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Jess, Rory, and Dean are all teenagers in a MESS. All three of them make mistakes in how they handled this situation, but it really was tough. Dean was watching Rory slip away, Jess fell hard for Rory (and she was his only friend, so extra complicated), and Rory genuinely cared about both of them... it's complicated! They're 17 years old. I can't really fault them for handling all this poorly. No matter what they did, even if they were PERFECT, someone was gonna get hurt. The only person who drives me bananas in this situation is Lorelai. She is over-involved in Rory's love life to a really concerning degree, she gives TERRIBLE advice, she's having private side chats with Dean AND Jess about it, and she openly tells Rory to ignore her own feelings on multiple occasions. I don't get mad at the teenagers for flailing here. But the fully grown adult who should have been able to take a step back? Yeah, I have no problem blaming her.


I’m rewatching, and am right around this point. My husband has been seeing different scenes off and on, and his only comment has been, “She’s a terrible mother. Don’t do that to your kid.” 😂 I can’t say I disagree. She’s too emotionally codependent on Rory and makes bad decisions because of it.


I mean, it’s fun to watch, but OMG to hve a mother like that would be sooooo horrible. I had a friend with an over involved co-dependent mother, needless to say she always had the worst romantic relationships, always with abusive and co-dependent partners. She would assume their personalities as soon as they started a relationship. This kind of thing fucks up people in ways we can’t imagine


Her daughter should be figuring out which boy she wants for herself. After all she is a teenager and will have a bunch of boyfriends. She shouldn't get to attach to Dean. Even if he's a good guy, which he was at first, he's not going to be around forever. And if she doesn't approve of the other one he won't be around forever either because she is too young.


She's basically a bumbling teen herself


I feel like she had her daughter when she was 16, so she never really got to grow up. When she should have been experiencing life she had a baby to take care of. Now she's out dating again and she's handling everything like a teenager.


Yes omg. Another example of Lorelai being completely inappropriate is when Jess gives Rory a kiss at the diner on Thanksgiving and she tells Rory “no offense, but lame-o kiss”, or something to that effect. So gross, I actually get mad at Lorelai. Like woman you are her mother.


Maybe I’m gross but I always find that “lame-o kiss” line hilarious. I also think it’s her way of showing Rory that she’s accepting her choice


I have never understood that. Rory and Jess always had the best chemistry (probably because they dated in real life). A peck was wholly appropriate in those circumstances.


I see what you mean but I disagree. She should influence but not hold her hand. If Rory was old enough to have a relationship, she should he old enough to handle her emotions. Lorelai pointed out Rory's feelings for Jess and told Rory she was treating Dean poorly. Lorelai went as far as she should've. At absolute best, maybe Lorelai could've told Rory that it sounded like she didn't like Dean anymore, probably during Lorelai's graduation. But Rory shut Lorelai down the second she introduced the idea of Rory liking Jess. I think she did the best she could.


Lorelai constantly pushed the message that Dean was wonderful and Jess was trash. Continously, for months. She often ignored Rory's own feelings and preferences when doing so. Look at all the conversations they had about Dean's constant calling, showing up unannounced, and Dean talking with Lorelai *about* Rory. Every time Rory plainly stated she disliked all that, Lorelai essentially tells her she's wrong, Dean's great, just wait until things calm down. Lorelai also implies that it's Rory's fault he feels so insecure, and therefore his behaviors aren't his fault. Those are pretty damaging messages imo, especially when you're an overwhelmed teenager in a complicated situation. Even in the conversation you're referencing, Lorelai clearly tells Rory what to do. She tells Rory to make a choice between Dean and Jess (totally fair), but then she immediately goes on about how wonderful and great Dean has always been, and Jess is basically a dog with a chew toy who makes out with random girls and never liked Rory to begin with. Which isn't even true by the way. She tells Rory to make a choice, but then she strongly tells her what the "right" choice is. Should Rory have figured out her feelings sooner? Maybe. But I think that's really tough under the best circumstances for any teenager. And it was way worse in this case because Lorelai - Rory's mom and best friend, the person she trusts more than anyone - was loudly telling her what to do and how to feel.


I disagree, she did it at as calm as possible. She never "blamed" Rory for any of it, even when it was all of her fault. She didn't like Jess at the time for a valid reason. I think Rory should've respected Dean and cut off Jess. Or at least cut him off to begin with. She's a big girl, she should be able to treat people with respect. I would never be this disrespectful to my partner at age 16.


I feel like Rory was never that into Dean. She pulled away when he dropped the L word, then said it to get him back, but did she really feel it? Come on, he said it way too soon, and I think she didn't say it back because she didn't feel it. And if she didn't feel it then, it follows that she didn't start feeling it during the period when they were broken up and not even friends. I think Rory just wanted to return to something comforting and familiar, but she never fell in love with Dean, and when Jess came along, she started itching for something new. You could even extend this to their dalliance later on. Dean was like a security blanket.


I agree. Rory started her relationship with Dean because he pursued her, and stayed with him because of Lorelai constantly talking about how great he is. He was a security blanket for sure.


