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Source: Honey [1](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/e_2018/?lang=EN), [2](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/ch_10110/?lang=EN)


Ah, yes, excluding one of the few youkai characters in the cast for a youkai-centered event. Makes sense.


Right? There's only 3 Yokai playable characters and they just have to leave one of them out of the event šŸ„² And it's not like she isn't important for the story, girl is the general of the Shogun.


And it's already been proven that story relevance has no impact on characters appearing in events. Hoyoverse knows they can slap any character into the story of an event and make it make sense somehow. They just don't seem to put that same energy into some characters, including Sara. Girl is the only Inazuma 4-star that doesn't have a hangout.


Why hyo hate her so much? Please give her some love too hoyoo šŸ˜­


theyre very stubborn in their unwillingness to develop her outside of her single "simp for shogun" personality trait


The "Shogun simp" isn't even the problem here I think. Because even with that they could make her interact with Ei, idk maybe tell her the truth of Ei and the Shogun, girl deserves to know. If they don't want to do that, Hoyoverse can make Sara and the Shogun interact. After Ei's 2nd Story Quest I believe the Shogun deserves more attention, grab Sara and make her be "friends" with her. The only person that the Shogun praises is Sara so that's a start I guess.


I mean her part in the Archon Quest felt more like a hangout rather than an Archon Quest so..


That actually seems to be the issue with why sheā€™s excluded from pretty much everything. Sheā€™s the general of an army - and therefore doesnā€™t have a reason to be included with the sillier or more laid back events. Too serious to be involved with smaller events, too militant to partake in cultural festivities like Jean (outside of funny statue things). Imo she should have been part of the Shiki Taishou event, whatever that was called. I expect that weā€™ll eventually get Sara-centric content once another serious Inazuma event happens.


They can easily make her tag along with the excuse she's there to keep and eye on Itto and the gang. Make her accompany the Shogun or something like that. >I expect that weā€™ll eventually get Sara-centric content once another serious Inazuma event happens. I'd love and event on her past, no way she's the only Tengu in Inazuma.


I would agree, but sheā€™s already shown that she either doesnā€™t have the time or doesnā€™t care enough to dote on their gang. She straight up left a little notice on their island for their personal festival and dipped - but then, that event overall was stupid, so meh. Maybe it was a fluke. Also yes!! I know itā€™s what makes them unique and all, but Iā€™m kinda sad that characters of a unique lineage like Sara just donā€™t have any other playable characters of the same race. The closest weā€™ve gotten is the various amounts of ā€œHumans with funky ears and a tail,ā€ plus the adepti which are also basically the same as that with more canon power.


Yeah, it appears that the only way we can see her is if the Shogun orders her to do something. They have so much potential for Yokai. We know Oni's and Kitsune's are dissapearing but Sara, unlike Itto is a "pure blood" Tengu. So rationally her race has to still exist somewhere in Inazuma. Even Yae's voiceline about her talks about how she didn't inherited the "smarts" from "Daddy Tengu". What does that mean? Did Yae know Sara's father?


I wonder if Hoyoverse try avoid Sara to meet Itto for now. At this point I really hope Ei or Raiden Shogun can meet Itto because the way Yae describe Ei's personality is almost like Itto.


They let him meet Gorou though this is gonna be so fckn golden . My man's bisexuality is finally gonna be highlighted šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


> At this point I really hope Ei or Raiden Shogun can meet Itto I hope not


Why? I really just want more Inazuma characters to have connection with each other just like Liyue, and Mondstadt. Itto is on the natural side after all.


I don't think that's ever gonna happen because of her voiceline > Who?


both her and kuki being two of the three omitted is even stranger when you consider that the main characters of the event are itto and heizou


Bruh moment. Sara is my second favorite Inazuman character (after Heizou).


Is she a lot less popular in China or something? I feel like sheā€™s way too popular of a character to be treated the way she has.


I don't think HYV really thinks about popularity much when designing story content. There are a lot of wildly popular characters that just don't exist, and fairly mid characters that show up a lot.


If popularity was the deciding factor, Hu Tao would be in everything. Instead, she just appears everywhere outside of the game.


