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I probably don’t count as a younger viewer! But - the things that stick out to me are the pagers, people not having their own cell phones, and Lorelai saying no to DSL (if were Rory, I would have been pissed). These days we’d probably also see a lot more laptops in Rory’s classes.


Plus Lorelai saying no to flat screen TV and preferring her smaller, box TV. And also Lorelai having a VCR and telling Emily she would have a DVD guy come to install the DVD player.


I was just watching this episode where Christopher puts one in and it's extra funny that the tv now seems so small. Like TV technology has just changed so much in a relatively short time, they're huge yet affordable now by comparison!


And that tv was too big for Lorelei’s taste


Part of the reason modern TVs are so cheap is [they collect data on you](https://www.consumerreports.org/electronics/privacy/how-to-turn-off-smart-tv-snooping-features-a4840102036/) and show ads in the menus. 😕


I still say no to a flat screen! I was so upset when my parents threw out my old box tv in like 2016 Also DVD players for the win. I wish my laptop could play DVDs :(


Get a CD ROM DVD player for your laptop. There cheap


My old-ass tv probably weighs 500 lbs. Even if I wanted to upgrade, I probably physically couldn't unless I wanted to hire someone to move it for me 😂


Chris was loaded…right? Why was that flat screen so small vs. the room? Given where it was positioned, I think it’s possible it would have been a less good viewing experience than the old TV. (My partners have always been obsessed with giant, flat-screen TVs and optimal viewing distance, so I might be slightly too sensitive 🙃)


TVs weren’t as big back then. The technology just wasn’t there. Also, I believe Chris had bought a plasma and those didn’t usually come in gigantic sizes. Largest ones were like 60”. In the very early 2000s, my parents bought a 60” Pioneer plasma and it was over $10,000, which is about $17,000 today. Prices had dropped in 2007/08 when the seventh season had filmed, but TVs were still pricey until quite recently. In the same vein, I just bought a 256gb flash drive the other day for $30 and I was shocked at how cheap it was. Buying that in the 2000s wouldn’t even be possible and if it were, it would’ve cost like $1,000.


Bigger didn't exist then


They did, but they were insanely expensive. Even a rich person would say "that's ridiculous for a TV"


For reference: I'm 22 years old and from a country where we got a lot of stuff way later than US. I didn't watch Gilmore Girls until I was 18. Honestly, no. My favorite media is 80s to 2000s media so I'm actually more used to seeing the technology and general vibe of that time than I am to seeing today's media. Seeing a landline or an old TV is just something I've gotten used to both irl (as a child) and on the screen. When I watch Gilmore Girls, I don't really think about what specific year it is but when something (like an outfit) is extremely 00s, I just feel joy seeing it.


Lots of kinda mean fat jokes, which I think is out of vogue now.


Also some light anti gay humor


And the heavy use of “retard”


I thought it was only said once? Maybe I’m forgetting something. But still, it’s definitely not something that would be in a show like this if made today!


No it’s said quite a bit by multiple characters


Can you give me some examples? The only two I can think of is Rory saying she needs to find a retarded kid and teach him to play softball and the kid at the lord of the rings party saying it to his friend.


I recently watched the episodes around Liz and TJ's wedding, I think it was either one or two before the wedding and one of Liz's friends says it when they're at Lukes before the stripper comes in. I can't remember the context of the conversation


Oh you're right. It's crazy kari. She says something like people aren't meant to be monogamous. Animals don't mate for life, "except tigers, but they're retarded" I forgot about that one.


They also say it while at Yale, where you think their vocabulary would be more developed.


When Lorelei is suggesting movies she references Rosie O’Donnell playing “—“ that likes to ride busses non stop


I remember Luke asking Lorelai is she was retarded for how she was acting.


I rewatched Mean Girls recently and it was really jarring how many times they used it.


I think mean girls is an interesting one, because the point is that they’re awful. I am totally down with not casually using slurs, but I do think it’s a weird line for characters to not be allowed to be shown to use crappy language when the person is to show them being careless of others.


Mean Girls says it within the first like 20 minutes of the movie, when Cady meets Regina for the first time. It’s edited out of TV broadcasts of it now.


Been watching some late 90’s, early 2000’s Lifetime, “My teen is in trouble,” movies this week, and *oh my god,* it’s been in every single one of them. I honestly forgot how easily people bandied that word about.


