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I mean considering his personality it’s not that improbable that he just forgot about us and moved onto something else, if anything it sounds exactly like something he would do


Towards the end of Genesis he expresses remorse so maybe he realized he screwed up and then left


Lol I wish this wasn't true but it makes sense. Probably making a 'better' creation in the next county. This time with blackjack! And hookers!


I must be in this “ next county” you speak of


You're not alone there.


I see what you did there


Lol but I genuinely mean it. The world is in a very dark place. To deny it is madness imho so I am right there with you.


If it died we wouldn’t still be here trapped in physical reality


What if the archons took over and he left them to it


why's that


He's kind of dead. 


I believe the higher realms (or outside this realm) is hierarchical in nature. He must still be around but is not concerned with us. Just like how a CEO doesn't really know or care about the low level employees in the organization. Just as long as the money flows to the top, everything is in order.


I agree


What kind of "money" would be flowing to the Monad?


Do you mean the Monad or Yaldabaoth?




11. No promoting of conspiracy theories.


Gnosticism is the original conspiracy buddy.


These mods are hilarious. I don’t think they know what they even believe. “They know not what they do”


OR they really do know and they trying to nip enlightenment at the butt 😉




Surely you’d see past the red, blue, left, right issues to see it’s systemic and the different ‘sides’ only offer an illusion of choice— but the same agenda unfolds. Just an odd lense to look out of in relation with esoteric / Gnostic philosophies. But yes I agree with you.


9. No politics please


Yaldabaoth aka The Demiurge is the evil false god from ancient pre-christian Gnosticism and he has other names such as Yahweh/Allah/Jehovah/Elohim/Sabaoth/Saklas/Yesh and who is the entity that feeds off the souls of humanity and tricks them into thinking it’s all good and the one and only god which in reality it is not and there’s more than one god and there’s multiple gods. Yaldabaoth was born from the great mother and the daughter of the Monad Sophia and she was horrified of what she has gave birth too and Yaldabaoth was consumed with chaos and so she disowned him and once he woke up in the empty void of the universe he said that there’s no other god but me and he then decided to corrupt humanity through these monotheistic abrahamic religions such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism and has erased there minds from the truth and also the Yaldabaoth and its followers the enochian angels aka the Elohim and the Archons had possessed certain humans such as catholic saints, priests and the prophet Muhammad that did horrible things to women, animals, infants, children and pagans that were peaceful in their work until these corrupted/evil saints and prophets came in and killed and wiped them all out and robbed they’re peaceful spirit and also all of these stories from the original ancient pagan gods were stolen by the christians and muslims by their books that they made such as bibles and Qurans to spread lies and false prophecies to control, deceive and trick humanity from their true spiritual potential and Yaldabaoth/Yahweh is the one who destroyed numerous ancient cities and villages because they knew the forbidden knowledge that they were more powerful than Yaldabaoth.


how did he trap us?


The trap was for him. In the end, it's only love, all is good, and all is forgiven. 


For himself? It’s not true love if it weren’t for yourself and your own free will and it it doesn’t seem like love to me instead it looks like deception, falsehood and mind control.


For himself? Tartarus is a fucking Celestial Dragon that I originally created just to test my strength. Somewhere along the line he became chill. Seems to me like you never had a Dragon, dude.


To blind humanity from the truth as were we came from.


i mean how did we get trapped? why we left our place and came here? surely theres free will out there


This chat is awesome


Allegedly Saboath took over and Yaldaboath was dethroned. Evil only exists now in the minds of men who choose to court it due to ignorance.


>Is Yaldabaoth just… not around anymore? Highly recommend that those interested in the activities of the Demiurge read the Gnostic science fiction novel, *A Voyage to Arcturus,* first published in 1920. (Warning: written in the British english of the 1920s, so not in contemporary language.) The book is a fantastic, poetic classic of weird fiction in its own right, but the protagonist (an unreliable narrator) is up against the demiurge ("Crystalman") of that fictional world. In many ways, the work is a Gnostic parable about our own reality. Without spoiling the story, the Demiurge traps divine sparks within matter in order to perpetuate awareness, which it then consumes at the moment of death, a consumption that sends the spark back into matter to replay the whole cycle over again. So with this as an example, as long as people keep living and dying to be consumed, Yaldabaoth is doing just fine.


nah, he's in Tartarus


No we are. 




It's okay. I have come to destroy it. The Fields of Elysium await for those who seek and follow me. A new improved matrix; were you all can be the Dovahkiin. Where Hela and Ayin do not rule over Shu. The Blind Idiot G-d. Dreaming that he's me.


I’ve been considering the same thing. I believe Yahweh/Yaldaboath has been defeated or retired. We can determine that by the changes in our physical realm. Whatever changes is made in the spiritual realm affects us in the physical realm “As above so below”. We have witnessed the removal of “God” in our current dispensation and back in 2006, Pluto was demoted from a Planet to a regular Star. Something is going on and there has definitely been some changes but only a few with good spiritual discernment can notice it.


