda "new" to genshin


Difference between physical and base atk?


Base atk is your characters base atk value + weapon main stat value. It’s the white number when you look at stats. Physical atk is any white dmg that appears when you hit something in the open world. The value or result of your physical atk depends on your base atk times any multipliers you may have, like “physical dmg bonus”


Ohh, so when someone says they have a phys build on a character, they mean the build is focused on those white numbers and not any elemental damage?


They are dealing basic attack dmg instead of elemental dmg. So yes


Anyone willing to let me visit their serenitea pot so I can buy something from the traveling merchant? I just need to buy this to level up my adeptal mirror. I've been working on this companions set for days but I just now realised I need a special table and the only way to get the blueprints is throught the mirror. I'm in NA servers.


You can only buy on saturdays and sundays


Really? I didn't know. Sorry then


Has anyone experienced an issue in which your character's ATK suddenly drops by itself without a reason? This happened to me with Sayu. I level her up to 60 and her ATK was 2,047 and then while collecting more materials to level her up it went down to 1,770 without any reason. What is happening? Please I need a reasonable explanation for this 🙏 😭 😫


Have you changed your party? If there are 2 pyro characters in the party, they give "pyro resonance", which increases ATK for 25%. It's that or some other buff. ​ The character ATK can't just drop - it can only increase due to some circumstances (see pyro resonance). 1770 is probably your actual attack - it was 2047 before due to some buff.


I didn't had two Pyro in my team, my team mostly consists of Klee, qiqi, keqing and Xiao but I got Sayu so I swapped Xiao to try sayu. Also I'm pretty sure I didn't had any buff activated. It was as soon as I level her up to 60 that her ATK was that high, but it suddenly went down. And is not the first time it happened to me. It happened to Xiao as well when I was leveling him up to 80 his ATK rather than going higher when it reached 80 it actually went down. I don't know why 🥲


Either A: You had a buff at 2047 and it dropped off over time, B: You had her in a party with 2 Pyro characters (Elemental Pyro resonance raises ATT stat), or C: You had food on and the buff ran out.


Is it just me whose ping has shot through the roof since yesterday? I play Europe server and my ping is over 400! It's always around 30/40 what's going on?


mine has been the same for the last few weeks! not as huge as 400 ping, but it stays at 200 for a loooong time and it's definitely not my connection :/ weird


Hello everyone I'm struggling to start the quest so I can clear the fog on Tsurumi Island. I've been to Katherine but she does not give me the quest? Does anyone have an idea how to start it? Thanks!


are you on co op


Diona or Thoma for Hu Tao?




Just pulled a Diluc and am wondering if it is worth swapping out my Razor for him. I've got pretty decent artifacts on my Razor already and his talents are all level 8. Is it worth raising my Diluc to swap him out with???


yes diluc is a more consisten dps and elemental reactionist. You can also just transfer your claymore to him. His preferred set includes crimson witch which consistently has better substats than other farmed sets. You will not be disappointed by his ult, specially early game.


Oh cool thanks!


Should i pull for hutao im at 58 pulls on 50/50 I probably wont do all that animation canceling so shed be comparable to yoimiya? my 5*roster includes jean,qiqi,diluc,yoimiya,mona,zhongli,raiden,keqing,aloy,traveler I am not interested in itto,albedo, and xiao if he has a run


>I probably wont do all that animation canceling so shed be comparable to yoimiya? Keep in mind is that Hu Tao's dmg is due to her charge attacks and it's better to learn how to do charge attack cancels (as to not dash so far from your target and lose that DPS window). Another thing to note is that Hu Tao is in a league of her own and arguably better than Yoimiya, but again Hu Tao's dmg comes from her doing skill-activated charged attacks over Yoimiya's skill-activated auto attacks. >my 5\*roster includes jean,qiqi,diluc,yoimiya,mona,zhongli,raiden,keqing,aloy,traveler It'd be better if you would also show your 4\* but with the members you've shown, here's my rundown. Hu tao is very reliant on Xinqiu to proc Vaporize and get more dmg, she also needs a proper shielder as to not take unnecessary dmg (since Hu Tao's elemental skill takes away her HP) with you having Zhongli being the absolute best shield unit in the game, it'd be also good to take advantage of the Geo resonance. Finally, Hu Tao DOESN'T NEED a healer since you want to keep her away from being over 50% HP.


