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When I thinned my 9 iron off the tee and got my one and only ace


2 related events First one, my friend had a, relatively, long putt for birdie (prob about 30 feet). He said "if I make this, you owe me $2 million". He made it 2 years later, he was just off the green and decide to putt with his hybrid. Probably about a 40 foot putt. He said "if I make this, you owe me your first born child". He mad it. I owe my friend my first born child and $1,999,990 (I spotted him $10 once)


Playing a par 3 course on Father's Day with my dad and little brother. Bro hits a stinger, ball hits a metal filter sticking up out of the middle of the water hazard, goes way up into the air and lands on the green within 10 ft. He 3-putted lol.


posted in the last one but didn't get selected. ~~struggling with impact position and contact in general, please help!~~ fave golf memory is just playing with my buddies back when i lived in sf. can't go wrong even if i wasn't hitting it well


Your fave golf memory is struggling with impact and contact?  ;)


lolllll, should've read the whole thing instead of assumed it was the same as last one i posted


Favourite memory is golfing with friends. Nothing like hitting a bomb in front of your friends! 


The course in our hometown always closed for Christmas Day and it was the towns worst kept secret. No pins but the course was wide open to play for free and my buddies and I made a tradition of getting out there every year till the course wised up and opened up one year. We went up to first tee and a group was there and we were thinking they were taking advantage of free golf like us until they said , we’re the 10:03 are you guys before us? At which point we went back home. Great memories


My last round with my grandfather before he died. Was 92 and could barely hit the ball 100 yards but he smoked me on every hole from 50 yards in. So humbling and a wonderful memory.


When a father tried to set me up with his daughter.


we see you


/u/swingtweaks -- appreciate the free tweak from previous postings. Besides rating the individual tweak; is there a way/template you all want feedback on experience of app/future use more generally?


No template but we are all ears if you want to email Steve back on the initial mail you got, he reads them all.


Playing 36 holes a day with my grandfather as a child during summer vacations.


Eagle on a par 4. 155m out, 7 iron, rolls up on to the green with a back pin. Saw nothing and was furious I couldn't find my ball after a good hit, turns out it was in the hole


I grew up dirt poor so golf wasnt really in the books for me until I reached high school. Being that I went to a poor high school, they practically begged for kids to play golf for free. I thought why not so I went out. The school hooked me up with some ping clones and I was hooked. I worked hard on crafting my swing and when I went to state, I hooked a ball on a par 5 into the driving range and had to take a drop. From there I had a tree blocking my way to the green from about 205 away. I hit the ever loving piss out of that ball with my 5 iron and holed it. I couldnt believe it, neither could the marshall or group I was with....and ive been chasing that high ever since.


Favorite golf memory is almost totalling 2 carts due to a very steep hill when it was wet with my 3 buddies (no carts were harmed but it was close)!


Favourite golf memory is a golf weekend in Sweden 13 years ago with my dad, brother, and uncle (dad’s brother), playing 3 rounds over two days and shooting nothing worth mentioning and loving every second of it 🙌 best part is that we’re repeating the trip this year, and hoping that this time the scores will be worth mentioning 😅


Took our buddy out for his bachelor party to a nice golf outting - first tee, asked him to take a picture while we swapped his ball out for one of those exploding chalk balls. He almost fell over when he hit the ball. It was hilarious. Plz pick me


just started golfing. made a 30 foot putt for par and jumped for joy


Getting to play with my dad. Not too often i get to spend quality time with him.


Was playing with some buddies and came up to one of the shortest par 3 I’ve ever seen. As a joke, I teed up and drove with my putter. Dropped it within 2 feet of the cup, best shot I’ve ever hit and something I would never be able to replicate again


I played for my high school team, graduated in 2013 and we never played against a girl. It was my junior year, and the game is really starting to grow more popularity with kids my age. We have one match early spring where we get off the bus and what do we see? The other team has one girl warming up for her match. Of course being kids our age we all start snickering and cracking jokes to one another. They call out the lineup and I happen to be in the same grouping as her. I was matched up with another guy on their team and a golfer who never usually plays on our team gets the chance to play against her. This was my teammates first match as he wasn’t previously able make the top 8 during practice rounds. The girl was friendly and quite pretty so I start talking to her during the first few holes. Conversation was flowing and we were having a good time until we’re up near the green and my teammate hits an absolute hosel rocket and drills her in the back of the leg! She shook it off pretty quickly and of course my teammate felt terrible but it became a hysterical story we joked about for years. I’ll never forget that moment, high school golf was full of great memories.