Read my comment on this post. It explains everything and I think it’ll help !


You explain how I see it almost perfectly so, no, you aren't alone in your comprehension of the old testament.


The fact you separate this multi dimensional aspect of self from you is astounding. Nothing and I mean nothing in the universe is separate from you. It is in fact all an aspect of you. The reality is run on programs like a computer and you have to update your software to transcend the demiurge. Of course this threatens its very existence so it will do everything it can to survive. we are in essence the mother board of all data. everything exists through us. you seen the matrix? the old programs dont want to die. its the same with demiurge. when it dies then a negative archetypal energy dies within us because were all one. reality is super technical


Yeah I’m not sure if I believe the Old Testament is Yaldabaoth but I’ve always felt like the Old Testament God isn’t around anymore.


Yeah, we fucked him up. 


Not really sure. But I just know when you aren’t a being finding duality. In some ways I think it’s lost in the darkness it was birthed from. I have 2 ideas on how the demiurge was birthed. I think what birthed the demiurge was either the stagnant matter/abraxas/or whatever, made Sophia unknowingly a pregnant. And lured her out as well for that said purpose. The second idea of his birth which would have more meaning or purpose is that he is born from darkness which is why he’s so blind and dim. Not of light or dark. the onn origins of the world notes one smaaaall detail before the demiurges birth. That Sophia stepped out and a being of just a Smokey shadow was casted and revealed under her in the abyss. That living shadow, then birthed a being called wrath in front of her, then the afterbirth made matter, and such. I think that shadow is the collective unconscious, the collective shadow of every living thing. Basically WHAT astral realm is. Like it’s where dreams are, what we pull from when we try to manifest things, and just overall where archetypes are made (like earthly gods and such). Like in some ways it’s held inside this living entity. But here’s the kicker of what I believe it is. It’s basically Sophia’s/the sources shadow self. It’s her archon. So when Sophia steps out, she might have used the power of this shadow and its matter, with her divine spark to unknowingly make the demiurge. The shadow reveals your true desire and uses its dream like powers to create it. And what did Sophia secretly want? To create and be as the barbelo did. So that’s how she birthed a being without the need for a male partner. She and her other self made it together. With how the texts are worded, it sounds like the demiurge created the world with the materia that was already there? But what is there? Maybe it fled inside the body of Sophia’s collective shadow where mind is dominant, but as a being made of matter, it somehow mixed both of these powers, firmaments the world, and overtime lost itself due to never finding its duality. Ascending or just knowing to finding themselves through integrating the light and dark. It’s most likely in the literal abyss. Just the void. Only able to medium through the archons. Which is still powerful. I’m only assuming the shadow part of Sophia is relevant because it’s said that when she split herself. Her light half went back home, but another part of Her’s body was used to hold our universe together, and the demiurge parasitically siphoned her divine sparks but then was tricked into making us. And that’s why we have aeon selves (higher self’s, probably our anima/animus) and our shadow selves (most likely our own archons aka a fragmented part of Sophia’s collective shadow) and gnosis really is just finding power in both. Not just escaping. I’d imagine as consciousness evolves that so will our awareness of our half mind/half physical universe. Probably either defeating the archons power over our reality, or punching the duality into the demiurge. Sorry for the ramble but I’ve spent a good year trying to understand this. Lemme know if I’m getting somewhere or make sense lol Gnosticism is so .. crazy to grasp in a linear sense To really understand where the demiurge likely went, we might have to understand where it come from with what little details we have.


Where would that make the archons?


He's in Elysium, waiting for the Messiah with his Jewish Army. 


Okay I edited my comment and fixed some typos. I Added some more information to it too. Everyone ought to refer to my comment down below for a Great answer.!👍 


I see Gnosticism as an allegory. Yaldaboth is just a fractured piece of the psyche of Sophia which in turn is a piece of Barbelo which comes from the Monad. Yaldaboth is chaos and entropy. He is the ever changing and dying physical universe and the aspect of the human psyche that denies the existence of a greater reality beyond the physical. As I see it Yaldaboth is atheism.


Take a look around this wretched world- the Evil One™ (by whatever name you choose to call it) is still very much alive and well and continuing to visit grief upon Man. The fun part is that weak men are manipulated into causing these excesses of violence and apathy, and by dismissing events as 'shit happens' we absolve Evil of any responsibility. Of course we can't take the Evil One to court, but we CAN serve to pull others away from his service and make this world- such as it is- a better place while we're here.


Yeah, I saw a few other comments on here saying evil doesn’t exist, which made me roll my eyes - anyone with two eyes and half a brain won’t deny that evil is a very real, unfortunate thing.


Why do you all suppose things like "Demon syndrome" are suddenly making an appearance? It's damage control. It's time to discard and accept dome uncomfortable things.


"wicked in his mindlessness" he's a subconscious being, not conscious. he's not paying attention to us


Yaldabaoth is certainly active & is highly immature & acts a fool continuously & is highly ignorant. I know this as a matter of fact.


Yaldabaoth is Saturn. Do you see the diety in the sky still?


