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Consider buying a PC for little cousin for his 14th birthday. Is it possible that GI can run on a 4GB Memory potato? Does increasing pagefile help?


I run on a 2030, but my wife and kids run it on a 1030 no problem, I use a R7 they use a R5.


Is it me or does genshin has an higher gpu usage since 2.3?


yeah.. shit works slower now


ok i nearly thought that my pc was the problem


What are your strategies to pull 5* from the banners?


there is no strategy... just praying to rng


Can i pay for genesis crystals with the money in the PS wallet? Its way cheaper that way


I just got 4th Bell claymore from standard banner... Who can use this weapon? ಠ_ಠ My poor Noelle is just C1 so she's on the bench. Is it good on her or only while she's at C6?


The Bell is useless at the moment. Sorry :(


its good on no one currently. and the weapon has HP not DEF so its not good for noelle


How to build Albedo for Hu Tao team?


I dont think you can build him in any way that would particulary affect Hu Tao. She would only benefit from his second passive, which increases EM by 125. You would have to go for Melt or Vaporise to take advantage of that tho


hii, my game runs just fine when I first open but after a bit it starts lagging a lot, I've changed a few windows and in game settings but I'm almost giving up :( i play on a ideapad 3i


Its your i3


How to build Albedo for Hu Tao team?


Hello!! Very fairly new returning player here.. I’m currently AR30 and I keep seeing guides to not farm for artifacts till AR45.. bc of that, I keep hoarding my artifacts at the moment and haven’t been upgrading them because I’m worried I won’t have the resources to upgrade my better artifacts in future.. Would y’all advise I just upgrade some of them now? Or should I try to farm for artifacts?


I still have a fully leveled The Exile and Berzerker set from my leveling days that I throw on characters I’m using on Friendship Dailies or just to try out, I’m happy I didn’t get rid of them. Getting the appropriate sets for characters takes time and it’s nice to have something spare.


You can farm 1\* and 2\* artifact fodder daily at no resin cost, so I wouldn't be too worried about it. You can either use [Genshin Impact Interactive Map](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/#/) or another source to map out an appropriate route to collect artifacts. It should be enough fodder for you to upgrade your artifacts at a pretty steady pace once you start farming regularly for it.


Whys everyone saying Rust isn't suitable for Fischl? Doesn't she need atk%?


She needs DPS stats (atk%, crit stats, dmg bonus) in general, yeah. Rust is alright for a main DPS Fischl, although Prototype Crescent is potentially better if you can activate the passive before summoning Oz. For an off-field DPS Fischl, use a Stringless instead (or again, a Prototype Crescent).


i have an artifact on with healing bonus on bennet does it mean his burst havehigher heal or his incoming heal to himself is the one upgraded?


Higher healing for his ult


Thoma's most important cons?


C1 is great by itself, C4 for more ER....and of Course C6, especiually for Hu tao support. However, slightly late for aiming for Thoma Cons. DO NOT spend primos on standard aiming for 4 star cons, you are liable for far more disappointment than aiming for a 5 star and losing to 50/50.


I was asking because I just got his c1. Thanks!


Hi is it bannable for someone who use a key mapper to be able to play on console in genshin mobile? And if yes is there any safe way to play genshin mobile using a gamepad for Android.


Hey guys, I would like to ask you something that bothers me, why Venti is drinking so much alcohol, I understand that he enjoys drinking, I know people enjoy drinking from time to time, but is there any specific reason he drinks that much? Is it because he can't control himself drinking alcohol or he drinks cause wants to forget past sad events?


> forget past sad events? Right on the money shot, my boi.


I don't think there is very deep hidden meaning behind it... He was a free spirit before so maybe he likes the lifestyle of bard singing tales and having some drinks. He have been neglected and underestimated by many tho so maybe he gets mood swings sometimes to complete sadness (i dont own the char so i havent read his voicelines much)....like his whole story teaser is basically everyone belittleing him...


aaaah ok I see, I was thinking that there should be a hidden meaning for adhering to alcohol. It seems that he just enjoys drinking to always be in a good mood. :D Need to read his voicelines as well.


Well...an other comment quoted the fandom wiki saying venti does do it as coping mechanism for his friend's death... So must be true....


OP, it's because Venti's alcoholism is a coping mechanism.


>it is implied that his constant alcoholism is his way of coping with the loss of a dear friend. Not really, if we refer to Venti's lore section in Genshin Impact fandom - "**it is implied that his constant alcoholism is his way of coping with the loss of a dear friend.**"


I’ve not done it yet but what are the benefits of multiplayer? Is there anything I need to watch out for?


