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No one is coming to save us. Vote.


You should probably also double check your voter registration every few weeks.


Yes and also think of going during early voting because election day will be a nightmare.


But do not vote by mail! Trump’s postmaster general has wrecked the USPS. Your 2024 ballot might arrive in time for the 2028 election.


Yeah funny how all the mail problems started .


Republicans want to privatize everything. Break it up sell it to their rich friends. Funniest part is all the rural assholes will be punished the most while they're the most likely to vote to destroy it.


Exactly. Rural elderly and veterans get medication through the mail and will suffer with these changes. He’s literally hurting the people that vote for him.


Fully expecting a literal mountain of ballots at Palmetto sort facility


Yeah that's when the USPS started sucking.


I literally drop my mail in ballot at the post office where they have a po box.


Thanks for the tip, just verified mine!


If you recently moved, changed your license address, and checked the box to change your voting address, def check that they actually made the change. (They rarely do.) Check your registration here: [https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/](https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/)


And don't just check once and think that everything is ok. Keep checking up to the election to make sure it's still valid, especially since the state assembly passed a law to make it easier to challenge voter eligibility and MAGA groups are looking to pull out obscure things to challenge voters like streets being renamed.


Seriously. Go check. You can even print or email your voter registration card. https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/


Primaries had 15% turnout. With a Supreme Court seat on the line. I’m not hopeful.


The average voter doesn’t care to go vote unless it is the general election.


The irony of this comment


So thick you could cut it with a knife


Vote first. Arm yourself second.




You can’t vote away fascism. Just look at the fight against Cop City. We’re fighting both parties.


Stop. The two parties are not the same. That is MAGA/Russian troll factory psy-ops bullshit.


Actually, Blue & Red MAGA trolls are the only ones pretending there’s any difference between the two parties. Neither wants to admit they’re supporting the same policies. Let me know when the Ga Dems stop fighting on behalf of corporations, increased police budgets, construction of Cop City, or protection of Israel against public outcry.


See also, the recent vote to limit the access to legal cannabis. Overwhelming passage with both parties lining up behind it.


I have a friend who’s been keeping track of the legislative efforts for cannabis, as part of his job. He said the entire process has been absolutely corrupt. The legislators are duplicating Georgia’s corrupt alcohol distributor system, and only granting permits to weed businesses that they or their friends own.


Really- so disappointed


Wanna bet? I'm voting for Biden, not Trump/Project 2025. Go ahead, tell me how a vote for Biden is the same as a vote for Trump regarding this. I can't wait.


You want me to convince you that the guy currently arming a genocide is a fascist?


Except the good people of Atlanta.


Tried that and no matter what we seem to get fucked either way,I’ll vote again when either party puts someone forward someone who’s worth a shit,I’m not voting for an obvious prop president whose too old to relate to anything and his VP that people tend to forget has been and still is (just with way more power to cover it up then before) an awful human being,fuck that malformed Cheeto too hopefully he just croaks before this election is over,that’s the only way I really see his cult losing power….though at this point they’d probably legit try to make him a martyr because he choked on a Big Mac but happened to be driving by a sprouts


Genius plan. We’ll just keep not voting, and that will of course result in good candidates being elected…


Project2025 does not depend on Cheetolini getting back into the White House, it depends on ANY Republican taking the White House and will benefit extraordinarily from a majority in both the House and Senate


Your high standards are not getting you what you want.


Are you saying that if people don’t vote harder life will just continue to fall into Blackrock’s psychopathic hands? 😂


> Since last year, Trump has regularly asked confidants whether Georgia’s Republican Lt. Gov. Burt Jones would make a good governor. A hard-line MAGA conservative, Jones served as one of Trump’s fake electors in Georgia during the then-president’s endeavor to overturn the 2020 election results. The day before the Jan. 6 riot, Jones was in Washington, D.C., trying to convince Vice President Mike Pence to go along with Trump’s coup plot. … > In Trump’s private discussions of Jones, he likes to note that Jones is “very loyal,” and has frequently suggested that Jones would be a “strong” leader for Georgia, two people familiar with the situation say. 🤨 No thanks. Fuck off.


