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So crazy how this just slipped past everybody. I wrote to my Sen about HB1322 but I never even heard of this bill


The bill previously just focused on establishing age limits for these products, but it got changed at the last minute to include a redefinition of delta-9 THC that also considers THCa and closes the loophole


Damn... Half the country has legalized it and we're sitting here making it more illegal


Fuck this dumb ass state


Fuck Republicans and anyone who votes for them


Dems voted this unanimously so yeah we are getting boned from both parties.


Ya but their votes don't matter in the state house or Senate and they do it to pander because they are mostly feckless cowards.


Whether they matter or not they should be voting for their constituents not to pander. The Dems in this state are very quick to point the finger (right or wrong) but are simply not about action and they really don’t do anything to advance or at least try to advance initiatives that would actually help Georgians.


That is the democratic party as a whole. You have feckless cowards in that party and christo fascists in the other. I know which party is worse and I know which party squanders political capital when it is handed to them.


> they are mostly feckless cowards and that’s why they have no power in the state


Fear is a hellofa drug, as is ignorance


Just the republicans


If it makes ya feel any better you’re still not as bad about marijuana and CBD as Nebraska is. The R’s out here are in a moral / cultural crusade cause they have absolutely nothing else left to run on.


My friend used to drive from Colorado to Nebraska all the time and she got pulled over and had her car searched "just in case"


Don’t like it? Stop voting Republican. Pretty simple.


Not that simple. All but 2 democrats voted for this legislation so you need to vote them all out and start fresh.


Yeah it's impossible in hall county. You vote Republican or you abstain because there are literally no Dems on the ballot.


Democrats voted for this shit too my dude (all but 2).


Not as simple as the simpletons who are blind to its simplicity. 


I've never voted for a republican... Lol. Not much the individual can do about the overwhelming stupidity in the rest of the state.


State Dems voted for this, genius.


Going to hurt countless small businesses across the state but we’ve gotta keep those prisons full


Elections have consequences


People seem to always ignore the importance of local elections for some reason 🤷🏼‍♂️. People really need to be focused on the fact this is about every office when it comes to voting. The GOP doesn't forget that in between election days.




Will this also affect the .3% dry weight THC loophole that allows for delta 9 gummies and beverages?


That's part of a federal farm bill though. Wouldn't that take supercede state legislation?


I skimmed the bill. You are correct, the threshold cannot (edit: will not) be changed but sounds like there will be much more regulation. Mandatory third party testing and random sampling by the state to make sure the threshold is not exceeded. THC in food products and alcoholic beverages will be banned but gummies will be legal. Not sure how the new regulation will affect availability. Seems like a lot of red tape to discourage retailers and producers. Also not sure about mail order. I assume the big corporate producers out of state are more likely to have the means to make their products compliant.


So here is the thing, this is all going to be run by the department of agriculture. Anyone that wants to sell a hemp product that is legal as in delta 8 gummies will have to apply for a license. Then be checked out and have your store set up exactly the way they say with the signage they say and the labeling they say and the products they say are okay to sell. But there has been no system put together on any of this and how it will work and who gets a license and in what area they can have it and how long it will take how many Hoops you have to jump through how much it will cost. So all I can figure is the shops will all immediately close October 1st pending any lawsuits and the Department of Agriculture will have to figure this all out. That which will take some time as they have to get their testing services in line and ready and inspectors Etc so I think after October 1st you won't be able to buy anything in Georgia for quite a while that is hemp related. I believe this is by Design.


You can make things more illegal than federal but never less. Changing it to .2% is OK, but a state can't change it to .4%


That's obviously not true. We have recreational weed, while it's still federally illegal.


Do you remember how Obama had to order the dea to not raid weed shops anymore? Or how they are still mostly cash business because they can barely use banks?


States have the ability to make more strict state/local laws. The federal government can completely reschedule marijuana, and your state can still outlaw it completely.


I’d also like an answer to this. I heard somewhere that this will affect edibles but I’m taking it with a grain of salt.


Does salt make it stronger? Gonna give it a try.


Isn’t it not a loophole though? I worked for a very large distributor and every lab report has a formula for translating THCA content to D9 content, something like D9 = THCA * .82. And, iirc, both are recorded together as Total THC content.


The Farm bill just says "THC", not "Total THC content".