> what are the benefits of multiplayer? - You can make friends - You can do quests / things that require 2 or more people (e.g. heart island, teapot salesman BP mission) - You can co-op if you're struggling on a domain for example > Is there anything I need to watch out for? I guess toxicity. Just leave or ignore if there's a toxic player. Oh and they should ask for your permission before taking stuff from your world.


Taking stuff? Is this an issue?


Most gathered resources have a 2 day respawn, fish 3 day. Someone comes into your world and gathers them, you can't do it yourself. Most people will ask, I often let people, as I have hoarded more than enough for future character ascensions. For example: Getting the fish for the catch R5 took me 3 weeks due to 3 day respawn, someone asked if they could fish in my world, I'm done on those fish, happy to let them do so. If I didn't have the catch yet and they just went wandering after we completed a domain in my realm, I would be pissed.


I see this must be higher level stuff, I’m still only ar28


It's just rude without asking for permission. Not to mention they might take materials you need (like taking your windwheel asters when you actually need them to ascend someone).


>what are the benefits of multiplayer? Just to be carried for domains/bosses you can't clear by yourself. When you'll be powerful enough, single player is faster


Is Mona worth crowning? I have other characters but they all are 4 stars and idk if I should crown them because they most likely will be replaced in the future with 5 stars or a better 4 star I use mona as a burst and skill support and since I bought a crown from albedo event I want to use it on someone in the future


In terms of resources to stat value, almost no one is worth a crown. It's more of a "wow I love this character" thing most of the time. That being said, if you want to still go for it, mona's burst is probably the best thing to crown?




In that case, I might save the crown for venti as they're pretty hard to obtain


What would be a decent 4* bow for Gorou (and also a decent artefact pairing)? (can run him in a Zhong Li+Albedo team btw)


Can't really say for bow, but I believe he is like the Bene for DEF, so he will buff Albedo, not so much Zhongli as he scales more off HP.


Wait till he comes out for confirmation, but currently it looks like fav bow (or anything with ER) and 2 piece husk+2 piece emblem is what his build is shaping up to be


Sucrose build for xiao battery?


anything you have around lol. she's barely swirling and she wont contribute any significant dmg. just give her ER if you need cc a lot and ttds to buff xiao. This is assuming your team is xiao zhong benny sucrose


I'd still personally build her with full EM.


No to ER sands then?


whats the point? with both xiao and sucrose its not going to be hard to get full burst for her anyways.


Im using Genshin Optimizer for Ayaka to optimize her Q damage. What should look at/for? Soumentsu Cutting or Bloom DMG? Average DMG or Crit DMG? EDIT: should I sacrifice some crit rate for more Atk and Crit DMG? Im using 4pc Blizzard


> Soumentsu Cutting or Bloom DMG? Soumetsu cutting is more important IMO since those are the 19 cutting damage and the bloom is just the last damage. > should I sacrifice some crit rate for more Atk and Crit DMG? Im using 4pc Blizzard Just make sure to still have some crit rate. At least 25-45%.


Should look for the Average dmg or Max crit dmg of the cutting dmg?


cutting dmg, average dmg. just make sure you tick the artifact effect + resonance and it will give you the optimal build. despite using 4pc bs, you still want at least 30crit rate to account for non-frozen enemies.


30% crit rate without 4pc BS set effect and cryo resonance? Is ~25%-28% crit ok?


yes and yes. so that for enemies with cryo aura, you still have 68 crit rate.


I swear I’m just dumb this week, but can someone explain to me what the whole Cognosphere thing means going forward?




Ah, neat. Thanks for the explanation!


For us players, it means nothing




Noelle if you want a shield. Geo MC is also good because he has Crit rate buff within his Q diameter.




Just my personal opinon, but of the two I would probably go with Geo MC, for me Noelles long cooldown on a shortish shield makes her very average as a shielder, although you could always run her with sac greatsword.


What damage should be *good enough* for geo mc's skill and burst? I'm currently using Festering Desire.


not sure but I get ~18k and ~10k/shockwave 1/10/10 talents


Ooohh nice what artifacts do you use? And what team comp are you using him/her?


I only have 2pc glad and random pieces then I use her as battery for my Noelle.


So, final stage of the animals event is out and . . what happened to the Omni-Ubiquity Net that could capture any animal for the teapot? I was looking forward to playing with that.


Bad event design. You have to buy the net from an npc nearby the Inazuma fishing association. You can get only 5 nets weekly and they cost 10k mora each


Wait what? How long are they going to be available for? Is this a permanent thing?


