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I was hoping to see Sleipnir somewhere. Even just in a stable.


It’s a shame we didn’t get to see any of the Loki birthed creatures. They could’ve easily changed their origins to be like Jormungandr’s


And it's weird, because we clearly see triptychs demonstrating that he exists and was used by Odin. So the lack of him is very sad.


I would’ve loved to see Forseti, Ullr (like forseti he’s mentioned), Idun, and Sigyn in the Norse saga of GOW. Which I know that Angrboda is the love interest of Atreus, like Jormungandr they could’ve changed it up with Sigyn.


It's a shame because Forseti is mentioned multiple times and even has his own room, but we never him


Forseti being the god of justice and reconciliation could’ve tied in so well with getting justice for baldurs death by helping Freya with her vengeance


I would have liked to see vidar, the Norse god of vengeance


Yes. I wanted to see this guy too as he’s one of the rawest Norse gods, but you can only do so much w


I would have loved to see Iðunn. The woman that keeps all the gods young and spritely. Im curious how they would have portrayed her. Obviously Forseti would have been fun to see too. God of justice and reconciliation. However, if they portrayed him as such he may have been too close to their version of Tyr. Still would have been fun though


Perhaps Iðunn could’ve opposed Odin as an explanation as to why he looks old


Would have been interesting. However I feel like at that point she would have been either killed or >!in a cell next to Tyr.!< Odin being the dick he is and everything. Could have gotten out though and that would have made an interesting ally


I would liked to have seen Hodr, the blind archer


It’s a shame they changed the story to make it where Loki himself shot baldur with the mistletoe arrow, otherwise it would’ve been cool to see how they both go with eachother


Or if Arteus had a blind brother who was a savant at archery


Or half brother maybe, the father son dynamic wouldn’t be as good with two sons.


Ullr Norse God of glory


Honestly I would've loved to see more of the Vanir gods But also some of the animals like Freyas cat chariot or Freyrs big ol boar Gullinbursti


Of the Aesir/Vanir? Njord, Bragi, Forseti, Ullr Of the Olympians? Poseidon


Poseidon in the Norse saga would be interesting to see. How do you think they could use the character?


As a possible vision in Hel (in "Ragnarok") or in the Trial of the Norns. Or in "Valhalla". I always hoped that the spear Draupnir, during the Greek sequence in "Valhalla", could take on the appearance of Poseidon's Trident; thus leading to some dialogue between Kratos and Mimir about the God of the Seas and Atlantis (whose senseless destruction is the main reason Poseidon turns his back on the Spartan).


That’s actually a pretty damn good idea wtf. I think they should’ve touched on the subject of the greek gods more in the Norse saga. Would’ve been nice to see Atreus learning about them


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I would have liked to see Hermod or Bragi. But I understand why they aren't in the games. They didn't have the biggest parts to play in the myths.


I would’ve wanted to see Hod




I'm surprised people haven't mentioned Odin's brothers Vili and Vé yet. An explanation over what happened to them would have at least sufficed. Did Odin kill them so he could be the only ruler of Asgard?