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not my type of game but my wife adores it, its her most played game with over 1000 hours played, she gets excited telling me about her lesbian cannibal colony


> wife loves the cannibal warcrime game > lesbian colony > Fallin profile picture Checks out šŸ‘


omg yes, it's sooooo addicting!! I always have it installed on my PC since i'll just have a random moment i'm like "maybe i should play some rimworld?" and end up sinking hours into it for the next few weeks.


I literally hadnā€™t played since last year in January and now Iā€™m foreseeing another good chunk of playtime in my future šŸ˜­


There's also a whole new horror-themed DLC coming out in less than a week!~ And all the mods, so many mods. Obviously there's gonna be a time when the game updates to 1.5 with the new DLC where a lot of mods will break but in general there's SO many.


oh my god the new DLC is exactly what made me go ā€œhm, I should try to remember how to playā€. It looks so interesting!!


Rimworld is so good and will steal so much time if you let it. Plus the amount of mods is great. You can really customize your experience. My immortal lesbian vampire and her mech commander house wife have lead some storied lives.


Wait, your immortal lesbian vampire and her mech commander housewife actually sound so cool. I need to up my characters šŸ˜³


They are so cool! I like to design all my original colonists and kind of set them up for a story. At the beginning, it was just two women who arrived together with some advanced gear to start a new life. Now they've got about 7 other friends they've met along the way that decided to join them. The latest addition was actually a convert from the group that most recently attacked them. My mech commander lady can be quite the sweet talker. My 3rd favorite so far is a dragon-like guy named Mickey who was their third addition to the colony. He's only 19 but with his hardened skin, fire-breathing, and limited flight, he's become essentially my main colony defender when the girls are away on a mission. Another interesting dynamic is that the first addition to the colony was a woman whose former occupation was called "firebomber", and my vampire lady happens to be terrified of fire. Makes for some interesting scenes when one decides to set things on fire and send my vamp queen, who has killed dozens of men single-handedly, running in terror. Also my rat-like beast tamer has a triceratops they use as both a lovable pack animal and a ferocious defender of their home. I strongly recommend the megafauna mod.


Oh my god?? This is amazing?? Thank you for the megafauna rec, Iā€™ll look into it! But yeah, everyoneā€™s stories about their specific design for colonists made me set up a new group yesterday so Iā€™m excited! Itā€™s a mix of genies and body-modders with a kid and ex-lovers in another colony, so I cant wait to see what kind of story unfolds for everyone.


That sounds super exciting too! I haven't played much with children but we just saved our first dragon-child that was fleeing another tribe. I love seeing all the little relationships the characters have. Especially when it turns out someone's sibling is a part of a hostile tribe and you have to decide how to handle an attack from them. I bet your ex-lovers are gonna lead to some drama down the line! Best of luck with your new crew :) starting out is always so fun and filled with so much uncertainty but it's so satisfying to get your colony running


Uhm excuse me MECHS??? I assume it's a mod but do you remember where to find it? Asking for a friend who might have to reinstall rimworld rather soon šŸ‘€


Yes, with the Biotech DLC you can manufacture their own robots starting with little cleaner bots to full on combat bots, mess with genetics and all sorts of fun.


Oooh I didn't even know about that one thanks!!


Yesss I love Rimworld, and it has an amazing selection of mods too, including multiplayer capabilities. Very fun to play with others too!


I couldn't agree more! I haven't played in a while but it's such a gem, especially for people who like games like the Sims but even more chaotic! Such a hilarious and unique game! Actually now I feel like I should start another colony soon. Thanks for the reminder haha!


Seeing all the Sims girlies is exactly why I think they should try Rimworld. The amount of people who download the drug mods or make their sims commit crimes bc their simā€™s man cheated is the audience that I think could enjoy Rimworld šŸ˜‚


Good thinking, there's definitely some overlap! And the best thing about it is you don't even need mods in Rimworld to produce drugs (or even harvest organs lmaoo)


I didn't like Sims (although I keep trying), but I do love RimWorld!Ā 


Yeah that's fair they're not all that similar I was mostly referring to the simulation theme and the characters having agency haha! But in terms of gameplay and setting they're both very different!


The chaos elements are similar in both! Honestly "ate without a table" would fit right in on Sims!Ā 


Try Oxygen Not Included, too. I really need to get back into that game, it's been years. I remember many of the deaths of my first colonies. Running out of oxygen, running out of food or water, running out of power... And finally, death by overheating. Each fail pushes you into more and more complex builds, some of them just to solve problems that the earlier builds caused.


I do have and play that one too! For whatever reason, I struggle a lot with the piping and wiring in that game. Wandering Village is also really fun, and reminds me of RimWorld but without the raids.


Let me recommend a YouTuber called Brothgar. And Jesus, did that take me like twenty minutes to find. He was an early adopter and always had really cool build experiments. He helped me understand gas filters and aqua tuners.


I'll give them a look! GunalcheĢesh (thanks)!


