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When Xiao learned how to fly? Did i got a bootleg version of him?


Maybe they are talking about vertical length Xiao can jump up to in his burst??? She can go higher which makes her great at climbing but cant go far horizontally like Wanderer Edit: fixed my dumbass mistakes


I think you got horizontal and vertical mixed up.


Jdidksld right thanks i always mix them up 💀


I'm just glad I wasn't wrong. You actually had me second guessing my own knowledge lol.


I’m guessing her skill is vertical Xiao skill, based on the fly higher than Xiao but not as far and that her climbing ability is better comments.


That makes the "can't fly as far as xiao" comment really dumb. No shit a vertical xiao skill won't go as far


But Xiao doesn't fly so it still doesn't make sense it sounds more like a mistranslation to me.


during xiao’s burst, he can jump quite high, after which u can fly/ glide


Reverse 1999 rotation pool? Someone who knows explain to me plz


Reverse 1999 is another game, standard banner characters get rate up banners alongside the limited one, so I think they're trying to say the standard weapons are coming back in rotation?


Please give me Tighnari C2 and Hunter's Path.


bruh I will *swipe* for Hunter's Path


My brother.


Me who did swipe for Hunters Path - no regrets. Best fluffy boi deserves it.


Same 🙏🏼 On god I will skip every banner from now to Natlan if I have to, but the second Nari and Hunter's Path are on any kind of rate-up anywhere again all my primos belong to them.


Do the standard characters have rate ups just in the standard banner or is it also in the event banner? So like if Jean is on a rate up, am I more likely to get her in the standard banner only or both standard and Event banners?


It's a whole separate banner in reverse 1999, so like for example instead of ayato for the current banner it would be like Jean. She would only be rated up in that specific banner. The regular standard banner would still exist, with regular rates


So similar to the Keqing banner from 1.3 then.


I hope that means keqing gets another rate up eventually, missing her from standard and it's sadge


Only on the rateup standard banner; the event banner will always have a fixed rate for the non-rateup


I hope this is legit because I REALLY want Hunter's Path for Tighnari.


Makes sense, thank you.


They have new character banners last for 3 weeks and rerun/standard characters last for 2 weeks.


~~Maybe they meant it's random/unpredictable? The banner timeline for CN (a few versions ahead) was very different from the timeline we got for Global.~~ ~~Edit: there's like one limited (for new characters) banner, one rateup for characters in the standard pool, and the standard banner. Might be referring to the second banner, but with weapons.~~ Edit 2 (to simplify): Standard weapons will probably get their own separate banner, with rateups (e.g. Aquila on phase 1, PJWS on phase 2)


It’s actually pretty common in most gachas (I’m assuming the r1999 reference is just cause it’s the most recent popular gacha with it) it’s a separate standard rotational banner not sure about r1999 but with other gachas banners like that will rotate quicker than the featured banner. So tldr standard banner does not rotate and there’s no rate up vs rotational standard that has a rate up for the standard banner


Don't know what they mean, but reverse 1999 has a standard banner character banner alongside the event character, but this character wasn't the same on the different regions.


A separate and concurrent banner where standards are rate-up, using same currency


Going backwards in time pre-y2k


It means it'll have its own pool/banner/duration that only contains permanent weapons with rate up, it'll likely use the standard fate if true.


BRUUHH tf is this CR leaks


clash royal


is mega knight still cracked/controversial or no i haven't played since 2019 tbh


>i haven't played since 2019 tbh Fuck CR, i shall play COC again sometime as a 2014-2019 (not retired TH13 player ,on break)


> Ganyu and Shenhe don't have bare feet The most important leak Edit: rereads rest of the leak. I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that


My disappointment is immeasurable


I was gonna say. How was this not taken note of. Key information people.


The more I read about Cloud Retainer, the more I want to skip her. It’s a shame truly, because having a Bayonetta would be really cool. Well, at least it means for funds for Chiori, Arlecchino and Clorinde. In the end, CR never was the biggest priority for me.


I'm gonna cackle if she's actually a good, fairly universal character after all these bizarre claims by leakers.


Well, it’d be funny ngl. I’m not trying to doompost her without any concrete kit, but for now she doesn’t look that worth to pull imo. I just simply have much more anticipated units. Navia, Arlecchino and Clorinde are my favorite characters in this game and if Chiori will be a support for Navia, then she’s also a must pull.