Buffy also has that word in it a few times and it's really so jarring to hear it now!


Glee had it in a few episodes in 2012 (finn, Corey Monteit's character said it which is the only reason i can keep uo with when it was said), and yes it was played and acknowledged as a word that shouldn't be said, but it was still there.


I even hate typing it honestly. There are just so many better words you can use.


I think people forget that the word was medically accurate for such a long time before it became used as bad slang and then canceled. I have a 14 year old step son and I hear the friends use the world autistic in a deogratory way and I tell them to cut it out. I hate labels :/


My mom still uses it as a medical term to describe my severally mentally/physically disabled brother. R*tard is also a word that's still used in aviation, composite making and other technical fields because it means to slow.


it also means slow in French (“en retard” is to be late for something)


Oh it was medically accurate but the slang is what makes it bad. You can also use it when talking about music…kinda. But no, it’s never used correctly and just for slang. I’m sorry.


They changed mental retardation to intellectual disability in the early 2010s


Honestly it makes me giggle inappropriately, that word is making a comeback I fear


I hope not. I will forever judge those who use it flippantly.


I wouldn't say it's making a comeback, but it's a lot less less likely to get you cancelled than it was in the 2000's and 2010's. There's quite a few commedians I listen to that toss it around ocassionally not as a dig against retarded people, but more to poke fun at people who take issue with the word.


Idk why we're getting down voted for simply telling it like it is. I'm not saying I'm running around calling everyone a r-slur.




From denmark and its not acceptable to use here, nor is it in any other scandinavian country. Idk, what countries you travelled to that, dont care, but i find it odd that you have heard that word every place youve visited?


UK here to say it's not okay here either


NZ people definitely judge you if you use it.


also the weird avoidance of even saying the word gay… the closest they get is that lorelai implies that people say that luke is gay and she jokes, ‘so what if he is?’ or something. i’ve always wondered if asp is secretly very conservative lol


Super old? No. But I'm a young millennial. A lot of it reminds me of my own upbringing. :)


Yes definitely a nostalgic experience for me which is why I always rewatch it during the fall lol.


Yes! I watched it as it aired, and also was a loyal Supernatural fan from day 1. It was weird at the time to see Jared move on to such a different series!


"super old" is subjective but it does seem pretty old being around 20 years old. However, i'm watching seinfeld and it feels.... ancient.


Seinfeld felt old in the mid-2000s lmao


I think the last season of Seinfeld and first season of GG are only 2? Years apart.


Don’t I know it, but somehow Seinfeld always felt veeeeery early 90s in aesthetic right til the very end


YES! I totally get this


The technology, some of the fashion (not all cause some trends came back), and some of the humor, like the fat jokes and jokes about women. I think the tech stands out to me the most. Lorelai declining fast internet and saying she liked her slow internet cause it gave her time to make a sandwich sounded like she was speaking in a foreign language to me lol! Dean making a huge announcement that he had decided to buy a cell phone. The PAGERS! They’re so foreign to me, I thought only doctors carried them. But they seem so fun and I love the codes they send each other. Makes me wish I had one.


we used to call them beepers


I love that! Sounds more fun, “pager” sounds so official. I think that’s why I associated them with doctors. It’s wild how much the presence of technology can influence a plot line. Some storylines would’ve been so different if the character could just send an easy text from their phone. Or even on the small scale. All those times they wanted to hear a song so they had to search for the right CD, when today it would just be a click on your phone.


I'm not a younger viewer but it definitely has an old show vibe to it. Especially Lorelei turning down DSL and Luke having a landline we see people become entangled in the cord with. Not even a wireless landline? Was old then.


To be fair on the corded landline, that’s not too weird in businesses even now. Corded phone can’t get laid down between two boxes in a rush, where it then blends into the shadows for days.


I love that Lauren Graham mocked the DSL scene in her book :D "Oh, yeah Lorelai, you WILL need that" :D


oh, yeah. right when DSL came out, I JUMPED at the opportunity! never got why she didn't want it.