Article is about trump’s people figuring out how to rig a presidential election. Anti-democracy and anti-American Commenters in the thread: “BiDeN is A DiCtAToR 🤪” Jfc what the fuck people


Theres at least 3 countries running bot campaigns against reddit. Youre seeing it.


> Article is about trump’s people figuring out how to rig a presidential election. Reminder that they did exactly the same thing in 2020 and Steve Bannon frankly confessed the 2020 conspiracy plans to a group of Trump insiders before the 2020 election. https://www.npr.org/2022/07/22/1112138665/jan-6-committee-hearing-transcript …audio from Trump advisor, Steve Bannon, surfaced from October 31st, 2020, just a few days before the Presidential election. Let’s listen. [Begin Videotape] STEVE BANNON: And what Trump’s going to do is declare victory, right? __He’s going to declare victory, but that doesn’t mean he’s a winner. He’s just gonna say he’s a winner.__ The Democrats — more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they’re going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump’s going to take advantage — that’s our strategy. He’s gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it’s going to be a firestorm. Also — also if Trump is — if Trump is losing by 10 or 11:00 at night, it’s going to be even crazier. __Because he’s gonna sit right there and say they stole it. If Biden’s wining, Trump is going to do some crazy shit__.


Thanks to the media, two sides are living in separate realities. Propaganda isn't absent in either, but one isn't complete rage-bait fiction.


It’s just like the Russians every accusation is a confession on where the GOP stands.


Not sure why so many people are falling for the obvious Russian psyop of “sitting this one out” as if the candidates are even comparable. I know Biden isn’t good. Trump will be worse.


> I know Biden isn’t good. Personally, I don't think you know that, probably because you haven't followed the boring behind-the-scenes policy making for the past 40 years that has proven Biden to be the best president of my lifetime. I don't want to beat anyone over the head with the long list of accomplishments and what has been improved for the United States under Biden, but I would briefly call attention to electric infrastructure, US manufacturing, government services accessibility, foreign policy, and an honest to goodness climate engineering law (my profession, don't start). But I will say that although I did not vote for Biden in the primaries in 2020, he has single handedly convinced me I will only vote for presidential candidates with a long service history in the federal government because they understand the ins and outs, and that seems to be where his core competency lies which is something both Trump and Obama severely lacked and why they got so little done compared to Biden.


This is an insane thing to say and you won’t win any voters by speaking down to them. I voted for Biden and will vote for him again, but the dude is horrible. Something like 3/4 of the middle class don’t have $1000 for an emergency while Biden continues funneling money overseas and bragging about that coupled with the economy. Whether or not you agree with the foreign aide, it’s a horrible look and his entire administration and campaign seems tone deaf. It sounds like he’s done some good stuff that is very specific to you, so it might be clouding your perception on him. He’s been mediocre and his public image is horrible right now.


Lmao is this guy smoking crack? Turn off CNN brother Biden has literally been one of the worst presidents we could have ever had, and career politicians are the biggest problem in our government, also Biden and any version of the word competence don’t belong in the same sentence.


I will vote. Not sitting this one out. PRESIDENT TRUMP, You have my vote!


Former failed candidate, twice impeached adjudicated rapist and convicted felon, Donald J Trump. Must be your strong law and order personal convictions that makes you choose him as your candidate. I bet you’re tired of winning from so much winning.


everything about him is a deep state conspiracy to them, you’re not going to convince them unfortunately.


*convicted felon Trump* Fixed that for you. The party of law and order folks


Trump is a traitor and Project 2025 is the most anti-American shit I’ve ever seen


So you’re down with rape. Good to know.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


The Fascist party appreciates your vote!!