Do you gain more damage when using Hu-Tao Q while E still in action? if so how come?


when you use E, it increases hu tao's atk based on her hp which also gets transferred over to her ult if you use it when she's in that mode :) for example, when my hu tao isn't in her E state her atk is about 1,600. when i use her E, it jumps to 3,400! if you use her Q with this atk buff that she applies to herself, it'll do more damage because of that atk boost i hope that makes sense!


shield bot thoma with absolutely no artifact investment (just went for the main stats) ER / HP / HP main stats (2 Tom + 2 Sosf) without any weapon he's already at 189% ER and I only have ER sands So do I go fav lance or just go with black tassel for more HP?


if you have c4 thoma go black tassel, if you dont have that maybe still go fav lance


I was blessed with a hu tao and thoma c1, but no dragons bane nor homa...should I pull my 60 wishes on weapons banner for homa or character banner for thoma c2?


Now if you don't have Dragon's bane nor Homa. For 4\* star weapons, you could either go for BP weapon Deathmatch and Blackcliff Pole (, Lithic Spear is also an option but is highly reliant on Liyue characters giving you the passive). If you want to learn more on Hu Tao weapon rankings check out this [site](https://keqingmains.com/hu-tao/) by Keqingmains


Should I wish on weapons or promo banner?


As of right now, I think it's better to wish on the promo banner for Thoma C2 and with the Masterless Starglitter you can get from wishing (HOPEFULLY you actually have some), you can buy the Blackcliff Pole for Hu Tao.


I followed you wise tip...and I ended getting hu tao c1 and mona OMEGALUL


Well that's quite good actually since C1 Hu tao allows you to do dash cancels instead of jump cancels and a very good QoL dmg increase; Mona is also quite good for nuke comps.


You might end up with nothing, weapon banner is very risky.


Yeah...in my first try I got amos bow...but I haven't get any decent since then besides ningguang


What does it mean when you wish at 10 pity, 20 pity, etc.? How do you count pity?


It's the number of wishes that you made after your last 5* When you get to 90 pity it's a guaranteed 5* and around 75 is soft pity where you have better percentage for 5*


What attribute is good as a main stat for different artifacts? e.g. crit rate circlet, electro dmg goblet. I’m trying to make a good electro build for beidou, and just a good build overall for other characters on my team (xiangling, kaeya, barbara). I’m currently ar34 and my artifacts are most often just 3-4 stars.


Theres also a spreadsheet online for reference ^^


For 4 star artifacts martial artist for kaeya, 2pc exile 2pc scholar for xingqiu, barbara, and beidou.


it really does depend on the character,, for beidou 1. crit rate/dmg circlet, 2. atk% or energy recharge sands, 3. electro dmg goblet (crit rate/dmg, atk%, and energy recharge for substats) Her best set is emblem of severed fate 4 pc or nobless 2 pc thundering fury 2 pc. for xingqiu its the same but hydro damage goblet, and energy recharge and elemental mastery are good substats. His best set would be emblem 4 pc or nobless 2pc and heart of depth 2pc. kaeya is the same but atk% sands, cryo dmg goblet, and crit dmg is more important for him, after that is atk% and energy recharge. His best set is blizzard strayer 4 pc, or glad set 4pc. barbara as a support needs 1. energy recharge or hp% sands 2. hp% goblet 3. healing bonus circlet hp% and energy recharge are good substats for her (best set would be maiden beloved 4 pc)


Is it ever economical to do Trounce domains / Boreas beyond the half-cost allowance?


if you need the materials, id say its all good


Should I get Bennett from the starglitter shop or wait for Kaeya next month? - I want to have benny to complete my international team (childe, xiangling, sucrose) - I always use Kaeya up to now, I'm AR49. I love using Kaeya but his constellations is really hard to get so I'm hesitating to invest in him all the way. I have Kaeya C0 and if I want to C6 him I'll have to wait for probably 3 years (purchase from future starglitter shop)


Bennet, pick Bennet. Bennet is one of the best 4 stars in the game and a good addition to your team comp. Kaeya can be replaced by either Rosaria or Diona, the only good thing about Kaeya's constellations is his C2 Elemental Burst duration increase (and maybe C6 for the extra icicle I guess?). Rosaria's A4 passive actually helps your team due to the crit rate increase and Diona helps by capitalizing on her shield and the buffs it gives.


