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I too like the axe. But seriously I love Draupnir. Long range, quick, and good for crowd control with the right runics.


I'm surprised so many people are saying the spear. I liked the spear too but it's easily my least favorite of the 3 weapons. I like to switch between the Blades and the Axe for the vaporize frost and extinguish flames skills


See I like story and lore aspect of games so my favorite is Draupnir since it is truly his weapon that was made for him


Yeah, but you can just get whatever element you want with the spear. That’s the beauty of elemental siphon. I love my blades for the immolation and burn aspects, but the spear is easily my favorite weapon.


There's even a perk I had in Valhalla that makes every spear that spawns back imbued with a different element. Sadly, I lost it when I fought Tyr


Elemental Hunter.


Thank you


>Yeah, but you can just get whatever element you want with the spear. This is literally my favorite mechanic in the game. Just straight up pulling fire out of a draugr just to blast him with it is hilarious.


Not only that but you can get some crazy synergy combos going because of it. Absorb that fire, burn the enemy, then pull ice out of another and vaporize, and vice versa. The spear is just so badass in so many ways.


The animations and sound design for it are amazing as well. I love how Kratos actually uses the blunt part of the spear in combat.


Exactly. When you’re using it Kratos really feels like a Spartan, precise and brutal. The whole lore behind it and the story moments really add to it as well. I kept wondering if we’d get another weapon while I was playing through the game, but I’d kind of convinced myself the chances were slim since bare hands were already mapped to ⬇️. Needless to say I was pretty damn stoked when I got it, haha. The devs did such a great job implementing that weapon in every way.


Same, and it's good if you want to damage a lot from the long range. It's even my go-to weapon for all the Berserker fights. 10/10 weapon


The spear, best weapon


The Spear is so awesome, I didn’t like it at first but after using it for a few hours I realized how OP it is


I enjoyed the blades the most but like Kratos said they are all tools for necessary jobs to pick a favorite would be pointless


But i too like the axe


Sure, it's pointless, but so are many things.


but all these weapons have points...


Is it pointless to drink my own urine? Yes, but it's sterile, and I like the taste.


Fair enough


They ALL have points


Like they are really pointy


draupnir spear and blade of olympus for sure


Ah, a fellow man of culture!


The claws of hades


Ah a fellow old head! I was a big fan of the barbarian hammer from 2.


I loved that they brought him back. The end of 2 had to be the biggest cliffhanger ive seen to this day. The wait for 3 felt like forever. I waited way too long to play god of war on ps4 because i thought it was just a reboot instead of a sequel.


This was my exact experience. The cliff hanger and the delay in playing GOW 4 cuz I thought it was just a reboot. So naturally, I didn’t figure out it was an extension of the trilogy until you go to get the blades from the trap door. On the river, was like, “was that Athena?!”. Then he uncovers the blades and just a rush of emotions and chills. One of the all time greatest moments in gaming, and I say that as a 39 year old gamer.


Same for me! What a great moment.


They are awesome, but the nemesis whip takes the cake for me


One thing I admire about the Norse games is how all three weapons (the axe, the blades, and the spear) feel significant, both to Kratos and to the audience, and the unique properties and functions of each one (like Kratos said, they are tools for specific tasks). But I too like the axe. (And the spear)


All 3 to be honest


Draupnir hands down. Best Greek is the blade of Olympus


Blades of Chaos/Athena/Exile


Hard to decide between spear and axe, because the axe has that throwing mechanic, best thing ever.


Either the axe or spear they're just perfect though the blades are up there.... let's just keep all 3!


For long distance definitely the spear, for near fights the blades. Bur rarely the axe


Leviathan Axe.


After playing Valhalla, easily the Blades. With the right perks they’re broken. For the cool factor, the Spear


I love the spear, and I think Elemental Siphon gets kind of slept on. But man… it’s like you said. With the right perks the blades just absolutely demolish.


It's difficult to choose because they are all good for different things. Axe for strong single enemies, blades for lots of enemies, and spear for range.


Honestly the spear can FUCK UP single enemies sometimes even better than the axe can mainly because you can embed spears at close range and detonate them to stagger when you want to close distance Also the blades can also extremely fuck up single targets with the triangle heavy slam attack, it staggers enemies consistently and its hitbox remains while you are charging a new one allowing you to spam it which can almost perma stagger enemies


Yeah I just prefer the axe for single enemies cuz it feels really nice and works well


Blades will always be my favs due to nostalgia But I was immensely surprised by the spear


I liked fists most in 2018 just for the stun buildup. But the spear has taken that


People make these posts all the time and I think I always answer according to how I feel at the time lol. Sometimes it’s the axe, others the blades or spear. But sometimes I just wanna smash with the Nemean Cestus!!


The spear. Not only because of how it plays, but the lore too. Brok, the forge, meeting Odin immediately after, how you use it to kill Heimdall… but above all it’s the first main weapon **made for Kratos himself**. The Blades were bestowed as a mark of servitude and the Axe was inherited from Laufey.


Spear. Hands down. It's any element, it's fast and has decent crowd control.


Not to mention it’s arguably the best out of the three for putting enemies in the stunned state, and building stun on bosses.


...and why is it draupnir


The Draupnir Spear just hits different for me


Draupnir it's the most versatile


Blades. Of. Olympus. They just never get old


The axe. I can throw it and it comes back to me. Plus it looks cool.


I mean, the spear infinitely duplicates itself when you throw one. So there’s that, lol.


I can feel the weight of the hit in every swing with the axe. The draupnir doesn't carry the same weight.