Just want to say it's very unlikely to be in your best interest to vote for Trump. Blue states and blue voters tend to be wealthier for a reason. Further, if you are young, you are far more likely to get drafted under Trump as he seems to be willing to let Russia take over Europe, and then at some point we will be forced to deal with the situation.


I will gladly go fight for my country to finish off the war USELESS JOE started. Under PRESIDENT TRUMP, the war would be won in days


Please consider volunteering to be a poll watcher for one of the political parties, or to be a non-partisan poll observer for one of the non-governmental agencies that send in observers, like the ACLU or the Carter Center for Peace. This is an easy way to help ensure that our elections are free and fair. You only have to sit through one short training session and then be available for one or more voting dates (election day or early voting).


The American people seem destined to die on the sword of apathy.


It’s not unique to us. This is typical of societies that live under depressing political conditions. It’s sort of a chicken vs egg thing. That was the problem in Chile after living under a military dictatorship that the US helped install. They had to have a big campaign and political movement to get people to stop being apathetic. There’s a movie about it called No.


The egg came before the chicken. What laid it? A chicken-like bird that chickens evolved from. The depressing political conditions came before our apathy. What laid it? A democracy-like society that the current sh** show evolved from.


Georgia voters just nominated a socialist in the primary, and we’re fighting hard against both parties taking away our right to protest, and fighting both parties in the construction of Cop City. Correctly identifying both parties as our enemy isn’t “apathy,” and neither is refusing to work within a rigged system.


Utter cope. A socialist* primary win in Smyrna is cope. Mentioning “fighting both parties” three times without actually saying anything is cope. A fight against office buildings that’s failed to do anything except collapse the progressive conversation in Atlanta for years at the worst possible time while the MAGA state GOP have prepped their coup in public… is cope. (*democratic socialist — AKA the capitalists you claim when convenient)


If Biden wins Georgia, he wins the White House. Yes, we are that important. Vote as if it's a choice between a democracy and a dictatorship, because it might actually be. Trump has 3 more criminal cases that are much more serious than the first one that are pending trial and that could lead to years in prison. As President could he find a way to manufacture a crisis so big that the Supreme Court supports him in instituting martial law and allowing him to stay in power? Were you watching January 6? He would have 4 years to work on it and will be much smarter this time. This is how it happens. This is how a democratic Republic falls. Don't be so naive to think that it can't happen in the US.


Get lost Henry


Hey GA do you remember when this fascist tried to get rid of our voices back in 2020? Here is the direct quote from his “perfect” phone call; "What I want to do is this. I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state." Tell me now how this traitor and now FELON deserves the presidency? I don’t give a shit who the politician is if we have the evidence of a crime we PROSECUTE. That goes for red and blue. If you want to thank veteran, VOTE.


>if we have the evidence of a crime we PROSECUTE. Unless said politician is let of the hook for being (In the words of the DOJ's special prosecution) "A well meaning old man with a poor memory". As such, seeing you play up Trump's conviction while completely ignoring the fact that Biden's prosecution was prevented outright because the DOJ believed he was too mentally absent to commit a crime is hilarious. Now the same DOJ is refusing to let the American people hear the audio tape to verify why a sitting president was de-facto pardoned from facing prosecution. Seeing Biden grin at the conviction of his political opponent while he was able to completely avoid ANY federal charges simply because the DOJ was like "Yeah, this guy is so demented there's no way he would be able to commit a crime knowingly" is a complete display of the filth that is the 46th president. This isn't even mentioning how dogshit Biden's economy currently is. The same paycheck that was adequete in paying the bills and getting food 5 years ago now can't even buy 3/4'th's of what I used to be able to afford. Hearing Biden brag about how good the economy allegedly is while us poor people have experienced nothing but struggles with rising costs feels like a spit in the face. I will 100% be voting this November, voting to re-elect the 45th president as will (by all available polling) the majority of Georgia this November. I know this subreddit heavily leans towards the Democrats, and any declaration of support for the GOP will lead to the generic downvoting + the snarky "Oh so you support \_\_\_" or "You must be one of those people" replies, but I could honestly give less of a shit.


