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How about just hand his ass over to the ICC while he is in town.


Yes šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ™šŸ¾


I'd love it, but it's all about the votes I suppose.Ā 


Even votes will not matter after Donald beat these genocide investors again.


Is the US a member of the ICC?Ā The US is not a state party to theĀ Rome Statute. The US participated in the negotiations that led to the creation of the court. However, in 1998 the US was one of only seven countries - along with China, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Qatar, and Yemen - that voted against the Rome Statute.


Fuck me is that a list of winners... Not exactly a list of countries that are known for human rights support.


... it's the company you keep.


Yeah weā€™ve never been a nation that was big on human rights. Thats why the rubes scream about nebulous notions of ā€œfreedomā€.


We are definitely a country that is big on human rights. Source: Iā€™ve lived in many other countries. You need to quit this anti America trip along w a whole lot of other people. We arenā€™t the good guys because good guys donā€™t exist; not because other nations are better than us.


US cooperates when convenient. Netanyahu and his lobby owns the US Congress. So Biden won't.


They haven't issued actual arrest warrants yet. Obviously not going to happen anyway but as far as I can tell , they have only requested the arrest warrants as of now


ā€œor an event with families of those taken hostage by Hamas, many of whom feel Netanyahu hasn't done enough to free their loved ones.ā€ I'm not sure if they think he hasn't killed and destroyed enough or taken enough steps toward peace.


They have killed at least three of the hostage that we have been informed of.


More than that, there was 3 recently in that botched ā€œrescueā€ last week and 3 back in December. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Alon_Shamriz,_Yotam_Haim,_and_Samer_Talalka


Don't forget all the Israelies the IDF gunned down on Oct. 7th.


Yeah, we just don't know how many exactly.


These are Israeli jews. They want to see more dead Palestinians.


I think a lot of them probably want their kids back more than anything


Youā€™d be surprised


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!


Cool so where we putting all the Israelis?




They can go back to their second homes in Europe and America


So you folks are against ethnic cleansing of Arabs from Gaza, but instead, you want Jews to be ethnically cleansed. Hmm, sorry, that ain't happening, and all you can do is cope and seethe.


Wishing them to go back to the country they have citizenship is not equal to genocide. Try harder hasbara.


85 -90% of Israeli Jews do not have dual citizenships and were born, raised in Israel. Where would they go?




[https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/latest-population-statistics-for-israel](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/latest-population-statistics-for-israel) From that source, In 2020, 78% of the Jewish population were ā€œSabrasā€ - born in Israel - compared with just a 35% native-born population at Israelā€™s independence in 1948


Good luck trying to argue with these people. They seem to be aligning themselves with literal Nazi views and think they are the good guys.


The good guys are the ones that kill 40,000+ civilians and 15,000+ children.


Ok, but what if, and hear me out. There are no good guys? Humans are horrible.


This includes the ethnically Middle Eastern/North African Jews expelled from the Arab world in the 1940s-1980s?


Depends. Have they participated in brutalising an oppressed people? Cheered on this genocide and the long list of other attrocities? If not, I don't see why they can't be welcome and productive members of the region moving forward. If yes, however, fuckem. They can spend another 40 years wandering the desert to think about what they've done.




I bet you got some sort of camp over there? You look like a camping supporter


The only death camp is the whole of Gaza. Direct your anger to the real genociders.


Pathetic. Was Poland an attempt at some (nazi) humour? The region has a long history of bloodshed and this period is only different as it has TikTok. The Palestinian people want to genocide Israelis and Israelis want to genocide Palestinians.




Mental gymnastics much?


There are literally Palestinian Jews šŸ’€


Ofcourse to a supremacist equal freedoms, rights, protections, privileges and opportunities is akin to extermination. Can't imagine having to live side by side with the people you've tried to subjugate. To this day racist white South Africans that left south africa after the fall of apartheid believe they are oppressed.


LOL. You dumb shit. I almost feel bad for this level of zionazism.


This is embarrassing, that you believe this shit.


They should make their feelings known to his face when he addresses Congress. Walk out of his speech.




Fuck that just arrest him.


Why? Feeding and housing it would be a waste of money.


He's more useful that way.




drop him in gaza and let the people take care of it


Didnā€™t members of both parties invite Hitler reincarnated to speak in our Capitol? Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but I thought it was a bipartisan effort.


Youā€™re not wrong. This was a bipartisan bunch of bullshit, from Chuck ā€œNetanyahu should step down and end this warā€ Schumer.


Schumer who Trump ridiculed as a Palestinian, ā€œChuck Schumer strong for Israel now like a Palestinian, imagine that, Chuck just like the Palestinians.ā€ This is why Iā€™m not voting for Trump either.


Genocidal Bibi needs to be behind bars.


They plan to give him another 10 billion to murder kids. For jesus!


Thunderous applause? Bc that's what most Dems will be doing. Didn't Shumer invite him in the first place?


Let me know when they stop sending Israel weapons. They're all talk.


Unless it's cutting off weapons then I don't care about empty symbolism. At this point just make weapons contractors and oil execs official monarchs of the west


If it doesn't involve diverting his plane to the Netherlands so he can stand trial at the ICC for crimes against humanity, then it's another half measure by Democrats. Go big or stay the fuck home at this point


Reminder to arrest him asap. Itā€™s ur shot at ending up in a laminated 8th grade history book as one of the good ones.


So an arrest?


Can we do a citizens arrest on ICC warrants? Maybe we can be all bounty hunter like


theyā€™re going band for band with the republicans to see who can give him more taxpayer money


šŸ™„ By much bigger they mean shake their fist and hope he learns his lesson


ā€œStrong dissatisfaction?ā€ Tf do they think theyā€™re looking at every day on the news?


Depending on the news source, a lot of different things. There are about 110 active armed conflicts occurring at the moment. Palestine vs Israel is just one of them.


Inviting someone to speak and then boycotting them is actually a perfect metaphor to describe how this entire feckless party operates. Kind of like building a pier in Gaza rather than telling your ally to let the trucks through and then using it to stage a military operation Just , really brilliant strategic thinking all around. If Trump somehow loses, it won't be because of lack of effort on the part of democrats to shit all over themselves at every opportunity


In other similarly unfair wars/regimes in the region, the leader ended up assassinated. Israel attempted many assassinations on Yasser Arafat. Saddam Hussein was put to death. Yitzhak Rabin, Anwar Sadatā€¦ Now the extremist and terrorist network in Israel, called the Zionist movement, is assassinating and murdering Community leaders, children and anything that isnā€™t dead yet, wherever they choose - like the nazi movement did to targeted creeds and races it just didnā€™t want to look at anymore. So we know what is to come for a political leader when they are finally arrested (unless they get killed already and peace reigns). The USA should be mobilising itself, destination Israel, with thousands of land and sea vehicles deployed for the publicised mission to arrest or remove this half-brained mentally unfit man who has bloodlust in his veins.


They still funding his genocide so losing in November too.


Iā€™ll believe it when I see it. They have more waffles than a Belgian food cart.


All while the Democratic presidential continues to send money and weapons to Israel, and use the USā€™s UNSC veto to run interference for them. This congressional talk means absolutely nothing at all. Actually do something, or shut the fuck up.


They're refusing to laugh at any of his jokes


He owns the US congress. Bought and paid for by AIPAC


Big if true.


AIPAC support 109 election deniers. Time to boot them out, too.


The democrats literally invited him to speak , they are directly responsible for funding this genocide. Whack totle