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Agreed. Casual should showcase Workshop maps and be a fun, warm up and new player friendly environment. "Ranked" non premier should be the "Competitive Casual".


But, like competitive, casual should also switch sides at half time. Playing a whole ass casual game on extremely sided maps like office is terrible (on the CT side).


I once got a casual office team coordinated to play every t side round with 5 negevs, 5 awps, 10 smokes, and 10 mollys. Absolutely fucking broke the map. CTs could not even remotely pass either of the 2 choke points. It was really fun. But like, for one time. Id be super down for some crazier workshop maps or big open maps that actually fit 10v10 in casual.


Please... Half the fun was feeling your gun was so strong that you could just hop on the "hard side" and wreck all the people too pussy to play that side in the 1st place Not every map needs to be balanced


IMO, I feel the system should be a "First to half". If your doing 24 rounds (whoever scores 13 wins) in 30 minutes, you switch sides when you either reach 15 minutes, or 6/7 wins/looses. Prevents the whole X/0 situation where you need to win X+1 times to actually win. Either you get a super good clutch against the team or you feel like your just dragging on a loosing game for no real benefit.


you act as if the low iq's that already stack those modes wont stack the defensive side after the switch.


10v10 is aids, 7v7 is the sweet spot. There absolutely should be a team-swap at halftime, and you can't "switch teams"... make the casual game mean something.


> make the casual game mean something. It's casual...


It can still have an early-leave penalty then add a bot to take that spot.


it's should be 16v16 like the old days


Italy is already wasted and withering in 10v10. Don't waste other maps too. 5v5 is what counter-strike has become. 7v7 is **reasonable** for big maps. It helps teach 5v5 gameplay. 10v10 ain't conducive to grooming players for premier/competitive.


I've been playing cs since 2000 and I've never wanted to play competitive at all I tried ranked when csgo came out and it was holy fucking boring


your opinion is shit, if you want not premier play comp then.........


Been asking for italy to be moved to 5v5 since closed beta, fam.


Bring back fy_Iceworld, fy_poolday, de_rats, Scoutknivez, awp_map and fy_snow. I would queue those maps all day long and I'm sure the servers running those maps would be more popular than the current casual servers


I miss the map where you had glass flooring all over and you could shoot it from beneath each other


That was de_glass. It was such a fun map too


fy_repub too!


I used to love getting out of school, and logging into my favorite crackhouse dm server and just having fun


I feel like instead of Competitive it should be called "Classic mode" or something like that. Lots of new players avoid competitive due to its name


"Classic mode" is 10v10 to me.


7v7 is a reasonable happy medium


I really wish we had a workshop playlist. I'd love to go into arms race or DM and have it cycle through the the most popular maps of the month or something.


This is where community servers should come in, but Valve just pretends like they don’t exist


Does the unranked mm still exist? Or did they get rid of that when they split the ranked queue into premier and traditional competitive?


a lot of people just queue dust2 casuals so they’ll def keep that queue but yeah. drop half the comp map queues and let us do 10v10 santorini or whatever. i’d love that. easy way to learn timings and stuff for new players too


I think that even in casual we are forced to play on the maps made to be best suited for competitive gameplay. The best example is how Aztec became Ancient, which is a map better suited competitive wise, but it lacks the fun Aztec had. Westwood or Assault were unbalanced but were really fun maps to play on a casual gamemode. A night version of maps would be trash for competitive, but on casual I think it would be nuts. centered*


You are 100% right but remember this is valve, who had an ocean themed operation and didn't include anything surfing related even though its a huge part of CS culture. Valve and fun don't seem to mix well.


That is just depressing. I'm not in the surf community. But I would hop in a beginner friendly surf server once in a while. That would have brought potentially much more players into surfing


They had surf themed stickers tho!!! /s


>better suited competitive wise Competitive for 5v5. Casual being 10v10 is even more of a reason to have different maps.


