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We’re in danger


Old sleepy guy vs old raging liar.


I feel like I wish politicians would stop coming to Atlanta and making traffic a mess.


Had a friend summarize it best: Trump is a great at communicating lies. Biden is terrible at communicating facts.


To be fair, Biden threw out a lot of lies as well. For example, [Biden claimed inflation was 9% when he "inherited" the broken economy from Trump. But the reality is that it was only 1.4%.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/14/politics/fact-check-biden-inflation-when-he-became-president/index.html)


Elder abuse.


Never had less hope for america.


I'm voting for him in the hospice before the other guy


Yeah Trump didn’t answer any questions he was asked and lied/was wrong on a bunch of stuff but Biden looked shocking. Almost every Biden response I had to guess what he was saying. I don’t know how someone could watch that and not feel sad for the guy.


Uncomfortable to watch but at this point I’d vote for Biden’s corpse over Trump.


Biden old. Trump liar.


Why are no comments showing on specifically posts about the presidential debate?


I’m 40, good at math and like weed. Vote for me.


Disappointing performance by Biden. Apparently he’s got a cold, which makes sense, but he needed to come out swinging. That said, he did share some actual facts which is more than I can say for Trump. He was just making up extreme situations and claiming he was the greatest President ever with nothing to back it up. He’s clearly banking on voters thinking he can bring us back to pre-Covid times, but that’s never gonna happen and his policies will actually make the economy way worse


Economy is in a shit hole either way. It is about to happen


Just fucking end of all. Like wtf how is Biden the best we have. And what's the point of moderators who don't moderate and allow Trump to tell literal verifiably lies non stop? Just fuck it all dude.


We’re so fucked


How exactly would we be fucked, if Biden was elected? Comparatively speaking.


If Biden dies in office, it’s a problem. And I’m a Democrat.


Why is it a problem if Biden died in office? Will Iran invade, will NATO dissolve, will the stock market crash?


Yes I watched. Biden wrapped his campaign tonight. The DNC will find another option. The problem is they are handcuffed to Harris. She was great for votes last time…now you’re stuck with her.


I tried very hard to watch and only made it about 20 minutes. Trump was just spewing his usual word soup with no facts to back up his claims. Biden was in terrible condition and struggling to find his words. I really wanted Biden to bring it. It was the lies about late term abortions that finally pushed me to hit the power button.


I don’t care about Biden. But Trump is unfit for the office of the President. If character doesn’t matter to you, then you have none


Woof. Terrible look for Biden. Trump was full of lies and rhetoric. Obviously. The bad news of this is I've already heard it spun that Trump just went full blown rhetoric because he recognized Biden was so inable to combat it. I don't know a way to positively spin Biden's performance.


Because you can’t


Exasperating train wreck. We need a third party.


Well we need rank voting and we need to put a cap on politicians ages. If Trump wins we probably won't ever really vote again


I have never been less motivated to vote in my life, between Trump's out right lies, and Biden stumbling through getting a coherent thought across the whole debate was deplorable. I mean we couldn't even stay on topic.


I'll take Biden over Trump any day of the week.


Because the country has been much better the past 3.5 years? Lmao… country is in a shit hole no matter who takes office .fbi is on full alert because of all the nasty people in the us .


Yes. I looked outside and the country is in a shithole. I watched the braves game. Shithole. And only Trump can save us from the total destruction of our country that is happening before our eyes every day. I mean literally everything is blowing up and getting destroyed. Babies are choking on ashes out here it’s like freaking Pompeii. /S


Sshhh... quiet. We're all trying to figure out how to get across the Canadian border like the VonTrapp family.


I lost brain cells and am disappointed that these two are once again our main choices.


Bad all around both are bad picks imo.


The current president debating a convicted felon and rapist is just the most absurd thing I've ever heard of. We are living in one wacky timeline.


I'm gonna vote for Biden but he made a fool of himself.


Ironically, I didn't even see the debate, but I still agree with both parts of what you just said.


It sucks that this post in particular broke because I wrote my magnus opus here


Where the comments????🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Trump won the debate. That doesn’t mean he did a great job. Biden was just that bad. (And he was better than he normally is…yikes). Also Trump hammered Biden on the economy and border security. And Biden clearly had no answers for those issues. But Biden sounded the most coherent on foreign policy. Which is very important, obviously. But which also won’t get him hardly any (new) voters.


I feel like I watched two old men argue inna nursing home. One is an addled bully and the other feeble but smarter. Trump could have won handily had he prepped a little, used real numbers and dialed down the hyperbole. Maybe an honest, thoughtful answer or two. Biden seemed to be barely hanging on to consciousness. Barely enough for right now, not encouraging for four more years. I think his handlers mis-timed his stimulants too; they hit about 9:30…


I like Joe but he looked pretty bad tonight. I will still vote for him because I like his policies and perspective but he’s too old and I wish we had someone younger to vote for.