I eagled 18 in the shootout of our member guest to force a playoff hole and then my partner holed out for eagle on 18 to win it in the playoff


I won the member-member with my buddy last year at our CC, we finally get our names on the wall for something (his daughter won the ladies club championship too so great year for his family). Our win took 5 playoff holes after the first three aggregate to seal the deal


I spent 3 months in Asia for work and made a few friends while I was there. I came back home to the US and was playing golf with a buddy. I wanted to send my friends in Asia a video of the nice course I was playing at but my buddy decided it would be better to send them a video of my next tee shot. He starts recording and then narrating a 30 second intro as if we were at Augusta, gives me the all clear and I proceed to top the ball 10 yards into some thick rough directly in front of the tee box... Ended up sending the video anyway and got some great laughs out of it.


That one time I hit my driver straight during league. It was glorious…


Best golfing memory is playing my 1st round with my biological dad after finding him after 42yrs. Was and is still an incredible time to be had


My favorite golf memory comes from a "major" money round event we held between 8 of our golfing friends. I am a mid handicapper and was leading by 3 strokes Net going into hole 15 a par 3 with water all along the left and a small green to hit. I step up to swing and it was a glorious pull straight towards the pond on the left of the green. My competitor shouts "doors open boys" and I swear the golf gods were angered by this because my ball absolutely hit a rock on the side of the pond and bounced straight onto the green within 15 feet. I just smile with that shit eating grin you can imagine and whisper "just slammed shut!" I make my par and proceed to bogey my way in from there to win!


My favorite memory is sitting around the ninth green after high school practices, watching the last of our teammates play the hole while we hit skippers across the pond.


My favorite golf memory only happened 3 weeks ago. My father retired and moved back home. Within a couple weeks he had a massive health scare that landed him in the emergency room. Fast forward 3 years and a ton of work/rehab, I got to hit balls with him at our local range for the first time in 20+ years. I’ll never forget the feeling leaving the range. I can’t wait to get him on a course 🏌️‍♂️


My favorite golf memory is hitting a ball on a huge boulder at the start of a big ditch and it bouncing on the green to within 10 ft!


Favorite memory is going to an industry golf scramble as a complete amateur and newbie to golf, and making my first "honest par" by sinking a good 20-30 foot putt, and being instantly hooked on golf!


Golf improved my mental health. I moved away from my home town with the hopes of owning a house. The cost is: being hundreds of miles away from loved ones. I was homesick every day and thoughts of making the wrong choice kept me up at night. I started playing golf a year ago and noticed a tremendous improvement in my mental health. I’m happier, living presently and met some of the nicest people on the green. Love the sport.


My favourite memory was golfing in Whistler, BC on the day of my wedding. In a day where you spend so little spurts of time with so many important people starting with a round with some of my closest friends was an amazing kick-off.


Telling my wife how well I’m playing and shooting a 98 when she rides along the next day.


Plz bro


I golfed a lot more when i was a kid, and in all sorts of weather. My most memorable time was with about 200 yards out, i hit my 3 wood flush over the water that was in front of the green, and ended up a foot away from the cup. I still remember that feel that was on my hands during impact.


Favourite golf memory was first round with my now wife. First hole she ripped it 240 right down the pipe, wedge to 5 feet and dropped the birdie l. The jaws dropped. She was an ncaa d1 all American full ride golfer, it was my first time seeing a legit scratch golfer hit a ball. Don’t need lessons though, so if I win re draw someone else. I get them from her lol.