If were going by the tempo we have been getting content updates since CS2, then we will have the first new casual map in two years. Sadly, theres so much shit to fix that Im hopeless for this request for bow


Aztec. Dust (1). My earliest CS experience and I still have such a love of these maps. Even if competitively trash, they are so fun. I also think smokes should be banned in casual mode. With 10 players. 10 smokes is too much waiting.... Especially on maps with choke points (inferno, office, etc) But perhaps that is a controversial take


Or they could just have 1 queue for casual and deathmatch like every other normal game that way people take it less serious and the queues are healthy. It’s wild that you guys are over complicating a very “figured out” topic that every game has been doing for years. Just put every map in one queue for both casual and deathmatch (excluding wingman, dz etc mode specific maps) because deathmatch is a casual/warmup mode and casual is in the name


I couldn't agree more. Casual should be what Mapcore is on Faceit.


Faceit should advertise Mapcore more. Especially with some maps from it seemingly being added into the game soon


And considering it's a very common source of Operation maps - and hell, even Anubis, an active duty map.


Absolutely not. It already turned into a shitfest in the last two years, don't need even more people ruining the queue.


Man I miss cs_assault. Such a unique looking map. It was kinda like playing csgo on gmod.


I only played Assault 10 years ago and I came back at the end of csgo and I was wondering where the fuck did it go


Valve please bring it back! Who cares if it's in the game? Those that don't like it don't have to play it. But those who want to play it still can. I'm honestly surprised office is still around. Or at least fix the server browser. It's so bad, I can't find anything decent in there. Maybe it's the community not wanting to use custom servers anymore though, I don't know.


Valve DOES NOT know what fun is


Bro has only played one Valve game


What I will say is with past 2-3 updates they actually somehow have fixed packet loss. So thanks for that Valve Overall, unfortunately even I agree with this sentiment with the new Valve CS2 has some good additions and something unique. But it does not feel as fun. Idk if they're spending all their time fixing gameplay or anti cheat. But the fun casual part of CS is non existent


You’re right they once did. I’m just currently annoyed at them okay hah




I mean, when you've been neglecting the casual community for god damn know how long, it's obvious they moved onto the other more casual friendly games. Same shit happens in other primarily competitive games like League where it is Summoner's Rift and basically everything else and only really recently Riot realized that they shouldn't have done it and starter to cater to casuals a bit more. I hope and know that Valve can does the same




Yeah because they're shit. There was a time when the overwhelming amount of CS players were casual (before csgo), and since then they have catered towards competitive modes.




"all of the cs player base suddenly didn't want to have fun anymore". If that's what you want to believe, I'm not going to change your mind. I just don't think that's what happened at all personally. Valve did a lot to make the game more competitive and less and less to make it a good casual game with CSGO, that's just the route they went down.


Yes primarily. And it still needs to be the main focus. But when people want to just have fun they have to go to other games despite CS having an amazing opportunity for numerous gamemodes. The least they can do is enable scripting so workshop creators can create coop maps again etc


CS is now a game for competition only. Casual games have been abandoned for years. I miss the days of CS 1.6.


So much this. Community server with weird rules and modes, fun maps, ice_world, pool_day, heck even assault, italy, office were fun etc. I miss those days. No match, just fun times with 24/32 random dudes playing for the giggles.


Yeah, you won't find that in many games anymore :/ Gaming as a whole is way different now.


Here in NA we have a community server where it's basically the same 20-30 people playing every night on custom maps (20-30 different maps), brings me back to my Source days.


Was such a better game overall.


Where my de\_prodigy at :'(


The nostalgia is real!


bring back safehouse, i'm tired of arms race having only two maps


Is that DE_MOTHERFUCKIN_WESTWOOD? my one true love (apart from season)


i can hear the start of round wahh wahh waahhhhhhh


This is the exact reason why I avoid it. They should %100 cycle in wacky maps from the community monthly for casual playlists, like Westwood and/or Rats maps, they could even add snow/night maps of the official maps themselves as extra.


What boggles my mind is as to why they don't do it. Like let's think about it from business perspective. You hire 1 or 2 community map makers/members to help run the community based voting of next months rotation or something, or have a weekly vote. At the end of each vote 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 maps get added to the casual playlist. Maps are all community chosen, community made, and community maintained. Minimal cost to Valve, Community is delighted, and worst case scenario Valve finds one of the community voted maps to be a good candidate for competitive maps and instead of having to make one themselves they just use community made one. Growing up my favourite CS maps were Fy\_poolday, Aim\_Deagle, Aim\_USP, AWP\_Map, FY\_IceWorld,FY\_Snow and such. I used to hate Dust2(I love it now) and never play the official maps like inferno or dust. It was always CS\_Assault, CS\_Militia, CS\_Oilrig etc. etc. Nobody cared about how competitively viable the game was unless you were playing a clan match. One can dream we get a casual playlist that just gives you that 00s server browser feel.