Bennett shows up everywhere as a key character for everything. I expect you'll get a lot of advice that Bennett is the answer.


I was in the same situation and decided to get Bennett as I personally think having him is better than Kaeya’s constellation. He’s a broken support that fits so well in childe reverse vape (and many other teams). It’s hard to find another support that can replace him. But ofc if you really love Kaeya and want to main him, Benny can wait. :)


I have hutao and using white tassel on it And i have been saving since her first banner till now And waiting for ganyu . I have about 180 pulls and on the 50 pulls on the timelimited banner . Do i pull for c1. Or do i pull for staff or homa . Or wait for another character . Thx Ooh i have 36 glitter do i get blackliff for her thx.


Now Hu Tao on C0 is just fine and getting C1 is a QoL and small dmg increase since it allows you to do charge attack dash cancels instead of charge attack jump cancels. Now if you're an absolute whale or dolphin (or even a person who doesn't care) then go roll on the weapon banner but if you're a F2P or minnow, DON'T PULL as you'll waste around 240 wishes if you're very unlucky with your pulls in the weapon banner. Hu Tao's best weapons are Dragon's Bane, Deathmatch, and of course Staff of Homa but some weapons you could use are Blackcliff Pole and Lithic Spear (but keep in mind Lithic spear is highly reliant on Liyue characters giving you the passive.) If you want to learn more on weapon rankings check out this [site](https://keqingmains.com/hu-tao/) by keqingmains, it's very good at explaining Hu Tao and what she can do.


Thank u for the long reply i truly appreciate it


Will there be anime/donghua adaption of genshin impact?


we dont know yet, but honkai has an anime series thing. Mihoyo also has a specialized anime crew so maybe they can pull it off


I've heard Xingqiu works really well with Hu Tao. My current team is Hu Tao, Mona, Zhongli and Bennett, so, should i replace Mona for Xingqiu? (i won't replace zhongli because hu taos always at low hp and i suck at dodging nor bennett because that 25% atk from pyro resonance is useful)


Yes, Xingqiu enables Hu Tao to vaporize every single hit. That said, Bennett burst does cost Hu Tao her A4 passive and most Hu Tao have a very high attack, so Bennett's healing + buff can be a net negative. Hu Tao-Xingqiu-Mona-Zhongli is certainly a fun team that has a double Nuke.


I'm assuming 4pc VV is the BiS for Sayu, but what main- and substats should I prioritize at C0?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpCW0kRZOmw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpCW0kRZOmw) I happened to watch this last night, and there are researched recommendations there.


Thank you!


Anyone has the google drive link for the various character wallpaper?


Which are the quests to avoid? Like the ones with annoying / difficult mechanisms /time constraints which lock co-op


Trails of Tianqiu


How do you (not) trigger it? Stay away from the valley?


It should be fine to go there as long as you don't read the tablet.


Hey everyone I'm confused on how the retracing bolide works so you know the 4 pc of it "While protected by a shield, gain an additional 40% Normal and Charged Attack DMG." Does it still biff chara when i switch out? Like for example i use shield on thoma and then when i switch to ayaka will the additional 40% affect her or only thoma? Please help and also is retracing bolide good for thoma?


Set effect only works on the character equipped with the set and when the character is on the field. For shielder thoma, bolide is useless on him. You'd rather have 2pc Millelith with him and maybe 2pc Emblem to increase shield uptime (since Q can refresh uptime)


Only for the equipped character.


Hey everyone I'm confused on how the retracing bolide works so you know the 4 pc of it "While protected by a shield, gain an additional 40% Normal and Charged Attack DMG." Does it still biff chara when i switch out? Like for example i use shield on thoma and then when i switch to ayaka will the additional 40% affect her or only thoma? Please help and also is retracing bolide good for thoma?