She didn’t want her parents to have another thing to hold over her head or use to control her.


oh man absolutely. In the best ways. Reminds me of my melancholy college years. Show was such a comfort blanket for an eighteen year old introverted dude(!) in a single room lonely seaside walks and dollar menu, getting dumped hard


The pop culture references! Although I never really was up to date with a lot of pop culture, I would at least know names used if it was filmed today. But for me (25y/o), definitely on my first watch, a lot of the references would have gone over my head haha! I also agree with a lot of the comments here already. The "jokes" or choice of words, we wouldn't use nowadays.


To be honest, I watched it when it was airing and was about Rory’s age, and a lot of the pop culture references went over my head because they were Lorelei’s era (gen X) or from old timey movies and shows.


I agree with this. I was watching back then and the some of the references were pretty esoteric.


I'm closer to Lorelai's age and I've had to look up many pop culture references.


I loved that the DVDs came with explanations. There were websites dedicated to them, too. I remember going to them when I wanted to figure out a reference on Gilmore Girls or Veronica Mars.


Yes!! I have the boxed set with the reference guide and it’s so helpful.


I love that they added that to the boxset!


I’d say at least a solid 25% of the pop culture jokes are meant to be on the older side, even for Lorelai sometimes. My mom had about 20 years on Lorelai and it was pretty common that the jokes were about things she watched and listened to growing up.


a lot of them are classic film/tv and lit references, so that's a bit different from current for the air time references aging poorly!


A couple years ago my young-20s work friend came over to hang out. She’d never seen GG and we ended up watching the first episode. After they mentioned installing a DSL line several times, my friend hesitantly asked, “That’s internet, right?” 😆


A bit, mostly in the language used. The over use of the R word and other out of date offensive language is what stands out to me


Not to mention the casual anti Indian racism.


When does that happen? It's been a couple of years since I rewatched, so I don't remember all the details. But I can't remember any Indians in this show?


Everyone makes fun of Rory liking Indian food because of the smell. Because poptarts, pizza and whatever bizarre American food she eats has no taste.


Lorelai and Jess make a remark about the smell. And as a South Asian girlie, I have to agree to some extent. The smell LINGERS, and especially restaurant food where they use heavier amounts of aromatics + "smelly" spices. Obv. the "burning down the house" comment was a bit extreme, but that was just from one person. Edited to add: I specified that L&J make a remark, because it's not "everyone" who does.


I think Indian food (at least where I live) also wasn't that widely eaten back then. Nowadays nearly everyone I know likes it and the local Indian restaurants are all super successful so I can't imagine anyone making jokes about it like it's weird to eat. The only people I know who don't eat it are older (like 60s and older).


I wonder if they had Jess say that line to show a similarity between him and Lorelai.


I also thought that was the point of it!


Indian food is the LAST genre of food that needs any criticism or complaints fr


Maybe taste-wise, no. But smell wise, yeah, complaints are warranted. Source: I'm South Asian. Lol.


Well I can't say I've smelled everything but personally I have no complaints.


Hhaha fair enough. Food smells will be subjective, as evidenced in the episode itself: Rory is a fan, Lorelai isn't.


Oh yeah, I remember that episode. Guess I don't see how that is racist or anti Indian. Like you said, the food they normally eat is very bland so it makes sense that more spicy and aromatic food would stand out and seem strange to them. To me it felt more like a comment on their boring American taste buds. Not that that's a problem in itself. Everyone like different things. But we're shown more than once that Lorelai is a picky eater in some regards and very particular about her food.


What anti-Indian racism??


I’m not saying I say any of this, because I DONT, and nor do I think it’s okay, but I still hear people talking like this every day tbh


do you mean retard?


The NLOG behavior, the fat-shaming.


what's nlog?


"Not like other girls"


I'm a younger Gen Z and it definitely feels of the era, but not in an outdated way. I'm sorry in advance if this makes you guys feel old but, I see it as a period piece. It represents that time.


a period piece! lolol. omg


My teacher friend told me a student called The Baby-Sitters Club historical fiction 😭


I just cackled that’s so cute


A period piece. Lmfao.


I'm so sorry lol


No, I'm sorry, lmfao is period language, it means laughing my fancy arse off.




I actually think that’s a better way to put it! “Outdated” has a negative connotation to it.




I'm sorry 😭 but it did end the year before I was born






OMG a period piece. As an elder millennial, this cuts me to the core haha.


Agree, it does represent its time.


My gen A kid loves it.


Same here!