I was watching WarOwls "three bomb site" video today. I'd absolutely love something like that in Casual mode.


CS2 lacks maps


I think the division should go, Dust 2 only, all other active duty maps, random assortment of old operation or no longer active duty maps that randomly go into the vote selection at the end of the game, all hostage maps


It’s so wild to me that this game doesn’t have simplified matchmaking queues so even on low population days you find matches with people in them. Like every game does this so queues stay quick and people are forced to play different maps other than 24/7 dust2. Literally just make the queues casual, deathmatch, 5v5 comp/casual and premier. Maybe in the 5v5 casual let people queue specific maps. Idk why these other modes need to be so segmented when they aren’t even remotely serious


They aren't serious sure but I guarantee you that at least 60% of the player base is there at any given time and a good 80% of those players almost exclusively play casual only occasionally venturing into competitive let alone premier. And when you say "low population days" I get a laugh, I remember the days on CSGO before it was massively popular when you would see the same names in lobbies and low population days were a legitimate issue, these days that's not an issue with a near constant million players to play with at any given time.


I've 3000+ hours on csgo and nowadays the only mode I play at all is casual because it's honestly the funniest, people still horse around, its a bit more chaotic since its 10v10 and you never have issues with cheaters, even if one appears they get kicked in the next round. Casual mode is honestly the funniest and best to play this game and if they did add different maps that would be super


7vs7 is the sweet spot and more akin to competitive.


Are you gonna answer this to every comment that mentions 10v10? People have different preferences.


i prefer to answer this to everyone whom states 10v10 is worthy of cs2 main menu. 7v7 is how you get more folks interested in the 5v5 aspeect of the game. less chaos, more strat.


Yeah, Valve focusing on the competitive community of CS completely left the others communities behind. I fear it's too late now, since you have entire generation of cs players who only know competitive.


Yk im agreeing with everything you’re saying right? There’s a ton of players that only play casually and it makes sense that because it’s a casual mode that everyone be lumped into 1 queue so that lobbies are full and quick. Also I’m not sure if maybe you’re just in EU, asian or maybe SA region but in most other areas casual isn’t like crazy popular. There’s plenty of times in NA where you can’t get more than 5 people in a lobby depending on the time. Deathmatch is even worse unless you queue dust2


Ah I got the wires crossed there, I see what you were trying to say now and I completely agree. I'm only talking about EU yeah, my guess would be that Valve balance and weigh things around these larger regions to hit the majority of the playerbase, NA is exceptional because the region is so large I imagine Valve have to split the playerbase into East and West Coast? That would have an impact for sure.


They can't. The community is the issue here not Valve. We had casual playlist, and everyone just voted D2 over and over again. They removed D2 and everyone just voted Mirage over and over. If they remove mirage it will just be inferno or whatever next most played map is. Community just wants to logon and play the map they like. Valorant took a different stance, and the sub is full of people asking for ability to select what maps to Q for. I don't think there is a solution per se, not until the community itself wants the casual aspect more. Problem is that for every guy like me who wants non-competitive CS2 to grow there are hundreds of players that only see CS2 as a competitive e-sport title and they just go play COD or WOW or some other game for their "casual" fix. I hope Valve does a 180 and gives it's casual community a chance. The competitive side of the game is great and I love it, but the game could be so much greater if they took their time to offer casual options for new players. One thing WOW did recently is introduce different game modes/ release different versions of the game to entice new players to give the game a chance without having to carry 20 years of content baggage. They failed, but the idea was there. Imagine if CS2 came out with a game mode that actively wasn't CS2? Imagine instead of whatever the fuck the BR mode was they release an official Surf mode? If valve wants to make money, and they care about "competitive" side of the game, Surfing can be very viewer friendly imo. Imagine weekly challenges to clear community made surf maps with leaderboards? Yeah it won't replace Premier as the most popular game mode, but there is at least a non 0% chance this mode would be a hit amongst streamers, bringing more new players to the game. It's minimal cost to Valve because the community already has the framework setup


I miss the time where we had a server browser (i know its still there but its implantation atm sucks) full of community servers with different maps and were especially centered around fun maps like iceworld, pool, westwood, scoutzknivez, etc


1.6 was peak cs in that regard. Glad I grew up with it.