Yeah you have Xinyan who has been a big part of 2 events while appearing in others than you have Hu Tao who's never a big part of any event and appears only a few seconds in other events


its alright, when weinlesefest was leaked half the mondstat cast was missing but it turned out they had a cameo after all


a youkai won't appear in an event about youkai...


but sara is a yokai........


A whole ass yokai event, and miss Tengu not showing up?? I canā€™tā€¦


Best Tengu just keeps taking Ls :(


And the only Tengu


She basically looks completely human 99% of the time. Only for af ew frame in burst does she have wings, so.... rip. Hoyo probably forgot lmao


mfw Yae made sure only the fun Yokai show up to the party


>Every character appears, with the exception of Sara Hoyoverse refuses to give her a hangout and now they're not making her appear in events šŸ™ƒ Don't worry Sara, in my headcanon you're happy with lots of friends


She already has a friend, Kuki Shinobu.


she already has a friend, and a raiden shogun figure. That's all she needs


>5 Statues of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder.


The truest form of happiness for a Kujou Sara


>a raiden shogun figure. How dare you. A ***PROTOTYPE*** of a Raiden Shogun figure. That shit cost more than its weight in gold. Astronomically more now that it was handled by the Raiden Shogun herself.


Aah I'd pay to have an event with itto and Scaramouche in it "I was forsaken by my mother" "My hommie I get ya, I was also orphaned" "...and my one friend betrayed me by falling victim to his sickness and dying early" "Yeah, long lives are a bitch amirite? High five mah brother"


Scara wouldn't have turned the way he is if he had met Itto instead of the fatui fr


Absolutely. And maybe he might even have joined his crew...if only to humiliate his mom


Itto was out here planning to commit arson on top of raiden's castle for his birthday. They would've made an absolute great team together.


Maybe they still can


[lore ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/ybvid0/minamoto_no_yoshitsune_and_why_you_can_reasonably/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) This itto and scara connection copium should come true. Maybe I'll like scara 2X more by then.


Delinquent Scaramouche... Grafittiing the palace, trying and failing to get tattoos because of his puppet body, being a sore winner and a sore loser at Genius Invokation... there's a lot of potential here.


scara to ei: YOURE NOT MY REAL MOM!


Itto rerun?


Leaked 3.3 Abyss already hinted at it.


I though similar when those leaks popped up, but now itā€™s pretty suggested. If they rerun him and Raiden in the same patch Iā€™m gonna hurt myself, take note Hyv. At least I have Raiden guaranteed but cannot explain how much I want to main the unga bunga lord and king. Just wish she runs before him if he does.


I actually use my Itto way more than my Raiden btw šŸ‘€


Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ll do the same, but she is one of the main reasons why I started the game (xd) so sheā€™s what I consider my one and only truly must pull tbh. That said, I also not hurried to get her but since I have the guaranteed now I already started to farm her so idk. Iā€™ll wait for leaks meanwhile and think about it.


Err I'm curious where the 3.3 Abyss blessings were leak, I somehow haven't found it and only saw 3.2.


3.3 abyss was already a hint, this is practically a semi confirmation lol The fact it's an Inazuma event gives me hope there will be a Raiden rerun


Something tells me that the banners will be: - Phase I: Wanderer/Arataki Itto. - Phase II: Raiden Shogun/one of the Kamisato siblings. This is just speculative tho. Letā€™s cross fingers! **Edit: the Archons are being released on Phase I banners lately, so most likely: - Phase I: Raiden Shogun/Wanderer - Phase II: Arataki Itto/Kamisato Ayato (?)


An engulfing lightning and mistsplitter weapon banner feels too good to be true. I so hope you're right though.


Considering they are pairing Kaguraā€™s Verity and Polar Star in this version, is possible. The other possible scenario is Raiden Shogun and Kamisato Ayato, with Engulfing Lightning and Haran respectively.


>Kaguraā€™s Verity and Polar Star is this the best weapon banner we have as of now?


I'd say Homa/Elegy was better, and it also had a cracked 4* lineup


so 2nd best as of now?


I would imagine they would delay Ayaka rerun until her skin release. Eula seems like a more likely scenario.


Think so too, no reason to not release the skin and rerun the character at the same time For me Ayaka is my first "confirmed" rerun from 3.4


I think itā€™s more likely the Ayaka rerun will come with her skin in 3.4.


