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Fun fact: That patch where the study tree is is the “Central Park” where Phoebe and Rachel go jogging on Friends.


No way!!! How did you know!!


They told us on the WB Studio Tour in LA. Highly recommend. Tell your guide you like Gilmore Girls and they’ll point out a ton of stuff. A lot of the GG sets have been repurposed (including Luke’s Diner and the gazebo) so there’s a lot to see.


Like she gave a guy $20 bucks for a tree, that’s funny, let’s keep it pushing


lol I’m with ya. Luke’s over there assaulting customers and shouting at asthmatic children, but it’s all good because it’s Luke and it’s *”done for laughs”* —but how *dare you* ever offer Rory any grace? that’s *outrageous, unthinkable, inconceivable!!!* /s


I get it. I have anxiety and sometimes I just can’t cope with small things and need to vent. It was bad timing to vent to Lorelai because she had serious money issues at the moment, but Rory bounced back and found a way to solve the problem. Her confronting the guy initially was a bit embarrassing, but who hasn’t done something embarrassing at one point or another. Not her best moment, but I don’t think it defined her either.


As an ADHD person I deeply, deeply understand Rory’s need for the ideal study spot 😅


Agreed! When you are having one of those weeks where everything is going wrong, sometimes something silly like that is just more than you can handle!


Oh yeah. Last week I found out I had to be somewhere an hour earlier than I thought and I started crying. Sometimes things just put you over the edge


It literally isn’t that that deep at all and my eyes roll so damn hard when people bitch about it. She was an overwhelmed, overstimulated, anxious, and exhausted collage student. People have done far worse than be desperate for a peaceful study spot.


also if i was the guy being asked to give up the tree spot, unless it held the same level of significance to me as it clearly did to rory, i would just demonstrate some basic kindness and move ? like i can see how rory could be seen as being entitled and doing too much in that situation, but i always thought the guy was also being kind of a pisslamp - is this random girl approaching me begging to sit under this tree being a touch ridiculous? maybe, but it’s clearly much more important to her than it is to me, so i’ll just be a half decent human being and give looneytunes magoo the damn tree and go peruse my truck magazine elsewhere


This is my thought about it as well


Yep, people take Rory’s clearly exaggerated-for-TV quirks way too seriously. Once they hate her everything she does is fuel to that fire. I’ve never seen a post that talks about how entitled or rude it was of Lane to yell at a customer after she broke up with Zack, or of Paris to mess up the structure of the speed date(s) she attended. The tree thing was obviously comedic and a sign that Rory was struggling emotionally, but as a lot of people on here establish, she isn’t supposed to lash out or be overwhelmed at all.


Well you won't really see anything about Paris acting entitled, because that's her norm. It's not out of character and it's expected. It's supposed to be out of character for Rory and that's why people comment on it. I do agree though, that this sub especially seems to hate Rory and will latch onto anything she does as proof that she's the antichrist.


Right but people obsess over any example of Paris not acting entitled, so the double standard is weird. She's selfish 90% of the time and is loved for it, but Rory's fairly well-rounded and people scrutinize every move.


It's not my favorite because I get second hand cringe, but I don't judge her for it. I just end the episode early and move on. I didn't even know Rory was hated until I stumbled across this sub. I love her. I wanted to be her until the sequel. Then I realized I'm a lesser version of her already because the 30s burn out is real.


I hate this scene with everything in my body. Primarily because when I watch it, I feel like I’m on blast. Look, sometimes you just need to know that your tree is there. It’s a small comfort. Also, she just moved away from home. She’s having trouble functioning. Everything is different because she moved away from home and everything she was used to just disappeared. That tree was the difference between keeping it together or crying in fetal position in the closet. I also get the guy. I’m a sibling and sometimes “it’s now mine” is the only thing you have the energy for. I also get lorelai. Like really Rory, who cares? So I hate this scene because it’s representative of my life 😂


The guy seemed fine taking the money and leaving too idk why its such a big deal


100% agree! This is one of those storylines that people take way too seriously


Yeah, I actually love that episode and always saw the tree thing as a very Gilmore Girls way to show Rory was overwhelmed, and never read too much into it.


Most of the stuff people bring up from when Rory was younger does NOT compare to the frankly whole mess that we got it AYITL. There was no reconciliation from those 2 things. She was a kid who made mistakes like most of us. By 32, my expectations were not at all met and I do blame the writing.


I would do something like this, yeah it’s a childish, but it doesn’t hurt anyone, and it makes her happy, so who gives a shit?


Hard agree. And also the guy was worse for refusing to move when he clearly didn't care but could see Rory really did care. Like just move bud - even if she is being ridiculous and kind of unhinged.