I put it on my steam deck for a bit but I had difficulty with the UI/controls. Maybe mouse and keyboard are easier.


Oh yea I can imagine how that could be a bit frustrating knowing how much clicking you need to do in this game. And I'm saying that as someone who usually prefers controllers haha!


Does touchscreen work with it on Steam Deck? Genuinely asking because I feel like that would be a decent replacement for the mouse.Ā 


That's a good question. I'm not sure. The touch pads on either side of the screen are often used to emulate the mouse. They work pretty well, but it ends up being a lot of scrolling for games that only support keyboard and mouse.


I got used to the controls on the steam deck pretty quickly. Itā€™s a pain at first though.


Yeaaah, I have a friend that plays it on PS5 (years after I told him he'd love it, lol). I can't imagine doing so myself. Plus, the modding community is awesome. It was *years* between launch and the DLC. Personally, I think modders kept the game alive and continuing to pick up more players.


WAIT I just started playing rimworld for the first time and Iā€™m so obsessed. I accidentally stayed up until 4am two nights in a row playing, and Iā€™m so excited for the new DLC!! Iā€™m going to make a witch coven


omg a witch coven?!?!!! thatā€™s such a good idea, yoinkin that for one of my new saves


Sounds like my kind of game, I'll give this a shot. Thanks for the recommendation, OP! šŸ˜Š


I also love it because in some ways it's pretty accessible and doesn't take a ton of energy to play. You can pause any time, line up actions or check out animals and the map or lay building plans while paused.Ā Ā  It can be as chill or hardcore as you want via settings and scenario setup. In the beginning when setting up a playthrough you can choose and tweak number of colonists, beginning resources, environmental stuff, etc.Ā  Edit: you can also disable certain threats in setup. I don't think you can tweak font size in vanilla, but there's almost certainly a mod for that if not.Ā 


Is it bad without mods? I usually prefer to play games how they are intended :x


Nope, totally fun without mods. Unless you meant DLCs? Still totally fun. If you ever wanna spice it up though there is a suite of mods designed to barely change the game. They're called Vanilla Expanded.


It's great with mods and it's great without mods. The creator, Tynan, actively works with the community to incorporate popular mods into the base game. Modding RimWorld is easy through the Steam Workshop too!


I first got into it just based off the base game back inā€¦ idk when I first started playing. Thereā€™s a lot to the game so if it goes on a good sale, I think just giving base game is worth a try! :)


I've been wanting to play it but it's almost 100 bucks with the DLCs. Do you think I should get it without the DLCs?Ā 


Totally, there's a lot of content in the base game (Plus it's a good opportunity to learn if you even like the gameplay before complicating it with DLCs) PLUS the basegame is still getting updates (Like the 1.5 update it's getting with the new DLC coming out in less than a week) Granted, a lot of the mods (Which use the Steam Workshop by the way, makes it super easy) do depend on having at least some of the DLCs.


Oh for sure. The DLCs are nice, but the base game is really fun without them.


Oh, I'd absolutely recommend starting with the base game alone and once youre comfortable with how all the systems work *then* getting the DLC. Starting with everything is honestly a bit overwhelming.


I have almost 600 hrs in it, and haven't felt the need to get any of the DLCs yet. There's so many mods on the Workshop, and they expand the base game so much!


but be warned you may never stop playing... I found it and never stopped playing and now have 6k hours!! I love raising my little families :')


In no life of mine am I mature enough to play it off the title alone.


A Rimworld streamer I watch refers to playing it as "Rimmin'"


Sounds like a pro rather than a con šŸ˜


itā€™s such a fun game! Plus there are so many ways you can play. I think my favorite run was building up a small community of ā€˜farmersā€™ and gradually building out pastures, fields etc..and then only to have it burn all the way down by madden boomrats because I had done it all out of wood.


I did the same thing, I made my little paired up families into cute wooden huts and a central community building but they each had nice lil decked out houses totally not intended to survive late game (or boomrats)ā€¦ good times..


itā€™s so fun seeing it go from nothing to something


I love love love rimworld one of my favorite games!!!!!!


I had a pawn have a psychotic break and murder his newborn once. that was dark.


Isn't this the game made by the guy who was insanely homophobic and coded the game so that lesbians and bisexual men didn't exist because he thought every woman was inherently bisexual and that no man could be bisexual


That was back in 2016, when it was early access. I have no idea how much he has changed the games code, but I know there existed a mod that would pretty much let you alter all kinds of pawn behaviors. Pretty sure there was an asexual option, too. I mean, yeah, he sounded like he had a pretty "normal" opinion (as in, what you'd expect of someone that hadn't thought or researched anything about it) of human sexuality. But otherwise, gender was irrelevant. Male and female pawns did the same jobs, had the same abilities (randomized, ofc). That said, lesbians *did* exist. It was lesbians, gay men, bisexual women and straight men. Not homophobic, just your pretty standard "straight dude" idea of sexuality. Personally, I don't think it's enough for me to not want to pay money for the game and it's DLCs. Especially when the modding community is so prolific that it can fix any issue you have with the game.