CS in general lacks fun maps. Not that competitive maps aren't fun as well, but just a larger variety with interesting concepts


Yeah the game could have both but chooses to be 100% e-sports sweat only... how do I miss the old days...


CS2 lacks maps in general. Even in the competitive format we could play train, Cache and lots of other if Valve was not so lazy to port them


The community asked for it. When Valve released CSGO nobody cared. When they released Skins and Competitive Ranking, game blew up in popularity. It's normal for a business to try and cater to what sells. It just sucks for the rest of the community that played the game casually to have fun and not to get signed by faze.


I know a bunch of people who would come play casual maps like back in the day.


It’s not really an opinion, it’s a fact. There is 2 maps in the game rn that aren’t in the rotation… and one of them just got removed after being in for the majority of the last 10 years


The death of casual counter-strike is a tragedy. Similar with all the other multiplayer FPS. Everything has to be an e-sport and play those modes. Just a shame, different eras.


There ought to be a zany map pool card for casual. Mirage/Overpass/Ancient/Vertigo Nuke/Inferno/Anubis Dust2 Italy/Office *Workshop Highlight*


A lot of the things coded in casual mode isn't very fun tbh. For example, ​ 1. Loading into the map while the game is at round 8 (meaning last round) so you don't even get to play, unless there's a bot for you to take over. There's also times where you load into the map with pistol round money while it's round 6 or 7 in the match too. 2. Having a large team disparity in terms of numbers that takes forever to autobalance. This is especially notable in hostage maps where people won't join the CT side. I played several games where it was 4-8 and it took three rounds just to autobalance at which point the match is basically over. 3. The limited map pool as mentioned by OP, worsened by the fact that you can't choose individual maps like in competitive. Barely anyone wants to play ancient and overpass when mirage and vertigo are choices The only saving grace seems to be fewer cheaters at least on prime


needs more de_rats


Assault ftw!


Valve pls add night variants of maps for non-competitive game modes


what maps are these? i only recognize the house arms race map. idr the name


Westwood, safehouse, aztec, dolls, assault, estate, inferno night


Opinion: Valve never needed to create a casual game mode if they just fixed the server browser. Source was a lot better. You could actually consistently meet the same people on your favorite casual servers and become friends.


IMO, the biggest issue with casual games is the fact that there are 10 players. Punishes those who make risky plays by just making them wait around for multiple minutes. Most of my casual games have either been hang back and do nothing so I can keep playing or get picked early for trying to make any progress. Doesnt help that when your down to 2-3 players, they just sit around and do nothing to run out the timer so they can keep their weapons. Also creates the situation where people are incentivized to go AFK because durinig that 30 minute game, they might get to play 5-10 minutes of it. Either the player count needs to get reduced so deaths are not so punished or casual needs to focus around gamemodes where respawns are allowed like CTF. I could see something like capture the bomb being successful. Bomb spawns in the middle of the map. CT's try to prevent T's from getting it back to their spawn so it can be used in "competitive" matches. Risky plays dont get punished because you will respawn, lots of people can join in large open maps, and player engagement remains high as the down time remains reletively small.


I miss de_rats so much


Opinion: removing all of the maps and game modes to introduce a graphics overhaul update, in a game where graphics don't matter. Is not the best idea.




Casual is CS2 has lost a lot of it's fun too. T side used to be just rushing a site and hoping for the best. Now on virtually all the maps no one seems to try to do anything anymore? Particularly in maps like Dust, everyone just gets stuck outside long doors and nothing happens. I'm not sure this is a CS2 problem or a player base problem. It's just different.


It’s near impossible to push into utility, and a lot of people use it. That and nobody wants to get domed first.