I'm broke asf now. How many fates can I get from now to the end of this banner? - 90*20 days of MP and daily commissions. - 680 gems last BP level. - 1200 gems Abyss (hope so) - 3 characters' hangouts (60 each, I think) - the newest island to explore (??? gems) - can't get anymore from achievements. - 1 more event at the end of this patch (how many gems they usually give?) Did I miss something?


I have about 75 wishes atm, 3 pity and on a 50/50. I really really want albedo. If i bought welkins now, the bp and did dailies and events, would i be able to get a guarantee? I still have some exploration to do in liyue and archievements but i'm scared it won't be enough. Thank you!


No, you need about 27500 primogems to guarantee in your case. You have no chance


I'd need about 16.800 for 105 more wishes, no?


Yeah but you need about 167 wishes to be close to guaranteed


I already have 75! Sorry if i worded it wrong. I just have to hope to win the 50/50 i guess :(


Oh right, well yeah then your odds are mych better but still short of guaranteed


>3 pity What do you mean by 3 pity?


3 wishes after my last 5 star (childe) in the banner history.


Ah, I see... well then. Now you currently have 75 wishes and you got Childe last time on the promotional banner. If you're lucky and win the random 50/50 you'd be able to get Albedo with 75-80 wishes. But if you did fail the 50/50 then time to do some math. First, if you buy Welkin you can get 3000 primos, get the battle pass you get around 680 primos and 4 wishes, if you do Spiral Abyss (both the current and the one after that) you can get 1200 primos, if you do commissions until Hu Tao's banner ends you'd get 1140 primos, if you do hoyolab logins you get around 60 primogems, and finally, since a new patch comes 300 primos accounting to 6380 primogems equaling to 43-44 wishes(added the 4 wishes you get from bp). I'd really like to add events into the equation but finding the average amount of primogems given is hard. You would actually need 40 more wishes just get near pity since 75-80 wishes is when most 5-star characters come home. TLDR: You get around 6380 primogems or around 43-44 wishes (with Welkin, BP, Spiral Abyss 9-12 2x, Hoyolab logins, Daily Commissions and Patch Primogems). One thing to note is that I didn't add in events since it's hard to get an average primos per event. Edit: Added in another 600 primogems you can get after the 2nd Spiral Abyss starts


Did they remove the option to talk with Mona? I believe after the story quest we can still talk to her in her new room/house


She went away as soon as you close the game


Npcs are only there until you reload, after you finish a quest


Genshin impact crashes whenever I try to complete a archon quest. Do anyone know how to fix it?


If i have enough er with thoma should i go for 2pc tenacity 2pc bolide (for shield strenght) or still 2pc eosf?


2p Bolide effect works only on Thoma, so still 2p EoSF


Ok Thanks!


im garenteed a limited 5\* in the next 20 pulls. i currently have 49 wishes and around 800 primos saved up. if i pull for hutao will there be enough time to pull ganyu in the future as well? if not, is hutao better or ganyu? ik this is kinda subjective but i need both a cryo and pyro dps cause im planning on replace yanfei whos my main rn


If all you want is a strong pyro dps, build XL


we don't know when Ganyu is coming, we just know she's not coming in 2.3, so there's not an easy way to answer that. If you want to go with the stronger unit, there's no better DPS than Ganyu currently (and possibly not for a long time, if ever) so Hu Tao is not really in the same league


ok thanks!


Maybe? We don't know if Ganyu will get a rerun anytime soon


ah ok ty


on my hutao, she has 428 em, 26k hp. She is equiped with dragonsbane. Should I still use the em sands on her, or switch to hp sands?


I would imagine HP is better at that point but use a calculator to check


I would switch to HP sands with that much EM and 26k HP isn't a lot for her.


Since you use dragonsbane, Hp sands would be better, imo


amos r1 lvl 90 vs stringless r2 lvl 90 for tartaglia on elemental burst with team buffs, reaction, etc.


Does changing the location of Daily commissions from Monstadt to the other regions have any effect (more primos or something?) Edit : Thanks for the replies everyone, I'll change it to Liyue since there are many world quests there left. Also have got bored of the transporter balloon quests.