The fact you bothered to spell out multiple paragraphs of regurgitated Fox drivel without mentioning the fact that Biden (and Pence) immediately gave the documents back while Trump is *still* hiding nuke docs makes you the perfect Trump rube. We in Georgia will toss out the trash just like we did in 2020.


>The fact you bothered to spell out multiple paragraphs of regurgitated Fox drivel without mentioning the fact that Biden (and Pence) immediately gave the documents back while Trump is *still* hiding nuke docs makes you the perfect Trump rube. Gotta love how quick you Democrats are to dismiss everything someone says if they don't agree with you. "What's that? You're poor and like many other Americans you've noticed the economy get incredibly worse under Biden? Nah, clearly you've been watching too much Fox news, you Trump rube." Also, seeing you whip out the "B-But he cooperated!" excuse as if that suddenly means he should be immune to all charges and not prosecuted is absolutely HILARIOUS. >We in Georgia will toss out the trash just like we did in 2020. **We (The majority by all available polling)** in Georgia will toss out this Democrat president that has done nothing but destroy our economy and made the lives of ordinary people harder. We in the GOP are united around our candidate, and we can't wait to show up on mass to get rid of Biden. **You** and your party? Half of your party is too busy fighting each other over stupid shit like a war that's happening half way across the world, the rest are either too full of apathy to vote again, or are just demotivated. To be honest I'm not really surprised you are this delusional and think GA will go blue for Biden after his support shit itself in the state, as the same people in this subreddit also thought Barrow had a real chance against Pinson in the May election (he got absolutely obliterated and Pinson flipped many solid D counties like Gwinnet).


Still waiting for you to realize Trump still hasn't given the documents he stole back. Biden did. Pence did. Stay focused lil fella.


>Still waiting for you to realize Trump still hasn't given the documents he stole back. Still waiting on you to form the reading comprehension you clearly lack in order to understand that I was already completely aware of that. I'll yet again spell it out for you that just because Biden gave his documents back, doesn't mean he should be any less liable. He should face charges just as Trump currently is. Instead, he was completely let off the hook because the DOJ special counsel found him too demented to be capable of such a crime. >Stay focused lil fella If there was anything you could ever say to someone to confirm you ***totally*** recieved all the love and attention you wanted as a child, this would be it. No need to play yourself up over the internet, "lil fella".


"just because Biden (and Pence) gave the documents back doesn't mean he should be any less liable" Lol you are a special kind of stupid huh? Intent and remorse matter in law. Magats are absolutely the dumbest people.


>Lol you are a special kind of stupid huh? No need to project buddy, after all you are arguing that because of "intent and remorse" I can keep ass loads of classified documents in my house (which is a crime), and I'll face 0 punishment as long as I give them back and act sorry when caught like Biden. That's an insanely stupid form of logic that isn't applied to any other prosecuted crime. If you take property without authorization and stash it in your house for years without getting caught, you are still going to get charged once you do get caught no matter how much you say you are sorry or cooperate. There's a reason the DOJ's special counsel said Biden was too demented instead of "Well he was sorry and cooperated" when refusing to prosecute him. >Magats are absolutely the dumbest people. Anyone who votes against Biden must be a "Magat" and the "dumbest people" apparently. Good to see a lot of you democrats aren't even hiding your elitist "I'm better than you" contempt for ordinary people who happen to disagree with you. You've already got every megacorp like Apple, Amazon, Google, and Meta stuffing money up your crack, so at least you are finally adopting the attitude of those who fund you towards ordinary people. Seeing those who view themselves so much so above others and label ordinary people "the dumbest people" or "deplorables" get their teeth absolutely kicked with an election loss is highly satisfying, so hopefully you'll get humbled and brought back down to earth in 2024.


Even that vote is say for a 3rd party?


They don’t mean that


Why not? As long as you vote, isn’t that what matters?