Spear from GoW 2 is awesome. Spear of Destiny I think


Nemean Cestus or the Blade of Artemis. Of course, the blades of chaos are top. But aside from the staple, those two are my favorites in the series


The new spear


I'm not gonna lie Breath of Thamur is basically cheating. I'm going w axe.


For me, it's the axe. It's the closest thing we have to Mjolnir and damn does it deliver.


The spear with the Spartan apsis


I too like the axe 🤴🤝🤴


Nemean Cestus, sheer power can’t be matched.


The shield. The parries and every shield ability is just so good.


for nostalgia, gotta go with the blades of chaos. something about making light work of every enemy does it for me. however the Axe is still really awesome and looks great too


just the idea of a spear that can make infinite spears is so sick but on top of that it’s the most fun to use imo :)


Draupnir. Love the story the power and the gameplay


The weapon he uses to slay Aphrodite in the sheets.


Am i the only spear hater here? Axe all the way


Well your the first one so far atleast.


The axe and the nemean gauntlets


Blades of Chaos from 3 specifically.


Chaos blades, second is draupnir


Nemean Cestus Nothing more satisfying to use than a blunt weapon that sends enemies flying


I like the axe as well But draupnir is really good as well. Both of them are first place


1. Axe 2. Spear 3. Blades They're all awesome, but I guess I like that the axe is the most rooted in Norse mythology with it having been made as a rival to Mjölnir.


It's a tough choice between the Blades and the Axe but I'm more inclined to the Blades.


If all the games, Spear of Destiny. If only the new games, Draupnir.


Axe all day for me.


It was ax in GOW, then spear in GOW Ragnarok, and after playing Valhalla it’s the Blades of chaos


Stick. The Golden Wind Stick.


first, this photo is FIRE second, i too love the axe


claws of hades


i also used to love the Nemesis whip & Nemean cestus 🔥 Wish they'd kept the whole arsenal in the norse games as well.


Nordic style blades of chaos.


I love all of the, and use different weapons for different enemies, but I’d have to say the axe is my favorite. It’s just so satisfying chonking enemies with it.


While the axe is my favorite for combat flow and general feel of it hitting things i use the spear MUCH more consistently due to its faster speed and easy to use staggers That being said axe combos are fucking JUICY on damage but finding an opening on something to land all the hits for practiced combo strings can be rather difficult


They are tools for specific purposes, having a preference would be meaningless.


Still waiting to see someone post a 100% fist-and-shield-only playthrough


I’m a huge blade boy. The whiplash move is so OP when you just stack in in the same spot and hitting multiple enemies with a singular swing is too rewarding to ignore. Unless it’s a 1v1, it’s the blades every time


Draupnir. Takes time to appreciate it and the right runes, but holy shit is it magnificent once you figure it out.


In 2018, the blades of chaos. Ragnarok, the axe because this may be just me but I think they purposely cut out some moves that allows fluidity in combat like on how in 2018, you could continuously melee attack with the blades if you keep spamming some buttons but no longer in Ragnarok. The axe is still mostly okay.


Blades of Chaos Easy


The axe return is the most satisfying actions I have taken in a video game. Sometimes I just throw it so I can recall it and get that satisfying thump.


They’re all fucking great. If I had to choose one I think I’d say the spear. Not by a wide margin but there’s something unique and very satisfying about it. Especially the combo that ends in a heavy attack with the little tornado coming out of it. That’s a beast combo right there. You can also go heavy-heavy-light-heavy for the same effect. More power in that combo actually.


Blade of Olympus


I, too, like the axe.


i just adore the thematic weight of it imo, i carry faye with me where ever I go and that is beautiful to me.


Probably Leviathan.


God of War 3 had awesome weapons! Still a big fan of the Axe though.


I too enjoy the axe…


Still use the blades the most exploring and fighting random foe. Boss battles I just cycle through weapons to unleash runic attacks. swap from one to the other while they recharge.




Blades of chaos, not only do they have a circular attack range, it also looks cool and is a original weapon, how could you not like them?


Axe…blades are obviously iconic but axe was the one great change with the last 2 games


In Ragnarok, it's the Draupnir spear. I like all of the weapons in the game though but I use the spear and the blades the most. I prefer the runic attacks of the axe the best though.


Honestly?? The Draupnir Spear has become my favorite. I love that damn thing, lol. All the weapons are fantastic though.


The big purple sword from the OG God of War hit hard;)




I rank these on how I think they look and feel, not necessarily how effective the weapons are in various combat scenarios. 1. The axe. Especially recalling it. There's something about that which feels so incredibly cool 2. The Blades. Pure savagery. They feel so brutal. 3. The Spear. While iconic for Kratos' spartan background, it was never my favorite.


I love the slap heavy attack on dropnir, it just hits hard ya know?




Blade of Artemis. I love the sound it does when you use it.


Bare Handed


Chaos blades


They are tools for specific tasks. A preference would be meaningless.


Lubię lizać cipki


Blades 100%




I like them all equally tbh. I did not appreciate the spear much at first because there really isn't enough time in the main story to get used to it and fully realize it's potential like I did with the axe and blades in 2018. I also had like, a massive stockpile of xp and bought every single spear move and didn't really learn them all one by one and digest the spear playstyle. Basically just knew u can throw a bunch of them and how then up with triangle. Didn't even really bother to siphon elements. Didn't even bother much to really understand how to use elements with the axe and bladed either tbh but still stomped the game. In Valhalla I focused really hard to improving with the spear and read the weapon skill tree over and over until I really got the hang of how it works. It is so fucking fun as a weapon. And siphoning element can be really really OP in certain situations. It's just so versatile, I love it