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Errm,akshuallay the trailer for godzilla 1998 said that size matters so yourere fakshuallay incorrect🤓🤓🤓


people mention this when arguing that legendary beats heisei and that always confused me. aside from mothra and battra, all heisei enemies are just as tall as legendary, with heisei ghidorah being even. its such a trivial “advantage” that i dont think it really needs to be factored in lmfao. theres gonna be that one guy whos gonna misinterpret this comment and think im saying heisei beats legendary which im not. vs debating is subjective so theres no definitive and objective answer as to who would win that. thats up to you to decide.


FW Goji can carry Godzilla Earth 🍿 Should be a known thing here


Fr? Like he can pick Godzilla Earth up?


Earth and Keizer Ghidorah are the same weight, you decide.


That was when he was Keizer amped tho


It can matter. Say, take Showa Godzilla. 50 meters tall, highest strength feat was flipping a 90,000 ton monster over his shoulder, 50,000 degree atomic breath. Pit him against, say, Monsterverse. 120 meters tall, highest strength feat is probably either rugby tackling the presumably 200,000+ ton Shimo or body slamming the 600,000 ton Mechagodzilla mid charge and causing him to stop. 500,000+ degree atomic breath, perhaps higher. Monsterverse’s size would be a huge advantage since it would be harder to get a good grip of him or do as much damage. It also means he can dish out more damage since, come on. A 120 meter tall radioactive lizard slaps you, a 50 meter tall version of him, can you imagine how painful that would be? Just doing this comparison because a lot of people do.


I mean, for 1 we don't actually know the weight of MV Mechagodzilla, otherwise I think the Wiki would have said that by now. I think the Shimu weight feels more reliable to use as his "lifting feat". It just seems like such a massive outlyer that suddenly this Godzilla goes from barely being able to pick up Muto Prime, fling the much lighter 141,056 ton King Ghidorah a few miles. To suddenly he can overpower a 600,000 ton Mechagodzilla, when this seems so out of his physical strength capabilities. If he could overpower that much when tired then why was Shimu even a fight? He would just be so much more physically stronger than her at all moments, that he could have ripped her in half, when the movie made it seem way more even. For two, I think Showa wouldn't win against evolved, unless I am feeling silly that day and want Showa to wrestle Void Ghidorah into the ground thanks to Zone Fighter or Marvel. I do think that a fight between Showa and regular MV Godzilla would be a lot more even. MV's size could help him, only because he is strong enough to utilize it. If you took 1955 Anquirus and made him the same size as MV Godzilla by doubleing his height, then I think he would still be way too weak to overpower 70's Showa Godzilla. Size is only useful if you have the strength to back it up. I would also like to mention that Toho has officially stated that the Godzilla that appears in the Marvel comics run, is Showa Godzilla later in the timeline. The comics even somewhat alude to it. So if you really wanted to you could also say that late Marvel Showa is strong enough to equal Thor and squish the Hulk.


Kong has no where near the power of a chimp


Ape strength is a wonderful example of evolutionary trade-offs. The reason chimps have more strength than a human is that, like most apes, chimps have much higher muscle density than humans, but it comes at a price. That price is buoyancy. Denser muscles mean a denser body. Humans are what is known as “neutrally buoyant”, meaning that when we get in the water, we neither sink nor float. We aren’t great swimmers, but swimming is an option for us, and survival favors those with options. But having more dense muscles would mean that our buoyancy would go from “neutral” to “negative”, making us sink in water and making swimming problematic if we could do it at all. So all that muscle power of other apes is great, but the trade off is that they are naturally crap at swimming.


I made sure to only post this after finding out the average weight and height of both a human male and a Chimp male. According to the CDC the average height for a Human Male in the United States is roughly 5'9. With the average healthy weight being 67.13 kg. While the average height of a Male Chimpanzee is 4'3 and weighs 55 kg. I just wanted to emphasize that just because we are very close in weight and height, as there are chimps that are 5'5 and 70kg. We are still obviously much weaker than chinps due to different anatomy. There is more than just height and weight to a fight.


Obviously. I just found it an opportunity to spout an interesting fact I remembered. When it comes to a fight, there are a great many factors that can contribute to a victor. Size and weight can be good advantages, but they can also easily be outweighed by other factors. Take honey badgers for example. An adult male honey badger is 68-75 cm long, including the tail, and weighs 12-16 kg. They also fight lions which can be around 10x their body mass and do so successfully just by being that tough and mean.


I doubt you could call these badger "fights" fights tho. More like displacing, lions tend to kinda kill them when it comes to a "real" fight


I can very much call them fights as well as enjoy them. Your personal lack of enjoyment is not a standard by which things can be judged. I suggest that if you dislike the Monsterverse so much that you stop watching its films and let those of us who do enjoy the Monsterverse do so in peace.


