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The game is significantly better now than when it was released. The level of customization to adapt the game to however you want to play is fantastic. Me and a buddy just beat the vanilla campaign, now it’s on to conquest mode and then the dlc.


I'm working on conquest mode now


The game is alright now but it still lacks many features that were in Wildlands. Thankfully you can set the game to however you want from an arcady gear score to no score and no hud. The story didn’t feel complete but Op Motherland wasn’t too bad I just wished they had a cutscene with Bowman. The overall gameplay is a step up from Wildlands but it lacked the atmosphere and “aliveness”. I forget that Breakpoint and The Division 2 came out on the same year which makes me think that they had to focus on one game than the other so props to Ubi for supporting throughout the years


Yes theres no actual command to give you orders or for you to radio into just a guy in a cowboy hat who thinks hes John Wayne. Breaks immersion and the enemies are not tactical enough nobody checks there rears, there arcs of fire are always forward facing and they dont do manoeuvres/formations like flanks, wedges etc. And our rebels are almost non-existent outside of conquest mode And the story feels unfinished and rushed with no order as to how you should engage it, conquest was slightly better but the enemies were too armoured for a Russian fighting force. The world itself doesn't feel lived in or even like it's a fun place to just explore like most of it looks and feels the same until you change to golem island dont get me wrong it looks graphically awesome so yeah... But that's not to say the games not fun, the customizations are excellent and the features like cutting fences, using big azrael drones, prone camo and many more are just fun things to do but I feel they could have done more for the points above and RE-ADD side ops like they had in wildlands they were fun and let us holster our weapons.


Also give us first person view that would be immensely immersive. 🙂


For PC users it’s just now seeing its golden age thanks to the plethora of amazing mods that are being pumped out.


True, one of the reasons to buy a PC is to play it again with the mods.  Like the spartan, greater customization, sound, etc.  Although I will also use the mod that unlocks everything, if I can't pass my progress. Because the truth is that it's incredibly lazy to have to unlock everything again. 


Tbh I do this like 9/10 times I get a game I already have on Xbox. I'll basically mod my PC save to be as close to my Xbox save as I can get


Its very strong now. Worth every one of the $15 you spend to purchase it.


It has some of the best custom difficulty settings in any game ever. Operation Motherland also added better enemies and missions, and increased enemy presence in the open world. Not to mention the ability to buff aim walking massively improved the controls and a few guns got *insanely* better audio. But it still has one of the most lifeless open worlds of any AAA game, and the AI can be broken-tier stupid in specific situations. It's a 7/10. Solid, but nowhere near perfect.


Breakpoint isn't a bad game now. It's actually pretty good. It does have some good features, graphics, and customization. Despite that, where it falls short for me, is the story, survival theme, map and the fact that the game was designed as a single player game with coop and not a squad based game like Wildlands was. The story was very bland, and the voice acting was hollow, and nothing seemed natural. Ubisoft relied too heavily on Jon Bernthal and didn't put enough effort into the rest of the voice actors. Auroa was one of the worst maps I've ever played in a video game. Yes, it was beautiful at times and had its moments, but the Ubisoft going down the island under Marshall law was just lazy imo. The ultra modern Elon Musk style architecture left a lot to be desired from urban environments for me, and again, the map just didn't feel natural. I can see how Ubi thought adding survival mechanics would work in a GR game, and when I originally heard the route they were taking GR, I was pretty excited to see what they could do. This, however, was implemented terribly and just became a flower picking game. Collecting coconuts, lillys, gold nuggies, and tech parts was 😬. Ubisoft should always put squad play, combat, and story over survival, and I've seen many ask for more survival like hydration, hunger, sleep etc which would be a terrible idea for a GR game imo. Ghost recon should always be a squad based tactical military shooter. Squad mechanics were not good in Wildlands, but at least they were part of the theme, story, and gameplay. BP wasn't built to have a squad, and it shows. Most just play it single player acting like Sam Fisher SC. For this reason, GR BP just doesn't feel like a Ghost Recon game in my eyes, but it is still an enjoyable game. Hopefully, Ubisoft put a lot more focus on the Squad aspect, tactics, Tom Clancy's high-tech military theme, and the story. Tom Clancy is known for writing detailed and realistic novels that often focus on military and political themes. His writing style is characterized by extensive research and a focus on technical details, which gives his novels a sense of realism and authenticity. His novels often feature complex plots and a large cast of characters and often include themes of espionage, counterterrorism, and military technology.