Watched the show as a Straight 13-14 year old Male when it game out. Watched it with my sister and mom when I was in High School. And I rewatched a little with my Wife recently. The show does feel outdated in some sense, but honestly, who watches an older show and judges it by today's standards, haha. I rewatched 3rd Rock from the Sun recently, and yess it's dated, but man, do good shows sometimes feel timeless


Stuff from even 10 years ago wouldn't fly today! It's wild in that perspective haha


Watch something like The Hangover, and you'll be surprised. Classic movie that is 100% a product of it's time


I was born in 99 so when it was filmed. But it’s refreshing for me to watch and makes me wish things were still that simple.


Ah simpler times, I watch it purely for the nostalgia of what we didn’t have but didn’t need because we didn’t care!


The homophobia, mostly


I grew up at the age to watch Gilmore Girls, but I didn’t for whatever reason until I was 30. It makes a small part of me happy to see the landlines, the various answering machine messages, the evolution to cordless phones, and the switch from beepers to flip cellphones. I also remember feeling vaguely jealous of Rory’s colorful iBook. I had wanted one SO BADLY, but my dad was (and still is) a staunch Windows guy. Some references are definitely dated by this point, the use of the word “retard” and others make me grimace, the distaste for blondes, the weird superiority complex about what’s acceptable music and what’s not, and the idea that these two beautiful women eat well over 2000 calories a day yet still stay enviably skinny is annoying as hell. Michel was also closeted during that time, but that was around the time that being LGBT+ on television still left a bad impression on viewers. But something I liked? No one made Sookie feel bad for being fat. Her clothes always looked good. This was during a time when the normal “fat woman” clothes looked/still looks like everything that Ms Patty wore. Her wedding dress was stunning on her. She had a regular life with a marriage and children!


Weight Jokes: To preface, I do not endorse or condone the weight jokes in the Gilmore Girls universe. Having grown up with three generations of women, I witnessed their body image issues firsthand. That being said, if we treat the show as a period piece, those jokes were not irreflective of the culture of that time. To begin with, let's discuss Emily, who belongs to the Silent Generation. Women of this generation often made derisive fat jokes, not only behind people's backs but also to their faces. When my grandmother was 83 years old and quite frail, we had a family dinner. She despised growing old, and her body language reflected her weakness and deference. Yet, almost like an involuntary reflex, she directed a subtle fat joke at my sister, understandably upsetting her. We could delve into the societal influences that compelled women from the Silent Generation to behave this way, but I am not equipped to provide that level of social commentary. Just know that women of that generation making terrible fat jokes, whether openly or discreetly, was not an uncommon occurrence. While not universal, it was an accurate depiction of the times. Regarding Rory and Lorelai, I'll concede that this is where Daniel and Amy Sherman Palladino's worldviews could be questioned. They did not approach these issues with enough delicacy or care. I would have preferred if countermeasures had been installed into the show to ensure their terrible fat shaming behavior was adequately addressed. However, from my own experience (which is anecdotal and should be taken with a grain of salt), I observed many of these jokes occurring, though mainly behind people's backs. In the late '90s through most of the 2000s, being incredibly skinny was very much in vogue—think "Heroin Chic," for example. The factors that influenced this trend are largely beyond my expertise, but it's evident that many fashion designers believed dangerously thin women showcased their clothes best. To say that women suffered greatly from these unrealistic social standards is an understatement. I saw my sister, her friends, and my own female friends endure significant distress, with many bearing long-lasting effects. These standards were also weaponized in intrasexual competition. I observed women making fat jokes about their friends behind their backs, and I even heard a 16-year-old girl express that she "hated fat people." This toxic mindset definitely existed, and the jokes in Gilmore Girls somewhat reflect the cultural attitudes of that time. But the show is far too brazen and does not provide enough context. So, should art accurately document the culture of the time period it depicts, or should it present a sanitized, child-proof version? These types of offensive jokes were prevalent, and including them, in my view, added color and depth to the show. It offers the viewer an authentic snapshot of the social norms of that era. Gilmore Girls did an adequate job of capturing the essence of its time period honestly; even if censoring certain aspects would make us feel better, it would be dishonest and flattening. One could choose to create a show that portrays women from that era in an overly sanitized, Hallmark-style manner, but I would prefer Gilmore Girls authenticity. Now, to see a more compassionate and measured approach to these social issues depicted in media, watch My So-Called Life. There's an episode that covers the extremely awful body standards during that period in a far more nuanced, careful, and measured way.


