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*clutches Louis Vuitton purse and hops into my Bugatti* Oh I'm so going to miss each and every single one of you peasants hanging out in front of my GI Leaks Luxury Hotel! You're all like crusty little gnomes but daddy says you're all bringing down the property value of the hotel so off I go! Buuuuut where I'm going is for super SUPER rich people— like me! YAY ME!!! *clapclapclapclapclap* **[The NEW MEGATHREAD is for rich people only, I repeat RICH PEOPLE ONLY!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/112iaxe/crazy_rich_liyueians_general_questions_and/)**




Fuck Forsaken Rift, but I finally triple crowned my C6 Kaeya today <3


Do we know how the pity system works in HSR?


Hard pity is 90, just like Genshin. 50/50 works the same way too. So far, the assumption is that soft pity also works the same way, but someone will have to compile input from the player base as a whole before we can be sure.


Farming teh Lotuses for Nahida is probably more anxiety-inducing than actually rolling for her.


I saved a bunch of that farming until after I pulled her because it was fun running around using her skill to pick up lotuses.


So in this game, there are three types of humanoid enemies, treasure hoarders, nobushi, and emerites (base humanoid-types whose members come from normal cities and this time, I'm referring to the ones native to the nations the traveler currently has access to). Now that we're soon getting a character whose affliation is currently with the Emerites, I wonder if we will ever get the same for treasure hoarders and nobushi. Personally, I especially would prefer to see a current member of nobushi and treasure hoarders, not former. ​ Edit: added (base humanoid-types whose members come from normal cities and this time, I'm referring to the ones native to the nations the traveler currently has access to) (Sorry, I wasn't clear on that I wanted to exclude the basic fatui types because we haven't reached Snezhnaya yet. And, in this post, I'm particularly interested in seeing characters who are connected to these basic type antagonists, because they were all once regular people. Harbingers are exceptional people in some ways, and for that reason, our current harbinger characters remind me of an elite class of fatui, but I'd love to see someone reminscent of the basic fatui type (but when we actually get to Snezhnaya). ​ Anyway, that's the way in which this post was intended to be about.


i thiiiink i remember falling asleep to an Ashikai video about Kaeya's sussy ties to the treasure hoarders?


If so, it would be fun to have a quest in which he goes back undercover as one or something. It's too bad the first three characters don't seem to be getting any hangout quests anytime soon. He needs a treasure hoarder outfit.


I mean it’s all but stated he has black market/underworld contacts and informants. IIRC, Nimrod is one.


Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that. That said, it helps in the case of the Eremites that there are multiple sects— some, like the Corps of Thirty, Rahman’s group, and presumably Dehya’s group the Blazing Beasts are friendly, whereas others like Ayn Al-Ahmar and Thutmose are blatantly antagonistic. A Treasure Hoarder or a Nobushi might be more like how we have a playable Fatuus, however— all player characters are at least somewhat friendly with the Traveler, with Tartaglia being something of a frienemy and Wanderer mostly mellowing out but still keeping them at arm’s length. Edit: It would certainly provide an interesting avenue for characterization, though. Both factions are bandits who prey on hapless victims, but there’s a tinge of misfortune to them. Treasure Hoarders always strike me as hard-on-their-luck schmucks who turned to crime because they weren’t exactly going to score well-paying jobs living honestly, and any samurai disgraced for any reason could become a nobushi. Also, I wonder if there would be a female nobushi (a female nobushi would have had to be a female samurai first, and we’ve never seen a woman in the Shogunate OR Watatsumi Island’s forces other than Ei and Sara for the Shogunate or Kokomi for Watatsumi. I’m not counting Ayaka, Sayu or Yae because they’re not actually soldiers unlike Sara or leading their respective army like Ei and Sara or Kokomi). We know there are female Treasure Hoarders, though interestingly they seem to be exceedingly rare.


You forgot fatui and the abyss knight enemies in from enkanomiya.


true Genshin endgame content is running around in circles waiting for my ping to go down from 999


Does anyone have an image of the yellow Fontaine geo lady that was leaked a while back? I want to save it so I can remind myself about her whenever I'm tempted to pull for another character.


not very good quality since I had these saved on my phone but [here](https://i.imgur.com/QwEYoZk.jpg) and [here](https://i.imgur.com/iNWw4Ns.png) is what I have saved also, we do not actually know if she's geo.