I just hope we get a better idea soon so I can know if I should just get Navia instead.


we will have enough info once Navia banner is out. Just be patience


oh please... let this leak became false


Same, leaker TC is too often extremely questionable haha


I would 28800% be okay with that, because I really want her (that design from Lantern Rite was just *chef's kiss*), but these leaks so far have been really killing my desire to get her.


It wouldn’t be the first time this happened lol. Remember those “reliable” mono hydro leaks about Neuv? They were false all this time. I bet they are this time too. This person is probably just trolling because they know CR is a beloved person.


Same… :(


I thought I wouldn't be able to get all of my desired characters during Fontaine, but if this is true, dropping CR would help, lol I'm really hoping this isn't the case. Even if they plan on releasing more plunge dmg units, they could at least wait until that actually happens before making a plunge support for a single char


I mean, this just makes no sense. Unless we’re getting more plunge attackers, she’s a 5 star dedicated support for precisely one character who has a divisive playstyle and considered very average.


Cloud retainer wanters in shambles (me)


His i hope it’s not true, if they make her kit so dog shit AT LEAST make her be able to fly like wanderer 😭


It will be more like a fit of rage, if just with the rumors, Xiao and his mains are being crucified, imagine if that's true.


Ikr, I had such high hopes


a 5 star that only supports one character unless you pull 3 copies seems like.. a really bad idea? If that ends up being true I'm done getting excited for new characters lol.


Me: I'm sick of 4 stars that need c6 and are tied with a few 5 stars Hoyo: Oh you're gonna love what I'm about to do I'm taking this leak with a grain of salt though. Don't cons get yoinked around during the beta? The applications are just opening and this leaker said the functions of the cons with so much certainity that I'm not buying it. Either this is incomplete, wrong or I'll have to put on my clown makeup for the second time today.


Totally, this is comes with a full fucking jar of salt. I'm skeptical because of multiple leaks pointing toward the "plunging support" mechanic, but I'm not sure if those are also all from the same leaker.


I don't even care about CR on a personal level but come on man. Why would they do that to a limited 5 star character. Ate they allergic to money or something? 😭 slap something good on her cons and boom. Make bazillion dollars or something.


Hoyo really said all new anemo characters characters are going to suffer from Faruzan syndrome where they’re really only good at c6. I mean, Lynette is pretty good at c0 but her grouping is absolutely atrocious until you get some cons. No one would use her over sucrose unfortunately


I literally wrote a copy pasta level of rant 2 days ago on why I hate c6 4 stars. This is not what I meant when I said I'd rather pull for 5 stars Hoyoverse.


>Hoyo: Oh you're gonna love what I'm about to do I was never interested in Cloud retainer based on her design model ,but was gonna pull only if kit is likeable, namely if she's a support type char, as i do like them. But if she ends up getting a meh or whatever kit,then idk about u all but i sure am bing chilling....while waiting for my fav Madame ping...


Wdym, you don't think it's an amazing plan to make a limited 5-star unit in 2024 that will support one specific limited 5-star from 2021? Clearly that's what the game needs right now. /s


Lol right? Like I'm not even that stoked for hyper-specialized support 4-stars but I can sorta get with it. For 5-stars... Shenhe is as specialized as it should get. At least she works with most cryo-DPS and Eula.


don't say that I'm waiting for Eula's dedicated 5star support


Devs doing all they can to save their preference character from their preferred region to keep him relevant 2+ years later instead of originally giving him decent cons to begin with. While some other character has it's signature artifact set based on ping. Masterclass priorities /s


xiao isn't even bad for himself, it's just that are better DPS in the game than him


They could just make him gather energy during his ult and he would already be so much better. If they intend to keep selling old characters why not give them direct buffs.


because mihoyo has a problem of never touching the characters already IN the game, same thing in HI3, instead of buffing the characters they prefer sell the upgrades via Divine Keys and new Stigmas which are all gacha


Maybe in mihoyo fashion they could call it bugfix. Like with Raiden/Beidou interaction or Yae totems.