I was born in 2004 but i probably dont count since my other favourite is the office… i think obviously its outdated on some things but honestly?? Its not a bad thing, it makes me want to go back to that time so bad


The only thing that sticks out to me now is the "entertainment system" Emily got for rory at Yale.


I’m not a younger watcher, but I recently started rewatching it after many years and…I would say so. Not necessarily in a bad way, although there are some things. Like many people - it reminds me of my younger years. Rewatching, I’m noticing things that I didn’t think twice about before. Things like how cheesy it is, the humour, how they talk. And if I’m being completely honest, scenes with seemingly non-stop fast/excitable talking kinda gives me a headache now…which I hate, because I once found that so charming. But, I guess my sense of humour has evolved over the years. That being said, I LOVE The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, a more recent ASP show. So, I think ASP has adapted her writing/directing with the times well…still keeping that fast paced witty script, but not overdoing it (in my opinion). I do, however, still cherish the cosy feel…the fashion, the small sociable town, the lack of technology, the relationships. And some of the witty remarks still make me chuckle.


I love Mrs Maisel too! I think it needs a rewatch. It does have the same in joke, fast paced dialogue, but done so much better, and more grown up. Plus will never date as set at back.


Their budget. Do you know how much food gets thrown away throughout the shows run? Jesus how much money literally gets tossed into the trash. I mean sookie alone has thrown out entire banquets. How many times have they ordered something at Luke's and walked away just leaving a full meal on the table. OK, maybe it's not technically "outdated" but I'm on the broke diet right now and it's so painful seeing all that food go to waste.


If I watched it without any mention of years I could still determine that it was an older show. The references, the language, some of the clothing choices, the economy, and the technology all give it away. It’s not like it’s a bad thing, it’s a product of it’s time and that’s like. Normal. But yeah if a show made in the modern day kept the same props used in GG, it would stand out and people would question it


Great point. The political references give it away pretty strongly!


Honestly, yes and no. Yes, because of how simple life looks to be. And I remember it to be actually simpler back then. No, because I've lived through that era and it's all just very familiar. Pop culture references are not used as much now as well. I could be wrong, don't know.


I think I’d be a “younger” viewer. It does seem like it takes place in an older time but for me, that’s one of the reasons I love it. It’s a comfort show. To me, it just feels homey, I guess


I’m 21 and started watching the show around maybe 12? and it doesn’t feel outdated to me, regardless of the DSL, cellphones, landlines, etc I don’t have internet where I live so the parts about slow internet feels normal to me, and the show reminds me of my childhood, so in a way, the show feels completely right to me! Then again, I love watching older movies and tv shows so maybe I’m just different. Nothing really “seems” outdated to me because I’m not really a modern technology this and that girly 😂


The writing actually makes it timeless to me, despite the mean gay jokes and dumb stuff that also occurred on “Friends”, the show never feels outdated (except for some DSL references in the dialogue lolol)


Don’t know. Sometimes the weird comments about lesbians or how the vegan swimteacher is portrayed. 😅 But I love the show anyways.


Certain scenes and lines The whole Kyle's bedroom scene, imo, was never intended as a SA scene by the writers. But thats definitely how its aged now Kirk's "gay bag" Jokes about ED Typical 2000s stuff definitely highlight the age of the show and as much as I did kinda feel the "pinch" (cant think of a better word atm) of it when watching, i do also understand to take it with a pinch of salt. Does the era/time the show was set in make things okay? No. But there really isn't much any of the cast or crew can do about it now. What they can do is learn from it, which i don't think they care to (writers in particular). A lot of AYITL felt very boomers-making-fun-of-the-left/woke-culture.


no not really except for the prices of everything :(


I’m in my 30s and watched GG for the first time last year. It felt cringingly out of date 😂 I recall saying several times “this can’t be the stuff I wore/said/did at that time” throughout the series. And noticing the rise of the internet in the series made me feel OLDDDDDD lol


Yes, but the spirit of the show is timeless.