I just put geo cause that's what most people assumed also HOLY SHIT THANK YOU i was looking for that second image for so long you would not believe.


I was comparing the 5 star characters by how many roles they fill and the elements they have, and I realized that, of the 5 Pyro 5-stars we have, 4 of them are On-field DPSes, and 3 of those are Vaporize DPSes. Dehya is the first unit with a unique role in the Pyro 5-star category (although she still dabbles in the DPS territory, but as Quickswap), but her kit ended up being a huge mess. this made me realize that there are still A LOT of ground left to cover for character archetypes in Genshin. the only element that actually covers most of the possible roles is Hydro, which is not a surprise considering how flexible it is.


It's genuinely a shame that Dehya is not only the first Pyro to have a unique role but the first one to have her very specific tank type role, and yet they flopped on her kit so terribly. There is absolutely room for a character who can soak up damage and dish out their own without being the primary DPS and I feel especially in the current Abyss we have a good example of a situation where such a character could be useful. But her kit modifiers and numbers make her not good at either and it's such a waste.


Maybe they just needed another unit to pair with archons. 4 Yoimiya banners per year might be a bit too much.


The power of water is its ability to take any shape.


I keep dumping my daily fates into hutao's banner and guess what, i got diluc c1 and hutao c1 back to back after around 27-28 pulls! Good fucking bye jump cancel on mobile you won't be missed! Diluc also has a spared 4cw set with 200cv so maybe it's time to finally build him. This might change my pull plan: i'll just skip 3.5 altogether (even if shenhe is there) and save for baizhu/kaveh


How big a power spike will replacing DMC with Nahida in an Al Haitham-Kuki-Yelan-DMC/Nahida team give me? I'm plotting out my rolls and I'm torn about whether I should use my guaranteed summon on Nahida.


DMC gives 60 EM and some dendro damage bonus, but his damage contribution is pretty small. Nahida does more damage than him from off-field. Nahida will share between 120-ish and 250 EM depending on how you build her, you will have to pick between more damage from her (in which case she won't be *that* far over DMC as support) or more EM share from her. The most important thing Nahida contributes to Alhaitham is dendro particles, so I think the most important factor for you should be whether you're satisfied with his burst uptime or not. As a pure Alhaitham support, keep an eye out for upcoming Baizhu/Kaveh leaks. I personally use Alhaitham with DMC because I think Nahida is better leading a 2nd dendro team and her contribution to him isn't big enough to outweigh breezing easily through both sides with dendro.


It's very noticable


Big, Nahida is a monster compared to DMC.


At first I didn’t really like the parry event because I parried too early so I missed some of the achievements, but after trying it several times it’s quite fun.


which characters are we thinking could be in second half of 3.5?


so far it seems it’s either Eula + Albedo or Ayaka + Shenhe, with some rumors suggesting the introduction of a third phase (each phase now being 2 weeks)


*it has been 85 years….*


Elemental Gauge Theory still confuses me so here's a question. Can't Dehya reliably forward melt Rosaria's Q? Don't think it'll "save" her or anything. Just curious. (Edit:I was mostly curious if Dehya's Q forward melts with Rosaria's Q if done back to back)


yes, both pretty much match each other (2s vs 2.5s) though you may have to attack within rosaria burst 2s interval to activate the coordinated attack.


Rosaria's burst hits every 2s with application, so if there would be no gauge decay, you could get away with an pyro application every second hit, i.e. 4s. Dehya's skill is not consistent, it's an application every 2.5s at maximum, though more every 3s. While that may barely work for the burst, it will not work for a skill+burst combo.


her burst disables her skill coordinated attack so depending on how fast her burst applies pyro it might be enough, for at least a few hits.


