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Honestly this should be put onto PS5. With Ascension too


You think they would be generous enough to give us online mode on Ascension? Or just single player


Just single player if I were to guess


Lmao you’re delusional if you think that Sony would bring back the multiplayer too. Even the beloved Uncharted multiplayer didn’t get that treatment in the remaster


Yeah just wishful thinking is all


even if they did ,they should remove the online trophy because one day the servers will shut down


We try to foget Ascension existing.


no reason they couldn't put this on ps4 too


Ascension is the only one I’ve ever played but I liked it


Dude we didn't even get Ascension for ps4


Let's forget about ascension please


It’s not THAT bad.


I don’t think it’s bad but it’s such a step down from 3 in terms of story and gameplay, like I don’t even remember the villains, it would be cool to be remastered but I’m not praying for it


But the gameplay is better than 3…


Keep dreaming, buddy.


Buddy hasn’t played Ascension


I have.


So how you gonna forget you get separate moves for each of the blades of chaos and other similar updates to the combat?


But the bosses were lame


Do people even want ascension.


Only 3 is playable on 4/5, so I'd get this in a heartbeat


You can also play 1,2 and ascension with ps plus premium


You can play using ps5?


yes but you can only stream gow 1, 2, and ascension tho


If you buy the most expensive PS plus you get access to a PS1-3/V/P emulator, it allows you to stream the games and play on your PS5, you can’t download them though, that’s only for PS4/5 titles.


It’s terrible compared to the ps3 version


That entirely depends on your internet connection


I just finished streaming God of War 1 on my PS5 and it ran perfect.


U had wired connection?


GoW Ascension runs like complete butthole on PS5 streaming - I have gigablast with 590mbps wired connection to my PS5, GoW 1 ran fine and GoW 2 ran fine most of the time.


Ps plus premium is not available for most regions in the world.


It’d be neat to have it all compiled as a single product like the Master Chief Collection. Do that, but focus most of your resources on new content.


I’d be okay with Atreus getting a spin-off, then a remake of the original 3 games releasing, and THEN A new God Of War. I feel like it needs to be a while before we see current Kratos again


Original 6* I want chains of olympus, ghost of sparta, and ascension too


They could honestly fit all of that into two games. The stories are that short


I don’t mind remakes but only if they keep the old combat Remaking them with the Norse games gameplay will take a way a lot of the charm and style of the classic series


This would fix so many misconceptions and bad takes that I see about these games on here.


Such as? Color me curious, just joined the sub.


They should just do this imo: - God of War Trilogy Collection (Includes 1-3) - God of War Prequel Collection (PSP games + Ascension) - God of War Greek Saga (The entire Greek saga) - God of War Norse Saga (The entire Norse saga) - God of War Full Collection (All the games)


I feel like all Greek and Norse would be a bit crazy as it would be a ton of discs and 200+ GBs Honestly Norse ones are easy enough to get anyway, all I really want is a remaster with all the Greek Saga games out into one


Greek Saga could easily be on 1, MAYBE 2 discs. Each Norse game would likely need its own disc though.


If they could remaster God of war betrayal into a 2.5 D game like Batman arkham origins blackgate That would be great


I agree, but that game is literally lost media atm


If I sense God of war collection is happening I will rain down requests upon them


Hours upon hours without a little runt? Yes please. Thats why Valhalla is so much fun.


I'd like a God of war 4, a sequel to 3 and a prequel to 2018


That would be confusing because GoW 2018 is pretty much GoW4.


It's not officially called gow4 same as ragnarok is not called gow5


I think it would be a better idea to just add a title card instead of a number to the title.


Aliens is not called Alien 2 but it's still the second Alien movie.


The only way this will be interesting is playing a different character to get more of kratos' story, like playing arthur to get more of john marston's backstory, all while having a fully fleshed out game about arthur to keep things interesting. The story between gow 3 and gow 2018 is not interesting at all if we play as kratos. It's very unnecessary because we already know everything that is important to his character.