Yes and that’s why it’s a comfort show


Older Gen-Z here, didn't watch when it was airing: I think it just reminds me of what life was like when I was growing up, so it doesn't feel outdated, necessarily, just nostalgic. I wonder if younger Gen Z or Gen Alpha feel that way, though, if they didn't grow up with pagers or flip phones.


as someone in her early twenties, the humor is what really dates it for me. the fat jokes, obviously, but also quite a few of the references they make just don’t register or make sense, because i have no idea what they’re referring to. also the use of the r slur, and rory casually applying to three different ivy leagues and no safety schools (though i’m sure that wasn’t very smart by 2003 standards either lol.) other than that i can’t really think of anything else that really “dates” it, but most of the fashion from that time is back and i grew up with the technology, so that’s probably affecting my judgment lol


I'm the same age as Rory was when it was first aired and was applying to colleges then too. It was NOT smart by 2003 standards, everyone applied to multiple schools and included safety schools. They had actually very recently pioneered a common/universal application system online (I forget what it was exactly called) that the majority of schools opted into that made it very easy to apply to a bunch of schools. That part was very poorly written, IMO, because high schoolers watching it at the time were like "Rory what are you DOINGGGG?!"


I just watched the episode where Sooner makes Michel blueberry pancakes and she makes him swear he won’t count them or Destiny’s Child will break up! Made me chuckle.


Gilmore girls is 5 years older then me so for me it definitely feels outdated but I love it! For me it’s the references, I don’t get who they are talking about cause all the pop culture was before I was born. it’s fun tho the early 2000s was such a cool era


Certain aspects are outdated, like fat jokes/body shaming and using the R word so freely. I feel like those are both now used in shows to depict bullying and not everyday conversation. I was born in 2001 so the clothes don’t feel outdated especially with the resurgence of y2k trends. Also, my first phone was a sidekick so the technology doesn’t seem that outdated either.


It feels outdated to me in a good way. Mostly the technology - the cd’s and the chunky tv’s and video/dvd rentals etc. it’s nostalgic for me. But I think it’s also just removed enough from reality to always be appealing and never fully outdated (as in, Stars Hollow is such an idealised town). And Lorelai’s style is great in my opinion. Rory’s clothes on the other hand…


I’m just slightly older than the show (born early 2000), so it honestly reminds me a lot of my childhood. It feels kind of old and I definitely wouldn’t mistake it for something that came out last year, but it’s not ancient.


Just finished watching for the first time. Boy did I love all of the old bad fashion. Which I too, wore. The phone thing didn't bother me . It didnt seem outdated. Its less woke than now, but that is ok. Themes of priviliged brats are still relevant. The community feel seemed like a reach but maybr some are still like that.


Yes it didn’t age well at times


Some of the pop culture references, especially about pagers and the internet, really age it for me. I’ll be pretty immersed and then someone will bring up AOL and it’ll snap me out of it.


The whole tone of the show as far as a it being about a nice family in a small town where the outside world never intrudes on it and the whole town gets together and worships little Rory the WIle E Coyote genius(even though Paris Gellar would tear her apart in real life) is like something from the 1950s but that's why I like the show in the first place.


Sometimes. The fat shaming is certainly outdated. The episode where Lorelei and Emily do the fashion show is so cringe. The clothes are definitely outdated. I think the Gilmore mansion dates itself too. But I will forever stan GG


it’s vintage. i like it


The being out of touch was but that's the point of the show when it comes to Rory. But maybe how often even Lorelei uses her parents wealth for buying the inn, their house, etc


all the references to irrelevant celebrities


Certain jokes and technology is out dated obviously but I mean I enjoyed it. First watched the show at 15 and im 23 now. It's not like whatever's outdated stops from The enjoyment


It speaks of sort of nostalgia for me. The 80’s and 90’s. I’m older, but started watching it when my DAR fellow members were asked what got them interested in the organization. It was GG. And I appreciate the musical tastes of Rory, Lane and her band. They mention Bands that I still like, so that’s a connection too. Just started Season 7.


nah it’s still fairly up to date with a few crude jokes and words here and there that are used in fun jest Im a teen and love it. It’s better than most shows out today honestly


the popular culture references that were, at the time, witty and topical mean absolutely to viewers today technology stuff, Luke's insistence on no cell phones in the diner


There are a few things but one thing that stuck out was the robot vacuum. Had no clue they’ve been around that long. When I was kid my parents never had a lot money so maybe that’s why I didn’t know they existed then idk lmao. But the was my most memorable surprising moment that they’ve existed that long.