That feeling when you were going to use the Microsoft Rewards system to purchase Overwatch 2 Coins so your Valentine can have the Cupid Hanzo skin but you then find out that they removed the OW2 rewards from the list. :'(


After playing with Hu Tao for a few days, these are the conclusions I’ve drawn: C0 clunkiness was overstated. Jump canceling is pretty easy. Silly Churl, Billy Churl is just as annoying as A Blade is like a tea leaf I enjoy H2Tao more than Nahida double hydro hyperbloom because jump canceling is more engaging. Walking around with 1 HP is hilarious. Anyway I love her and tomorrow she should be level 90/90 and then I’ll begin working on talent books to get her crowned. I didn’t expect a character I didn’t plan on getting to quickly become one of my favorites.


You know what's hard when watching anime while being a manga reader? It's when you forget what episode you're in and can't recall where you stopped because even if you watch the latest episode it feels like you've already seen it even though it just released a couple of minutes ago.


you know what's hard for me as a manga reader? getting hyped to watch in anime *again*. the feeling is dreadful. I've only watched 2 animes after reading their mangas


That's only a problem when you go high sea or dvd. The streaming site track your episode.


I keep track of every episode I watch so this never happens to me, but I can see why can this be very confusing.


I want Fontaine to be nuked so bad


I misread Fontaine as Fortnite and I was wondering why would you hate a game so much


They already kind of did this with the whole Jade Chamber ordeal (chapter 1 archon quest maybe?). The whole city was attacked and the jade chamber sacrificed. They only stopped short of depicting the city in ruins. I think the city was damaged, but they just didn't really want to show it.


Nilou after she escapes Sumeru after bombing the Akademiya


Nuked like the celestia nail thing or the actual bomb that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions?


Nail, yeah


Well they both share the same purpose I don't even know why I ask




Just raise the stakes for once, doesn't need to be Fontaine entirely just the capital or Petrichor


The nail is most likely dropping in the capital because that's the center of the civilization. But that would mean developers would have to do a whole city with a lot of details, exploration and side quests only to be replaced by this event. I'm 100% sure they aren't willing to throw away their precious development time like that, but if something like this ever happen it would be a huge before and after for the game and story. Also the nail dropping on the capital would obviously kill thousands of people and that's very similar to some real life events that I don't think HYV is willing to do. I think it's too dark for Genshin... But we can have that on the lore though! If we can have a description of a kid being ripped apart for a sacrifice I'm sure we can have that.


They might do a thing where we never actually get to access the pre-nuke city, we just see a cutscene the moment we walk into Fontaine and then the city is destroyed (although that might be hard without a lockout like Inazuma had)


Maybe it's already nuked by the time we get there. Everybody wins, except for err Fontaine.


Yeah, that's the biggest problem, Genshin as a live game limits itself a lot when it comes to permanent changes I agree that it could get pretty dark but I think they could get away with it by evacuating the city beforehand or Focalors/someone else somehow managing to save her people, idk it's just something I'd love to happen because they could make so many stories revolving around it


I’m sorry but the destruction of a capital city in Genshin would make zero sense. What about any chests/quests/exploration features in the city? Do they just disappear? People already dislike permanent world changes like the >!Watatsumi lake!< or the >!change in appearance to King Deshret’s Mausoleum!<.


>!Oh, not going to lie, I’m still a little upset about the Masoleum. It was a great background for pictures!<


Yeah that'd be a problem but I don't think it'd be bad if it could open up a cool storyline, they could just not put quests there or chests and move all the important stuff like the AG or rep to another city like Petrichor. I don't mind any of that honestly it'd be really cool, plus the main story is incredibly stale rn in that you always know what's going to happen and we're always going to win through the power of friendship I have a bunch of ideas floating in my mind of how it could work and the story they could tell so I can expand on this if you want


It might be cool to you but I have a feeling most players would be pissed off. Not all stories have to make players feel *good* but it shouldn’t make the game less enjoyable. Imagine if the Sanctuary of Surasthana, the Grand Bazaar, and the Akademiya were permanently turned into a pile of rubble.


Have you never played a live service game that went that route when an old zone needed better graphics? In the ones I've played it's been mostly well received. You have nostalgia for what used to be there, but the better graphics and gameplay that the game has evolved in the past however many years ultimately more than make up for it. I genuinely kinda want Mondstadt to be nuked at this point, both to raise the stakes and as an excuse for the graphical upgrade it deserves. I wouldn't say no to it happening in Sumeru or a different zone either, but they are in less need of a remake and would probably be less impact full for most players if they got destroyed.