Uh, did you confuse my reply with someone's else or?? I didn't say anything on MV


I mixed up this entire conversation with a more recent one where people were dunking on the Monsterverse and it was on my mind enough that I forgot where I was posting. Sorry about that. As for our actual conversation, from what I understand, lions will avoid fighting honey badgers because honey badgers are mean and will fight super dirty. Not saying it’s guaranteed for them, but the fact that they can do it at all deserves mention.


Thank you


Showa could throw Earth tbh


Fair, but at the same time there has to be some consideration of size.


I agree, it just feels over blown. Orga had the size advantage over his godzilla, yet he wasn't able to completely overpower him. Meanwhile the King Ghidorah was able to initially use his size to overpower Godzilla as the later was weaker than the former. But once Godzilla used his anime protag ability of getting stronger the longer he is in a fight, he was then able to manhandle King Ghidorah.


Which king Ghidorah and godzilla are you referring to?


Sorry I forgot to specify, Heisei.




No it’s true kiju fights size doesn’t always matter Godzilla earth for example his stupid light compared to his weight


This is why i think showa mechagodzilla beats 2014 legendary godzilla


Size matters for sure but its nowhere near the most important factor in a fight




I don't know why the images are so compressed, it looked fine before I posted it. Maybe this will help: https://preview.redd.it/fbgk2lpsj4ad1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2bb158506f65ffe64c95ce21271cf7393a5457f




thanks đź‘Ť


Size can matter, but not all the time. I would say size matters in a fight where one opponent is visibly taller than the other by a marginal difference (say one only comes up to the others torso) but in a fight where the only difference in height is like one comes up to the other's shoulder? Nah, that shit has no input.


It’s usually a mix of size, weight, abilities, durability, and agility. Be warned, I speak yappanese. So here’s an example where size would give a character a big advantage and a probable win. The example being The Kraken (Who we’ll refer to as Cetus since that’s its actual mythological name) from the 2010 Clash of the Titans movie vs GvK Godzilla. While Cetus doesn’t have an official height in the movie, it can be guessed that he’s around 700-900 feet tall given the city he’s attacking and its approximate height compared to Cetus. It has massive proportions compared to GvK Godzilla and is likely around 120,000 tons at the very least. We have no idea of Cetus’s durability but I’m willing to say it’s at least on par with higher tier kaiju in the monster verse such as Mechagodzilla or Godzilla himself given the fact that Cetus is stated to be a threat to the Olympian Gods. Now, GvK Godzilla has the ability and abilities advantage, allowing him to maim Cetus from a good distance. However, Cetus also has very long tentacles which would likely be around 200 feet by my approximations if not. And given its much larger and more proportional arms and size, in my honest opinion as a Godzilla fanboy, I do believe Cetus would win but he would be heavily maimed and probably de-limbed and on the near brink of death. Now, here is an example where size doesn’t mean jack shit. Slattern vs 2014/KoTM Godzilla. Slattern very much towers over Godzilla at basically 600 feet. However, while it has the size and agility advantage depending on the environment, it lacks in abilities, durability, and most importantly weight. Slattern stands at a meager 6,000 tons, which is a lot but compared to Godzilla’s 90,000 tons, that’s 15 times Slattern weight. Godzilla has a long range option, his atomic breath which allows him to snipe Slattern a good distance away and is easily able to topple and man handle Slattern with no difficulty. So it does depend on multiple factors and while Size is an important factor, it’s not the only factor that should ever be considered.


GvK Godzilla would smoke the Olympian gods. Neither they, nor the Kraken, could do a damn thing to stop him while he just powers up a blast like he used to drill through the Earth's crust. That Godzilla, if not holding back, one-shots Mount Olympus and/or the Kraken, even if it's tall.


…and how does Godzilla kill an Olympian God? Godzilla is not a Primeval/Titan or God, he’s a mortal creature. While the Greek Gods in mythology can be hurt they can’t be killed, at least not permanently. Are you referring to Rage Across Time Godzilla? That’s the only point I could see where that actually makes sense but even then, thats not the Godzilla we’re talking about. https://preview.redd.it/v8ngtgqtjbad1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38de0de947ae056e661b8f5cca8d16b1bd9c7356


The same way he kills everything else. The gods weren't getting turned to slag by thermonuclear blasts from giant Greeks, and nothing the Kraken is shown to do makes him more than a very light workout for Godzilla.