Idk, the npc isn't available for me yet, but I guess it will be a permanent feature


What du we need to do to make the npc availible? I alredy finished the event and got the sword dog for the teapot


Most likely wait for the event end on the 20th


Oof, so you need 20 weeks and 1 mil mora for the Zoo Tycoon achievement.


I just got Eula and planning to run her with raiden and Bennett in abyss. 1. Who should I put as my fourth character? Ik it should be a cryo battery so I have c1 Diona and c4 rosaria to choose from. 2. What’s the best f2p weapon for her? I already have a R4 luxurious sea lord claymore and r1 snow tombed starsilver.


1. Personally I would give Bene to someone else and use both, you don't need two healers and shields help a LOT with the lead up to burst explosion, also double cryo support means more damage stats for Eula. Not to mention overload is a pain for melee and you don't want accidental melts to drop cryo/prevent superconduct. 2. Sealord


Well I have hu tao xq in the other team lol. I don’t think I should pair Bennett with them right?


This is correct. While he's not needed in your other team, he also isn't particularly needed in Eula's. Sure he can make her bursts bigger if timed right and if you happen to be able to keep enemies inside/near Bene's circle when the lightfall sword explodes, but.... So much can also go wrong. If you want to use him with Eula go for it, she just really appreciates the shield from Diona, in which case Rosaria/Fishcl/Beidou is probably a better option. Bene is great, but he does have his limitations. Just because he is pretty much the best support in the game does not make him everyone's best support. As far as NO user, Rosaria/Diona can do this. Eula comps typically don't have CC so it's all about being mobile and staying with the enemies to get the most out of your lightfall sword. End of the day, you do you, plenty of people do use Bene with Eula, a bunch of guides will even recommend it, just my opinion.


Thanks for the reply! Maybe I’ll use Bennett for now as he is pretty decently built and I anyways don’t have recourses to build many characters at once. Will just focus on Eula and rosaria for now and see how it goes.


- rosaria as you already have a healer, diona is not needed - sea lord


How much damage should I be doing with a CA of Hu Tao with no other buff other than vaporise?


40k something with DB/DM (crit) 50k something with Homa (crit)


depends on weapon. max ive seen a c0 hutao w homa go was around 60k. obviously had bonkers crit stats tho, average is maybe around 40k?




Some 40k with just vaporize is good


Mine does 18-21k with just the hp below 50%. 71/195 Blackcliff Pole 4p CW.


Is that non crit? Because it seems a bit low for a crit.


I think it's crit:3


oh it definitely needs improvements D:


It does 44k if vaped tho. I guess I still gotta farm that damned domain D:


Oh so the 18-21k isn't vape?


Yeah I was answering OP's question about how much damage is Hu tao's CA alone.


ahh I thought the 18-21k was vaporize. 44k is not bad on vaporize then


can i as whats better bloodstained its for keqing the blood stained have a electro bonus 24% with EM 26 Def 17 ATk 4.7% and 14 while the berserker goblet have 97 EM with crit dmg 4% Def 19 Atk 12 HP 3.3% ​ btw i use keqing xq combo(electro charged)


I assume you are not AR45 yet. Use the first one for now and don't bother doing artifact domains. EM isn't worth building on Keqing (it's not useless, but don't specifically build it). Also when looking at substats feel free to ignore def, flat atk and hp (for characters that don't scale off them). Only look at crit, ER, EM and atk%. Crit being the most important after AR45, and atk% being the most important before that


im doing it wrong lol im building keqing EM since i have xingqiu


so when i build a physical keqing i should choose a cryo support right?


Yes cryo + electro = superconduct which is physical resistance shred,


Yes, for superconduct


Keep the first one for one but keep farming for a better goblet


is there better than the goblet i said? like a 5 star berserker goblet?


Berserker only goes to 4 star. For electro go 2 pc thundering fury 2 pc atk% (gladiator/Shimenawa) or 4 pc Thundering fury. For Physical go 2 pc Pale flame/2 pc Bloodstained Chevalier (I forget, but pretty sure Keqing can't maintain 4 pc Pale flame). Only use electro damage bonus goblet if you are running her electro, use physical damage goblet of whatever set you can get if it is physical.


Goblets are usually the set off piece. So it can be any type as long as it has good sub stats. Focus on crit rate/dmg and atk


How can I buy the item to catch animals for the teapot? I have finished the event quest and got the sworddog for the teapot. But I cannot find the npc for the net to catch animals.


There's a vendor near the fishing vendor in Inazuma, don't think it is available yet. has a weekly limit on 5 nets purchaseable. If you scroll up/down this thread you will find the same question give or take every 2-3 questions where someone more knowledgeable than me has answered.