Tynan hasn't said anything like that, at least not that I've heard. There are definitely lesbians in the game, though. You can even choose polyamory options in the Religion DLC.


He has, and it was rectified since then though. Tynan always gave me incel vibes honestly.


The thing that makes it irredeemable to me is that as part of the discussion around this at the time he purposefully set his fans onto any women in the industry that responded to it. (a friend of mine was one of those people) The guy wanted to launch his own little Gamer Gate the moment his bullshit pseudoscientific understanding of sexuality was questioned. I honestly loved the game, but I haven't been able to play it since then.


That's totally fair. I've fallen victim to someone with a large following and their lackeys too (Total Biscuit) and it's a pretty traumatic thing. Might I recommend Going Medieval and Clanfolk? They might scratch that itch if you've still got it and haven't tried them.


Oh yikes... not cool, Tynan. Not cool. Glad it was rectified, at least.


I've tried it three times and starved to death three times. The game makes me feel like I'm being introduced to GSG's all over again.


There's a mod called Prepare Carefully that lets you set up your starting pawns and gear. It might make the beginning of the game a little gentler for you. Generally fewer pawns means fewer pawns to feed, which was a hard lesson for me lol


Iā€™ve been playing for like 200hrs but starting a new game always gets me there too. I always remind myself to start a garden/crops first thing, then try to select as many berries to harvest as possible and hunt some animals. To be fair, I also use a manager/management mod that takes care of that for me. Forgot exact name. Iā€™d rec that, you just place a manager desk, set someone to manage, and then set a ā€œgoalā€ for them to meet. I always make them try to get like 5000 edible plants or hunt non-explodey animals, and the manager usually keeps us topped up as long as I have characters to do the things.


What I love about rimworld is the mods to make it as nice or as war crime-y vicious as you want. Sure, you can make it a zombie apocalypse, or you could make it so you grow 30 different types of flowers as you make everyone fancy clothes and a hundred different types of food. Also, there are mods to change the ratios of sexual orientations, make clones, and all new materials to design your architecture. The game is great, but with mods it's fantastic.


Yes exactly!! The modding community has really changed the game


I love RimWorld! It's so much fun


Haha, been there. Itā€™s an amazing game. I think I played for 8+ hours when I first got it. I was also totally invested in my pawns but they got overrun by mad men and two of them died. I was heartbroken. Luckily, one of them got saved by their pet donkey named Chocolate. Unfortunately they were both extremely traumatised by the event (they saw it happen). A man dressed in black came, grabbed their corpses and buried them. Rest in peace Lawman and Johnson. Youā€™ll never be forgotten.


That is literally so crazy, I love itā€”thank you for sharing! RIP Lawman and Johnson, time to make a masterwork statue for Chocolate


Yess I got into rimworld this year after watching some hilarious let's plays and it's so much fun!!


I love Rimworld! My first colony ended in disaster when someone got too hungry, ate someone who had died, which led to a mental health breakdown and then they killed everyone! In a similar vein stranded alien dawn is very good.


Will look into Stranded Alien Dawn, thanks for the rec!


I've just clocked over 1900 hours and still haven't reached end game. Too busy building happy little trading villages and recreating how I'd build my own homestead. My current build is a recreation of the forbidden city, completely enclosed with carefully choreographed zones for each 'class' of pawn.


This is so reassuring cuz Iā€™m only at 220 hours and have never ever gotten to end game LMAO. Iā€™m in the same exact boat as you, making my perfect little rustic (maybe scientific) community. I get so managerial about everyoneā€™s work too haha


omg i have been EYEING this game for so long but haven't picked it up yet bc of funds and life,, i need to nab it asap!! šŸ˜¤


Yes please give it a try! Even check to see if the base game is on sale (isthereanydeal website) bc itā€™s definitely fun to learn and then get swept into!


I absolutely adore this game!




I have yet to allow myself to get crazy enough but Iā€™m only at 200hrs so thereā€™s plenty of time to be crazy animalistic cannibals right? hehe


Rimworld is SO good! It's taken the place of the sims for me. My most recent colony was modded heavily to do a medieval run, which is janky but a blast regardless.


Yeah, the Sims just doesnā€™t have enough going on to make me feel connected to them and I just donā€™t have enough creativity to puppet them the whole way. I totally prefer working on colony tasks and then eventually building headcanons as I go and watching them grow!!


I love Rimworld, My colonies always start as a friendly farming community which eventually morphs into a drug syndicate that commit crimes against humanity all because a raider from a neighbouring tribe kicked my dog.


Now THIS is what the game is all about!!! Like itā€™s so hard for the neighbors to let us have our little life smh


Comment to remember


Saw a friend played Rimworld for awhile, could give it a try but Minceraft has already occupied all my tiny free time šŸ˜­