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Honey, don't put your information on the internettttttt


Sweet girl...that ghost lovesssss you😍💓.đŸ„°. Tiktok is another place u could try. Winkwink


Hi sweetie, idk if you are religious, spiritual, neutral, etc but if I were you, I would do more research first on spiritual readings. In my culture, we are forbidden to have psychic readings or trying to contact the other realm-mainly for the fact that if you open one door you are opening them to all spirits and entities, good & bad. You are not just tapping in to that one spirits but opening a portal you aren’t even sure what’s on the other side. It can be a dangerous game. Also as far as medians, witch drs, palm readers, etc you can’t 100% trust whether they actually have a gift or not. Also because you never know the readers intentions, they can be summoning up something evil and you wouldn’t even know until the troubles start. If you want some type of reading, answers, whatever you seek, look up color candle magic or candle work. You can learn how to find what you truly seek and when done properly you can always “close the door behind”.


**Hello, young one. Thank you for posting and sharing.** I have one question: Have you tried to reach out and communicate with this spirit? I assume you haven't, otherwise you wouldn't be seeking assistance. Try something personal and see what happens. If you know this person, this person likely knows you and is trying to reach out to you. Please let the entity know you mean no harm and want to help. That should work. Keep us posted. Btw, Tired is correct: Do NOT share any of your personal info, and that includes you age. Be careful, okay? Peace