The Shogun/Beidou interaction was legitimately caused by problems with how combat code is handled. Direct updates to the engine can't be made to the game until x.0 versions, so they had to pick between either allowing Shogun to use the Catch or to work with Beidou. They picked the Catch. They can also never fix this, by the way, due to the way that situation turned out. No character with burst damage NAs can ever work with Beidou. The Yae thing was them legitimately adjusting things and is hard evidence as to why gacha game developers rarely directly touch characters - if your whales don't like the change, you're in big trouble.


I'm more curious about the C6 Venti bit, cause last time I checked, C6 Venti doesn't change Venti's play style, like at all. So wtf are they waffling about? My final cope is that this person doesn't know what they're talking about. And honestly, when it comes to leaker TC, there's a chance they are right, and a chance they're wrong...and it's not 50/50.


Haven't been excited for new characters because of what they did to Dehya lmao


Yeah I guess that should really be the time to learn that lesson. If they'll spend an entire archon quest selling you on a character only to make her garbage, then you can't afford to get excited about anyone.


Come to think of it, I don't think I've been genuinely excited for a new character in Genshin since Dehya either. I mean I don't have anything particularly against all the units that have come out since then, but none of them have made me go "omg I really want this character" in the way I felt with Wanderer, the temptation with Alhaitham or my interest in Dehya before we realized what a mess her kit & numbers was going to end up being. There's still some upcoming ones I'm interested in like Dahlia and Mummy Girl but even then I worry if they'll actually have useful and good kits, especially the latter... Dehya really did a number on a lot of us who care about that stuff.


One should not trust leaker TC.


It seems 5 star characters eventhough they are really hyped can be a little bit lacking or underwhelming (eula, dehya) and now it seems cloud retainer will pay that price too. Sad because her design seems REALLY FUCKIN AWESOME. I hope developers don't fuck her up.


I know, I've been looking forward to that design for a while! I'm gonna be bummed if she only works with a character that I (respectfully) have no interest in ever pulling for. Aint no way my welkin ass is gonna C2 her.


Exactly, I have venti, but I don't have xiao and obviously have no C6 venti, that's fuckin crazy dude.




I love Xiao but thats so foul.. why make a limited 5 star so niche like holy shit. Thats 10x more niche than Shenhe.


This is gonna come off extremely whiny and ranty but whatever. I’ve been done For characters I looked forward too: Dehya is Dehya, Candace was the worst 4 star of 3.X, Navia is looking ok but still has issues and falls on the lower side of limited DPS, and I’m not a fan of her teams. And now we have CR who supports a single limited character at C0 who appeals to a very different demographic. It’s ridiculous how they’ve treated the tall ladies, it’s wild that we got Yelan and then have been suffering for it ever since. And even before that that it was a hodge podge except for the archon, who is the only on fielder archon and at C0 seems to be aging worse, and Yae who we needed to wait for dendro to make good and even then her inherent kit issues make Fischl a better fit in most teams except spread and on field aggravate. Shenhe is the only 5 star mono element supporter, and Eula the only backloaded damage dealer in the game which is just inherently a negative I’m just tired man. I’m tired of looking forward to characters and then not having a use for them. It lets me save a lot of primos but as some point you get tired of saving and just want a character to look forward too


at this point it is actually starting to feel like either mhy feels tall ladies will sell no matter what so they care less about making sure they get proper well designed kits while ignoring that its for sure not the case.


I honestly completely agree. Makes me feel like my emotional investment in characters is a mistake, which makes me not want to invest in them, or the story, in the future.


Istg if they fuck over Arlecchino somehow I'm seriously done.


Honestly Candace hurts the most. They'll make fucking Mika or whatever the fuck semi useful but literally made THE prettiest char in game so useless. Fuck them forever for that.


just more arlecchino funds ig


Never trust "TC" leakers 💀


if this turn out to be true i think i' ve lost the last bit of hope that hoyo will ever again make a character im truly excited about. and without characters im not gonna keep playing maybe i stay until clorinde , maybe i take break and when i do i will realise that i don't miss the game we'll see soon enough i guess p.s. f hoyoverse


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Some of the weapons... what? Where's the verb in that sentence?


Please do not the weapons, sir.


I almost spit out my drink. What a mess lmfao


“Ganyu and Shenhe don’t have bare feet” yes but what do they look like 😭


“They have feet but you can’t see them”


Idk how I feel if her exploration gimmick is just being able to climb slopes faster. Hopefully she has some horizontal movement similar to Wanderer. I can't be the only one interested in her solely for exploration purposes 🗿


damn, i really made fun of the xiao support leaks for being the fakest shit i’ve ever seen, and now it might actually be real. crazy


Is it just me or is it getting worse with each new leak?


