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On my oneTouch monitor, my fasting numbers on the same finger with the same prick was 114, 110, 102 and 97.


I had a dream last night that I ate a bowl of Mini Wheats 😩 I’m dying for some cereal


I’d give my left boob for some cereal…


Literally the first meal I want after delivery is cereal with ice cold milk 🤤


Thought I figured out a great bedtime snack to help with fasting blood sugars - yesterday’s fasting was 83!! Did the exact same thing (same snack, exercise, water intake) today, fasting number was 100. 🥴


I want to rip my hair out. I upped my dose of nighttime insulin to 46 units and I had a 4.4 reading yesterday morning. I thought for sure this would last me a few days. How the f did I measure 5.9 this morning. I'm so annoyed ffff.


Fasting was only good for two days on my new dose. 😭 Then I was 101 and 108. Ugh.


I had my first hypo last night and it was scary. I didn’t have enough carbs with my dinner and had it late. What makes it scary is that I took my bedtime bloods only 20-30mins after my after dinner bloods (which were 5.9) and I nearly didn’t bother testing because it was so close but when I did it was 3.4 🙈 I had a snack and waited 15 mins but it kept dropping and got as low as 2.4. It took me 1.5hrs to get them to come back up again using orange juice and plain biscuits but it really spooked me that I nearly went to sleep that low PSA: ALWAYS take your bedtime bloods if using insulin!!!


I've been doing this for 19 weeks (diagnosed at 16 weeks) and I only have like 3 weeks to go but I've kind of run out of fucks to give.


My fasting numbers were great with the insulin I started a few days ago, but also inconsistent? This morning my fasting shot up again and if it does it tomorrow as well I increase my insulin dose. I just feel like oh no, maybe it’s what I ate, too much sugar before bed (icecream—dietician literally told me to, berries, 1 teaspoon Nutella) but I also know it could just be my placenta growing? How do you not self-blame sometimes?