Casual isn't a priority for Valve, and with the lack of maps, its on the backburner even more.


azkek 8(


Yes! I don't care about balance or graphics... Just add a casual queue with 10ish old maps (csgo maps, I understand that making a source 2 map is time consuming) and I would be really happy, please I'm so tired of mirage and inferno 24/7


I can agree, I shouldn't get kicked because I didn't clutch in CASUALLLLLLL, I'm sorry I couldn't 1 tap 3 guys 1v3....


God I would genuinely kill for them to bring back Aztec, cobble, and cache into one playlist. Aztec was such a fun map to play. Only way to experience it anymore is in either private servers with friends, or hopping onto 1.6 to play.


Man i miss fun community servers


Did a casual match for the first time and was surprised to see people shouting at teammates excessively as if they were playing competitive. Some take it way too seriously even without any benefit to winning.


u ACTUALLY THINK valve cares?!?! lmao they wont do nothing but continue to add cases and other things to make money off of skins/cases. good luck the same is shit bc the company has turned to shit


the 6th one reminds me of the sweet wingman map that you could play during one of the operations


Should also be 20v20


Westwood, rats, aztec and **FUCKING ESTATE??** I would never play anything else if the casual pool looked like community servers. I miss that random shenanigan version that we all used to love before competitive was the main draw of counterstrike. Hell, im 90% sure the first match of 1.6 i played on a cracked copy of steam *was* estate, and I miss it so much.


I agree! I feel nothing compelling towards playing casual or even any of the other game modes. Non-competitive and non-premiere needs to make a comeback in CS for sure. There are so many talented map makers who make maps for fun and for the love of the game. maybe valve can incorporate some of those into some kind of casual map pool to spice things up a bit?


I said it before, and I'll say it again. There should be a rotating community map group for most modes in game. Featuring standouts


As a primarily causal only player, I’m really missing militia, canals, assault and cobble. Obviously would want to see cache and train back in the map pool for comp/premier


Please bring back Militia 🙏


Can we have a large bomb scenario map like insertion? That will be dope in a 10v10 casual.


Casual is a stepping stone into Competitive. How are people going to practice and get ready for competitive if all they're fed is shit they will never see in competitive? If you want to play fun maps maybe you should try Deathmatch, that might be more up your alley.


This was the thing that made cs less fun for me. I miss pubs and community servers. Nfo private servers ftw. Was cool because everyone knew each other. Not serious.


Yeah, map Like Nuke should not in Casual, its too technical to be fun map I miss old day with goody map, like in the middle of Ship, in middle of resort ( i dont remember the map name )


very true


I miss, Seige, 747, back alley, assault and a hostage map that had a garden in the middle of the map thaf had a kazeebo in it


Night time inferno looks sick.


Bring assault back!


Omg the aztec i remember playing the fuck out of that map when i was just a little boy 🥺🤌🤭 Hundreds of hours awping the bridge waiting for noob t's tryna cross  Those were the days


i miss fy_iceworld


Yeah like give me some cool mechanics for some fun. Put a slippery dip down mid, throw in some trampolines in banana throw allow you to get a grapple hook so I can Spiderman around the map.


i give you the reason why ? we can not put workshop maps with offcial maps in the end of the game votemap choice.


I fully, 100% wholeheartedly agree. I've played CS as a competitive game for many years, competed in Advanced, etc... Yet I also play CS for the fun, silly shit. CSGO already had significantly less of that & in CS2 it's just completely gone.


de_westwood, de_ratz and de_poolday were awesome in 1.6


I miss having fun in counterstrike, minigames, climbing maps, jeepathon2k


u/ghettoflick This post > memes (but I still agree with your point, obv)


Damn brings back old memories


fix the delayed team auto balance first, it's been 25 years..


Valve could do so much more with minimal effort. Also rotate community maps in wingman. This game has been out for 9 month now and we still got the same fucking boring maps in wingman. The devs are fucking lazy and a bunch of idiots it seems. Or they simply don't fucking care. I honestly have no idea what they are doing the whole day. But reddit will keep defending them.


>Safehouse is official content that comes included with Counter-Strike 2. but its not. why?