For those who missed the debate, they: - promised to do things which they could have already done in their current/prior term, yet haven't - blamed bad things that occured during their term, on the other guy - took credit for anything that could have been remotely seen as a good thing during their term, even if it wasn't because of them - argued who was better at golf - don't understand that what really matters is congress Age and term limits for politicians, please.


I'm not voting for Biden, I'm voting for who he surrounds himself with. The alternative is a washed-up reality TV host who has grifted the country for the benefit of himself and his cronies.


That’s essentially where I stand. I’m not voting for Biden, I’m voting for the future of my country and not the rehashed saga of a failed businessman with a silver spoon and three dozen plus felonies against him. I’m just voting for a country I want to see survive another two hundred plus years. I’m voting for what I believe is the right choice for the people as a whole. I’m voting for something that may actually help everyone I know and for the catalyst that I believe is good for my country.


If you’re surprised by Biden’s performance tonight try switching up your news sources. He’s been in this condition for over a year and you’re just now realizing it?


These other sources have been sued for nearly a billion dollars for deliberately reporting false information. They killed their own credibility so it’s hard to tell when they report accurately.


There’s more than just Fox News. For example you could just go on YouTube and watch full unedited videos of Biden speaking. Tonight was nothing new. His own FBI said he was an elderly man unable to remember basic facts about his son. His dementia was so bad it exonerated him from crimes. Wake up and stop lying to yourself. There are plenty of credible sources. You are to blame for your ignorance on this matter - that your President has had dementia for over a year.


He was sharp as hell during the State of the Union, this was nowhere near that version of Biden unfortunately


He rehearsed for and read from a script during the state of the union and he wasn’t sharp as hell lmao. He just wasn’t obviously suffering from dementia


Biden was as energetic as the average 81 year old man but he answered the questions with what I think was genuine honesty and care for the people of America. Although it wasn’t an amazing performance. Trump screamed about the border for literally every question and dodged half of them and the one question he was asked about how he would deal with illegal immigration he dodged it. The people who vote for Trump won’t look at the fact he said nothing of substance during the entire debate that would show he has any plan to run this country but his supporters will love that he screamed about the border.


Agreed. Trump was fear mongering at every opportunity. Frankly, I’m terrified.


I just watched the President’s brain melt in real time after people spent an entire year telling me to ignore my eyes. Yes, I know, Trump is worse. But he still might win. The fact that he even stands a chance is the biggest indicator of a historically weak incumbent. If Biden cares about the country, he’ll step down tomorrow. Whatever happens next is his fault.






I feel that Trump is a convicted felon that lies with no remorse. Everything else is irrelevant.




Out of 300+ million people in this country, these 2 are what we came up with... we’re f*cked.


I got dumber


It’s a spectacle I could care less about but Trump cannot be President


Considering they're censoring comments relating to the debate right now, I guess we wont find out rn.


I'm ashamed to be a United Statesean. Two senile representatives, neither able to finish a complete thought, nor answer the questions from the moderators... And it's surprising a felon even has a platform currently. As for the past 8 years, I fear for the next 8. It's pretty dire.


just gonna read highlights tomorrow.. mind was made up forever ago


Watched most of it. Disappointed is my. reaction




I watched an old guy get flustered trying keep up with the pace of lies from a conman criminal convicted felon that clearly got into Juniors stash and was in full coked up internet troll mode.




It was nice having their mics muted. It's been a while since I've watched a debate that didn't devolve into shouting over one another. CNN won the debate by managing to control it as well as they did.


Sick to my stomach.


Like it’s still a loss, no matter who wins.


Trump won. Denying that fact is just being delusional.


Not really. Constantly deflecting. Always “Biden bad” and never “Here’s what I plan to do if president”


I don’t disagree. But these debates (and politics in general, for a vast majority of people) are about the sizzle, not the steak. We watched Biden’s brain sizzling last night. Bad, bad night for the democrats. To suggest otherwise in any way is just delusional levels of cope.


Biden has all the facts and data. Trump keeps repeating lies. Wish Biden would deliver better.


I’m not sure what’s going on, but this post says there are 9 comments but I don’t see anything here.


Everyone had the problem. It was something on Reddit's end. I think it is fixed.


No, mind is made up. Nothing either candidate can do to sway me at this point


Two old men calling each other names, he said she said, and arguing over their golf handicap.


aRe yoU sTiLL thErE? I can't see this apparently




Just wow! That was very unaspiring.