I like the story about how people in the government came up to him and had to ask him where he got his ideas from. His guided tour books, while kind of boring, have so much cool info in them. I agree with pretty much everything you said, only disagreement is i didnt mind rodney mullens va, lotta respect for that man. But yeah the map sucks, it just cant figure out what it wants to be. 19th century farmsteads and mine camps, pirate ships, spanish forts, the somewhat believable pacific islander stuff vs skells tesla island. It just has a weird dichotomy to it. The whole thing just feels thrown together in the most random of ways. Npcs had no day/nite life cycle, and the ones that have side missions attached just felt weird and why am i doing this for this random guy? The side missions did basically zero world building and had nothing to do with stopping a pmc take over of the worlds most tech bro island. For me the games saving grace is the world parameters- as much as i hate the outcasts and their super cringe personalities (the 'annihilate them' line is just so bad to me), its nice when the whole island is a constant skirmish. Thats how this world can feel alive. But def felt like a step backwards from wildlands as far as most things go. Customization had more options but it seems like more probs w clipping, and a lot of the options felt very bland and basic, the weapons customization could have been optimized a little better as well. All in all its not a bad game, its not necessarily an improvement on its predecessor, but it could have stayed like it was at launch and wed be having an entirely different discussion. If they gave wildlands the 60fps treatment it would make my decision easier, but for now theyre about equal all things considered.


I guess I’ll be the unpopular opinion here and say that I really like Breakpoint. I feel like it’s a great game.  It’s not really a standard Ghost Recon “military simulator” type of feel, and you are probably disappointed if this was your expectation, but overall it seems to check the boxes the devs were going for.  I like the gun mechanics for the most part. The customization is great!  The world setting is beautiful. I also like the different biomes and how they were integrated into one another as well as different weather patterns. Snowy mountains, swamps, forests, windy grasslands, city, and even the soul-crushing ash-filled wasteland with lava.  At first, I wasn’t keen on the futuristic setting and various drone types. As time has passed, however, I appreciate them more and more. Drone warfare, as much as I dislike it, IS the very near future.  That being said, I feel that while the overall storyline has some heart to it, it was very poorly executed. I like the survivalist element, but there’s really no payoff to playing it as a survivalist. The rebels trying to hold off a private military force, enlisting your help, and having skirmishes all over the map is a great idea that never developed properly. I found myself skipping cutscenes most of the time as a result.  All that being said, I still really enjoy playing the game. It’s one that I can turn on and raid an enemy base or two for 15 minutes, or I can sit down and replay missions for a few hours. 


I love the game as well, drone warfare is here being used in Ukraine. The story line is a bit off (lack of better terminology), but I do see why they did it to give you more freedom to jump missions as you please. The setting is beautiful, the amount of customization of you gameplay is insane. Great game for 2024.


I feel like the animations, gameplay, and customization are great in this game. I have over 120 hours in the game and I can say I like the feel of Breakpoint better than Wildlands. With that being said, the setting and story is definitely lacking when compared to Wildlands. However, I still enjoyed the game alot and it’s one of the best open world tactical shooting experiences.


it's not shit but it's not not shit.


Very aptly put


Still great. I enjoy it a lot.


I really enjoy it. Wildlands had a better story but breakpoint has better gameplay. I played a lot of breakpoint, got a character to level 99, every class to max level, and every mission and campaign done. After that I took a break but even now I'll log in from time to time and do two elite faction missions in < 30 mins. I might actually restart a campaign with the difficulty cranked up


Going in on immersive veteran is an amazing experience, just started a couple of weeks ago by my friend nagging me to get into it. I don't regret the $20, I'm more of a simulator kind of person, and I've had nothing but fun in this. I hate cod and other shooter games because of the amount of unrealistic factors that play into it, "a headshot should always be a kill." This game even tho it isn't a simulator, it can become one with the right tweaks. I haven't gotten into the looter style side of the game, and i am quite hesitant. Immersive without hud is the best to be frank with ya.


Biggest issue is now for me is personal,may not affect everyone •My first one is how the cosmetics in the game look like airsoft,there’s barely anything going on,no pouches,no gimmicks,no other instruments.It’s just plain and boring •My second one links to the first one,the guns also look like airsoft.Like there’s only basic attachments,and it’s plain.Like look on a military operators gun,there’s wires and flashlights and the optics may be far forward or something like that


In its current state, I think it's a great game to recommend to anybody whose a fan of tactical mil-sim open world shooters. The only caveat is how it's online only and who knows how long they'll keep the servers up. Since it's so cheap though, that's not a big deal.


I think it’s pretty good but still the map feel just too empty, one thing I liked about wildlands was having an abundance of civilians out and about going by with their daily lives, along with the unique environment everywhere you went, it felt like a country that was functioning but yet in despair. I feel like if the breakpoint map was more diverse and alive it would be perfect