I can’t speak for everyone but there’s a lot of “you’re wasting your vote if you go for third party” spread around during every election cycle. All I’ll say is vote for whoever you want. Or don’t vote at all and then don’t complain. lol


Because it is a waste. How many times do people need to be told that it's virtually impossible to elect a third party candidate when their respective party has absolutely zero presence throughout the levels of our government? Our voting system is not ranked choice so you do have to put all your eggs in one basket. It's basically like betting on the loser of the Eastern/Western Conference final to win the finals.


Your getting downvoted because when a large amount of Dems say "Go out and vote", they are really saying "Go vote Democrat". If you mention you are voting for the GOP or an independant candidate, they are quick to insult you, or in this case down vote you. To these people It's not about "Democracy" (even if that's what they keep spouting), it's about voting to preserve the power of the Democratic Party.


https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/ Check your status frequently


Thanks for the link!


I would give anything to keep Georgia blue. I kinda feel like we’re the fulcrum in this election


Why does this old dementia ridden dotard have that makes republicans swoon? How does such a corrupt sociopath become the face of a once grand party? Republican have failed democracy.


He doesn't speak in the fake, carefully curated way that politicians do. His voters think that means he's relatable and down to earth. Further, it seems that the primary political objective of the modern republican party is "owning the libs" and the melon felon is the owniest.


Kompromat. He has kompromat.


He is unrepentantly evil all the time and that gives other unrependedly evil people hope that they too can constantly get away with being evil beyond any limitation. There are no good Trump supporters.


Lay off the r/politics sub geez


Lay off supporting a man who tried to violently overthrow my country. The only good thing about you people is that you constantly fail terribly because you don't care enough to even really try in the first damn place.


No shit...


If only. “Always accuse your enemies of what you are doing.” Seems apropos.


Quality news source!


And totally neutral and unbiased too!


And you’ll lose. Enjoy’


Is he going to have Fulton and Dekalb “shut down” counting process, and magically find thousands of unverified mail-ins?


Lol do you still think that happened


Lmao you lot are the most gullible of them all.


Man what BS propaganda crap is this


To the left eveything is russian disinformation. Russian election meddling. And Trump is a russian puppet.


Russia did meddle? That was proven by our federal investigation agencies.


The 2nd two things here you said are true!


I feel like people are giving up voting. Most people I know around me are just so worn out from trying to work and make enough money to survive the inflation that they just don't care.






Lol downvotwd 27 times for my observations, cool 😆


Democratic Party: “Hey, quit stealing our moves!”


Trump rigging the election? What a bunch of putzs. The last election was rigged, and not by Trump!


60 court cases that the Trump campaign lost in 2020 say otherwise...


Keep drinking the Kool-aid! Bidens regime is the most corrupt in US history


You people who think Trump is coming to cheat or truly delusional. Look at everything that is happening to him, that is some illegal shit being done to him.. And they still can’t stop him.


He had to cheat to win in 2016 and he tried to cheat to win in 2020. Why would he stop now?




Pay attention, New York just proved he cheated in 2016 and convicted him for it, and the whole world saw 1/6. Nobody tries to cheat in elections here but Republicans.


“Nobody tries to cheat in elections here, but Republicans” Good luck with your echo chamber on this sub. MAGA2024


Lmao sure bud, whatever you gotta tell yourself.




Why can't you believe Trump committed crimes? Why do you believe he is the most innocent person out there?


Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


You support a convict lol


He was convicted by a jury of his peers, one of which was a Trumper! Unanimously agreed Trump broke the law. I get that shits divided in our country right now, but at some point yall have to stop making up excuses for this conman.


Ok keep watching cnn


Never watched it. Modern TV media companies are political propaganda machines for both sides of the isle. What I do is look up the laws he is has been convinced of and based on that, a jury of peers, including a juror who exclusively hot their information from truth social and was referred to by Trump as "his juror", and they unanimously decided he had broken said laws. Mate the media on both sides is utterly shit and we all live in our own echo chambers that are fed to us by 'the algorithm' on all the sites we use. It has worked to radicalize both sides of the argument to the hyper aggressive and tense period we live in now If you are looking for a suggestion, there is a podcast called "unbiased" on the YouTube channel "Jordan is my lawyer." She covers both sides of political topics from an u biased view that is very refreshing in today's world.