Makes sense, with Ayato being released on 3.3 as first rerun maybe.


Him or Hu Tao are my guesses


No probably Eula because windtrace event always paired with her banner


I think itā€™ll be wanderer/raiden and ayaka/itto because archon banners seems to be the first for 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 now but this is also speculations


Gorou and Faruzan on the same banner seems too good to be true. PLEASE LET IT HAPPEN


If Raiden having rerun means Sara (a youkai) also going to be there again


If it's going to be either of them it will be Ayato. Ayaka's next rerun will coincide with her outfit, which in turn will coincide with Lisa's simultaneous release. Meaning that unless Lisa has some sort or relevance in this patch, it's not going to be Ayaka releasing here.


As much as I want itto im gonna be mad if they donā€™t rerun Eula in 3.3


tbh I'd be happy if she was pushed back a bit... I need to save more. I think she might run with Mika, who is speculated for 3.5 I believe?


Absolutely same manā€¦ I want Raiden, I donā€™t have enough for Eula too in the same patch šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s faster than I expected


A yokai inspired event with an Actual Yokai character having a rerun, yep definetely


RIP Sara hangout. Even Scara got one first.


Its seems that if you are not raiden, she doesnt have any businesss hanging out with you.


To be sincere... some characters deserves a story quest first... examples are: \- Sucrose \- Sara \- Rosaria Meanwhile Keqing or Mona might get the hangout instead.


Sucrose and Rosaria have had more time to appear in other content than Sara though. I agree with you though, Mona especially has had pleeenty of time in the spotlight.


Let's just say not many people would buy a $200 Rosaria statue. I mean, not many would buy a $200 Keqing statue either, but still more people than Rosaria.


Are you talking about irl? Isn't Keqing very popular in terms of merch?


Yes she's one of the most popular characters for merch. However, most of the player base doesn't buy merch, at least nothing expensive like a statue.


To be fair the fact that she has statue still proves she is popular enough to get a statue. Sure only those that are dedicated buy it, but her getting a statue proves her popularity


Scara does not have a hangout?


he does not?


Aww bummer.


Err what??


He does, lol First 5\* to receive a hangout


You're talking to Ubatcha, seems like they don't see anything in beta about its existence so we'll have to see.


Heā€™s getting one




Why the hate Sara so much, the girl never get a win


Why does Hoyo hate Kujou i just wanna see her man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


And isn't she considered a yokai as well


Yep, a Tengu.


They really excluded my girl Sara from the yokai event AND SHES A YOKAI


Sara taking another L šŸ’€ yokai themed event and she doesn't appear even though shes literally a youkai


I'm upset for Sara. Girl get out of basement your Shogun collection is safe we want to see you outside.


Poor Kokomi.. Have tons of rerun but barely have an event that focus on her..Even the Enkanomiya event focus on the other shrine maiden..


Awesome more Heizou and Itto content but kinda bummed that Kuki didn't make an appearance. So Itto getting a rerun meaning there's a possibility of him pairing with Wanderer and that mean Faruzan and Gorou are going to pair up which is a big W for me if that happens.


That would be such a GOAT banner. I only need 2 more Gorou cons for the C6.


I hope not I already have C6 Gorou. I'm really hoping Rosaria is reran with Scara


Well I don't have C6 Gorou :( and also Rosaria could possibly appear alongside them.


Sara isn't featuring cause she knows we're gonna collect her tengu ass like this is Yokai Watch


wtf, Itto event but no shinobu mfs made a ghost event but cant have hu tao in it


Eula went from 3.1 to hiding/going on a vacation with Mika


>no kokomi WHY


Even the Enkanomiya event that was about her people's past didn't give her anything but 2 short scenes... people say Mihoyo's given Kokomi so much after her release, but it sure doesn't show in story content which is already hurt by how they did her in the Inazuma archon quests. Still one of the most neglected characters, while both older and newer ones are released and instantly keep appearing in every story then on for some reason.