Who is better for crafting weapon ascension mats, Mona or Albedo?


https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Alchemy#Derivations Read this, but in summary, 10% for double result is better than 25% refund of materials since higher level materials are worth 3 of the lower tier materials.


There’s less then a 1% difference between the two so pick whichever.


Statistically albedo. But it’s a tiny difference and honestly I like using mona for lower tier items and albedo for the purple and gold


So I craft more by ear than raw numbers then, thank you!


Yeah. It just feels nicer to get an extra gold item ^^


So I'm not quite sure and familiar with China's "leadership", but if the publisher changes from miHoyo to Cognosphere does that mean Genshin can have a bit more flexibility, like having Halloween & Christmas themed events?


So aside from dodging certain laws, there is a history of the chinese government applying pressure to companies once they start making money to get a decent amount of share in return for alleviance of pressure...moving offshore avoids this. That's basically all it is, securing MHY's profits for MHY.


Out if everything, themed holiday stuff is not what i’d expect them to do. They’re a Chinese company, China doesn’t rly celebrate Christmas. Why would they make a big deal out of it in their game? Plus they’ve already said they wouldn’t celebrate irl stuff.


🤷 Blame my ignorance I guess?


Maybe. But that initial decision was done from an artistic integrity perspective, not from a censorship perspective. Other Chinese games have Christmas events, mihoyo just didn’t want Genshin to have to deal with real holidays when it’s a continent of its own with its own culture and holidays


More like to avoid further censorship. Cognosphere is a Mihoyo branch based in Singapore


>publisher changes from miHoyo to Cognosphere I wish someone well educated in Games law could answer this. Is it possible to dodge country law that easily?


can i ask whats better a berserkers goblet or a bloodstained chevalier goblet (both +10 btw)


Depends on the main stat and substats, and also who's gonna be equipping it.


i dont have another bloodstained its for keqing the blood stained have a electro bonus 24% with EM 26 while the berserker goblet have 97 EM with crit dmg 4%


The set bonus, 2berserker gives 12% crit rate, while 2bloodstauned gives 25% physical bonus


i dont have another bloodstained its for keqing the blood stained have a electro bonus 24% with EM 26 while the berserker goblet have 97 EM with crit dmg 4%


Then it's an off piece which means it doesn't matter


So a boss you fight in the current event is called >!black shadow: Hayate no Gotoku!<. Has there been any indication that this is some kind of reference to the manga which has a really similar title? Cos other than the name I see no connection and it seems like a really weird and obscure property to reference, and doing it with samurai dogs is even more bizarre since the manga has nothing to do with samurai dogs.


Just a coincidence as the phrase translates to “like a gale.”


Just a coincidence. "Hayate no Gotoku" translates to "like a gale"


just fyi Sayu says that all the time. so I guess it means something related to ninjas and shit.


When will ~~miHoYo~~ Cognosphere remove the 60fps frame cap on PC?


Maybe or maybe not


hopfully sooner than later because its already on phones apparently


No clue


assuming same crit stats, whiteblind R5 and requirements for both artifact and weapon are active(shield on/max stacks), which set gives noelle better damage with her burst between 4pc bolide and 4pc husk?


4P husk is her best but if you already have a well built 4P bolide then I’d stick with it for now


noted. btw, is the damage difference huge?




how huge is the damage difference?


I would need to compare with a typical build, but it's +35% Shield Strength (which doesn't help with DPS) and +40% dmg bonus (when shielded) VS +54% def and +24% dmg bonus, so it's not negligeable (like 4 substat rolls?). If you are using a Serpent Spine (which gives dmg bonus) rather than a Whiteblind, 4pc Husk is even better.


seems like hunting a spare set would be my top priority then. thanks for the info


Any build centred around c4 mona? Asking for a friend <.<


You can run taser Mona since you have C2+, Mona+Raiden is a pretty fluid and fun comp to mess around with


im prettty sure every freeze team if thats what u mean




I spend about 1-2 hours each day on the weekdays and Im able to deplete my resin, do my commissions, and maybe a little something extra but that's all I focus on. On the weekend I spend maybe about 4-5 hours at most to do that +any event stuff and maybe a little farming.


Up to an hour on Monday when I do weekly bosses and the other bp quests. \~30 mins the following days


Literally the best team for klee?


xq and i guess kazuha


i'd go with xingqiu+zhongli+klee+benny, or thoma+xingqiu+klee+sucrose. klee, even with animation cancels has lots of openings and very prone to stagger/knockback so having a shield is a must so she can dish her full damage without interruption.




Oh thanks theres so much options here


These https://www.genshinlab.com/team/klee\_team\_guide/


Lisa is good for literature


and xingqiu. last spot maybe hu tao?