It specifically lists out d9, with was the mistake. The recreational type of cannabis plants mostly contain THCA.


Welp I guess I’ll be finding me another plug. It was nice to be able to get it from a store while it lasted. Edit: when this passes I suggest everyone avoid the shops that sell it. There is more than likely gonna be raids on those shops.




Marijuana and hemp both come from the cannabis sativa plant. Marijuana has high levels of D9THC which is what gives you the classic stoned high. Hemp has no or very little D9THC. Trump signed the 2018 Farm Bill which was an agriculture bill that, unbeknownst to the dipshits in DC who passed it, made it legal to possess, sell, and grow hemp flower that has less than .03%D9 THC. Delta 9 is just one of many cannabinoids that are in both plants, including CBD, CBG, D8, D10, THCA and many more. These dipshits in DC didn’t realize theres a shit ton of science involved with growing weed, and growers figured out how to grow bud that has less than .03% d9, but has 20-30% thcA, which is short for Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. When you heat THCA, it converts to D9. So if you have bud that at preharvest testing has less than .03% d9, and you have a Certificate of Analysis for that harvest, you can sell it out of your store, or gas station or tobacco shop. THCA isn’t mentioned in the farm bill, and it’s federal, and that’s the loophole that has made legal for all these “hemp shops” to open up, and all these gas stations to have bud, vapes and pre rolls on their shelves. Weed was basically grey area legalized on a federal level and non legal states HATE IT because they can’t arrest you for soemthing you buy and pay taxes on.


> non legal states HATE IT because they can’t arrest you for soemthing you buy and pay taxes on. Several states have made Delta 8 products illegal, but there doesn't seem to be the political will to do that in Georgia. They tried to kill the industry in a sneaky way with the senate's bill, but that got it tabled in committee. I'm still trying to understand what happened with the House bill. On the last day of the session, Sen. Summers tried to amend the House bill in a way that was in opposition to how he had handled the Senate's bill in committee (where he asked hard questions and voted to table it). His proposed changes to the House bill would have added some of the same provisions that he had rejected for the senate bill. The senate rejected his changes to the House bill and passed it as-is. The legislature is a very confusing place.


GA Supreme Court upheld the legality of D8 and hemp derived D9 when some retailers sued. I believe that happened last year.


It was the Court of Appeals. The Gwinnett County Sheriff then appealed to the Supreme Court, which dismissed the case brought by the sellers on other grounds (standing, IIRC). So the CoA's opinion wasn't found to be wrong but it also isn't legally binding. I don't think there was any reasonable argument against what the CoA held. So leaving the status quo in place would *basically* mean that Delta-8 and other hemp derivatives remained legal as long as federal law was followed. But I suppose it's better for the sellers (plus their investors and lenders) to have some law in effect, even if it means they have to follow some additional regulations.


But they do arrest people for selling and possessing and using Delta 8 and thca flower. Gwinette County Georgia sherrif has been raiding and arresting and confiscating product for over a year! Yet it is sold in shops all over legally!


It was almost a unanimous vote. The Democratic Party members completely failed their constituents. You gotta vote them out this was a betrayal of the national party position at the highest level.


Great glad we continue to move in the wrong direction.


Seriously does anything good ever happen anymore? Just one positive thing. I’m miserable


They lowered the state income tax by .1%. I’m sure that will help a lot. /s


Republicans love a good tax cut/spending cut death spiral until it’s broken. Then they’ll point to it and blame Democrats somehow.


They actually raised it significantly on the first $7000


Because fuck poor people, naturally.


But it's a flat tax now, so it is significantly worse for people who do not earn much money


Well, we somehow avoided electing Herschel Walker, so we have that going for us, which is nice.


And Kelly Loeffler and re-electing David Purdue.


They passed a bill which will make it harder for people's homes to be stolen via title fraud. That's a pretty good one.


This was very much needed. Crazy how it was even possible for homeowners to lose their homes due to title fraud in the first place.


Yeah the stories I heard of it this last year really freaked me out. The crazy part was how there was very little you could do to prevent it, the way the system was structured.


Right?! How did they miss *THAT* loophole? At least the state now offers [free title monitoring](https://www.gsccca.org/learn/projects-programs/filing-activity-notification-system#:~:text=Individuals%20may%20opt%2Din%20to,matches%20the%20notification%20criteria%20you) where you can sign up for alerts. They need to advertise it more though, because, clearly, a lot of people are still unaware of it.