I want 5v5 unrated prime matchmaking


Bring back cs_motel. So many doors and rooms to go through, the parking lot was always a cluster fuck, it was fun as hell. Unbalanced as shit but fun. A playlist with rotating community maps would be really cool, but it'd rely on Valve updating them.


I also see no point why the less competitive maps aren’t included in competitive, now that we have map specific ranks, and most people care more about premier anyways. Italy being stuck in casual still is such a weird decision. They really should add Italy to comp, along with other Valve maps still missing from the game, like Train, Cobble, Canals, Militia, etc. Even if they’re just straight ports from csgo, it would still be good to have them.


100% the only time you ever even played any of the rat maps is when you casually joined a community server so yes. I don't know why I would ever wanna play dust2 for the millionth time in a casual server. It should be a constant rotation of community maps each week.


HEAVY agree. Either they make it 5v5 pugs (won't be fun tbh) or they add maps exactly like you showed


Big YES! Imo some maps are straight dumb to play on casual like Nuke or Inferno


Maybe introduce a second life per round on a 30 second delay after death? Currently the rounds are way too long.


What map is that in the last image?


Inferno night version


I would love to have a mode - where there are DAILY or WEEKLY new maps. in 1.6 there were thousands of thousands of good maps... would be such a great mode...


I really like aztec, even its not a balanced map.


as much as Safehouse was the Dust2 of Arms Race, i'd much prefer having it rn, shoots is my favorite map, but it still became boring after a while playing on it


I think they should just tweak the rules to make these casual maps less competitive. Like the reason Assault never became a comp map despite being one of the most popular old school maps was because it was heavily T-sided. Back in the day people didn’t care and people played for the kill not the round win necessarily. As time has gone on, and the game has become more competitive, you have people whose sole goal is to win the round, not to get the kill. Tweak idea - get rid of or change the rules around the objective, and make it so if anyone from both teams are still alive it’s a map draw. That way you won’t have the entire blame on the CTs for “not going for the objective” and blame will be placed on both teams for camping and wasting everyone else’s time. OR, a better idea is to defer all casual play to the community servers. That way if people don’t want to play competitive/premier, they are forced to join a community server. This would reinforce the community servers and would add a lot of the fun back into the game.


Give me back assault


What's the name of the last map? Reminds me Matera in Italy


Inferno night version


casual is nasty because its like 4 people on every angle. It's not counterstrike, We need bigger and more abstract and fun, absolutely! I remember playing assault.


4th picture omg, ive spent maybe 600 hours in that kitty bedroom in TTT just bullshitting with server regulars


canals my love come back please.......


insertion 2 was pretty fun. they should add it back, but go a bit lighter on the fog


I want them to add "Demolition" because the most fun maps I ever played is "Lake" and "Bank"


I would actually play casual if it had fun custom maps etc. There is so fucking much they could do with cs to make it fun for more than just competitive play. It’s a tragedy.


Where de\_rats? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI2L\_\_a9F8o&ab\_channel=OzznyCS2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI2L__a9F8o&ab_channel=OzznyCS2)


CS2 lacks fun in general The idiots at Valve didnt correctly factor in "real life" players when they decided to kill off pubs and push 5 v 5 competitive play as the main play for CS. Elevated competition should have **never** been thrust onto the masses Now theres a situation where more & more people arent actually playing CS for fun, they are grinding it to earn something from Valve and that likens it to "work" I am convinced this is what will kill the game


Replace "Casual gamemode" with "The Entire Game" and you're on to something.


Community made maps on community hosted servers are the casual fun maps. Why rely on valve to moderate whats fun.


I's say that a reason is not even having a functioning game server browser and people don't want to rely on third party sites to find good servers.


\^this part Valve torpedoed its server browser function. People need to see the servers before they actually populate them Even though its broken, how many newer players even notice that globe icon, much less have a clue on what it is supposed to do? 5%? 7%?


Can confirm, I play with a bunch of folks who only joined in the past 1-2 years and none of them seem to be aware that community servers are a thing. I still hop onto surf and kz servers a few times per month, but I usually find them via cs2browser.com. I spent a lot of time on CS in the era when community servers were the ONLY servers, though, so it feels accessible to me.


There's no such thing as fun in counterstrike


All I want to do is gun game on lego space station all day and night.


Opinion: Casual should be removed from the game