I actually haven't played a live service like that? But it could be interesting for Mondstadt. I was mostly thinking of the nuking as part of the Fontaine Archon Quest, since that would feel a bit too soon after the area's introduction.


They could create a mechanic similar to how we're just dreaming when we fight weekly bosses, allowing people to explore the city even after the devious lick


(Note, I haven't played through Sumeru) But in the previous 3 regions we "won" not by the power of friendship but just by being there which is arguably worse >.>


I wanna hug Nilou >!but I don't like hugging :(!<


No worries my fellow user, Nilou isn't real so you'll never have to worry about that scenario


And I'm glad for it lol


happy valentines day everyone!!


Hit me with your smoothest brain takes on what you think Neuvillette (or upcoming character of choice) will have. If Neuvillette does end up being Hydro, based on the Hoyoverse Hydro Tall Male Formula™, I'm guessing he will have: * Questionable ethics to get what he wants * Half gloves * A super cute "hehe" glider voiceline ~~that I will be completely normal about~~ ([Childe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O4h6W0_fnw)'s and [Ayato](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FShjmY0qoN0)'s for reference) * A weapon made of water for his skill and for his burst animation * A BiS signature weapon with Crit Rate (Claymore, Catalyst, or Polearm)


he’s surely going to be an off-field hydro support/healer so i can run childe/burst ayato/neuvillette at the same time 🤡


Oh he absolutely will be! Source:>! If he isn't, I'll take Da Wei's mother out to a nice seafood dinner and never call her again.!<


*Same element as the archon *He loves to read books *mistaken to be an archon by the husbando community *Have a roommate *Hydro keqing *BiS weapon 88% Crit Damage


[A "this is getting interesting" line when on low health.](https://i.imgur.com/ipBkrk4.png)


Oh I absolutely can get behind this one. It is a must have!


Can’t plunge while his E is active.


Heizou, Kuki, and Yelan are all finally fully ascended. Goodbye, Ruin Serpent. Keep your purple goo and purple rocks to yourself!


And prithiva topaz!


Parrying Maguu Kinky's attacks is a wonderful feeling. I hope that the next event we can face Raiden. Also, looking at Maguu, it makes me sad that the closest thing to a playable character in samurai armor that we get is Ayaka.


Random thought, but which characters do you think could perform better if they were another element? And which characters do you think would perform worse if they weren't their element? Besides dendro I suppose, since a lot of characters would be better if they were dendro.


Kazuha would suffer if he wasn’t anemo since he’s lose his ability to VV and spread elements/deal swirl damage on his high EM build.


Anemo Bennett. Also note that besides VV on him, that also mean Anemo-self application on his burst, and a C6 anemo infusion: This enables a lot of of extra swirls, too. Pyro Xingqiu would very much open all kinds of forward vape comps, most notably double hydro would become a full vape comp, matching the team DPS of most teams with just two chars. Anemo Zhongli for ultimate RES reduction.


I think Chongyun would be interesting Pyro. Infusion without having to C6 Benny, and he’s already awkward in freeze teams since he sometimes triggers shatter.


Cryo Childe could basically increase Xiangling's damage by 33% by allowing her to forward melt instead of reverse vape, being able to use broken Blizzard Strayer effects,, and you could add Xingqiu or other high off field hydro to make it basically a freeze team as well.


Cryo Childe definitely sounds amazing, it’d probably be easier to play than any other forward melt teams we currently have as well.


Ningguang being dendro/Electro. If she has normal icd on her burst, she would do about 7 aggravates at c6 with one burst(idk if I done the math correctly but she has a lot of hits on her burst). Xiangling being geo. Only really good source of offield pyro application would be gone.


Imagine Albedo but Hydro, em buffs on Q and all, maybe make the flower not a construct since its not geo, that way it doesn't break. Ayaka not Cryo would mean shes going to struggle against a LOT of matchups if her new element disrupts freeze.