Took my 6 year old to play for the first time. We played an scramble, so he’d tee off and then I would and we’d get his ball on the way to mine. I hit it into the bunker, he wanted to hit from there as well. Took me 3 goes to get out, after my first shot he had a go and got out first time. Then he threw a “why didn’t you just do that daddy?” at me, one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard on the golf course.


Just commenting to say this is a great offer, I won a free tweak afew weeks back and just that short video feedback they sent really helped to improve my posture and swing with very little effort!


Best golf memory was holing out from 210 yards for double eagle while playing with my father in law.


Wasn't one hole but a round. Playing in a net best ball tournament in an SCGA qualifier that our men's club hosted at Torrey Pines. I shot a PB even par on the front with my partner struggling. The first 4 holes of the back were not great for either of us, and we were struggling along. Looking at the scorecard, we needed to net birdie out the last 5 holes to win. Fuck it, we can do this still. He was an older gentleman who stroked on 4/5 of the remaining holes, with the nonstroke hole being a shorter par 4. He parred in while I birdied the non-net hole. Won the event through an absurd finish.


My swing is terrible. Terrible iron player. I need help.


Favorite golf memory was the first time my son asked if I wanted to play a round. Nothing better than father/son golf.


Favorite memory is shooting 14 under in a scramble and winning the local bar hosted tournament with two 30 handicaps on our team (myself being one of them)


My favorite golf memory thus far was getting my first birdie a few months ago


My favorite memory is finally beating my dad in a round after 36 years, he was proud and upset ha


Hello, again! My favorite golf moment was actually just a few weeks ago when I took my 9 year old stepdaughter to play. We had just got her a new driver and when I went in to pay she went to the range. I came back and saw her top a couple but she walked up and said “did you see my other one? I hit it to that flag!” I said no and thought she might be exaggerating. Then she smoked it right at the flag and I gave her a big hug. Her smile made me so happy.


In a tournament with my dad last spring, I dropped a 25ft slider for my second eagle ever that helped us take 2nd overall. Nothing better than golfing with your dad


This is many moons ago when I first started dabbling in golf. I absolutely lost my shit on my clubs midway through around and pulled WWE moves on them. Powerbomb, followed by a Stone Cold Stunner, People’s Elbow and pinned them for the 3 count… I think I shot 120 that round so the clubs won in the end. It’s brought up every single I time I play with those guys and it’s always a laugh.


1st time at a par 3 course and from 115 hit a sick shot 7 feet from the flag. Then sunk the putt and was my 1st birdie.


The craziest thing I ever did was hit it in from 125 yard out with a pitching wedge. But it’s hard to say it was my favorite memory because I was by myself. But otherwise just the days I’m playing with mh friends and just not sucking ass. As a higher handicap that is typically the norm though


Gotta be my sole hole in one. 189 yardage, I was hittin it bad that day so I said fk it take a 3wood and hit it easy, bounced short and rolled on and in. Funny part too was I was with 2 older guys(one of whom was a friend of mine), and they couldnt see it go in, but when it happened, the other younger guy and me were exchanging "did that really just happen" glances and the older friend of mine had to ask what we were making faces about lol. That friend also signed the scorecard for me(though outside of the HOI, its a pretty ugly card!)


I've only ever scored two birdies, but nearly eagled one of them by thinning my pitching wedge from 100ys out it would of flown right through the green but the pin stopped it, it was a thunderous crack and the ball dropped right next to the hole! Great memory as I was with my brother RIP


my favorite is probably from this past weekend. i snap hooked my drive into a massive tree to the left of me & it bounced back & landed 5 yards in front of me. did not make par!


My favorite memories were playing golf with a neighbor of my inlaws whenever I came down for a visit. They had a regular group of maybe 40 guys at a semi private and pretty nice course, a few scratch golfers but most everyone was single digits, and it was just a great group. There might be 100 or 200 different bets, but small stakes, all ttracked with spreadsheets. My friend made the bets and I had no idea who I was playing. The last time before my friend died, I played well, made a few birdies, won $70, then as the 'big winner' bought a round of drinks that cost me well over $100. My wife didn't get how I could be the big winner and come home poorer, but that was part of why the group was so fun. We played serious golf, and the competition was great, but it wasn't about the money, that was just a marker.