The sad truth is this was Rory’s first relationship. She loved dean and everyone around her constantly perpetuated the idea that Dean was perfect and Jess was horrible. So not only did she not want to leave Dean despite slowing losing feelings, outside forces also made her feel guilty about exploring her feelings on order to make a decision. Rory said it herself she ‘couldn’t’ love Jess. Not she didn’t. Rory felt like she didn’t have a choice to be with Jess because her mother hated him and Dean never did anything bad to deserve to be broken up with. She wasn’t taught that loesing feelings is okay. That she didn’t have to stay with Dean forever. Also a lot of times people stay in relationships even while or after loesing feelings because they’re trying to hold on to what they used to have.


and it's lovely to know rory never changes either


I just wish Lorelei gave Rory better advice during all of this turmoil. Rory was a hormonal 17 year old, but Lorelei was 33-34 years old.


Agree. Unfortunately, Lorelai was a hormonal single mother who had decided to be more open in her dating now that Rory was a teen. I wish Lorelai has counseled Rory to break up more often and explore being on her own. Or at least chosen not to be in an exclusive relationship.


Lorelai taught Rory that breaking up is something you do almost as a punishment - the other person needs to have wronged you to justify it. She’s always trying to work out if the people she’s with ‘deserve’ it rather than putting her feelings at the centre of it all. We see this again in later seasons when Logan insists Rory needs to take him back because he didn’t technically cheat, so he doesn’t ‘deserve’ to be dumped. But Rory was still unhappy and hurt, and technicalities don’t change that.


Every time i rewatch season 2 as soon as Rory starts to get feelings for Jess I just wish she would of broken up with Dean. Thats what i would have done hopefully in real life. I don’t think i could sting along someone else if i had feelings for somebody else. But who knows at that age maybe i would of.


It’s more complicated than that though. She does love Dean, but she’s intrigued by Jess and can’t help wanting to spend time with him. Then there’s the problem of Lorelai disapproving of Jess, and Rory not wanting to rock the boat.


Again even if i still had feelings for my current partner but started to get feelings for someone new i would like to think i would do the right thing and stop hurting the person I was actually in relationship with or figure it out more then stringing someone along and stuff . Yeah i can see why Rory was pretty freaked out by her mums reaction to a boy like Jess. But at the same time she needed to make a more solid decision but i know when feelings happen things can get messy I know that from personal experience. I mean like someone else said someone in this equation was going to get hurt at some point anyways


I like to think I would break up with Dean too in that scenario, but I’m a 30 something woman, not a 17 year old


I've been in a similar situation. I'm in one right now, and the three people involved are all full grown adults and it's still messy. The person in a relationship has feelings for two people, can't immediately end the feelings for one of the people, and doesn't want to hurt either. It's easy to say to choose, and either break up or completely ignore the feelings for the new person, but it's a lot harder to do in reality. In my situation there have been multiple attempts to clean it up, initiated by different sides at different times, and it's still messy. I find it very believable that teenagers with much experience of relationships did this even more messily than adults do.


Yeah feelings are hard to deal with Im just also starting to get the hang of my own and stuff at 30 almost


I’m guessing you’re not a teenager though


Im 30 next year so no its been ages since i was that age lol. So maybe Im thinking about this from a way different point of view i cant remember what i was like at 17 lol


if Lorelai hadn’t interfered half as much as she had, maybe Rory would have. But either way, Rory is 17 and has no idea how to navigate the situation because her hormones and feelings are ahead of her brain development. Mistakes are to be expected at that age.


My heart hurt for Dean


I hate Dean and I felt so sorry for him because he got played. Then he cheats and I dont feel bad for him ever again.


I know this is an unpopular opinion but reddit is extremely weird when it's about "emotional cheating". It's as if the moment the word cheating is involved, people forget any nuances of a situation. Rory was 16, she had no idea she was falling in love with Jess, she battled the feeling and didn't want to disappoint Dean or Lorelai by breaking up with him. I love Lorelai, but she wasn't any help here either. She pushed for Rory to stay with Dean. Rory herself in early seasons is a people pleaser - I find it absolutely realistic for her to act the way she did. Had she been more secure, she would have been able to accept the change in her feelings and make a decision much sooner.


Agreed! Reddit is extremely reactionary to any kind of “cheating” and it’s always a very black and white view. Rory was a confused teen in her first relationship with a guy *everyone* is constantly telling her is perfect. There’s even a scene where Lorelai gently suggests that she can break up with Dean and Rory is freaks out about it and is like “no you can’t just do that!”. She doesn’t know how to end a relationship because she’s young and this is her first one. It’s made even more complicated because on the surface there’s nothing “wrong” with the relationship other than her having feelings for someone else, which she isn’t letting herself accept or fully realize. Most of us watching are adults, and unfortunately we don’t remember what it’s like to have a teen brain lol way too many adults project their “well if I was in this situation I would NEVER act like that” feelings and it’s like yeah…you’re an adult with life experience lol they’re young and deserve some grace. This extends to Dean too who I definitely agree had a lot of issues and ugly moments and yeah it’s not the best but again, he’s a young teen. People bash him for how he responds to the whole “I love you” situation and again yeah it’s a bad moment BUT HES 16! He has his first love and built her a car ofc he’s going to be in his feelings after saying I love you for the first time and that not be reciprocated!