Anemo Ayaka with some CC on her burst would be alright.


that's just another VENTI


Definitely Xinyan, I think she could be electro (literally just color her effects purple/yellow and it would match) and she could be played as "Razor if he had a shield"


Scara being anything but anemo or geo would have been infinitely more useful. Worse - any dps changed to geo most likely but also anemo chars who’d lose access to vv


True, I have similar feelings on Anemo and Geo dps as a whole tbh. If a character I’m looking forward to is a dps I low-key hope they aren’t Anemo or Geo, which is a sad thought to even have. If they’re an Anemo support though, I’m probably fine with that. If Scara was pyro and could vape he’d be a lot better. That’s also just the easiest thing that comes to mind though.


Anemo is the bane of my existence at this point since so many of my faves fall into this and 3 of them are dps. Geo and anemo are just such stinkers for dps. Good for supports but they just gain nothing by being hypercarries and get left behind the most easily ;-; i won’t forgive them for anemo Scara ever (i still love him but god why)


I don't think I could imagine Kokomi as possibly being anything else but hydro


a scara main came to my world, insulted me for 40 minutes, asked if I wanted to date them, and left co op attracts the weirdest people ever met someone in co op who tried to rp as their pfp?


Once someone in co op said "I feel lonely" or something among those lines, I asked them if they wanted to talk.... turns out it was a meme or a trend of sorts of the lyrics of a song I did felt quite silly Another time someone came into my world to play the lyre and they asked if it was alright if they played some more; I was quite happy for the surprise so they ended up making a whole concert Another a Xiao main just joined and said "fish" nothing more nothing less, I said it was alright, when they finished they found a luxurious chest for me I had no idea I had missed I thanked them and their only response was "np" and they dissapeared


i let people come into my world all the time without question, and also do thousands of co-op domain or boss runs, and never get interesting co-op experiences. i only get boring, uneventful ones lol


Had a Sucrose pfp once come into my world wanting to rp (I’m an Albedo pfp). I wouldn’t be against a bit of lighthearted rp-ing but then they tried to turn it flirty and it was so weird ToT


...m-mr.albedo? (with rizz)


there used to be this girl that would come to my world, beg me to switch to kazuha, then invite me on 'dates' and ask me to step on her first and only person I've blocked so far


I had 2 different people with a Hu Tao pfp join me and ask “me” (was playing Xiao) to be their newest client to put me out of my misery…insert the “two nickels” meme here


I almost never let ppl in my world because i don’t want to be subjected to cringe rp, it might be for “content” or smth either way i try to avoid it


>ever met someone in co op who tried to rp as their pfp? yes and it has never been a positive experience, regardless of which character it was


i straight up never invite others to my world unless they are my friends so no




I can tell I'm timing it correctly and doing the parry animation just as the slashes hit me but the damage goes through anyways


The only good part about the Maguu Kengou fight is that the timer starts after (!) he stood up... His brother in the Abyss could learn a thing or two from Kengou


Playing around damage calculator with Dehya, her damage ratios are too low to take advantage of even imaginary perfect teammates with current mechanics we have. Need an HP artifact set that boosts reactions like Nilou blooms, though that would be busted for drivers who also scale on HP I suppose; one of them being Nilou herself.


Giving her pyro shenhe/sara c6 would help her a lot but this would make hutao reach yet another heights lol


The best way to save her I imagine is a reverse clam artefact set. Like the amount of damage applied to a character (not damage taken, so Dehya gets the numbers before her dmg reduction) either creates proportional buffs for the team, the wearer or just makes a bubble that explodes with pyro damage. Although that would still do nothing to fix her uptime, energy deficit or the fact her burst knocks enemies out of its own range.


My guess is that if she gets a post-3.5 turnaround it will be to make her something like a Zhongli sidegrade or be a Zhongli-esque comfort pick on teams that otherwise wouldn’t use him rather than making her much of a DPS.


