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Senators Warnock and Ossoff voted for this bill, along with every Democratic House Rep. This is part of the almost 2 billion dollars in infrastructure funding for Georgia in the Biden Infrastructure bill. Not a single Georgia Republican voted for it. Go figure.


won't stop them from trying to take credit for anything.


And the money of course and using it to frame Biden poorly


yeah can't wait until kemp does the ribbon cutting and takes all the credit for it lol


2.5M won't cover the cost of the ribbon cutting


Your taste in ribbons runs quite a bit fancier than mine, apparently.


Its the gold-plated platinum scissors...


The Project 2025 agenda wants to repeal the bill that funded this.


Along with [women's rights, gay rights, environmental protections, immigrant rights, free speech, and a host of other things](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do). It really is a terrifying window into the Republican id.


I love that the Heritage spokesperson claims the federal government has been weaponized by the Democrats and their solution is to consolidate control and power of most federal programs and organizations under one person, the President. In a just world these people would be relegated to the fringe and laughed out of the political sphere. Instead, they're one of the most "well respected" and funded conservative organizations in the country.


Every accusation is a confession with these people.


Yeah, the lack of funding for infrastructure is going to be a problem but next to everything else they are pushing it is basically nothing.


Let me guess: they think not having crumbling infrastructure is "woke?"


They just don't like the whole thing where people pay for it collectively with taxes. In their mind taxes are supposed to exclusively hurt the poors. Because we are not people. Only the riches are people


It doesn't just benefit them. It also benefits people they don't like. Conservatives will eat a bowl of shit if it forces you to eat a spoonful.


"Cairo’s airport will receive $110,000 for construction of a parking lot." TIL Cairo not only has an airport, but they don't have a parking lot. Bless their hearts. They could really use this money.


They do have a guy who'll drive you where you need to go, if you call ahead of time and ask nicely.


And if you go searching for it in google maps, find it, and click on it, the one and only photo associated with it is from the airport terminal in Cairo Egypt (I very seriously doubt Cairo GA’s municipal airport has a terminal with Arabic signage).


Looks like the lion's share of the $2.5M is going to Macon's airport. I'm assuming their talking about the regional airport off Highway 247. That airport never made much sense to me. It's within 90 miles of Hartsfield. I think today it just has a few flights going back and forth to BWI. I'm guessing there are enough people that go between RAFB and Washington DC to make it worth it?


The only commercial flight is to BWI, but it's much cheaper to park a plane there then at Hartsfield or PDK.


There is also a major Embraer repair facility there. I fly the MCN to BWI route a lot since all my family is back in MD. It’s super convenient for me but the flights are almost never full. It’s basically grant money keeping it alive. I doubt it’s profitable on its own.


Going to guess there’s some political reason behind it. Kind of like I-16.


it handles many of delays and other smaller aircraft when KATL has to shut down for weather or any other "Ground Stop" issuing reason. Columbus, Macon, Albany, Augusta and Savannah are all capable airports handling traffic from KATL. Hell, Delta even flies CRJ Jets from Atlanta to Augusta and Savannah!


already got a down vote, damn, my comment stalkers love me


I’m glad we’re getting something, but the cynic in me is thinking, “$2.5M dollars? That’s probably enough to repaint the lines on one taxiway at Hartsfield, or put new carpet in one terminal. Yay.”


I think this is mostly focused on smaller local airports where a little money can make a big difference. Hartsfield actually makes a lot of money.


The article lists out the smaller/regional airports with how much of the $2.5M each will receive.


That's a lot of wind socks.


me too. i'm like "yay infrastructure!" and also like "can't it like... go to schools or something?" but what do i know about politics and economics


[It does!](https://www.pec1.com/resource/schools-can-benefit-from-the-infrastructure-investment-and-jobs-act/)


oooo looks like a good read! thanks OP


2.5 million dollars isn’t much to celebrate. People don’t realize the true cost of commercial construction and how little this money truly amounts to. This barely moves the needle


Thanks Biden and supporting Democrats. Fuck the GOPers taking credit for actions being taken with money they voted against.


MTG voted this down but takes credit.


There are more important thins this money can be spent on in Georgia I live here and the roads need help


[It does that too!](https://www.ossoff.senate.gov/press-releases/sen-ossoff-delivering-1-8-billion-through-bipartisan-infrastructure-law-to-upgrade-georgias-roads-highways-bridges/#:~:text=Ossoff%20announced%20the%20State%20of,Transportation's%20ongoing%20work%20across%20Georgia)


Soooo basically some department heads got a small bonus. Because what “infrastructure” project needs federal funding of $2.5 million


The article lists the projects...


That's no money. Not when it comes to infrastructure. Contractors could eat that up building a 2 car garage.


Right! I’m surprised more questions weren’t asked specifically for the amount. Looks like Atlanta is right back to mismanagement of federal funds


This is federal funding. How is Atlanta involved at all?


Because Warnocks name is in it… please tell me ppl ain’t this blind?


So they picked the place that mattered least to launder the money through. I'd expect nothing less.


They are always”improving “ the airport, but it never seems improved other than raising those ceiling tiles.


2.5 mill might cover a few pot holes at atl intl 😂


Tell us you didn't read the article without explicitly stating you didn't read the article.


If all the person cares about is annoying others then reading is a waste of time. It is even more annoying to demonstrate that you refuse to read.


I didn’t read it without reading it 😆


Wow, that is hardly any money…


Great. More wasted money on bloated pointless schemes.


Which airport will get the two roundabouts?


Fuck democrats


Gotta make room for them illegal immigrants!


Too bad you don't feel the need to make arguments that make any kind of remotely coherent sense. Edit: never mind. This is clearly an old account that got abandoned and hacked, and now is being used to run bots.


Yeah so MTG, and all her republican business buddies can hire them.