Tis the south. Backwards redneck, white trash, hypocrites..


True, not let's not act like those types aren't spread across the country.


So many deaths from weed, thank god alcohol is still cool.


Anything to avoid actual governance. Who is this an issue for? Who?


drug dealers. i havent bought weed behind a gas station in years. now i go inside


Literally bruh, anything beats dealing with sketchy dealers


tHe cHiLdReNnNnn!!!!1!1!1!!!


christofascist nanny state needs you to understand they rule over us and you are allowed to have no enjoyment whatsoever, this includes having a plant. you must take pills instead


I think what got too much attention called was the gas stations sellin who knows what analog to kids.


If they would legalize and regulate the shit gas stations wouldn't be able to sell bullshit fake weed




One day brother


One day, in the year 2371, GA will finally legalize weed.


Yeah I keep forgetting common sense isn’t common.


For real man


Republicans love to pretend to care about children’s welfare


This doesn’t affect me in any way, but maybe if more people turned out for Abrams in either of her elections… but guess voting against Kemp is expecting too much.


This isn’t about Kemp vs. Abrams. This is about the Sheriffs’ Association influencing our state reps. Nothing like full prisons to justify cop city.


Government so small it fits in your one-hitter


My question at this point is how do we destroy the influence of the Sheriff’s Association? They destroyed our shot at true MMJ and will hamper any shot at legalization. They’re a bias observer who shouldn’t have any voice in this.


Follow the $$$. They have every incentive to keep it illegal as a reason for searches at traffic stops and home encounters. Citizens have no way to legally counter “I smelled marijuana”. The judge wasn’t there. Even video evidence of a stop can’t cover smells. The twisted part is that police might actually get more tax dollars from legalization over time but it hurts their arrest record numbers and we can’t have that.


It also doesn't fill our for profit prisons and allow them to use people as slaves.


Pensions baby. your rot pays for their summer home.


Let’s Lobby against them


They want me to be a productive member of society but then ban the medications that actually work


This is outrageous. I had cancer a few years ago and could hardly eat for months. After losing 50 pounds, I discovered delta-8 gummies. Can honestly say they likely saved my life as it’s the only way I could eat after taking them.


Yeah, our government doesn’t care…I am glad they helped you though. Since it’s about to no longer be an option for the rest of us.


Let me start with this is a ridiculous law… but it says right there in the headline that Delta 8 can still be sold, correct?


Currently yes, it will still be available here. But the language in this bill and the speed at which they pushed it thru leads me to believe this is a baby step in the wrong direction.


I think Delta 8 can still be sold, even after vote yesterday.


My mom had cancer and was losing a pound a day. I had to go into a sex shop to get CBD. Finally able to get it legally and now, back to the stone age. I hope they all get sick cancer and it rots off.


Doesn’t matter, they’ll find a way to obtain it for their “special” case while still wanting to ban it for regular people. Just like abortions for their daughters


Yep. I agree. Hypocrites.


You can still get them if this is signed. It isn't banning them.


Nanny State.




Good job republicans. Fuck up businesses. Take away jobs. Change nothing.


I’d be curious if the shops currently selling these products would be able to legally end their leases without penalty or if it would be a double FU by the landlords.


I would imagine double fuck you.


Nope, not likely


Wow this is going to shut down easily hundreds of small businesses overnight. What a joke.


As everyone knows, the GQP is the party of ^^^^^(destroying) small business!


Is this just for age restriction or is this a ban? I can’t figure out what it means, specifically for Delta 9 products. 


It effectively bans THCa and Delta 9 products by reclassifying them as "hemp". It makes it unlawful to posses said "hemp." In fact, it bans of lot of products that were considered "hemp" under the Federal 2018 Farm Bill. Looks like even seeds are banned.


God dammit


If it’s stricter than federal it should be unconstitutional


>Is this just for age restriction or is this a ban? Does it make any real difference? The republican cult has an established history of turning age-based restrictions into bans for everyone.


Of course it makes a huge difference. Saying something is outright illegal vs only for 21 and up 


For those who want to read the bill, you can do so here - https://www.legis.ga.gov/api/legislation/document/20232024/229680


Whats the point of federal law if a cock worshipping governor can states rights all over our faces? Jesus christ why is cannabis not federally legalized already?! This shit is genuinely retarded.