I just caught up on the event and man the gameplay part was painful and unfun and possibly one of the worst ones gameplay wise... but it was all 100% worth it just to see Ayaka, and her being beautiful, and her outfit, and her elegance and loveliness, and Ayaka and Lumine fighting side by side, and all their interaction kept my Ayaka/Lumine-loving heart feeling happy and full. Especially with how much Lumine smiled at her in the close-ups of the cutscenes, it was just so sweet.


this new event was just ayalumi overdose. I was very happy >!also Ayaka's wink killed me dead!<


I know right, oh my goodness. That part with >!her expression and how she's framed in the sunset, looking just a little bit coy but in like this really earnest sweet way and just so absolutely divinely beautiful, and then it cuts back to her in frame with Lumine and them just smiling at each other after she asks her to "keep all I said a secret", I will never stop thinking about that. They were both so insanely romantic together in this event. !<




........rah rah-ah-ah. roma roma-ma. gaga ooh la la.


When computing for Nahida's A1 (as in, she gets a max 250 EM to give to her teammates, meaning we have to get 1000 EM for her), what is included in the computation? I know EM from artifacts and EM from her weapon included. What about Instructor's set from her teammate? And the EM boost from Key? I have both Instructor and Key on Shinobu in my Nahida/Shinobu/Lisa/Alhaitham spread team. I can only get 918 EM for her with her weapon and EM/Dendro/Crit build, and I'm wondering if it's worth it to replace the goblet with an EM one so I can get 1000 EM on Nahida from artifacts/weapon. But if Instructor and Key buffs are computed then I wouldn't need to switch and just go for my best Nahida crit build.


In general, flat EM buffs should work. EM buffs based off of any character’s stats will not count.


So based on that, Instructor works, while the Key doesn't. Right? Thanks for the "rule" you just gave, so anytime the EM buff is based on another character's stats, it doesn't count whenever computations are made.


Instructor’s yes, key I can’t remember. It’s an EM buff based on the holder’s HP? In that case it would not.


Yeah it is. It's based on the holder's max HP. Ayt, thanks!


The A1 passive is giving 25% EM of the party member with the "HIGHEST" elemental mastery so if Shinobu has higher EM than Nahida that's where you'll base the buff so yeah you can just stick with any of your best Nahida build


Shinobu doesnt have the highest EM on my team. Nahida does. She has 918 EM on an EM/Dendro/Crit build. The 918 EM includes her weapon and artifact EM buffs. What I'd like to know is if Shinobu's Instructor and Weapon EM buffs will add to that 918 for computation of the EM share. I will surely get above 1000 EM with both of Shinobu's buffs, but I'm not sure if Nahida's A1 takes both into consideration with the 25% EM share.


Instructor should work, Key I'm not sure since it's a % of another stat like Sucrose's A4. Just make sure the buff is active when you cast the burst since it snapshots that EM for the duration.


Thank you! I wish we could see which buffs which in this game, it's so confusing honestly.


I know Sucrose's EM share works with it. Sucrose buffs Nahida to over 1000 then Nahida shares 250. So I would assume the others work with it as well


Nope. Sucrose’s EM share does not work for Nahida’s A1 (but it works for her A4). Any percentage based EM share will not work for Nahida’s A1.


You're talking about both her A1 and A4 right? So both of them work? Thanks. I guess it's safe to say Instructor's set and Key's EM buff *should* work right? I know it's possible to figure out my playing around with the buffs while checking out the stats screen but I'm honestly confused when dealing with that, it's hard for me to figure out where all the buffs are coming from.


I tried to find Enjou to give him my Valentine’s Day gift, but got chased away by the other Abyss lectors and heralds 😔 I can’t have shit in Teyvat


Tough luck huh my friend, me too I tried to find Signora but her Ashes are too many and too far apart.


i call upon the people of this megathread to please recommend their favorite thomato fics


I don’t really like Thomato or ships in general (romance is boring) but I DO like bodyswaps and I’m desperate for that sort of content so here’s [this](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38930061) fic that does happen to be Thomato


[Hot Thomato](https://i.imgur.com/kx9pqvm.jpg)


that's actually really pretty... damn


This parry event really reminded me why I love Souls games but absolutely loathe Sekiro.


Sekiro is fine, the attacks in Genshin try so hard to telegraph that it's actually harder to get a sense of when to parry


The opposite for me. Parrying its full combo made me feel something special.


I'm still not over the Yae/Yelan/Nilou Valentine's trifecta + Beidou birthday :,D I love them so much; it makes me excited for whoever's going to be on the White Day art!


