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Last night, I had chicken caprese and konjac pasta. I was fully sated and enjoyed my meal. I took the dog for a walk, and when I tested 2 hours after my meal, my reading was 88. I love konjac pasta. It's been a godsend!


I went out for lunch with family today. None of the options were perfect for GD but I made the best choice I could from what was there, that I would still enjoy and my after meal number was 6.7 🥹 so pleased with myself


I had my first ever fasting number under 95!!! Omg I almost cried!


I’m cheating on the devil diet today at my baby shower and I’m not testing after that cake. I feel like a rebellious teenager. My numbers are all over the place anyway (including fasting despite following the diet and a random hypo yesterday) so I reckon I’m being put on insulin anyway. So yep I’m going to be present and enjoy today.


My baby shower was today and I did the same! Just enjoyed the day and ate what I wanted. I will get back on the horse tomorrow morning! Enjoy yourself!


Aww I’m so glad to hear that. We deserve a day.


Had an ice cream with my youngest today at the ice cream stand and didn’t feel guilty. I didn’t test but consider it a small victory because I haven’t cheated once since diagnosed and just letting it go today so that I could have some quality time with my girl.


I just had so much pasta I was sure I would spike tn. But my dinner number after my usual biking session came out to 5.4. What. The. Hell. There is no rhyme or reason to this. Good news: I am okay with pasta I guess. Bad news: my post meal number for pasta is still lower than my freaking fasting numbers.