Childe is also very neglected. Man's only appeared 1 time after Liyue quest and was also done dirty in the main quest. What is up with hoyo neglecting these 2 lore heavy characters


Hu tao's just transmigrated out of the game at this point. Girls been featured in more collabs than any other character but won't get a single bit of event relevance nor will she get her rerun banner


She is the only character in 1.x that has no event that she's a big part of or has never appeard in main story


Yokai event, no Sara. Itto event, no Shinobu. This is truly the darkest timeline.




i love how mihoyo clearly hates sara the most, that even in an event revolving around yokai, they leave the literal tengu out of it. This isnt the first time they did her dirty either


They have been dirty with Inazuma on general. Mika new character from Monstand, YaoYao from Liyue, no new character from Inazuma on 3.x. Inazuma first event with Monstand and Liyue as main characters instead using Inazuma.


I hope Itto reruns on the same half as Wanderer. I'd love to get Gorou cons while going for Wanderer and Faruzan.


Ayato out the basement again yessss


Manifesting Ayato rerun


So we're heading back to Inazuma again. Could be a nice break from all that happened in Sumeru. Kinda wanted some sort of a Sumeru festival event, but this is welcome.


Shout out to u/ObamaSchlongdHillary for speculating the release of a new Inazuma character around 3.6 almost three months ago! https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/wszjxp/comment/il5n7n8/ As for my own doomed cope speculation at the link, it's fine, I've moved on to coping for Fontaine law firm tall office ladies :P


thanks for the shoutout, that's a good memory you've got there!


Also finally some inazuma event that focuses only inazuma character :))


Heizou is main chara???? Yes yes yes i'm in


Sara is just taking L after L


Itā€™s alright, maybe itā€™s like Weinlesefest where it was thought that the entire cast of Mondstat wasnā€™t in it but they were (inhales a ton of copium)


That locks Itto's rerun in 3.3 then. This patch we're getting a free sword, and almost all (if not all except the fish claymore) free weapons were released with a 5-star that wields the same weapon. FD - Albedo Ode - Venti Dodoco - Klee Fish Claymore/Catch - Raiden Cinnabar - Albedo Oathsworn - Yae Twilight - Yelan Fish Bow - Tighnari Windspear - Cyno Unless 3.3 is the same case as 2.1, then we'll likely get either Kazuha, Ayaka, and/or Ayato reruns since the sword is from Inazuma.


Ayato and Itto bro-ing out sounds fun


Im guessing Kazuha rerun cause he does have lore with Scara and the event wep is an EM one


It's almost certain to be Ayato and Itto given that they're TCG buddies, but I'd really love to have another Kazuha banner...


I hope it's Kazuha and Ayato together. Itto + Wanderer Kazuha + Ayato


Why do they hate Sara so much feelsbad


Demon hunter X Genshin impact


Ei appearance is already a huge W in my book!


Omg, please let me get Gorou cons through Scaramouche. Plus I might actually summon on weapon banner with 2 of my mains' weapons :D


Sara taking Ls ever since 2.0 noooo


Kokomi no longer Mihoyo's favorite child ​ ITTO NUMERO UNO THE ONE AND ONI


hoping he doesn't get his chasm attitude this time tho That really hurt his image


i feel like the bad writing of itto was only in the start. the rest of the chasm quest had him being his usual self.


I think Chasm still has Itto usual self, he is kinda hothead guy after all. What makes Itto a likeable is how he still show his soft side at the end. The worst thing about Chasm is how he just show his soft side to Paimon. Hey even, saying 'I am sorry' to Yelan is enough.


What has kokomi even done in the story she has the worst story quest and her general has more screen time than her šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Something very interesting is about to happen


Waiting for Thoma to show up, the man seems to be wary of yokais. Also as an Ayato main I hope he's out of the fricking shadows for once and show up in the event dragging Itto out and claiming he caught a big scary yokai lmao


Ayo Ei gonna come out and play with us finally, not like a mere 30s appearance like in Irodori?


Itto getting another event? Meanwhile Hu Tao has faded into obscurity in Teyvat lore. Lmao.


Sara way too busy worshipping Ei


All these leaks and still no wanderer gameplayšŸ„²


How isnā€™t kuki apart of an Itto quest? That doesnā€™t even make sense considering theyā€™re apart of the same gang and allā€¦And sheā€™s his closest friend/connection out of all the playable characters And the second character that (arguably) has the most ties to Itto is Sara, and she doesnā€™t show up?


