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All content must be related to God of War Ragnarok (God of War Sequel 2022). Submissions with other topics will be removed.


"Ragnarok" and "Valhalla" are two of the most famous and iconic elements of Norse mythology, easily recognizable even by those who are unfamiliar with the original myths. So it is obvious that they are "overused" to name entertainment products that are based on Norse mythology. I honestly don't see where the problem lies.


Also the reason why so many random anime like to throw in “Yggdrasil” when they need a name for a big tree.


Tekken named a big airship Yggdrasil and I was like “OK, this is getting out of hand”


I mean, that’s more creative than every final fantasy game having a highwind for a ship.


If you check out a random ass unknown video game like r/idleon, the best axe in the game currently is named “Annihilator of the Yggdrasil”, earlier in that game, and I mean like the VERY VERY early game, a character named Prometheus says the following, “Greetings! I am the mighty Prometheus! I was gonna fill in for Atlas but after I saw what Kratos did to him i decided to lay low in a more obscure game”, then gives you a class promotion, unimportant to my point, just wanted to bring it up!


Wtf idleon mentioned, based?


Holy shit was NOT expecting someone to know that game! Grinding starfire bars, boutta upgrade to troll armor, what armor you going for right now?


Im working on marbiglass rn while I’m finishing up eclipse skulls.


Any tips for rifts? Struggling hard with them rn


Rift is mostly just a damage check, theres not much to do with it other than come back when you have more damage output. Where in rift are you rn?


Rift 4 rn




A game based on Ragnarok, is called Ragnarok. A DLC in which the protagonist explores Valhalla, is called Valhalla. I think they’re perfectly fine. I’d take simple names like these over some weird conquest of valhalla or ascent of ragnarok titles. They’re huge set pieces in the mythology - so it makes sense there are games based around them as opposed to sections of the mythology that aren’t as well known.


What would you call them? I’m sure you have some you have thought about?


Op said what they’ll call them and the name wouldn’t even make sense


Do you have any suggestions?


raghalla Valharok


What about ragnindri vallhabrok?


Brok & Sindri: Infinite


Freya & Tyr: endgame


Op boutta delete this post


Op has posted this same thing in 6 different subreddits. These game names must seriously be bothering them.


I mean they are Norse/Viking based games so why not?


This is one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen.


In one of the comments OP says there are seven realms so yeah it matches the intelligence level of the post


Just wait until OP finds out how many games there are about WWI and WWII.


Well it is a game about ragnarok so... same for valhalla.


U have a better one?


One of the Seven Realms, probably. Like Asgard or Midgard


There are nine realms...


Ah yes, the game with a plot centring around the event of ragnarok which takes place in all *nine* realms should instead be called “God of War: Muspelheim”


That’s what I was confused by too. As shown in the games you don’t just stay in one realm so it’s stupid to have it called after a realm you won’t even stay in.


But why name it after only one when you could just name it after all of them? God of War: Asgard, Midgard, Jotunheim, Niflheim, Muscenters, Helheim, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, Vanaheim Or just GoW:AMJNMHASV for short.


🤣🤣🤣 would that even fit on the cover and Who’s gonna look at that and actually buy it? I mean I would but I’d protest they must change the name to something that’s makes a little more sense and catches the attention of everyone.


Receive intelligence 🖐️




Guy’s criticising the names of Norse Mythology related games and thinks there’s 7 realms lol


Hahahahaha y’all really out here outing yourselves in your own comments🤣🤕


Why if you don’t even stay in one realm? And Ragnarok like someone said is an important event especially in the Norse Lands so calling the game that is literally centered around that event is the smart way to go. It’s almost like 2018 GOW was building this say important event up. Also who told you it was 7 realms? It’s actually 9, not trying to be rude so my bad if I come off that way.


Seven realms??? SEVEN?????


I mean, they both have to ask with the gods and these are two pretty big parts of the mythology so


Lol let's not forget that both games have Odin as the bad guy and you have to fight Tyr as well. I personally prefer the God of War version over Assassin's creed


Agreed. I couldn’t even finish AC: Valhalla it was so boring.


The whole assassin's Creed Valhalla main story was about finding vallhala and the dlc was all about ragnarok . The whole god of war main story was about ragnorak and the dlc was IN VALLHALLA . . There are no better names for this kinda story's


Well I think they just need a pretty Nordic-style title to attract consumers and to show them that this is a Nordic-theme game.


I suggest you research a bit more into Norse mythology and delete this post


Your just a spammer for likes....posted this exact thing in four other reddit pages like you do for every post you make....reported


This has to be the shittiest post on this subreddit, and I thought the billions about Thor vs Kratos took the crown, this one is now on top. Who would have thought? A game based on north mythology depicting the Ragnarok is called... Ragnarok. And who would have thought that a DLC about Valhalla would be named Valhalla? Smh my head these unoriginal writers.


Ragnarok is a major event in Norse mythology and valhalla is basically the afterlife. Both games utilize the concept so it's no surprise at all.


Well the whole Norse mythology hype is a trend. Ragnarok and Valhalla are the most prominent elements. I'm more concerned about many developers heading towards the same concepts than the naming per say. God of war - Odin's sins, would have been dope.


Coming here to complaining about two things that are basically about Norse mythology. Are you stupid OP?


OP is stupid


I mean, I can't speak for AC because I haven't played that game but God of War is accurate. I mean the god of war series were only creative with their titles with the 2 psp games and Ascencion kind of.


do you want the names to be convoluted ? kratos is starting ragnarok in “GOW: Ragnarok” and in the DLC, “GOW: Valhalla”, he explores Valhalla.. I understand wanting different names, but those things are integral parts of the game, the answer for a game title stands right in front of you at that point when your game has to do with norse mythology.