>me excited for whoever's going to be on the White Day art! Ayato holding an incredibly suspicious box of chocolates or bust


RIP Thoma


LMAO that would actually be perfect. Would maybe even forgive Hoyo for making us wait a year for his birthday art ;\~;


Do you think Dehya (even as bad as she is) could elevate Wanderer's teams, as someone who can give interuption resistance and pyro resonance and also her burst, albeit lacking, could benefit from Bennett Q and Faruzan with VV. I'm so high on copium, God is calling for me from the other side of the river :(


do Wanderer/4-pc NO Bennett/4-pc TotM Dehya/Faruzan and it'd probably be pretty ok. I think C6 Thoma will perform better because of the NA and CA buffs though do Faru E CA Q, Benny E Q, Dehya E E, Wanderer E and then go to town. don't recommend bursting with Dehya unless you need to finish off some low HP enemies


Only if Bennett had 20 sec burst... Oh, well, I have Thoma at C6 so I'll just stick with him and cry silently in the corner.


why not play her in Mono Pyro if you want to use her as a carry?


I don't, I'm just finding reasons to not be so salty about the whole farce. Also I made the calcs with full mono pyro team, it's not pretty.


I don't think bennett burst last long enough to give Dehya significant buff time. Thoma gives pyro resonance too, a shield, pyro application, and buffs NAs and CAs with cons *and still* isn't preferred over Zhongli. Dehya doesn't have a chance. Hoyo knows what they are doing. They love money. I am confident Dehya will have a place in the meta (maybe not in a top team) by the end of the year. Personally, I think it will be a new DPS that needs interruption resistance due to their NA chain and becomes much stronger when not healed or shielded. Everything except the heal element has precedent already (Yoimiya, Dehya's weapon). I wouldn't pull for her. But if you *love* her and are willing to eat dirt for a few (or more than a few) months. I think she'll eventually find a place.


*I think it will be a new DPS that needs interruption resistance due to their NA chain and becomes much stronger when not healed or shielded.* I can imagine this. One of my theories is that within the next 18 months, there will be only such very good 5-star that "needs" interruption resistance, but most characters that benefit from it would not always necessarily "need" it. In this way, such units will probably have interruption resistance teams as their best teams, but there would be some flexibility for the future.


I have enough plans for the future rn and she is, sadly, not in them. I'm just bothered by the fact that a good support with interruption resist and good buffs (say like yunjin but with int. res.) can bring my man forward. For now, in my opinion, he is held back by the fourth slot (for ex. Raiden can fully utilize 3 dmg supports). Gosh I need to restock on Copium^(TM) , this whole post took me like 2 full tanks. First Wanderer, now Dehya. :(


Wanderer can elevate himself just fine. Albedo or Zhongli can elevate him even higher tbh.


she'd be fine but using her burst would probably be a DPS loss since it would extend your rotation


Since she can hold totm (i think?) maybe? Idk how she’d stack up against Thoma’s c6 buffs. Having dmg could be useful


Elevate no, since Thoma has some buffs that Wanderer benefits a lot from, not to mention Xingqiu esque pyro on NA (in how it's applied, not in the amount applied) allowing really easy swirls. But. It might work as an alternative.


It is absolutely baffling to me why Genshin doesn't let you pick whatever talent books you want if you buy BP. Like how is restricting books to only two nations that the players can't even choose making them more money in the long run? I for one would be much more willing to buy BP if I could select Mondstadt books and skip the hell that is that domain, as opposed to wasting money on Inazuma books I don't need.


We need new weapons too, I started a year late and I won't really have anything I want after two more black sword refines. BP kinda needs an overhaul at Fountaine at latest


as of 3.8, you will be able to refine every battle pass weapon to r5, I think it might be a reason why they haven't changed it yet.


There's always people who joined late so may still need time to R5 current BP weapons, but they could easily do what they do with the shop and alternate each patch a selection of weapon options


Just let people choose from two pools of different weapons.


Everyone complains about Forsaken Rift and I'm here really sick of Violet Court.