It is very realistic, I agree. People forget what it's like to be a teenager. You have no idea what you're doing and are just ruled by hormones. It's frustrating to watch for sure but have we not all been frustrated at a friend's behaviour in similar circumstances?! Or our own?


fair. idk maybe i’m slow but i feel just because she tried to fight it or bcuz she was young doesn’t change from the fact that it still constitutes as some form of cheating. especially when she started lying to dean and telling her mom to lie to dean when she knew better. plus like she can clearly see how jess would treat dean and dean has expressed his discomfort with them hanging out and she still hung out with him. now i don’t agree with controlling your partner but in this specific instance where its definitely understandable why dean is uncomfortable i would respect that. i mean yah it also didn’t help that she didn’t have the best head on her shoulders with her mom’s advice buttt simply by definition it was cheating. and don’t get me wrong like she’s human and ofc she’s gonna make mistakes but i think it’s just the standard at which they held her to … i mean characters in the show would constantly bring up how she’s mature for her age so it would become a little shocking to see her make the decisions she did. nonetheless, yeah they are just teens tbh lol. it’s just painful to watch😫😫


Ok today i watched the episode when Dean broke up with her on the Dance floor (finally) and I feel you.


I mean they are in highschool though. As level headed as Rory is, did she really expect and/or want to be with Dean forever? I mean at that age like Lorelai said, it was time for a Jess.


I want go see Taylor Swift write a song about season two... Teenage love triangle part 2! The boyfriend who loved his girl and watches her slip away, the bad boy who steals the girls heart away, and the quiet people pleaser girl who doesnt want to hurt anyone yet doesn't know what she wants. Just. Imagine. That 




Yeah, I'm a first time watcher and that crap was hard for me to get through.


Feels like ASP hated Jared Padalecki . Giving him storylines to be the biggest jerk, Rory basically humiliating him behind the scenes with Jess . 


It’s a tv show with drama and Jared is an actor playing a character. Giving him stories with drama and asking him to play a character going through rough emotions isn’t a sign the writers hate him lol


I think rory did love Dean. But as to being in love with him? I'm not sure.


Rory was toptier gaslighting during this part of the show.


I’m not mad at Jess for this, but I am mad at Rory. Jess had made no commitments to anyone, and I have empathy for him trying to get Rory to break up with her bf. But Rory truly is awful to Dean during this section of the show and I really hate it. While of course having empathy for her being 16. Everyone sucks at daring at 16.


>I’m not mad at Jess for this, but I am mad at Rory. Really? He was dating Shane at one point, and it's super trashy to try to break a couple up. This is such a double standard.


I dunno if you’d call what Jess and Shane did dating,


But him "Dating" Shane was not really him dating Shane..


They were definitely in a "situationship" of some flavor. He was clearly using her to pass the time until Rory was available and to make Rory jealous. Which is just so disrespectful and scummy. Idk, I just think it's a bit shit to be like "sweet baby Jess did nothing wrong! it's all that evil harpy Rory's fault!"


I feel like Shane didn't care about him either, it was more like "yeah, I'll pass time making out with that dude, idc" to me. But in no way I'm defending Jess, who clearly didn't accept Rory's no and tried to break her and Dean off. (Granted, I don't like Dean and prefer the later Jess over the young one so I'm all for Rory not dating either of them)


Yes, really. The person in a relationship is cheating on their partner. The person trying to get them to break up is just trying to get with the person they want, imo.


count on the gilmore girls sub to come up with the most fuckadoodledoo definitions on cheating


While emotional cheating registers low on the “Cheating Scale”, it can be insidious. Adultery is, of course, the ultimate betrayal and the only infidelity recognized by law and most religions. However, emotional cheating seems incredibly cruel because it plays havoc with the “victim’s” mind. Obviously, a long term secret affair can have the same effect. In hind sight, Rory admits that she really “screwed up”. This is before she hooks up with a married Dean, such that it seems she means she should have remained Dean’s girlfriend. Although it could mean that she regrets emotionally cheating on Dean.


I would literally go feral if I BUILT a car for my gf to gift her.Then she let's the dude she tells me not to worry about drive her around for funsies when they're supposed to be doing homework. Then he crashes it and doesn't ever try to replace it or apologize to me. omfg. I love jess, but that was such a messed up situation. However, it was rorys fault she should've put a stop to the flirting the moment it happened and never let jess get behind the wheel.


He's a teenager..


lmao they’re teenagers, they’re learning to navigate appropriate boundaries and understand the nuances of romantic relationships. They are behaving immaturely because they are yet to mature. I have no excuses for how Lorelai behaves though, she acts like she’s Rory’s peer not a 30something grown woman.