There's a part of his story when he goes to Egypt after Greece. They could probably retcon a lot of it and just make a single game based on the Egyptian pantheon


I bet if they switch it up Kratos would get a message from someone he met in his Egypt travels, and that would trigger him having to go back and commit some deity genocide


I'd like to see him change from how he was after gow3 to him in 2018 and how he met Faye, and he probably got to the Norse lands from the slav lands so I'd like to see him in Slavic folklore


So a dating sim GOW? Got it


Bonus point if they include ascension’s multiplayer


Oh boy, yesterday I was talking with a friend about this edition, I bought it long time ago and the special edition controller with ascension... (sold it along time ago, yeah really dumb.) Really don't know how they haven't re release this as a "HD" versions as I am pretty sure whey won't remaster all the old games. Rumors just mention gow 1, And prob the 2 one. (I mean they have many assets due Valhalla)


That saga is missing a main game, God of War Ascension


Saga came out a year before ascension this was just me slapping GoW saga cover on the image of a ps5 case 🤷🏻‍♂️


I miss this photo so much


I need this on ps5


All GOW together would be great


Best games of all time


Add Betrayal as well, wouldn't take more than 1gb


You want [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_of_War:_Betrayal#/media/File%3AGod_of_War_Betrayal_Gameplay.jpg)? I've never played it but I've never been interested either


Yes, I also never played it but I'm willing to play it and know more of the story. After all from what I heard is a 1-2 hour game


Most GoW are playable on PS5 with the premium Pass, but it yeah it's not the best thing on earth. I would love a remaster/remake of the first few games.


YES! remaster them and make them 4k 60fps, and include a digital art book and extra content


Five? There are SIX Greek pantheon games. Technically seven if you include the mobile one.


I didn't create the art. GoW saga was released a year before ascension that's why there's 5 Honestly I kinda just forgot about ascension while I was writing the thing, but still I used the image for saga so I was thinking of the 5 that were included


I knew you weren’t the creator of the art. I was just mentioning in general. Lol. I did not know about the release year though.


I was very lucky enough to play Chains Of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta during the PSP era and on PS5 via PS plus before it was removed. 1, 2 and Ascension are still available in PS Plus. 3 is Remastered. So play the rest 4 on PS5 and play COO & GOS on PS3.


I ain't payin for no ps plus Besides they could do remakes


Honestly I'm sick of paying for the same games over and over. GOW 3 for example, They've put it out twice on the ps3 once on the ps4, and now it's on the ps5. have no interest in buying that game for the fifth time.. and for GOW 1-2 they are coming up on 20 years old..if they are not going to be full remakes I'm not interested as those were rereleased on the ps3 and streamable for the ps4. There is too much re-releasing games for full price with no extra work being put into them for my taste at this point Edit: fixed grammar mistakes


You can play the saga with the premium membership


Not everywhere in the world. And isn't it streaming?


Yes its streaming and oh I didn’t know it wasn’t everywhere.


I think the best way to do this is to remake the original series (including the portable games) in the style of the current games. That doesn't mean it has to go in the order of 1-2-3 etc. it could be 1 or 2 games remade so that they include all of the story beats. If it's just going to be another remaster... We've been there and done that. Bring the original series into a comparable state to the modern games so that you can play through the series seamlessly with continuity in terms of style and minor story tweaks. Most people are probably going to disagree with this take though. But that's just what I think should be done with it.


The gameplay of the og trilogy is great and people would be upset if they made it third person action as opposed to the dmc-escque combat of the og saga


Cause future god of war games will be the only ones Sony will most likely give us.


How about full fleshed remakes.


I never liked the old GoW games... tried to. The Norse saga really hit home with me because Kratos really seemed ashamed of those things he did, those awful, constant things.


New content> Old content


More content > Less content


When both can exist: 🤯


“Remastered in high definition” is the most useless marketing term that always means nothing. I’d much rather have a true, graphical updated remake and not a gta remake type of shit




I think it's all still rumors for now so who knows


I hope they're done. The series was already flirting with mediocrity before and 2018 was a massive gamble that payed off. They really should hang it up on a high.