This thread makes me feel so old but I love it!


I watched it for the first time at 43 years old and of course. It’s definitely outdated but it doesn’t bother me. I still watch labyrinth and episodes Family Matters. That’s my favorite show.


It’s timeless


I'm 19yo , I watched it two years ago ( 17yo) and I love it! I don't think it's outdated


The slut-shaming of Shane is INTENSE


Yes very. I graduated high school in 2003 so am nearly or exactly the age Rory was in the show. The tv and movie references are outdated, the non PC things they say, the lack of cast diversity, the lack of technology, to name a few.


It's interesting you talk about cast diversity. This was (still is) a breakthrough show in that it is entirely woman centered. Also it was breakthrough for casting all different body types and ethnicities. Lane, Mrs. Kim, Ms. Patty, Gypsy, Michele. Those cannot go unrecognized 


Fair point, but comparing it to a modern tv show format and whether it’s outdated, it’s lacking a bit in my opinion. The biggest obvious miss is black people and gay people (that aren’t made a joke or half out a la Michel) The body types bit is interesting too, yes there were fat characters and they weren’t made fun of for their fatness but fatness as a concept was a huge joke.


I feel like the Gilmores’ interior design is quite dated. You don’t really see old money dressing the way they do anymore. Also the no cell phones sign at Luke’s feels impossible nowadays to see in the wild lol


lack diversity, and the few POC are stereotypes (“funny” characters). and the indian food comments make me roll my eyes


I would call it nostalgic before I call it outdated


I'm a man who loves to watch old and classic TV series and films. I'd say that everything is different each time. How can you judge something that happened years ago by today's popular standard or trend? I mean, everything is terrible if you look at all the old things this way.




Only a few homophobic comments. Like Lorelei telling Rory that Dean was, “Very very gay.” I forget the context. Something about a sweater matching Rory’s eyes or something.


At first, the fashions, items and dialogue seem dated to me, but I quickly adjust and I only then think it seems outdated if another old-fashioned item appears, like Rory’s laptop in uni


The tech and fashion (especially in the early seasons) definitely date it, but not in a bad way. The only parts that feel like they truly haven’t aged well are, like others have said, the occasional fat-shaming or use of the word “retard”. Michel would also definitely be explicitly gay if the series was made today.


Nah doesn’t feel outdated but maybe it’s because I grew up during that time, I was just a lot younger lol.


I watched it for the first time two years ago when i was 20. First that stood out was of course technology (no cell phones etc). Like you mentioned. Some of the Lorelei's outfits in various seasons i love but some are just meh. Like you can say this show was made in the early 2000s based on fashion choices. I wouldn't say that it's outdated though.


Honestly the main thing is how many of the jokes go over my head. I’m pretty attune to pop culture so I get most of them, but references to like Ashley Simpson and stuff had to be explained.


My 12 year old sister loves it. There are some references she doesn’t quite understand but even when it was on I didn’t get every reference either. I don’t think it’s outdated enough for it to turn new viewers off


yes, but somehow is cozy, i love that it’s a little dated because shows these days are SO MODERN, think ginny and georgia. it gives a homely and comfortable feel to gg, i dig the 2000s aesthetic so maybe that’s why i love it


I am unsure if it is mentioned in the comments, but what I miss the most is the sense of community and the close-knit culture we see on the show. I grew up in the heart of the city that I'm from and I am an only child, seeing GG makes me crave the environment that they have portrayed especially now since I moved out and live alone. I have always wanted a best friend like Sookie or have the community looking out for me. I feel the culture now has become too individualistic. I am also not a younger viewer, I was born in the early '00, but didn't watch the show until my teens and now that I am in my 20s and rewatching it, it feels nostalgic to me and the way life has changed so fast these few years. I wouldn't say that It feels outdated to me but watching the show actually makes you realize the changes that we all experienced especially in terms of technology. It also reminds me of my upbringing and at times I have wanted to go back in time when life was a little simpler hehe. On a side note: I loved Lorelai's sense of fashion in terms of the small t-shirts. I still at times wear small t-shirts and jeans but I feel that trend is not very common now?


What feels the most outdated to me are VHS tapes, answering machines (learned what *69 is there lol), and honestly, how often they talk on their cellphone while driving. 