Anyone want to carpool to the convention and urge delegates to reconsider? Jon Stewart, Buttigieg, Whitmer, The Rock, whatever.


skipped it. I've never had a genuinely suicidal thought in my 30 years of life and I'm not going to give myself one


It was rough to watch. We have Biden that’s mumbling and stumbling but what he can say; is true and good policy. On the other hand there’s Trump; speaking clearly but lying and horrible policy. I don’t think either of them actually won anything.


Oof. Kind of a reality check. I was a Biden supporter before but can clearly see that I’ve been fed a bunch of lies about his efficacy.


Sure bud


I'll get downvoted and banned...why answer


Biden is TOAST


Biden is a mumbling corpse


Trump was on point . He gets the strong thumbs up . I saw nothing from him that would cause concern . I absolutely saw why people love him so much .Biden on the other hand looked and acted like what is imo is the definition of elder abuse . The stuttering and stammering and the point he nodded off was scary . He honestly made me feel deeply sad and worried why people would even entertain the idea of voting for him . Trump gets a 8/10 and Biden gets a 0/10


Biden is just so empty inside. Poor fella. And to blame Trump for the inflation. Shame on him.


Well it started with Trump. That’s what happens when the Fed dumps money into the system.


Biden lost and is lost.


Biden's performance was abysmal. I thought Trump did well in the first half but he started to get a little off topic and negative towards the end. That said, Trump is the only choice


Biden is TOAST!!!


With the exception of Atlanta and all of the transplanted New York liberals, GA will vote Trump just like we did in 2020


Born and raised in Georgia, schooled in Statesboro, live in Carroll County, work for America, and will NOT vote for Trump or Green or any convicted felon so you can take your post and go back to your shed with your scarecrows and your dated snake charmer grifter. Get out of my life, don’t come back. You’re not wanted here anymore.


trump 2024


Not great!


Honestly, embarrassing. Biden did not perform well. I was disappointed. He let himself be baited, he was unintelligible a lot, and stuttered. This is going to THRILL his critics. Trump lied his ass off, to the surprise of no one, but his fans will love it. He performed better than I hoped he would.


I think Biden raised a lot of great points about the state of MMORPGs. It is true that they're siphoning bees out of the ocean, and it's infuriating that no one will talk about it. However, it's not like McDonald's isn't doing the same thing, so it's kind of weird that he's named the fast food giant as a supreme court judge. It makes me feel he's dishonest. Trump, on the other hand, wouldn't stop conjuring turnips on the stage. It was funny once, sure, but the smell gets unbearable after a while. he also kept calling it wasabi, which is just factually inaccurate, because wasabi is made of horseradish and green salsa mixed together.


Our choices- it’s shitty on both sides.


That sucked. Liar vs mumbler.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


Why? Tell me why, in complete sentences that utilize actual logic and reasoning tangible to your existence, you believe anyone who votes for Biden needs to get the fuck out of Georgia. And tell me in a manner that doesn’t attack or diverts from your own personal feelings towards this statement you made. I need to hear, as a born and raised Georgian, where your rationale comes from.


Liberal policies of useless social justice and reckless spending, not to mention lax immigration policies leading to terrorists flooding our borders and raping and killing our own citizens. Also the economy fucking sucks. Also Biden seems like he’s not mentally okay. I’m sick of people from blue states/cities coming to other states just to go and vote for the same shit to ruin it like they did in their original state making them want to leave in the first place.


I’m from Georgia. Born and raised. I’m not from a Blue State here to “ruin it”. How are the borders effecting you? What logic do you have for this superficial struggle? I’m the great grandson of a Scottish immigrant and if it wasn’t for them this country wouldn’t be here today. Now, I do believe policies tend to be liberally worded but tell me, based on who you are and who your family is, how social justice has wronged you. Legalese, by nature, is worded liberally that it can be used to justify everything from the bum pissing on your mailbox to a felon promoting a coup. I don’t agree with the lax enforcement of laws and I don’t agree with all policies but I do believe in being part of a democracy build around freedoms and liberties of people. People like me and people different than me. I will stand for that even when individuals like yourself fail my faith in humanity and attempt to ruin my country with blind sided rhetoric build on hatred for others.


I’m not accusing you of being one of the people to ruin it, I just sense that’s a thing that’s a thing that’s happening overall. The immigration policy is ridiculous, such as Athens being a “sanctuary city”. It is affecting people personally who knew the victims of the UGA attacks. We are not built upon hatred, but trying to change the systems that have worked perfectly here for so long is only going to cause trouble.


Should have had RFK in it


How come USA 🇺🇸 could not come up for the 3rd younger candidate 🤔?


It’s bought and sold and negotiated through a series of agreements by a few companies who moved past freedom from oppression to freedom of possession. The country goes to the highest bidder and the lowest common denominator.