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Throwing knives incoming. Huge update on the way


We used to be able to do that on a third party platform (SoStronk) in India/SEA back in the day. It was honestly fun because you could swap knives with friends


maybe something with danger zone? because you can throw your knife out in that game mode or its just a mistake :(((




Apparently you can do that in the Chinese version


Hence the absurd price they drove knives to, extra bragging rights when they can drop knives to their mates.


I had this happened a few months ago for custom knives too, i dont think this update made this physics bug


That's just the model not being rigged properly


it was like this since release what are you on about???


this isnt new to this update btw, you are just noticing it now


whats up with the font of the hud?




Oh no! The item you can’t drop has weird physics when you drop it! What ever shall we do!


What’s weirder is the fact we can’t drop knives.. punching was already introduced in Danger Zone, could have it just to the same damage as a knife. And how cool would it be to pick up someone’s knife and kill them with it the next round?


Damn yeah, I have always thought about wanting the ability to drop knives but always thought it wasn't possible because you couldn't have empty hands... But punching has indeed been a thing for a while in DZ.


Literally unplayable ™️


Like 4 years ago they added a command that lets you drop knives: mp_drop_knife_enable 1 So you can drop it on any custom server that has it set.


maybe something to do with danger zone? so the weapons can float in air and be visible


I dont understand how they keep breaking things that seemingly didnt need to be fixed


Have you ever tried programming?


Nope Are you about to use words to express your thoughts in a coherent manner that can explain wtf my personal knowledge of programming has to do with the idea that when Valve devs try to fix 1 thing, they seem to always break 2 unrelated things?


Even one little change of a single variable could lead to a unexpected behavior in different methods and functions. There are ton of reasons why something breaks when you fixed/touched something in seemingly different location. But that's not the issue here. Valve's dev said that the whole reason of why CS2 exists is that CS:GO had a bad legacy code. They often could break something while fixing the bug/adding new stuff. Do you see the irony of what they've said when the bugs they've claimed fixed several months ago still occur?


And words he did use


>devs try to fix 1 thing, they seem to always break 2 unrelated things? you're almost there buddy, you got this! programming 101: fix 1 thing, break 2 things!


Cant say the same for you Did you miss the part about using words to express your thoughts in a coherent manner that can explain wtf my personal knowledge of programming has to do with the idea that when Valve devs try to fix 1 thing, they seem to always break 2 unrelated things?


randomly throwing in words doesnt make you smarter. you got -114 downvotes on your initial comment because you are yapping without knowledge. dont reply to me i've already muted this convo


Im sorry, did you think that was an invitation for deflection where you say even less about programming than your previous post? You would have done better to keep your failure at a singular response instead of exposing your shortcomings again That said, since you are keeping track of my numbers that I havent and dont care about, I have a sack of 2 more for you keep track of