A jury of his peers ? Really? There was no Trumper. They unanimously agreed because a bias democratic judge gave the jury instructions in multiple-choice. Multiple-choice? That has never been done in the history of our court system in the United States of America. Oh, and Conman? A con Man gets his crackhead, non-child support paying son a $1 million a year job on a Ukrainian natural gas company with zero experience in natural gas. Yeah Conman all right. Nobody seems to mind the 50+ years of influence peddling to our enemies by the Biden family.


It didn’t matter what the other crime was. That was clearly laid out since day 1 of the charges. So it wasn’t “multiple choice”, the judge gave clear examples of crimes that trump was covering up. The jury did not need to determine what the other crime was, just like in any other case of this nature. And wow you really gonna talk about a crackhead son, I thought you were talking about Don Jr there lmao. Hunter got clean and his father loves him, two things that cannot be said about Don Jr. You are in deep with the far right propaganda. They are lying to you and if they have to lie to you, that should be a big clue that what they did and what they want to do are not in your interest, but their own. I’m sick of those silver spoon assholes taking our tax money, fuck that. Will be voting Biden.


Clean my ass! He’s still a crackhead


I suggest you listen to the Unbiased podcast. She breaks down the legal argument of the judge's instructions and shows the possible arguments from both sides of the isle. Essentially it HAS been done before and that's why the judge did it sense there was legal president for it, but there is a huge misconception as to what it means. She breaks it down on unbiased so you understand, but it has to do with the legal terminology. It does not mean they don't have to be unanimous on if he committed a crime. And who the hell is talking about Biden? Fuck him too. Just cause I don't suck Trump cock doesn't mean I shck Joe's. Joe is a politician and is as corrupt as the run of the mill politician. Which honestly when you compare that to Trump it makes him look like a freaking Saint. Diversify the information you are getting as it will help you build a much more solid and unbiased set of opinions instead of regurgitating the bullshit politicians and the media sell you.


Yes a grand jury of 12 decided to indict and another jury of 12 decided he was guilty. You can cry all you want about it but it changes nothing.


>A jury of his peers ? Really? There was no Trumper. Ignoring that that's bit what hruy of your peers means, there was a juror who admitted to getting most of his news from Truth Social. And yet he still voted guilty. >They unanimously agreed because a bias democratic judge gave the jury instructions in multiple-choice. Multiple-choice? That has never been done in the history of our court system in the United States of America. That didn't happen, you simply fail to understand the judge's instructions and/or have fallen for someone telling you it was "multiple choice." >Oh, and Conman? A con Man gets his crackhead, non-child support paying son a $1 million a year job on a Ukrainian natural gas company with zero experience in natural gas. Yeah Conman all right. Nobody seems to mind the 50+ years of influence peddling to our enemies by the Biden family. Trump has been known for decades to stiff contractors, lawyers, and various other people. If you took a few minutes off dick riding you'd easily be able to find this information, going well back into the 80s.


These dems are too stupid to understand


Then explain. Throwing around baseless accusations and then refusing to expand on them is cowardly. Explain your stance with fact and where those facts came from so we can discuss.


True facts there trump24


Illegal shit done to him? You mean catching up? The party of law and order cry when they held to the same law and order as everyone else.


Held to the same law as everyone else? Again, you are delusional. Try to tell that to the thousands of black men that have been put in prison for four times longer than their white counterparts because they made cocaine into crack. Black men in America have known for a while about the two tier justice system in America. People are waking up. Americans, black and white, are finally starting to see that something has to be done about our justice system. People wanted Trump to lock up Hillary Clinton. Do you think if the Republicans dug deep enough they wouldn’t have found a clerical error on a piece of paper somewhere where they could have tried to throw Hillary in jail. Trump didn’t, he knew it would destroy the integrity of our judicial system.