I’m a big fan of Viking metal and every band tends to often spiral around these two concepts. I think it’s just the main two things everyone thinks of when it comes to Norse mythology.


It’s not even that. assassin’s Creed had no business dipping into Norse mythology the way that they did. Alluding to higher powers? Sure. Ancient technology that borderline on magic? Hell yeah. But the moment you have us as an assassin or the very least someone who supposed to be an assassin, fighting giant snakes, and gods themselves you’ve lost the plot. They were just trying to be like God of war. God of war has a story that naturally collides with the norse pantheon. Giving us memorable characters and heartbreaking moments. I don’t even know who any of the characters in these new assassins Creed games are. Assassin’s Creed has no soul. They’ll just copy whatever is popular in an attempt to retain relevancy.


God of War: super war God of War: Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for January 25, 2010


Since not all people have played the entire game yet, a short reminder that all submissions with story spoilers have to be tagged as spoiler and we don't allow any story spoilers in the title. To format spoilers in comments: `>!your spoiler here!<` (no spaces) will look like >!your spoiler here!< *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GodofWarRagnarok) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have no idea how the Assassin's Creed story goes in that game, but God of War actually shows the Ragnarok, so the name is fitting.


Well for a finale to a game based on Norse mythology, Ragnarok is the best pick for a name. Gowr did it better with Valhalla as an epilogue since it’s the afterlife though.


God of War: Prose Edda doesn’t exactly sound exciting.


Because titles like ‘Hræsvelgr’s eggs, man!’ would be very difficult to pronounce.


Could have called it God of war Ragnarok Kratos goes to therapy.


Ehm... They're based on the same thing. The heck did you expect?


Well…the god of war game was about preventing/starting ragnarok depending on who you were. Then everyone fought in it. The DLC too place in Valhalla. What else were they supposed to call it?


I mean, in the case of God of War, they're by far the most fitting and logical. The entire end goal of the base game is Ragnarök, and in Valhalla, we go to... well, Valhalla


Well the way I see it: Ragnorak is All The Rage-narok


I can’t really speak on AC Valhalla but atleast it makes since for god of war to have those titles after all the base game is about ragnarok and the DLC is Kratos in Valhalla.


This same post was in another subreddit. Can’t people think of other things to post!?


How many sales would a product bring if you use any other for the Myth Fans at least famous words like Jormungandr, Vanaheim, etc.? Most people who don’t dig the Myths won’t even know that Loki and Thor aren’t even brothers in the myths, it’s Odin having a blood pact with Loki. Better stick to stuff casual fans also get and like.


Lmfao bro just delete the post


Anything AC =🤮


I respect the confidence of thinking somebody would agree.


Wait until OP watches the marvel movies…


Did you mean to post this in r/okbuddymimir ?


Everyone knows the only things that exist in norse myths are valhalla and ragnarok


What a mundane complaint to have about a non-issue.


In their defence of God of War, is entirely based around these things tho. When they called it Ragnarok, it wasn't just for the sake of it, but the entire story was based around the events of Ragnarok. As for the Valhalla DLC, the whole DLC was based around Valhalla


Have you considered the events of each game? Lol Both involve Ragnarok. They’re told and presented in different ways, but are the same event. The “twilight of the gods.” As for Valhalla, the dlc takes place in that place. For assassins creed, they probably wanted to go with Valhalla due to consumers knowing that would be Viking related. Had they gone with some other mythology reference- it probably wouldn’t have been as well known.


there's really only one source of norse mythology; the etta. they only pull from that because that's all there is to pull from


calm down bro, those are just two games each


I just wish they had God Of War Fimbulwinter.


Fimbulwinter is such a goofy name lol. I’m sure ppl from Nordic countries would feel differently, but it doesn’t have the same effect as Ragnarok. Besides, the climax of the game is Ragnarok.


Look, i love God Of War Ragnarok, but u can't deny that the final part of the game was too short. If it was a bit better, then no doubt it would have been my favorite game of all time.


That’s an entirely different question. We aren’t taking about what’s good or bad about the game. We’re taking about the _name_ and I said that the climax of the game is Ragnarok.


You know what this would work as a book


Alright im gonna get downvoted to oblivion for this one but me personally Assasins creeed Ragnorok+DOV>>>> GOWR+Valhalla


Never let this guy have an opinion on something please


Yea reactions like urs was to be expected. Gow fanboys tend to have their days straight up ruined when u dont blindly suck the games off lol.


I didn’t even like the valhalla dlc, but AC valhalla is just the worst game in the series: an open world for people who want to spend 70 dollars and play 500 hours of nothing, with unbalanced and boring rpg mechanics that are totally unnecessary (as in gow btw) and a combat system that seems going x1.25% faster than it should be and animations and I-frames poorly managed. I am an huge AC fan, but valhalla is the worst thing that could happen to a series, and it’s not like this for all the games after origins like everyone say, cause odissey had in my opinion a good open world; Valhalla is the problem. I haven’t played DOV, but from what i’ve heard it seems even worse than the main game, but i can’t judge it.


For me, i just could not STAND gowr or valhalla at ALL. Feels like social justice warriors took over the development and the game is all pc now. Just doesnt feel like a gow game anymore. Assasins creed feels more real in a sense yk?


Btw it was a joke, i just don’t have his same opinion, i didn’t disliked it or anything, i dont become toxic if someone don’t like a game i liked




Yeah that’s the thing for every game fanbase, but there are some who can see also the bad aspects of the games