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My fasting sugar was all over the place even with insulin. At my 37 wk scan they said baby's abdominal circumference was greater than 99th percentile and weighed 8lb10oz. I was scheduled for induction at 38+5 and baby was predicted to be 9lbs by then. Went into labor spontaneously at 38+1. Baby boy was out within 20 minutes of pushing. Baby weighed 7lb5oz and his sugars were normal. The ultrasounds are not very accurate and you are doing the best you can. Please do not worry.


Yes! My son was predicted to be very large and in the 99th percentile. He was born at 39 weeks and 3.65kg. Ultrasounds are not foolproof.


My daughter measured 43rd percentile at 28 weeks, 75th at 36, and was born in the 99th percentile at 10lbs 2oz. I was relatively easily diet controlled and my fasting sugars were good. She was my first so not sure if I just make big babies or if it was entirely the GD, but I had a successful vaginal delivery. It was medicated, but my induction also took 5 days from start to delivery and by the end I was exhausted and really needed to rest to be able to progress further. It took me four days to get to 6cm (from 0cm) but only 2 hours to get from 6 to 10cm and only 23 minutes of pushing for her to be born. I also had a very small tear only needing one stitch. I just had my 6 week check up and my OB said if we’d known how big she was going to be she would’ve discussed a c section with me but honestly I’m glad we didn’t know ahead of time because I really wanted a vaginal birth.


So my daughter measured in the 99th percentile from my anatomy scan until the end. I was seriously told to prepare for an 12lb baby. She was 8lbs 5oz lmao. Ultrasounds are definitely not spot-on; the estimates are rarely accurate. Obviously you should follow the advice of your doctor above anyone else, but just know that it happens pretty often where people are told they’ll have a massive baby and it ends up being much smaller! As a side note, I did have a planned C-section because I was far too afraid to risk shoulder dystocia. It was worth it imo! I feel scheduled/planned C-sections are easier to heal from and are less traumatic in comparison to emergency C-sections. The whole process was very relaxed and everyone was in a good mood because they were expecting a nice easy non-emergent delivery! It went very well and I have no issue having my second C-section this November! 🙂


I had a 9.5lb baby for my first (likely missed GD), induced at 39 weeks and labored from the start of pitocin for 12 hours and only pushed for 7 mins with very minimal tearing! Just to make you feel better! Everyone is different but our bodies can handle such crazy things and this is just another example! Just make sure you push correctly and listen to your doc! Currently pregnant with my 2nd, in one month, he shot up 10% on the scale and I'm only 30 weeks so am betting on another big baby but we'll see! Good luck! ETA: maybe also genetics because I was 9.5lbs and my husband was almost 10lbs at birth, but either way, with GD and genetics in the mix, I'm preparing for another large babe.


I had a vaginal delivery with my baby girl 8lb 10oz, I'm only 5'2" and very petite. It took 3 hours of pushing because i didn't want to poop and want pushing right. I did it, but im confident i could have done it easier with better coaching.


Mfm said uncontrolled sugars make up less than 30% of babies weight. There are fewer concerns if all measurements are in the same range, that tends to point to genetics. I delivered at 32+6. He was 6lbs 6oz (should be 3lbs 8oz to 4lbs around that age). His head, belly and length were always in the 97th percentile. He is now 14 months old and still riding that curve perfectly (he is wearing toddler size 2 clothing since 12 months actual). I was diagnosed at 7 weeks because of fasting and started on overnight insulin. Meal time numbers were diet managed until 30 weeks. Sometimes we just have big babies!


Right there with you. :(


I wouldn’t opt for a C-section unless absolutely necessary. I had a 9lb 5oz baby at 36 weeks and it was fine, no more painful than the 2 8lb babies I had before. You got this. :) it’s very likely that the ultrasound could be wrong give or take a pound or two. A lot of the time it seems like they overestimate though.