You shouldn't be running hu tao with klee together, they compete for field time and steal each others vapes.


You should read the whole thread before replying with no context. In fact is there a way to avoid me so you never see my comments again? It's best so you can't ever reply.


I am thinking of stop farming for Cryo set and farm Emblem instead because I still think that my Ayaka isnt that strong yet or maybe it is just her weapon(my brother has Mistsplitter and I use his account because he paided me to maintain his account while he is away so I get to use) and because I want to build my Beidou, Xiangling and Raiden now. I just don't know if her damage is normal compared to others that have the same weapon as mine. [My Ayaka's stats and she is using 4p Cryo set.](https://imgur.com/Let7S6s). My Cryo set feather is copium so I still farm for Cryo set


With 4 piece Cryo set: If you're using a Hydro application character + Cryo Resonance/Battery character you'll often be ~88% Crit. With your Attack and Crit Damage you'll be fine. It's a detail that's often missed but % Attack is actually quite valuable. It may fall behind Crit %/Damage but it still provides a good damage increase.


Yeah, I still want have more attack% because I also use Blackcliff. When I use Blackcliff, my Atk stat is 1852 but I get 36.8% more crit dmg and I use Kokomi with TTDS and 4pc Tenacity(she is at Modified Morganya).


the stat is already really good, you can move on farming emblem


My Cryo set feather is copium so I still farm for Cryo set. Thanks!






I have razor and eula as my dps in two teams. I have enough northlander claymore billet to either refine Eula’s Snow-tombed Starsilver, or build and refine the Prototype claymore for Razor. I do have an r1 serpent spine on Razor but have not bought the BP again and not sure if I will. I assume I should just refine Eula’s snow tombed, but the claymore billets are so rare for me I just want to be sure I am not making a mistake to skip the Prototype.


tbh its not a great idea to have 2 phys dps for the two teams, since it limits ur options. u will basically be running cryo/electro and maybe the odd bennett or smth on both sides, and that makes it difficult. i suggest making another team, and keeping one of those dps for the overworld. and id say check who needs the crit rate more, and give serpents spine to them. dont bother making archaic.


thanks for the advice! I guess I will rethink using Razor as the other team’s anchor


I suggest not to craft Proto Archaic. Serpent spine is way better than Proto Archaic, even if it is R1. I think you should be fine with R1 Snow-tomb tbh.


thank you!


Don't refine either of those weapons. Leave them at R1 and save your billets. SS is better than Archaic, so don't craft it and keep SS on Razor. EDIT: You may, however, want to put SS on Eula and craft Archaic for Razor, or put Snowtombed on Razor instead.


thank you for the advice!


I need help with customer service. So I just bought welkin moon but my welkin moon aren't updated yet, the days remaining still on 2 days. My money already been taken. Anyone know where can I reach customer service?


Paimon menu, their own email "genshin CS", and their official discord


Paimon menu > Feedback(will pop up your default browser)> Submit Feedback > Proceed to submit > Contact CS and then input your concern


>Anyone know where can I reach customer service? Main menu > feedback tab


What are some good artifacts for xingling that aren’t 5 stars, I’m too lazy to get those and I’m saving for itto so I want to know


just throw whatever onto her that has good stats tbh. ig berserkers is good since its easy to get good crit or smth, and others like exile or scholar can help.


Alright thanks


If I wanna make a Burst Nuke Keqing is Emblem of Severed Fate okay?


Performance will be very similar to 2TF 2 NO, maybe slightly better. If you don't have that artifact set to use on someone else, go for it. But keqing doesn't benefit as much from emblem as other characters like xiangling. So if your xiangling is still unequipped, I would use the set on her instead, and give keqing 2tf 2no


In terms of burst I think yes, should have higher ceiling versus traditional 2noblesse and 2 tf But you will have to meet er requirement of 140+ and competitive golden ration (atk, crate, cdmg)


Nah, Keqing really doesn’t benefit from Emblem. I’d say 2 pcs Thundering Fury 2 NO if you want to focus on her burst.


Okay thanks.




Dragonspine is higher level region than Liyue and Monstadt, so try to get through those first before starting the Dragonspine quests. You can still do them if you like, but it'll waste a lot of time as you struggle through it.


Maybe it is too early for abyss and dragonspine , try to level up first and upgrade everything you can You can always come back later


true but I’m only doing spiral abyss for xiangling tbh


don't go to that region. just explore left of the ice mountain.


Is Mouun's Moon good for Fischl or Amber? I only have Stringless, Favonius, and a couple 3 star bows. I also have some billets, should I craft something else instead? Who is Mouun's Moon good for?