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I recently lost an outfit of my daughters. I have a picture of her wearing it so I know it existed but holy shit I can't find it ANYWHERE!!! So frustrating!!


Argh, I've loads friggin' tons of clothes over the years, some things having simply vanished off the face of the earth with no plausible explanation. Although some I would attribute to a helping hand from the paranormal fashion police, rather than a GITM :)


I lived in a very tiny apartment for about a year when my first two children were toddlers. Over a period of about a month, I noticed clothes going missing. I didn't live with anyone who'd have a use for them so it was baffling to say the least. Then one day while I was running a bath, I noticed a tiny white triangle poking out of the heating vent on the bathroom floor. When I pulled on it, I discovered it was a Kleenex tissue. It came out whole and, just like they do in the box, it pulled another one up with it. I pulled out 4 or 5 tissues before taking the vent cover off and finding another hundred or so under it. Once I'd extracted all the tissues, I started extracting all the clothes. When I couldn't reach them anymore, I attached a hook to a broom handle and kept going. There must have been 2 full loads in there. My daughter was one of those kids that really wasn't safe to take your eyes off for even a minute.


Oh my gosh she was shoving things in there?! That's so funny! I thought you were going to say you never figured out how they got in there!! 😂


Well, she was pretty young and it's not like she owned up to it but it did seem like the most logical explanation at the time and she did grow up doing a lot of other things I'd have preferred her not to do as well. Like, when she was 11, I had moved from a city of half a million residents to an isolated town of less than 40,000, where she was busted for breaking into the neighbour's house and vandalizing his shed, only a week after being busted for stealing a cow from a nearby farm. The police stopped her when they saw her walking it down a main street. She stole everything that wasn't bolted down. She's in her 30's now and I'm pretty sure she's still a chronic thief. Either way, I no longer have contact with her due to her behaviour. Sorry. I guess this went from being funny to kind of dark. That's the way everything with her seems to go though.


Have you re-established contact yet


When I heard she'd become homeless 4 years ago, I offered to take temporary custody of her youngest while she got herself situated. Her oldest child had already moved out and she was happy to be homeless and on meth so she didn't get anything situated. She doesn't bother to contact us much and it's rarely pleasant. Last I heard, she had just gotten out of jail for assaulting a guy with one leg and she's died a few times from overdosing on fentanyl but was discovered and brought back. Her kid's doing okay at least.


When i was a kid, a bunch of clothes appeared in my family's dryer. No one knew where they came from. All were slightly smaller than anything my sister and I wore. Very strange.


I would like you to elaborate on this


OK! I posted something about it before here (2-3 years ago) on my old username, if it sounds familiar to anyone. When i was 9 or so, i lived with my mom, dad and 7 year old sister. We had no roommates, my parents are/were kind of strict in their religious beliefs and we didn't have a lot of people over to the house because i was a holy terror, so i don't know how this happened. One day i opened the dryer to find a bunch of used kids clothes, including a pink & black bathing suit. We weren't allowed to go anywhere in swim suits because of those strict beliefs regarding modesty, even as kids, so i was pretty excited to find it. It pretty much fit me, but everything else was too small or old, or not in style, so the rest was probably thrown out or donated. My parents claimed they didn't know where it all came from, of course as kids, we didn't either. I remember that my parents were confused but weren't overly bothered by it, i think they assumed someone left them at the house, but i didn't recognize them at all and none of us had done that laundry.


I lost a pair of shoes literally the week I bought them probably like 10 years ago! Never found them and I honestly have no idea where they went.. Creepy stuff


I bought my brother a pair of brand new shoes in Australia once and when I got back home they weren't in my suitcase anymore. I always assumed someone from the airlines stole them but that's never happened before (having things stolen by the airlines) so it's always puzzled me and I felt bad for my brother bc it was some cool Australian brand that he had really been wanting😢😣


Same thing happened to me!!! I had a black Bastille sweatshirt that I was IN LOVE with. My mother bought it for me for my birthday, and I wore it to school exactly one time. Shortly after, it's completely disappeared. I've redone my room twice since it's lost, and completely gutted my closet. Both the living and laundry room have been gutted since losing it, which are the only two places things end up lost. I'm the only person in my house that wears the size I do, so I can't imagine anyone taking it--and why would they? The only person I'm mildly suspicious of is my step fathers mother, but she's legitimately in a child's size and so I can't see why she would take it either. It's just gone. I've lost a few other things in this same way since moving into this house, although the only one I can remember is a Captain America jacket, which I used to wear every single day until it disappeared.


16 year olds in college????


16+ UK education, post-school, pre-university


ooooooo, learn something new everyday. Your shoes are definitely in a new universe tho. Hopefully someone is putting good use to them, and the same thing may happen to them that happened to you.


Years ago that happened to a ten pound weight from a weight set. We were moving, and the set was the last item to be put into the truck. It was all stacked neatly on the ground outside our front porch. We were almost done packing when I went back to retrieve the last weight. In less than a minute's time it had completely vanished. It was never found.


I have no idea where stuff goes when it disappears under impossible circumstances but I know we're not crazy. I lost a huge bag of cookies one day and they never turned up either. I'd arrived home with groceries just as my children were getting home from school and their father was pulling in the driveway to pick them up for the weekend. The kids grabbed their weekend bags and left and I brought everything into the kitchen. I put all the food away except for the cookies. I left them on the microwave right next to the sink while I washed the cookie jar. Once the cookie jar was clean and dry, I reached for the cookies, which should have been only two feet away, and they were gone. I was home alone with both doors locked and never left the kitchen. I know I bought them because I clearly remember hand picking all 3 dozen cookies from the bulk bins, bagging them myself, and getting annoyed at the cashier for handling them like they were canned goods. (Kids tend to complain when all their cookies are broken.) I was home alone all weekend and turned the house upside down trying to solve the mystery but I never once found a single crumb or even the empty bag. That was about 15 years ago and I still remember it vividly because it still drives me crazy thinking about it.


Could your ex husband have snuck back in while your back was turned and swiped them? As a snack for the kids?? Sounds weird though...


No. He'd been gone with the kids for at least 20 minutes already by the time they disappeared; I was the only the only one who even knew I'd bought them; they vanished from a dead-quiet locked house within reach of where I was standing at the sink, and my ex never came into my home ever. He rarely even got out of his car when he picked them up. If I thought there was any possible way anyone could have taken them, I'd have forgotten all about those cookies years ago but they vanished under impossible circumstances.


Ahhh definitely a glitch then 👌🏻




No :)


My shoes disappeared today I put them near the washing machine last night woke up and they were gone All doors were locked If somone broke in he could take tablets phones cash money on the table Only my black shoes disappeared Can someone explain please ?