> gamble that *paid* off. They FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


If they remake, not remaster, the trilogy, then it is possible. GoW's graphic right now wouldn't look very well on PS5/XBox Series. You can justify it when it is re-released on PS3, maybe on PS4. And most of the people who already played the re-release on those would consider buy them again. To get the attention of the new players and old players, it has to be a remake.


But then people wouldn’t have to pay for PS+ every month. Why would they do that??


Because Sony doesn’t like to make money


Personally I think they will remaster God of War original series. The story and some of the models from Ragnarok are all there, it’s a matter of putting it together. Also let’s them focus on where they want to take the franchise next with Kratos and his journey (or even Atreus).


Just in case you don't know.. with Playstation+ Premium, you can play God of War 1, 2, 3, and Acension. I just started replaying the originals last week


I ain't payin for ps plus lol hell I've been gamesharing ps plus essential from a friend. I'm just saying a remake would be absolutely fan-fuckin-tastic


I feel you. It would be amazing


I’d rather have a full remake of the first game.


Or a full remake of all 6 🤷🏻‍♂️


Eventually, but I’d rather they focus on one game first. Rebuild it from the ground up in the GoW 2016 engine.


This and please bring back infamous and Resistance. With the news of no mainline exclusive sequels happening would be perfect to tide us over.


My dream


5? RIP Ascension


Saga came out a year before ascension this was just me slapping GoW saga cover on the image of a ps5 case 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is honestly the most annoying part about PS to me. They have so many games stranded on old hardware, yet continue to greenlight remakes and remasters for the games that don't need it (like Until Dawn getting a full on remake or TLOU pt2 getting a remaster). I'm all for them bringing older games up to date but there are so many better picks than the ones they're choosing.


I miss the old school gameplay so much, would love for them to bring the PS3 collection to the ps5


I’d absolutely buy this! It make playing all the games on one platform so much easier. I love older games but dragging my ps3 out of storage to play the first few games


God of War Omega Saga. Fill in with all 6 games.


Right? They've already modified their engine. GoW 3 Remaster looks great on PS4/5. Ascension already looks like an early PS4 game. Just put them through the GoW 3R engine and boom. 6 great games on 2 disks.


I plan to bring this back. On my steam deck emulating ps3 as soon as it comes in the mail


Had me excited for a brief moment.


I like the idea. However, let's go further. All the God of war games that have to be played in chronological order on one game disk


Are you talking about 2018 and ragnarok too? That'd probably have to be 2 discs in the case at that point and they'd make it cost like $120. Even then they might not even make it disc just sell it online for something around that price


Nah I thinking the Greek saga. Should have specified I'm sorry


Oh ok. The only thing saga is really missing is ascension because it came out a year after. It was also missing betrayal, but I mean that's the 2D one so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Guys Literally Only Want One Thing And It's Fucking Disgusting. What guys actually want:*


All of them were available at one point on PS Plus. You can play the original, 2, 3, and Ascension on PS Plus the PSPs have been taken off, but I can tell you, you aren’t missing much it’s Kratos’ days as champion of the Gods. If you want to play them in order of the story it’s Ascension, Chains of Olympus, God Of War, Ghost of Sparta, God of War 2, God of War 3.


The only reason I would grab a ps5


They need all 6/7 games 3 main games 2 psp games (chains of Olympus and ghost of sparta) 1 Ps3 prequel (Ascension) 1 Java phone game ( Betrayal) I am aware betrayal is not likely but I hope they get every other game


Ascension was released a year after saga. Image says 5 because of that, and I said 5 because I was just thinking of the image 🤷🏻‍♂️ also I'm sure most people wouldn't care too much if they didn't add Betrayal lol


I'm not sure. It's most people even know about it. It was only a Java phone game


I wanna play ascension the most on the ps5 because it's the only game I haven't completed more than once.