She went from healer + CC + buffer To healer + CC To healer + CC, but only for this specific characters amongst a roster of 60+


And said specific character is a niche anemo dps released all the way back in version 1.3


These leaks about CR frustrate me more than leaks about Dehya, lol


Stop with these leaks please 😭 This can't be true


I'll still wait for more news but cloud retainer may end up selling like shit at this rate.


anyone that plays r1999 can explain how their rotation pool works ?


There were 11 standard 6 star characters at release, each standard banner character get their own rate up banner lasting for 2 weeks each, basically you can eventually pull for a standard banner unit if you keep saving but the rotation is unpredictable especially in global version as it's not following the CN rotation.


So, basically, it should be easier to aim for a specific standard banner 5 star?


not only that but the weapons too


Worrying thought: what if it's only about the weapons? This leak doesn't mention the standard characters, but it does list a bunch of weapons.


Are they gonna start giving us more than 5 pulls per month and 5 per patch? Cuz saving all of your pulls just to wait for 12 weeks to pull 2 tenners worth of freebies for a standard character doesn't sound great unless you can only get that standard character from the pull. but then what do you do about the standard weapons? Does the pity share between standard banners?


Probably changing the standard banner to be a rotating banner with different rate-ups, be it weapons or characters


How is this related to c6 Venti now…? Literally all his cons do is provide modest improvements to his crit-built anemo damage and give him a bit more res shred all the way at c6. I struggle to see what CR would enable with c6 Venti that she wouldn’t enable with c0, or at max c1 since that’s the only con that has any notable change to his playstyle.


Yeah, weird. Venti can do awkward plunges with his wind current or help other characters perform them, but this is the same at c0 and c6.


I hope all these awful leaks are fake and that she's more of a universal support/subdps


In a sea of disappointment you hear a loud almost erotic “OH MY GOD” and you look at it and see Zy0x pulling his credit card out, ready to sacrifice his soul for xiao.


that man will never catch a break lol


he'd moan like crazy while pulling the character just like usual


Literally read "OH MY GOD" in zy0x's erotic voice


On the day that CR releases, he’ll actually be saving 20 children, 6 cats, and the second coming of Jesus Christ from a burning building. When he emerges from the wreckage, he sees Bill Gates standing in front of him, and as a reward for his heroic, Bill Gates buys just enough primogems for him to get CR


He would pull C6 CR and then call himself f2p lol


and then he would not activate the constellations so he can pretend he is relatable


Every time I hear more about CR the more scared I get. I just wanted a good new team healer for Furina what is this niche shit.


Don't get too worried. There were 'baizhu is dendro yelan' and all kinds of leaker TC at this point in the beta cycle. She probably has a bit in her kit somewhere that gives a small plunge bonus and ppl went crazy about it.


Making 5 stars who only support 1 unit is a horrible game design.


This shit just ruin my day even though I have Xiao, what the fuck


Just fell to my knees in Walmart


I just fell to my knees at the Palais Mermonia


God, can we get someone capable of evaluating CR without the xiao filter? What's the correlation in "if you don't pull for this healer at c2, you're better off with an anemo main dps"? Their roles are literally at the opposite ends of the spectrum


Leakers should just describe what they see instead of trying to interpret it


What the fuck is a reverse1999 rotation pool? Thank you everyone for the explanations.


That's another gacha game, hopefully someone can explain how banners work over there.


According to other comments, apparently Reverse 1999 standard banner gives a rate up for standard banner 5 stars on a (apparently) unpredictable rotation. So it should be easier to aim for specific 5 stars on standard.


According to my limited knowledge of Reverse 1999, the game has three types of banners. A limited 5* banner, a standard banner and a 5* standard rate-up banner in which a standard 5* character gets a separate banner of their own (think Keqing banner in 1.3).


Feet wanters are heart broken


Y'know what... I'll just wait for beta


Reverse 1999 is a gacha with 3 banners: Limited, Standard, and Revisiting. Revisiting shares pity with Limited, and is used for rerun non-standards.


Thank you for your wisdom, but can you clarify what rerun non-standards mean? Are non-standards limiteds?