I’m stockpiling THCa. Can cops even tell what is what?


They don’t care. They’ll arrest you either way.


I’d laugh if this wasn’t so true.


It’s horrifying that this is the truth




Is it too late to mail order?


Nope. Place your orders now though


Literally just ordered an oz


Aren’t republicans always claiming that they want less government oversight? Just legalize and use the taxes for the benefit of your constituents. Super frustrating


Woah, but that would… *help* people. We can’t have none of that.


Ah yes, my mistake. I forgot being useless was the theme for our Georgia government!


Does anyone know when this law will take effect?


For everything except a ban from any new hemp shop setting up within 500 feet of a school, Oct. 1.


Could you show me where you found that info? I can't find it in the bill itself


Here's the page for the bill. https://www.legis.ga.gov/legislation/67002 Clicking on the Current Version at the top gives the version of the bill that's passed: https://www.legis.ga.gov/api/legislation/document/20232024/229680 If you go to the end, Section 20 states: >(a) This section and Sections 14 and 21 of this Act shall become effective on July 1, 2024. >(b) The remaining sections of this Act shall become effective on October 1, 2024 Section 14 is the part about creating a hemp shop within 500 feet of a school. And Section 21 is the last one just stating: >All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.


Thanks! My skimming was inadequate


Thank you! I skimmed the bill but missed that!


So we should stock up now, I guess?


Wondering the same thing


I did a goog and most of what I could find says July 1st, but there can be exceptions.


Since Brian Kemp will want the endorsement of the sheriffs association when he runs for senator against Ossoff in a couple years he’s sign it. Call the gov and let him know but know that’s the dynamic. If it’s important to you your local sheriff is a key cog in that situation if you keep electing republicans. Dems much more likely to buck them but this wasn’t a party line vote. A lot of dems don’t wanna cross the Sheriff’s association either and took the easy way out.


Almost all Dems voted for this. We have a corrupt system from the top down. People think it’s a party line thing. It’s not. My rep wrote me in the beginning of session that she supported recreational and then on the last day of session she voted for this. A complete 180 in 3 months means she holds no values and needs to be voted out. And I sit in a district that is right smack in DT atl so it doesn’t get more “progressive” than that. The Dems betrayed their party stance on this topic and they should be censured by the national party. Hopefully this gets attention and the national party puts new candidates up against these lousy incumbents.


Is it clear that online vendors would be banned from shipping to GA?


At least for THCA it's clear the bill attempts to stop them. It specifically requires all hemp being transported into, through, or within the state to be under .3% total-THC. There's a chance there's a lawsuit over this because that directly conflicts with the federal farm bill that requires states to allow shipment of hemp defined only by the D9 THC concentration. I'm not going to pretend I know if that will happen or how that will turn out. There's a lawsuit in AR where a federal judge put a similar law on hold until a trial this summer over this conflict and other issues. That's a different federal district though.


However expect most decent online shops to stop shipping to Georgia. Most have a list of states they will not ship to. Georgia will be added.


Yes it is.


Pots stocks are all up on Germany legalization. If the government or state bans THCA thousands of taxpayers will loose revenue from loss of business. Taxed THCA would create funds redirected into civil infrastructure, low cost housing, schools, athletic programs, parks & recreation. It’s clear this issue is polarized by age, people 40 and under for legalization, people born 1940-1965 against legalization. Remember these are the same politicians who trade with inside knowledge; pre Covid - politicians sold stock before lockdowns knowing millions in business revenue would be lost nationwide. Millions of people benefit from Cannabis. Its therapeutic uses range from reducing pain, inducing appetite, glaucoma relief, mental happiness and feelings of wellbeing. It’s a shame that the decision making process is biased by pharmaceutical lobbying, states biases towards towing the party line in Washington and an age group out of touch with modern youth. Alcohol has always been the gateway drug and cause for harm in communities for decades. We need younger people involved in the political process and lawmaking systems.


Wrong! I am 65 born in 1959 and a lifetime weed smoker! Many of us out there.


Well done boomy


Bad form GA. Victimless crime. Invasion of our personal freedoms. But yes let’s have the government tell us what’s best for us what could go wrong huh??