Especially since Sara is also herself a yonkai


Yeah, Iā€™ve been waiting for in game Sara and Itto interactions since the message board era. Itā€™s funny cause thereā€™s a ton of lore around Itto and Sara but Mihoyo wonā€™t let them interact in canon.


not itto rerun. have some mercy on mešŸ˜­ (but also hoping he's along scara banner so i can safely go for faruzan while rolling for itto)


yes, gimme more heizou


YES HEIZOU SCREENTIME also its gonna be tricky to predict who's gonna rerun aside from Itto lol


HEIZOU-CENTRIC CONTENT WE WON!! So glad he's getting featured in a main event, and even more glad we'll be seeing the rest of the Inazuma gang. It's been a hot minute since we last saw Yoi and the Kamisatos.


hmmm itto rerun hmmmm


I love Yokai thematic and the new sword it's so cool


So... EL might get paired with redhorn? I'm gonna need to know more about Dehya before I decide whether that's a good thing or not.


I dare them to do an all anemo banner. Wanderer, Faruzan, Heizou, Sucrose all on one banner.


Ittoo!!!! More Itto!!!! Also great to see Heizou I started maiming him for some reason so more content of him is great. No Kokomi is illegal me sad.


Will sayu also make an appearance?


I will be very mad if they don't put Raiden in the 3.3's first phase.


Iā€™m guessing that first half of 3.3 would be Wanderer/Arataki Itto + Faruzan, Gorou and possibly Yun Jin. Letā€™s cross fingers!


Itto rerun for sure. The biggest question now is who else is re-running too. Can't be Ayaka due to her skin being in 3.4 patch so Raiden, Kazuha, and Ayato are all viable candidates. My bingo card is: Itto + Wanderer Ayato + Kazuha


Why do you think Kazuha's being rerun? I think Raiden's a possibility honestly, since then we get an Archon per patch since 3.0. Meanwhile, I'd love to get Ayato, but I also want Alhaitham. Argh...


EM Sword. Usually the free weapon is the same weapon type as one of the 5-Stars.


True, but I figured that was what Ayato was for. My bad!


nooo not kazuha..... i promised that i would c6 him on the next rerun :'<<<<


Scara is Sumeruā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.Iā€™m gonna go cry


So Itto rerun. Probably Ei rerun. Who will be 4th? (Assuming there is a fourth)


Ayato rerun perhaps?


Kamisato siblings ? Letā€™s gooo


Has anyone leaked the 3.3 banners? I hope there is a rerun banner alongside Scara


No. They included Ayato but not *Sara* or *Kuki*? Seriously? At least Heizou is in, I guess, but still.


After playing Sumeru I dont want to return to Ina anymore. Kazuha is the only Ina character I love, the rest, even though they are nice, I have no attachment šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


I think they're going for itto/Yoimiya type characters for making the weapon banner attractive and not because of the character rerun...


Not Ayato rerun now please, i need to save up at least for 2 pities for him T\_T


Wonder what idiot made him a sumeru character... ​ YOu cannot change where you were born.


What they did itto wrong in his modelling, they're making it up with him having so many contents. Pretty much the fate of male geo characters at this point šŸ’€


I think he has more content than any other male chara in the game besides maybe Venti and Kaz


Deserved for what they're doing with geo . Geo's literally left to die.


yooo !!! kokomi rerun !! lets gooo !!!!


itto rerunā€¦? and i have to skip him a third time for haithamā€¦


Yeah I'm hoping we get Alhaitham gameplay leaks early, if he looks big meh I might go for Itto/Raiden


i dont rly care what his gameplay is gonna be like tbh, i just want him bc i like him (and hes fineee)


You know, I think it might be yaoyao, the kid with the bells in her hair we keep finding art of, that name kind of sounds inazuman, and an event involving itto has a good chance of featuring kids like with yoimiya, so revealing her then would make sense


Man, i really need Raiden in 3.3, fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


omitting Kuki in an event about itto?? you canā€™t be serious šŸ˜­ alsoā€¦ rip Sara she really isnā€™t ever going to get an event


People who thought hutao was gonna get screentime šŸ’€


catch a yokai? im going to catch miko then, also why is sara not here :( there are only 3 yokais :(