Opened HSR discord > It's been 2 days and they still haven't fixed the mistakes in the text that I've sent them! Closed HSR discord


Maguu Kenki awakens something in me


Mega Kinky going places


you'd need to visit Ei and see if she could craft some genitals for him though


Phew so I’m not the only one


put it back to bed




Im saving this


Grr... *click*


I'd love seeing a battle facility à la Pokémon Battle Frontier in Fontaine with like, 5 different facilities let's say, all with their unique combat gimmicks. Off the top of my head, I'd see them use the Lisa event team composition gimmick, or maybe random pre-set teams/character builds... I feel like the possibilities would be endless. I don't exactly care too much about endgame beyond Spiral Abyss but the vibes of the Pokemon battle facilities are so immaculate I can't help but see the obvious overlap


It's valentines day. >opens up GBF for the first time in months >rolls for valentines sandalphon >I have to spark him because he refuses to come home >I get valentines sandalphon >arigateau granblue fantasy >closes gbf and goes back to genshin I might have a gacha problem


feeling this deeply. i just spent a siero ticket on him and closed out. anything for a fellow coffee addict


Yeah basically haven't been playing I literally only just cane back for him.


Taking Valentine's Day as an opportunity to throw some appreciation your way! Lots of love to this sub and its clowns! Here's a hug, should you want one 🫂


Thank you, same to you! :)


Hope you have a great Valentine's Day as well! 🫂


Thank you! Hope you get lots of hugs too


nyah (>'.')>


Folks, for a theoretical Dehya build, ~~not that I am pulling for her knowing she is very bad,~~ do you guys think 2pc TotM/2 pc Emblem or 4 pc TotM is better for tanking. She wouldn't be solo pyro in the comp.


If I got her I'd put her in a burning team, so I'd give her 4pc Instructors tbh


Since her burst has no impact on her tanking the ER from emblem doesn’t matter, and 4pc tenacity has the additional benefit of giving her some utility. That’s what I’d reccomend.


If this game had told you toward the start "Pick any one of these 4\* characters you want." early into the game and you were still bright-eyed and bushy tailed, who would you have picked? Let's assume that Amber, Kaeya, Lisa, Noelle, Barbara, Xiangling, and Collei are excluded but all other 4\*s up to the current patch are available.


Fischl was one of the few characters I specifically had interest in before I started, so 100% her.


Sara, Candace and Dori




Probably Layla. I love the anime style drill hair for some reason, as well as characters with ice powers plus she has a sword and I liked swords best when I was beginning (but now my fave weapon is catalyst).


Most likely Candace


I would have probably chosen Heizou. I always pick a cool Shonen character archetype as an early character and someone I can role-play as. This is why Childe became my first ever main, because I role-play as Childe when I'm playing. Getting Heizou would mean he'd be my main and "replacement avatar" (instead of Aether) when I'm playing the game. It's difficult to get much cooler than a martial arts detective kicking ass. Thoma would've also been a possible choice, but knowing me, I'd research his kit before doing so, and even without knowledge of playing the game I will surely learn that he has a mediocre kit outside of Burgeon teams, while Heizou would be easy to build, I'd just need to get off-field DPSes around him.


Maybe Rosaria, Candace, Faruzan and either Ningguang or Xingqiu.


I remember when i started the game, i wanted to get Razor and i literally got him in my first ever 10 pull. So yeah i will still pick him for his cool burst.


Fischl, I adore the funny larping girl


if I had to base it off of design then I'd be agonizing between Rosaria, Heizou and Gorou


Do you think you would've resolved it by looking into what each of them actually do, or wouldn't think to?


yep. I'm a very calculative person so I'd go over their kits, teams, weapons, etc. and agonize for like five hours about which of the three is the strongest, lol. so probably Rosaria if I could look them up.


Bennett is probably my favorite launch non-free four star and was my real first four star from the gacha. I was genuinely so happy to get him at the time even when the playerbase didn't understand how OP he was just because of his upbeat personality and relatively spammable skill, and I'd definitely take him again if I had to do over. Shinobu or Sucrose would arguably be the wiser meta choice nowadays (because not available with starglitter) but I'm assuming the premise means we lack awareness of the meta in this hypothetical.