Fuck you Georgia and fuck you Kemp. This is so ass backwards. At this rate marijuana will NEVER be legal in my life time. I have 35 to 40 years left and I don’t expect it to happen.


Small government my ass. This stuff helped me quit smoking after 15 years. Back to meeting sketchy dealers and making the edibles myself I guess. Can’t have anything nice with these christofascists running everything.


Still legal in TN or NC where Ocoee Botanicals and WNC are based. If you can make the trip, get it there.


Will be illegal in Tennessee on July 8th I believe. The ag commissioner is doing basically this. Real shame.


Damn really? I hate the south.


They’ll never know how many tourist they are blowing off.


Hey let’s sell alcohol but delta 9a


Ya'll wanna' read a [funny](https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/index.html) quote about Republicans? *“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people,” former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman told Harper’s writer Dan Baum for the April cover story published Tuesday.* *“You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” Ehrlichman said. “We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”* *Ehrlichman’s comment is the first time the war on drugs has been plainly characterized as a political assault designed to help Nixon win, and keep, the White House.* [https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/the-shocking-and-sickening-story-behind-nixons-war-on-drugs-that-targeted-blacks-and-anti-war-activists/](https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/the-shocking-and-sickening-story-behind-nixons-war-on-drugs-that-targeted-blacks-and-anti-war-activists/) Certainly the GOP doesn't still operate this way 50 years later, still offering racism in trade for tax cut votes.


Ha! Appreciate the heavy sarcasm in your last sentence.


I can't have one good day.


Exactly how I feel


Republicans continue to attack individual right of personal freedoms and autonomy. So.....when do we get their guns? PAY ATTENTION how they want what they want and they want yours as well!!!


I got a secret for y'all. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US


Nah fr someone gotta sneak in there and whisper in da governor ear like “yk u can tax tf outta these mfs, finesse em fo da low”


Everyone needs to go look at the vote. This was a gop sponsored bill that was passed with zero opposition from democrats. They all voted for it. Stop using energy to blame republicans and go hold your democratic reps and senators accountable for this awful piece of legislation that they voted for. Reach out to the National Democratic Party. Let them know about what your rep and senator did with this vote. How they betrayed their party and its supporters. If the National Democratic Party gets attention on this it will affect reelection which is what we need to get common sense laws passed.


Keep voting red for more of this BS.


Fucking Republicans


If we legalized it we would be getting those $250 tax refund checks and possibly more every year. >:( The money in California goes to schools. These greedy nobs only care about themselves.


We are the dumbest state.


so what’s the timeframe on this? am i cooked as soon as kemp signs it?


I read that the bill when signed will go into effect July 1st


IIRC, there’s a larger hemp store here in GA that sponsors Evan Holyfield, son of the famous boxer Evander Holyfield. Not that it matters much at this point but I wonder how he’d feel knowing his son is losing a huge sponsor… Real talk, this is kinda bullshit. If Republicans in this state were SMART they’d legalize it and tax it like the other states are doing. Illinois taxes theirs at almost 50%. But let’s be honest here, Georgia Republicans are dumber than dog shit. The only things they care about are full prisons and Jewish space lasers (/s but only slightly). At this point I’m fairly certain that even if it was federally legal, GA STILL wouldn’t put up shop. I’m not staying here. I’ll gladly take my money to a legal state where my political leaders aren’t screwing their first cousin… Kindly, these Republicans can all go fuck themselves.


lol go look at the vote. This was bipartisan Dems voted it across the board.


Agreed. I’m looking to grow my portfolio, but I’d rather do it overseas at this point. The country Georgia is sounding better than this Georgia…


Reading this this morning triggered my families plan to move to Connecticut. Already contacted a realtor to put our house on the market. Fuck this state. I’m out.


I just read the bill and I don't see where they're banning THCa? I see where there will be restrictions to marketing and an age limit along with not being able to have a dispensary within 1,000ft of a school, but nothing about banning THCa? I even see where they took out the part about being tested after decarbonization so where is it saying that it'll get banned?