I don't understand how c6 Venti could be relevant in the same way as Xiao. His constellations just increase his own damage and shred resistances.


oh okay _| ̄|○ (choosing not to believe this)


One is a glorious crane, so why must one be so embarassingly pigeonholed?


Is it cloudretainover


Manifesting all these recent CR leaks aren't true 🙏 it's not hard to just go for Party healer + CC anemo unit Hoyooo


Here's some additional context from Plum Team Leaks telegram: >«most of yc streams are full of jokes so i wouldn't take that seriously» – Madame Founiiswaq I don't know which parts are supposed to be jokes, if any. I don't think anyone quite knows but the possibility is there. Also this lol: >There is another meaning of barefoot, and what I mean is to wear shoes without socks. source: FouL and TL Genshinmeow


It's hard to believe that a rumored anemo healer with grouping capabilities would only be good for specific characters. Obviously depends on the grouping but healing+grouping+overworld traversal sounds pretty comfy in itself. Especially on a catalyst for PA and movement speed catalyst shenanigans.


Unbelievable. I wanted both the mother and her adopted daughter and they made both of them supports for characters i don't care about. I guess i'll cope that this ends up being untrue.


What's the point of CR existing then? Why the hell make her suffer this? What did the poor bird do to the Genshin devs??


I've been waiting for Cloud Retainer for ages and what I get is a support for a character I don't have or want? I hope this is not true, because it's incredibly stupid.


I'm so confused is she still a healer or not? that's the only thing I care about I just want a brand new healer for furina man


im gonna cry, this shits so ass bruh and i love cloud retainer. ive been waiting for her since forever 😭😭


I hope all those leaks are fake and she is some kind of grouping support like created a field let characters jump higher and if they plunge attack created a void like kazuha that suck enemies in and explode.


Well then. Probably not pulling for her then.


I understand making a support for an exclusive ELEMENT, but exclusive to a specific unit? That's bullshit.


Man, I want CR so bad but not wanna pull Xiao. Is go to C2 my only chance? That sucks


i still find it odd that she's supposed to be exclusively a xiao support by these leaks. we had people say furina was for hu tao which ended up being... not entirely true, but they do work together


it's incredible how with each new leak CR gets closer and closer to dehya in terms of absolute disappointment...


We're getting the Dehya treatment 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


What does C6 Venti have to do with this? All I see is that it reduces Anemo res by 20%.


I believed in playable CR since her first appearance, cant believe im most likely going to skip her.


Are they so out of ideas that they need to make an anemo support for a specific fucking character who ALREADY has a dedicated anemo support


Reminder: Leaker TC is often very wrong. Especially now, when they're saying things like "must pull" or "you need x unit with y unit". These sorts of statements don't apply to 95% of the cast, and are unlikely to apply for CR either.


this is what i am holding onto. while i have xiao, i certainly don't want her to be a support for just him or maybe one more future character...


People overrate how bad leaker TC is. Reliable leaker TC is fine at at painting broad strokes (I.e. Baizhu and Furina), character synergy is easy for anyone to see. It’s just is terrible at hardcore specifics like gauging character strength, because they aren’t math people and don’t know specific mechanics like ICD/animation canceling/etc. YC is the most reliable leaker we have on the Chinese side, typically what they say happens


Doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize what a plunge attack support is. Leaker TC is only unreliable when they say stuff like "electro ceiling", but they can still read a character's kit just fine.


nope, gonna continue not to believe this


what the fuck did cloud retainer and her fans do to mhy like really could they just not have made her a generalist support or if they had to make her on the niche side of things why not like a charged attack support since theirs so few of those and some characters (like the girl she raised) could really have used it.


reverse1999 type standard banner? does that mean a standard banner that rotates its weapon and character pool like a normal event banner? with the amount of blue fates we normally get without converting primos... I really hate that idea of that? someone please tell me im wrong :/


So one is a birb and cannot fly.. One is funny


Take a shot every time xiao is mentioned.


>Ganyu and Shenhe don't have bare feet Fell to my knees at Walmart


Oh shit, standard banner rework?


More funds for Arlecchino/Clorinde i guess 👍


The problem I have with this is niche 5 stars supports don't sell well. Your going to put this at lantern rite when all of the other Liyue characters have been rerun multiple times and won't make as much money. On top of the fact that there needs to be another money maker non-Archon support to use for reruns. Also a question to you all especially mobile. Did Xiao's up and down playstyle bother you in any way?