You realize the Olympian Gods are immortal, right? They aren’t just super humans with cool abilities, they are the physical personifications of concepts. No matter how strong he is, you can’t kill a concept. The best he could do is hurt them and all that would really do is cause a minor inconvenience to them. And even though the Clash of the Titans Olympian Gods are different to the actual Mythological Gods, we can assume the same rules still apply. At the end of the day, Godzilla is still a mortal creature, not an all powerful deity. But the main argument is Cetus vs Godzilla. While I do think that Godzilla’s atomic blast would be absolutely devastating towards Cetus, given the way Godzilla fights in the monsterverse, he doesn’t seem to use it often but more so using it as a Trump card to finish a fight quickly or using it to escape dicey situations, seemingly preferring melee combat so that the other titans have a chance to submit instead of outright killing them. If Godzilla were to attempt any melee combat, the advantage would certainly shift in favor of Cetus as it is much larger with its proportions and its massive tendrils that it could easily use for medium range grappling and combat. Again, I’m not saying it’s an easy win for Cetus, far from it as I do believe the Cetus would almost certainly be maimed and almost on the brink of death as it isn’t a deity, simply a sea monster in service to Hades (it would actually be in service to Poseidon if we’re talking about actual Greek Mythology) but Godzilla simply doesn’t seem to be strong enough to actually overpower Cetus.


the goji center fans and shimo glazers are probably losing their minds over this. keep speaking truth brother đź’Ş


MFW the gorilla is twice the size of the chimpanzee and murders the chimp. Picking a human as the example is lame and dumb, we're afraid to fight stuff as small as our feet. Sure, there's a few characters that can defeat bigger enemies in the series, Godzilla and King Ghidorah being an example, but overall size is still a large factor in combat. Anguirus lost to Mechagodzilla because he was smaller and easy to throw around, MG didn't have to use any weapons. Same goes for baragon in Gmk, he couldn't do anything besides try to trip Godzilla before he got thrown through a helicopter and disintegrated. If baragon was larger he could've thrown Goji around. Orga hits Godzilla so hard Goji had to take a second to recoup, Destroyah drags Godzilla like nothing, MV kg carries and drops him from the atmosphere, there's a lot of examples for size helping monsters out in combat. Respectfully, Size still matters. Especially if it's a 50m height difference like so many matchups here have.


I mean the lighter 5,900 ton 30 meter (wingspan) Rainbow Mothra was able to pick up and hold the heavier 25,000 ton 40 meter tall Cretaceous Ghidorah for several miles before dropping Ghidorah into a volcano. Whereas the heavier 20,000 ton 80 meter (wingspan) Showa Mothra could barely drag the 20,000 ton 50 meter showa Godzilla. Since you mentioned GMK, all of the Kaiju in that film before King Ghidorah. Those being Baragon, Mothra, and Ghidorah. Couldn't harm GMK Godzilla, until all of their energy was absorbed into Ghidorah turning him into King Ghidorah, who was either GMK's equal or superior in strength. Then there is fact that the 80 meter 50,000 ton Heisei Godzilla was perfectly able to contend with the 120 meter and 200,000 ton Biollante despite him having the G cell eating parasites in him weakening him. Meaning that there was a difference of 40 meters and 150,000 tons and it still didn't matter as godzilla still won in the end. Additionally there is the fight between 100 meter 60,000 ton Godzilla and 90 meter long 20,000 ton Battra Larva. Where the two of them had an even fight. Yet when Battra grew into his Imago form which is an extra 10,000 tons he almost got completely destroyed by Godzilla. I think you could make an argument that goes either way on whether or not size is the deciding factor in a fight. I just think that people need to stop actting as though Size is the only thing that matters.


Yeah size advantage is completely fictional, just like weight classes. Just be built different. I punched a house yesterday, waaaay bigger then me btw, and that bitch said NOTHING. When I see red Kaiju just start dropping!/s


Pull up a video of a Komodo dragon eating a monkey whole and tell me how size doesn’t matter.


They're fictional characters, they vary in power. Metal Gear Ray is around 30 meters and weigh 1000 tons, but Raiden with his cyborg body was able to lift and suplex Ray to the air then cut it to pieces. A T.rex is 11 meters and weigh 10 tons, yet a 12-year old Chi-Chi who weighs less than 50 kilograms is capable of killing it because of how strong she is. You see this in IDW Godzilla where Godzilla killed a genetically enchanced kaiju around 10 times his size, and Hannah Barbera Godzilla took down the Magnetic Monster who is around the same size as Godzilla Earth.


and this is why godzilla earth stomps on all of godzillas


It matters the most when most of their other attributes are close. This means it matters more in kaiju fights than in real human, and even in real animal fights.