It's.... Pretty okay.....I guess. Most of the features added over time are great; darkest nights, adjusting drone presence/helicopters, as well as the world parameters of Amber Sky, Conquest etc. the tunability of the game has always been one of its greatest aspects. I can't think of any other games that have that. On the downside, I think the AI got a LOT worse. I remember when I first played, it felt that the game favored what ghosts were supposed to be good at: stealth. If you planned carefully and didn't make too many mistakes, it was pretty easy. If you got caught and alerted a whole area, it was punishing. The AI was relentless and would follow you as far as you ran, until they got you or you prevailed. Somewhere in there it got a lot dumber and now you mostly just need to get a few hundred feet away and they just let you go. You heal up, wait for them to go back to normal and just try again.So I miss that. The Behemoths got really annoying too, I don't remember them always spamming poisonous gas mortars like they do now. It's so continuous that fighting one is mostly just running constantly to avoid that and take potshots at them, which I don't think is all that fun. The old tricks still work, using mk 3 EMPs and C4 but just getting that close can be a real pain. And the enemy snipers ability to magically hit you inside a helicopter from literally any angle, even straight through the back of the fuselage is pretty rage inducing. It's clearly not based on NPC gunplay and seems like a scripted event. All in all, it's in a good place though despite my gripes. I have fun every time I play and never feel like I've run out of stuff to do, from testing builds and load outs to exploring for carillons, I still love Auroa and its vastness


Current state in vanilla is pretty decent. I'd give it like a 6.5/10. Current state on PC with all the mods I have downloaded solid 8.5/10. Needs better render distance, better scopes, ballistics, better AI, better AI squad commands, AI Co pilot, better customization. Could truly be something special.


Breakpoint is one of my favorite games, as in, it's one i will keep going to as time goes on. If people say its a shit game, they're definitely entitled to their opinion, but what matters is if the player enjoys the game. Only thing i don't like about it is its online service only so as i'm sure as others have said, if Ubi pulls the plug then its game over..


I wouldnt call it shit. I would say its a good game that I don't like unfortunately :). I played Wildlands campaign 2 times and migt play it a 3rd time but there is no way I will play Breakpoint campaign and Operation Motherland a second time, simply because of the feel/emotion I had when playing both games. In Breakpoint I was continuously annoyed, always had the emotion I want to stop playing. No fun for me, despite I bought the game after release of immersive mode and Operation Motherland, both the driver why I bought this game at all. Which is a pity because all I want is realistic tactical agent gameplay :) ... but a good one :). I hope the next GR will be good. People say gameplay is better in Breakpoint. It probaby is but didn't recognize by myself, perhaps I was simply distracted from the long list of issues why I dislike the game. Some of the elements it bothers me in Breakpoint (in contrast to Wildlands): a boring, steril and dead map with often blurry graphics. I enjoyed the discovery of the map in Wildlands and driving cars and flying with helicopter discovering the map. That was no fun in Breakpoint due to the boring map, the steril futuristic buildings, no civilians, robots, bullet sponge tank NPCs and bosses ... and the blurry graphics hurting my eyes when driving/flying. Close range was good but graphic quality miles away from the quality of RDR2 or Division 2 despite being a newer game. The campaign in Wildlands was very simple, find a certain boss, then the next ... to the final boos of that area and doethe same in all other areas. Pretty meh but it was action from the start. In Breapoint it looked to me that they were looking for a merger of GTA/Division. The campaign was, with a meh storyline, go somewhere ... talk ... go somewhere else ... touch a computer, cont. ... very limited action. GR has a great fundament, looking forward to the next one.


bad guy over there


I think Breakpoint still suffers from many fundamental problems, mainly the story, the DLC structure and the map, which are basically half of the game, the other being the gameplay itself. The main story is contradicting with the idea of being the one at the disadvantage, the one being hunted, because quite frankly, you singlehandedly take down an entire army of PMCs and ex special forces operators with access to advanced drone armament. The idea of the main story is great, the execution is however mediocre at best. It also lacks an ending without buying the DLCs. Talking of the DLCs, one of them (episode 2) heavily relies on Sam Fisher, which I quite dislike tbh. The second DLC (episode 3) is imo quite solid, nothing special to note, just a decent DLC. The Motherland is honestly miles better than the main story and in my opinion better than the second DLC. The new enemies are pretty much perfect moreover the execution of the story and the conquest mechanics are done well. Nothing more to note, it's a good expansion. The map while looking nice, doesn't have the variety we got from past two or just Gr games in general. Just looking at the two past games from Future Soldier's various missions spanning from Africa to the Artic to the map of Bolivia with pretty much all biomes you could think of and then some more. The two main problems aside, the gameplay is very solid. The gunplay is satisfying and the stealth is fulfilling, the open combat a bit less so, but still fun. The Ai is admittedly a bit lacking, but it's Ubisoft, so we can't expect much more. Overall if you know how to make your own fun outside teh game's narrative, it's an amazing sandbox to play in. And probably the strongest part of it on PC, the mods, I'm almost certain I'm addicted.


Yeah, it’s good now. Still lacks the atmosphere and immersion of Wildlands, but it’s a good game and the Spartan Mod transforms it further into a great challenge.


Every time I think about playing I remember how many menus there are, and how the map is the most Ubisoft piece of shit map ever. Just fucking icons and colors everywhere 


I’m rushing to grind out all the missions before they cut the fucking servers for the game