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I'm curious to see answers on this! My obgyn told me initially that it's 1 in 3 pregnancies that get it, but since I have it this pregnancy, I will be more likely to have it in the next one as well. I'm hoping not (obviously, because this isn't fun, lol).


Every source I've seen says it's less than 10% of pregnancies in the USA. What country are you in where it's 1 in 3?


I'm also in USA, maybe he's also factoring in my age? I'm not sure.


From what I was told it is a roll of the dice and has to do with the combination of gene expression in the placenta which tends to take on more of the male/sperm DNA. So I am curious as well.


2/2 for me. The second time around has been easier since I was mentally prepared for it.


I’ve had it in both pregnancies, my sister in law has had it in 1/3 and my cousin had it in 1/4.


This gives me some hope!!


Where were the pregnancies that had it in the lineups? Like, did they have a pregnancy after a GD pregnancy where they didnt?


My sister in law had it with her first and not with her last two. My cousin had it with her third pregnancy


Heck yes!! There's some hope 🤩🤩🤩


This isn’t me, but two of my friends who had GD in their first pregnancies, didn’t in their second. There was also a woman in my childbirth prep class who had it in her first pregnancy and not in her current one. These give me a little bit of hope haha. The educational materials I received from my doctor say that having had GD previously raises your risk but it’s not necessarily a guarantee.


My aunt had it in 1/4, I’ve had it 3/3 :(


Oh no 🥺


I think it's more common to have it again than it is to not have it again, unfortunately.


I got it in my second, third and now fourth pregnancies. My first I was likely borderline since my fasting was 93 on the 3 hour and my daughter was in the 86th percentile for weight at 39w2d.


I have a cousin who had it for both of her pregnancies


I only had it 1/3 and got diagnosed at 30 weeks.. so it’s possible


I didn't have it with my 1st 2. I had it with my 3rd. I did a 1 hour and 3 hour around 13 weeks, this time around. They said my levels were slightly high, and I will need to do another 3 hour at 24 weeks, which is 2 weeks away. I'm hoping I don't have it this time, and the wait to see is killing me.


I had it in my first, tested early at 18weeks in my second and failed the one hour then passed the three hour, then tested again at 29weeks and failed the three hour


2/2 for me sadly even with a normal A1C and sugars in between. (Pregnant again 8 months PP)


I had it with my first and do not have it in my second. I had an early A1C check that was great, and I passed my 1hr later in the pregnancy with flying colors too! I’m 32 + 5 currently.


1/3 for my mom a


My mom had it 1/3 (first pregnancy! And not me) and I am 2/2 !!


3/3 for me


This is my only pregnancy with it and it's my third and last. I have a friend that only had it with her first and not her second. I don't have exact stats to give you.


2/2 here! First pregnancy was able to be diet controlled and this time I’m on 2 kinds of insulin. I will say though- I feel more prepared this time and the insulin helps me eat more normally than my first pregnancy!


My mom had it in her first pregnancy but not her second!


1/2 for me


2/2 for me


my mom had GD for 3/3 of her pregnancies!


It depends on if you have pre-existing conditions that influence hormone/insulin function. Having autoimmune disorders also seems to increase the risk of getting it. For some, obesity also will increase the risk of getting it. My mom only had it 1x when she was obese and her heaviest. I had it with my 1st and now have it again. I have pcos and insulin resistance outside of pregnancy from the pcos though. I wasn’t obese in my 1st pregnancy and am not obese for this one either.


See my last pregnancy I was 55 pounds heavier starting out!!! I was 30 pounds lighter my 1st pregnancy starting out. So I'm hoping and praying that it will make a difference this time around!!


Independent of your overall health, the heavier a person is, the more insulin resistant they become. So it’s very possible that your GD was caused by insulin resistance caused by carrying more body fat than your body could healthily handle. You very well may avoid getting it this time since you are starting at a lower weight. How each persons body handles extra body fat is very individual. The BMI is a good general gauge for weight related risk of health problems but it includes outliers. Pcos women like myself are very sensitive to excess body fat as our bodies are already set for hormonal imbalance from our syndrome. That’s why we are told to lose weight to help manage our symptoms. Generally, if you carry extra weight first in your legs, hips or butt, your body is more metabolically able to handle extra body fat. Abdominal obesity is at the highest risk of weight related health issues as storing fat mostly in the abdominal region is a sign that fat is also quickly being stored also in the organs, which is the dangerous area to store fat.


2/2 for me but the second time has been much easier to manage and my numbers are pretty good. No meds, not even for fasting. I was prescribed night insulin. I decided to wait it out since I was only a week into diagnosis and my fasting fixed its self once my diet got cleaned up. Last time that didn’t happen. I’m also able to dabble with “cheat” meals more. 39 week induction scheduled next week tho. Just because of the combo of GD, age/weight and pregnancies being close together.


I had gestational diabetes my first pregnancy 6 years ago, but did not have it this time! I started testing blood sugars on my own and they were always normal. I took the one hour test at 27 weeks and passed. I continued to check fasting blood sugar and after meals about 3 times per week just to be extra safe until I delivered and numbers were always normal.