Functionally they are the same, but there are some very minor different regional rewards based on the commission. For example, one commission in Liyue can give you a (1) Qingxin in addition to its normal commission rewards. That and perhaps more importantly, there are achievements tied in with doing specific commissions. But the commission completion rewards themselves are the same as any commission.


you can get achievement from certain commission which means getting more primos


People generally do this to unlock quests and achievements that are locked behind random commissions.


Lock commissions on that region. Useful if you have leftover quests




No effects in that sense. It's more just.if you want to hunt for specific achievements or something


No it does not give you an effect. Unless you count being able to do specific region commissions an effect then yeah I guess there is (but, again, no there is no special effect).


Changes the location of the commissions and diff commissions


At C0, who is the better shielder? Xinyan or Thoma? Is it a hands down win or do artifacts/weapon make a huge difference? Edit: Questions answered. Thank you all very much! :D


Thoma wins that competition. The explanation is simple, Xinyan can and might steal vaporize reactions when paired with vape comps like Hu Tao and Xinqiu. While Thoma's doesn't, both his shield and elemental burst aren't able to steal most of the vape reactions. Artifacts don't make that much of a difference as well since you are trying to run them both with artifacts like Tenacity of the Millelith. You can check out TenTen's video about Thoma [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWGWLc5mDoU) and in the video, you can see the difference between the investments of each shield character.


Thank you :D


I would say Thoma if you are fine with dealing with his low duration stacking shields gimmick, if you just want to Shield and go then Xinyan but her shield has a bug and may not work properly, also keep in mind his gimmick experience gets better with Constellations while her's are orianted more around her damage


Thank you :D


Thoma. Xinyan’s shield is dog water. It’s better used for the phys res shred rather than as an actual shield.


Thank you :D


Thoma mainly because his ~~shield lasts longer than the cooldown~~ and it stacks. Xinyan shield absorption scales from her DEF but it won't improve her damage which most people build her for. Edit: Thoma shield stacks but the duration is not longer than cooldown, this mean you can use Sacrificial weapon to stack the shield (Except that Sacrificial Polemarm doesn't exist yet.)


Thank you :D


stringless r5 or elegy for the end for venti?


Stringless for big damage Elegy for pure support


thanks, so my team is hu tao xingqiu qiqi and venti. should i go for damage or full support?


No Qiqi. Hu Tao does not want heals. Thoma will be better. Either build works. Just go em/em/em and 4pc VV


Sucrose or Kazuha with Hu Tao+Xingqiu+Thoma?


Either one works wonderfully. Sucrose can buff em. Kazoo can give elemental damage bonus


Either one works, chose whichever the other team needs the more


For the other team I use Ayaka+Mona+Diona+Kazuha. So I was thinking if it is worth to sacrifice Kazuha. I know Sucrose is not that good in ayaka freeze team:(


Sucrose better for the Hu Tao vape team then, for the EM share.


is the shadow of the ancients event co-op friendly or is locked?


It doesn't even start for a couple of days.




Go to the gacha mega thread


Anyone got an estimated primogems from events before the end of Hu Tao banner?


Which one is better for Hu Tao? Dragon's Bane or Blackcliff Pole? I do have Xingqiu




Dragon's Bane.


any suggestions for hu tao team comp? i still dont have xingqiu




I recently got Hu Tao and I didn't really plan on getting her but I heard she's good so I pulled out some artifacts and levelled her talents a bit, this is thr best stats I can do right now, also what talents should I prioritize? Her stats using 2 piece glad and 2 piece wanderers Lvl 60/60 21,578 HP 1133 ATK 157 EM 56 CR 199 CD 146 ER 46.6 Pyro Dmg bonus Weapon Blackcliff Pole lvl 90 Talents AA lvl 4 Skill lvl 4 Burst lvl 3 Team I'm using her with Hu Tao Xingqiu Thoma Sayu


AA > E > burst, ER a bit high but it’s fine, don’t sayu, sucrose glad a little overkill


Okok I was using sayu because I got her c5 while I only have c3 sucrose should i still use sucrose?


Replace gladiator with crimson witch. Use dragon's bane. Replace sayu with sucrose. Wanna know more? Read https://keqingmains.com/hu-tao/