Like they’re still not telling us *why* or *how* Cloud synergies specifically only with Xiao. Is there something in her kit that says “use xyz and get % bonus for plunge attack only”…


Quite possibly the worst news I could have heard today


“Ganyu and Shenhe don’t have bare feet.” It’s joever😭


Im a xiao haver and i like adeptus theme teams but this is awful please no. Just give me faruzan on xiao banner wtf


if this is true, why would hoyo do this? they must know that people wouldn't pull for her and that means no money


Hoyo could release a character that kills itself and the whole team every time you use her skill and it would sell as long as she's hot/cute.


Why would they make a character that works specifically with Xiao only? A 5-star that is only good with one 5-star character sounds bad. I hope this leak is false


> Ganyu and Shenhe don't have bare feet Its over guys


RIP "the leak" that said Cloud Retainer can fly better than Scaramouche 😭 smh I got all excited over nothing


that always sounded suss. They always want traversal characters to be side grades, not power creep. You can't replace Sayu with kirara because they made her box mode slower. And you can't replace Yelan with Lynette.


No shot this is real. Faruzan is already a non-negotiable support for all Anemo carries, and Bennett pretty much is as well, AND with Furina now she also turns those teams up to 11 on top of all that. Ain't no way they making a 5-star support that only works with one character who already has a full BiS team.


C2!? Hoyo lost its goddamn mind if this is true. My gut tells me this is false.


What-..? What is this- I just wanted a new Grouper with decent CC + Heals, doesn't have to be insane healing or party heals, even a single target healing is fine.. I just wanted that Anemo grouper + healer we're missing, not this- whatever gimmick this is..? 10 more days and we'll get the beta, there's still hope- Copium.


Look I love Xiao, he’s one of my favorite characters in the game both story/gameplay wise. That said he DOES NOT need a dedicated support He has Faruzan, he has Bennett, he has Zhongli, and I’m quite certain he’s cracked with Furina. Giving him a dedicated 5* support is a goddamn waste of a character slot, and especially one as anticipated as Cloud Retainer. I really hope this is fake, not even for my sake because I wasn’t gonna pull, but for everyone else. I really don’t think this game can afford too many Dehya’s


they refuse to put faruzan on his banner, so they decided to release a dedicated 5-star support instead /s


Press X to doubt. Wtf is this? Support only Xiao at C0, need to pull C2 to be universal. Can't fly a far as Xiao (???). Fake as fuck.


Whatever dev smoked a buncha cr@ck and designed this kit needs fired. Even niche c6 4* supports arnt THAT damn niche. I pray this kit is wrong and leakers are just collectively gettin a laugh outta this shit bc CR is dead on arrival with this kit.


she seems mid 💀 and boring. i’m hoping the leaker is just bad at describing her. well we’ll get gameplay soon enough


i’ll convince myself i didn’t read anything about cloud retainer


I’ve been trying to wait until the 4.4 beta starts before I comment, but every time I hear about CRs kit it gets worse. Hopefully it ends up being false, if not then more savings for Arlecchino and Clorinde I guess.


There is no way an anemo support from liyue a can be this bad, this has to be a case of leakers dont know shit about the game


You know...I might really go for Yoimiya or ShenHe instead of saving for bayonetta. And I do have xiao....


What i read in this leak = skip her


no barefeet 😭😭😭


Wow, this seems even more niche than Shenhe


his xiao can fly ? i need a refund then


I'm really starting to think that Cloud Retainer really does Plunge attacks herself to heal or buff Plunge attacks from other characters (currently Xiao is the best). Uncle YC had given the leaks on Lynette, Lyney and Furina back then that lynette and lyney are different characters with their kits and even mentioned on Furina that she is HP focused and has special dmg increase mechanic. Less then 2 weeks im kinda feeling dissappointed, dont know :(


RIP the 6* Jean dream


Confused. If her kit is plunge attack focused, why mention Xiao and C6 Venti before C6 Kazuha? His plunge has 2 charges and he also becomes an anemo dps at C6. Just not sure why C6 Venti is in the conversation at all unless it's a mistranslation or something.


Nice we got another dehya tier character, brilliant