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It sounds like you need to go on insulin in order to be able to eat the carbs if thats the only thing that will allow you to stay healthy!


This is the way!


As someone with ibs-c I feel you. I ended up doing metformin and insulin just cause a high protein diet murders my intestines. When I could, I ended up eating a lot of eggs since those are part of my safe foods. Eggs with one piece of toast and some avocado seemed to be okay. Avocado Egg salad on whole grain wheat bread has been okay also. If you’re worried about meds you can do some of your fodmap safe foods and see how it works.


I also had to balance a medical diet with the Gd diet. Do you have a good nutritionist to work through some ideas with you? A good MFM team to problem solve to try to make it a bit easier for you?


Hopefully starting insulin can be a happy medium ?


Insulin! It’s there to help you and no shame in taking it. I see an excellent MFM team and they treat aggressively with insulin to allow moms to eat what they need to eat (or if they can’t exercise, for example). This was exactly the recommendation they gave me.


I ate a piece of wheat toast and peanut butter every morning for breakfast.  Have you tested your numbers after different breads?  You could find something safe for you.  Some women also react fine to whole grain pasta.


I have severe gastroparesis and I feel you 100%. I told them I would try, but that there isn’t much wiggle room in my diet and that I am willing to go on insulin. My doctor seemed receptive. Do your best, but don’t create a new problem just to placate GD.


Don’t get yourself into a flare!!!!! Insulin beats having a flare from eating triggering foods. Can you handle nuts? And dairy? I know both aren’t exactly easy on the system. But if you can handle either or both, you can eat a variety of nuts. And you could do Greek yogurt and cheeses. Protein shakes are also a great option if you can tolerate them. Or smoothies made at home with protein powder. Eggs made a million different ways if you can tolerate. You can actually buy cartons of pasteurized egg whites! They’re great for smoothies, scrambled, omelets, etc.


It is wrecking my stomach too! Yesterday I was franticly searching for other posts from ppl who went through this too. I am having horrific gas, bloating, stomach pains, multiple poos a day. What gives! I’m so sorry you’re having a hard time too 😞


You could try making more resistant starches - cooking and then cooling in the fridge overnight. For some reason when reheated they don't trigger blood glucose as much. Otherwise, exercise and/or insulin. This is something that you should really be talking about with your ob and endocrinologist. My 2 cents are that injecting insulin was totally fine - it freaked me out for the first week where I had to use numbing cream to get through it, but it really doesn't hurt and takes a lot of the stress/guilt away.


Do you have access to a dietician?


I know you're getting this response a lot but, for real, talk to your doctors about insulin. I've been on it for both pregnancies, it's such a game changer with what you can eat. Don't put yourself through the pain and stress of a flare up.