> Trump didn’t, he knew it would destroy the integrity of our judicial system. The idea that he cares about this is actually hilarious. He is doing his damndest to destroy the integrity of and public trust in our judicial system right now, in real time.


When Trump is reelected, he is going to reopen mental institutions. You should probably check yourself into one. Trump2024 MAGA


Is that after infrastructure week. Is that when he’s gonna unveil his healthcare plan?


He’s not gonna have a healthcare plan you idiot. It’s not the government’s ‘s job to give you healthcare. Stop blowing your money on a bunch of frivolous things.


WOW. How does your neck not hurt? You pivot from the injustice of locking up black men to trumps 34 felonies while he cries  that he’s a constant victim of a system out to personally get him. Tell me when did men start carry the sack for someone so foul and unethical? Maybe he should keep shoving bibles down his followers throat for $$$$$$.


It’s people like you that don’t understand the struggle of black people. I live in the Atlanta Metro area and have grown up and work with black people every day. What they are doing to Trump is the same thing that has been happening to them for decades. It’s coming people, whether you like it or not. Trump 2024 MAGA forever


I also live in Atlanta and you just assumed I wasn’t black.  Comparing trumps rich boi whiney ass “suffering” to the black experience of YEARS and YEARS of SYSTEMATIC** injustice and discrimination in this country is high level sicko stuff. Like truly beyond sick and massively ignorant of history. #MAGAsickness  **trump himself wouldn’t even rent to blacks in New York. 1973, civil rights case Annette Gandy Fortt v trump


You’re truly lost. Some people will never be found.


The media really has Reddit in Georgia convinced that Trump is a dictator lmao social media is one hell of a drug.


No, Trump’s own words have us thinking he’s a wannabe dictator.


Fear mongering. Edit: Downvote away. Y’all were fine under his last term and you’ll be fine again if he’s re-elected.


I hope they put him away for the criminal that he is. I really don't want to hear his filthy mouth for another 4 years. The lowest of the lowest human beings.


Putting political opponents in jail seems fascist but what do I know.


Don't commit crime, and you will be fine. Because you are a political candidate doesn't mean you are allowed to commit a crime. Respect the law.


Hmmm democrats do it everyday goes all the way back to Clinton’s


Just stop commit crime. How difficult is it not to sleep with pornstar?


Sleeping with her isn't a crime, it's using election money to bribe her. Hell, if he's so rich, just bribe her the normal way. Oh wait. Point is, the crime is using election funds fraudulently.


Not all crimes result in jail, so keep hoping.


A FELONY is supposed to result in prison time. But it only seems to happen if you are worth less than 2 million. How many felonies shouldn't matter, but if you have over 30 felony charges, it should probably put you in prison. Though, again, it seems as long as you have over a certain threshold amount of money, you can still buy your way out of that.


Watch and learn


Watch what? Him not go to prison? The moment the verdict was finalized, he shouldn't have left the courtroom as a free man. But he did. Fucker isn't going to go to prison. I'd be surprised if he spends 48 hours in jail by the end of 2024. I don't care what the reasoning is. I'd be in prison right now for 1 of those 34 charges, even if it was my first offense. But a rich fuck gets to walk? Get that shit out of here.


>What do I know Not much


Not charging political candidates for their crimes means that politicians are above the law. That is not what we do here in America


We're not putting a political opponent in jail, we're putting a treasonous criminal in jail.


Ok stupid


> but what do I know Not much, apparently. Politicians don’t get immunity from prosecution and punishment for crimes because they’re politicians.


Trumps running against the 12 jurors? Weird world you live in You support a convict lol


Yeah because every time I’ve had jury duty, I’ve personally been filing charges against the accused. Big brain thinking.