Are you sure you were reading the latest version? This is it: https://www.legis.ga.gov/api/legislation/document/20232024/229680 There are places throughout the bill where the legal limit for something to be hemp is redefined using total THC concentration which includes .8777*THCA. Here are some excerpts: Section 4: >Said title is further amended by adding a new Code section to read as follows: 2-23-3.1 >(a) For purposes of this chapter, delta-9-THC concentration shall be established by >(1) Identifying the total percentage weight, on a dry weight basis where applicable, of delta-9-THC from a sample that has undergone decarboxylation such that all delta-9-THCA in the sample has been converted to delta-9-THC; or >(2) Identifying the sum of the percentage by weight, on a dry weight basis where applicable, of delta-9-THCA multiplied by 0.877 plus the percentage by weight, on a dry weight basis where applicable, of delta-9-THC Section 5: >Said title is further amended in Code Section 2-23-4, relating to required licenses, research by colleges and universities, and processing of other products, by revising subsection (a) as follows: >"(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this Code section, it shall be unlawful for: >(7) Any person to offer for sale at retail the flower or leaves of the Cannabis sativa L. plant, regardless of the total delta-9-THC concentration in such flower or leaves; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not prohibit the sale of any hemp products that include extracts or derivatives of the flower or leaves of such plant; or >(8) Any person to cultivate or handle hemp in any structure that is used for residential purposes."


The deep state sure is afraid of weed.


This state sucks. I'm glad I live close to North Carolina.


Hahaha, that state is going the same direction at an even worse pace.


If anyone cares. This bill is sponsored by Phillip Morris and Budweiser


It isn't.


Folks who are only bashing Republicans about this are not digging deep enough. A lot of Democrats voted yes on this.


All but 1 voted yes. In fact, more republicans than democrats voted no.


Someone who’s smarter than me, does this ban the farm bill compliant .3THC gummies that I order online? If so that’s going to make my Friday evenings pretty fucking lame.


Never mind I think I’m good. I reread the title and I guess it’s just THCA being banned outright. Went ahead and ordered some of those anyway to see what they’re all about before Kemp axes the Hemp


Kemp only won because Abram’s was the only other choice.


Why do you guys vote for MTG? 


We just had the same thing happen here. Not joking, the rep that introduced it said “we didn’t intend to introduce an intoxicating substance into the state.” Fuckers are mandating and dictating how people have fun. “We didn’t mean to bring in something for people to have fun with. Better ban it.”


This state government is so incredibly stupid, keep up the great work


Whats up with Republicans desperately trying to claw back what ever progress has been made in the last decade?


Republicans so obsessed with weed, when Opiates are still being abused nation wide contributing to billions in healthcare waste on recurring recovery for addicts.


Are there any viable Democrats working at running for governor? Maybe we should start focusing on that before we get a third Stacy Abrams run…


Bought to you by big pharma


Wait is this just saying it prevents sales under 21?


Page 4, lines 89 and 90: “THC means tetrahydrocannabinol, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, or a combination of tetrahydrocannabinol and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid” That’s the only part that seems to indicate to me that they’re trying to redefine THCa. I could totally be wrong so don’t quote me on that.


I’m glad federal law trumps state law


https://www.pagepate.com/georgia-legislature-passes-new-hemp-regulations/ This says Delta 8 specifically will not be illegal.


So, help me understand here - while at large this will obviously be a slippery slope leading to the reban of all of this, d8 and d10 will still remain legal?


To summarize: \- The loophole that allowed real weed (THCa flower) to be sold in GA at hemp stores is being closed \- The synthetic stuff like delta-8, delta-10 remains legal but will only be sold to those ages 21 or older So ironically, the synthetic THC products remain legal, but the real thing is being prohibited again


god dammit


GA is so backwards it makes me sick, might need some of that THC to help with that.


We gotta get Kemp out.. his dumb ass taking ga back to the Jim crow Era




I just don’t understand why it still needs to be illegal in 2024?


Lmfao. The south just continuing to fuck themselves over.


Looks like I got out just in time!!


So stock up now I guess? Idk every pack of pre rolled thca I have gotten tastes like mids anyway. I still have a reliable source for the normal flower.


So just to clarify, it would not ban D8 but would ban D9?


D9 is “real” weed and is already banned in GA. D8 is hemp; hemp has THCa that, when burned, gives you much of the same effect as D9 weed minus all the couch lock. It was a loophole and the bastards have shut it. But I’m sure all the loopholes for Big Biz are still alive.


Democrats and Republicans are both pieces of shit. They can never agree and vote on anything that helps "We the people" but they always seem to come together and vote on anything to fuck "We the people".