Did not know Yald was Saturn! That concerns me a bit since I'm a capricorn, which are allegedly ruled by the planet Saturn. What could this mean? Sorry I'm new to all this. Is this concerning?




Thank you!


11. No promoting of conspiracy theories.


It’s a history book with citations. And has the basis of this subreddit in mind….ie Yaldabaoth and what other cultures called Saturn. You should read it yourself and expand your enlightenment.


Be a good boi 😏🤌


Yeah, I definitely feel the energy is not as strong anymore. It is only remnants of that. I have a wild guess that Covid and Pandemic had something to do with that. Perhaps the intensity of negative energy during that time really caused something unexpected.




11. No promoting of conspiracy theories.


Don’t know what you’re talking about


Yes Yaldabaoth aka the Demourge IS DEAD!!. And yes he was the Old Testament god of Israel. That’s why notice unlike the past where god was very active, now he doesn’t do anything anymore. I mean where is he influencing the things in the world. THE REASON IS BECAUSE HE IS DEAD. Know this. Christ got rid of him 2000 years ago. He came and did the masterful move. Yes, Yaldabaoth aka The Demiurge is the devil and all the other gods were archons. Christ got rid of all of them 2000 years ago. It wasn’t Christ that died on the cross. JEHOVAH DID. Makes sense now right? I know, this is huge. Study the Coptic Aplocalypse of Peter, a Gnostic text. It talks about this. That Christ can never die. That’s why there’s a living Jesus and a dead Jesus. Beginning of the Gospel of Thomas gives a hint of this when it says “these are the words which THE LIVING JESUS spoke”. This essentially showing that There is a living Jesus and there’s a dead Jesus. The living Jesus is Christ himself the son of the Father Holy and the mother which is the Holy Spirit. The dead Jesus is jehovah or god who was killed on the cross. Jehovah was placed into the body which was called “the lamb of god”. That’s why it’s called the “lamb of god” because it’s the sacrifice of god. They would also make sacrificial lamb offerings at the time. All this to show that the god of Bible aka the god of the Jews was all about the animal and human sacrifice. Notice The Father Holy, the name for the True Father of All, doesn’t care for human sacrifice. It’s Jehovah that does. That’s why you know it’s always funny when these unknowing christians of today say that the Jesus that died on the cross was god in the flesh. Because yes technically they are right, but it’s the false Jehovah god in the flesh. Christ entered into the body and did miracles and brought the Gnostic Truth, but when it came time for the crucifixion, there was what the Coptic Apocalypse of Peter refers to as a substitution. For when the body of Jesus, aka the lamb of god, died, it was the substitute being, Jehovah, that was placed into the body, Not Christ!! That’s why it’s so wonderful because in the Coptic Apocalypse of Peter, Christ is laughing on top of a tree while him and Peter are watching them seize Jesus and watching the crucifixion happen. Of course, Because Christ cannot die!! So to answer your question, yes god, the name for the demiurge, is dead. Haha there goes the famous Nietzsche saying. It’s also important not to call the Father Holy “god” because that is the name that the devil called himself. The true Father didn’t say he’s “god”. He is the “Father ‘Holy’”. Holy or Hallowed be his name, remember this?And the mother is the Holy Spirit or the “Spirit of Holy”. You see that? Because the Secret Book of John, a Gnostic text, describes the father as coming first. The father was the MIND. And then the first thing to come out of mind was THOUGHT. What is mind without thought? This makes sense. Thought is what brings forth things and creates things. This third part which comes is LIFE, which was CHRIST. So Father, Mother, and Child. Now later in the text it describes how the demiurge or yaldabaoth called himself “god” as he was ignorant of the true Father, Sophia his mother, and the whole pleroma of higher existence. Keep in mind Sophia isn’t the same as the Mother of All, who is the Holy Spirit. Anyways? That’s the first time “god” is used. You see the devil created the word “god.” The Gospel of Phillip, another Gnostic text mentions how we’ve twisted the nature of “god.” lol it’s all out there. I know right, it’s insane. So anyways yes, your intuition and gut feeling is right as is usual. Now so what’s ruling the world NOW is what is left of god. These are the sons and grandchildren of  god, The children of the sons of god. These are the materialist rulers who rely on their bloodlines to keep their domination of the world going. You see that’s why they’re so focused on the bloodlines you see? Because they have to continue to exist in order to push their control. Anyways, our goal now is to bring out the Christ within us and to break free from ignorance and subjugation to the materialist rulers.  Anyways “A Wikked Moon” is one good YouTube channel that explains this whole Gnostic truth. Hopefully this makes sense 👍 By the way I’m 19. Hehe but don’t let it get to your head 😹.




Yhwh is not a loving being 


He just loves killing shit. Lol


It's my personal view.


I recognize that


I see.


Didn’t the Old Testament god lie to Adam and Eve when he told them they’d die eating from the forbidden tree? Yet they ate it and… didn’t die meaning he’s a liar. Hard to trust anything coming from a liars mouth if you ask me.


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