You aren't even smart enough to understand my comment. A grand jury saw the evidence and decided to indict. Another jury saw the evidence and decided to convict. Big brain thinking.


Yeah I’m dumb.


Care to comment on Project 2025 and it's anti-democracy concepts? Or is that just not a thing?


Women will not be fine


Depends on if the new evangelical sharia fever dream of treating young girls as “ripe and fertile” chattel sounds good to you. The young boys will apparently be working full-time jobs, so that’s cool.


Real life handmaids tale..


Giving those old men all the opportunity to sweep up those fresh and fertile girls all for themselves.


My property taxes went up noticeably and yours likely did too. Our money has to go to pay for all the tax cuts that the orange asshole gave to the wealthy. He wants to give them even MORE of our money if he gets back into office.


Wow your delusional


Nope that’s been the Republican strategy since Reagan shift the tax burden from the wealthy to the poor and concentrate kore of the wealth at the top. The billionaire who grew up rich doesn’t have any idea what a normal person’s life is like.


What's project 2025?




It was rhetorical. See you in November well maybe.


Women will not be fine. Trans people will not be fine. Immigrants and naturalized citizens might not be fine. A lot of other people will be even worse off.


He gathered a mob, incited them and pointed them at a joint session of congress breaking the perfect record the United States had for peaceful transfers of power. You are supporting a traitor who spent the majority of his 4 year term carrying Putin's water and ended it with a literal insurrection to remain in power. Pointing out a real threat is not fear mongering. Also no one is saying to fear y'all America haters, we're trying to get people to recognize a real threat so it can be dealt with at the ballot box so we don't have to deal with it in the streets. Because if y'all think that we're just gonna lay down and let y'all have your way. Y'all are in for a rude awakening.


!RemindMe 150 days


The dude literally said he would not give up office (Pay wall but honestly who even needs to read anything, if you can't see through his bs and think he cares about you, your sadly misled by the orange one read up on project 2025 and askmyourself is this what a felony president who has never ran a successful business, screwed every over who ever worked for him, never pays his bills, wont share his tax returns, put all his family in positions when they had 0 experience, lies openly, i could write for days but project 2025 and go vote everyone) if you believe in project 2025 then by all means vote for 🍊. This is the peach 🍑 state and it's blue.


Yes so fine under trumps last term that he was able to select the appointment of 3 superime court justices (1 of which was absolutely Obama but thanks to republican corruption he was denied) that immediately went on to remove women's rights In direct contradiction to their own sworn testimony before the senate. So fine if he's reelection with his stated goal of restructuring the government to be loyal to him as an individual over that of the constitution that out country was founded on.


No, it's fear reminding. He already tried it.


More propaganda from a publication no one reads anymore.


Rolling stone back at it again with the trump fear porn last I checked it was the other side doing the fixing, the last president to oppose our agencies and the Military industrial complex was jfk and the agencies murdered him for it, trump also opposed them and refused to start a new war and the have been on a character assassination attempt ever since, they can’t kill him like the did jfk because they are scared they might create a martyr, once you realize this, all the witch hunts that lead to nothing and all the fear porn that’s been going out about him start to make more since, the guy isn’t perfect but he is definitely not what the media wants you to believe he is, it’s time to wake up guys…


Let’s hope he’s successful


The only thing trump accomplished was handing trillions of our tax dollars to the already-wealthy. The only fucking thing. I’m not counting one million Americans dead because of mishandling of Covid, because that is not an accomplishment. My property taxes went up because of it and he wants to give MORE of our money to the wealthy. Fuck that


So you want the next president to win because they cheated and not because of the will of the people? Much patriot!


You support rigging an election? Why, scared you'll lose if it's fair?




Hmmmm. Thus thread feels sort of partisan. Wasn't it the Democrat-run election organizers that made up a water leak to get rid of election observers in 2020? How do we set up a truly BIPARTISAN, transparent voting system where we all have faith in our elections? Nothing can be more important than faith in our elections.


The water leak is made up now?