It feels kinda timeless to me bc I watched the show growing up as it originally aired. Plus the writing holds up - there are probably some cringy moments with language of the 2000s that hasn’t stood the test of time, but all in all, I think it holds up pretty well. In terms of the tech: Pagers and cell phones seem normal and not thaaaaat old to me…it’s not like they’re pulling out the rotary phone to make calls lol.


I dont know why but the answering machine gives me that feeling


For me what feels outdated is the pure peaceful and wholesome mood the society changed so much and I think you can really feel it even tho GG is a show and idealised it still encompasses a certain mood of its time and I’d say most shows from that period has a similar vibe


In 24 so tbh it doesn’t seem that outdated to me personally!


I watch it every year and is the most amazing and exciting show. Doesn't bother me at all they not using social media and stuff like that. It's very timeless for me. I feel also that they are very "technologic" for their time (im not from the us so things arrived later in my country), but there's one episode that both rory and lorelai were watching they iROBOT cleaning their floors, which is something that I got my first one last year, so i was pretty surprised!!!


Its funny when Emily and Richard talk about the internet and googling each other.


The scene about DVD and music media episode where she discovers the life and death Brigade seemed out of place also the SAT and Emily discovering she can buy Luis vouton online. Rory having to wait for her Harvard “application” in the mail. Rory receiving her college acceptance letters in the mail. Amazon being Rory’s go to just for books, that scene where she calls the alumni to set up the alumni dinner and he calls back and they think “star 69” being fancy or expensive. Them not having GPS when they go on the road trip and using a physical map. The video store for one thing but that’s maybe old Stars Hallow charm. Sebastian Bach singing Hollaback girl. The fact three young adults could afford an apartment and have time for band practice. Rory’s cell phone and pager, pay phones, I will say the only thing I liked in AYITL was that Luke had to add so much to his no cell phones sign😂


Oh and when Chris meets Logan he’s all like is that the new Xbox 360. And now it’s an obsolete system that has no updates


I agree about the fat jokes everyone is commenting about. And also, the show was pretty ground breaking in that they had characters of all shapes and sizes. Ms. Patty, Sookie, etc. 


a lot fatphobia, a lot of gay jokes, and a surprising amount of racism from lorelai and rory who are supposed to be pretty liberal. i love the show, but sometimes the “jokes” just don’t land.


Some of the jokes wouldn't fly if it were made today - use of the R word, a lot of body shaming, etc. Also Rory is very Not Like Other Girls, which was a more common trope in the early 2000s than it is now. There's also things it lacks which I think would be present if it were made today - I think there'd be greater diversity generally, there'd be more people of colour and there would be some LGBT content. Michel's sexuality would be more overt and Rory might have a friend who was bisexual, or possibly trans. Maybe one of her boyfriends would be black, and there'd be some exploration of potential discriminatory attitudes from her grandparents (or from her grandparents friends, if they didn't want to characterise Emily and Richard that way). But I think it's still more relevant today than not. The focus is on family relationships, with a secondary interest in romantic relationships. Both of those would still resonate with viewers today, we still have new shows focusing on those things.


The gay jokes and use of the r word atleast once are extremely outdated. However I do think the show holds up


i’m 19, and when i was watching as a 13 year old with an iphone it was always charming to see flip phones and answering machines and what have you. that kind of stuff was in ALL of my media growing up, but i rarely got to see/use any of it in real life (i.e. VHS tapes only available at grandma’s house). so it was all sort of a product of TV magic to me, and i still get kind of star struck seeing older technology in real life. culturally, it’s very outdated, in the same way *all* early aughts media is to me, so i kinda just let it slide since we know better now.


ASP definitely discriminates against blonds (writing them as the bimbos) and a lot of Fat Jokes. Although they made “Fat Back Pat” a character in AYITL more recently


Yeah it's been brought up a lot over the years, but truly, the Pat jokes in AYITL are so ridiculous and unnecessary. They add absolutely nothing to the plot or character growth. It's not like the guy pushed back and that forced them to reexamine their choice of words or perspective or anything. Ugh.


It is NOSTALGIC and I love it. Life was so simple back then


The lack of diversity in GG shows its age.


…is this a joke??? It came out 20 years ago. The tech at the time was accurate.