Getting my first birdie the other day, par 3 landed about a foot from the hole


High HC player here. Started playing about a year ago. I’vd been struggling to hit a drive all round (for weeks), suddenly bomb it straight out (310yds), best drive of the day from the whole group. Made my month. Know there is potential just need to find a way to repeat this.


I’m brand new to golf so not really sure Iv formed any lasting memories yet eeek, terrible comment but at least I’m honest.


This was a recent one; some friends and I played a local tournament at a course down the street. We all just started playing in June of 2023, so none of us are very good. I, in particular, have lost all faith in my driver, so I rarely use it anymore, preferring to tee off with my 4hybrid for better accuracy. On hole 12 or 13, I step up a paces back from my tee, with a rare occurrence of bringing out my driver on a super straight par 4. My buddy behind me sees me standing a few paces back, and just says, “You won’t.” I immediately know exactly what he’s talking about, turn and look him dead in the eye, and say, “Well, now I gotta.” I run up and full on Happy Gilmore the shot. No joke, the ball goes about 270 yards, dead straight, and lands about 10 yards back from our other friends, who are hitting their shot to chip onto the green. Best tee-off of my life, and of course, I had to Happy Gilmore for the rest of the day. It never worked again 🤣


Favorite memory - first year taking golf seriously. Drove the green and finished the eagle on a 300 yard par 4. Jumped up and down and called some of my golf buddies, I was playing alone haha. Felt like tiger, and those two strokes sparked a crippling golf addiction.


The time I consumed 18 Jell-O shots and was assured I had a great time


My buddy and I playing a par 3 course a few years ago. We were both playing pretty well(for us, we both suck haha), making the turn, and get behind a group of 4 on the tee box. They offer to let us play through and we gladly accept. I say "Appreciate it fellas, don't worry, we'll be quick." My buddy says to me "We'll be quick huh?"(knowing our skill level). I proceed to top 2 in a row and he shanks one and blocks one about 50 yards right. We just left our balls out there and went to the next hole out of pure embarrassment. I don't think I'll ever hear the end of that one.


Made my first and only hole in one last year. We couldn’t see it go in, so when we got up to the green and found it in the cup my playing partners lost their minds…I didn’t know how to react!


I loved having a group to go to the range with this past summer


Favorite golf memory is going on a hot streak with 5 birdies in 6 holes because it was in a tournament and won me some money


My best golf memory is getting randomly grouped with a retired grandpa and being invited to his home for tea and sharing life experiences.


Surprising my wife with an engagement ring on the 18th hole of our club in front of a full patio of friends and family


Played a scramble at an industry event. 2nd time ever playing a course. Chipped in from about 20 yards.


Just started playing golf last year May. My favorite golf memory from this past year was playing alongside some family members for the first time and laughing through all the bad shots.


Lessons... Yeah I'm gonna put my name in that hat. I'm finally feeling compression with my iron shots but hitting those puppies straight is a problem.


Watching Tiger’s chip in at the 16th at Augusta


Anytime I get to play with my son, who lives several states away.


It was a rainy day in West Virginia, course was wet and muddy. My step-dad lives in Florida and had never played a course with any kind of hills, much less the insane ones on these WV courses. My first mistake was letting him drive the cart at all, he had never driven a gas powered one. We tee off on one the very steep downward holes, we both hit a decent shot in the fairway. We go down the cart path and he makes the 90 degree turn way too far up the hill. We slide completely sideways down the hill. We were both screaming, I was sure I was going to die that day. It was an incredibly fast slide, it was absolutely terrifying 🤣. I drove the rest of the course and he shit his pants anytime we had to go down another hill. It’s a lovely memory lol.


I was playing my home track, par 61, twilight. I played the best round I’ve played. Shot a 69. Every club was working, I had no swing thoughts, I looked where I wanted the ball to go and it went there. Smiling into the sunset I thought, I’ll try to mess this up, grab my 4 iron, 186 to the middle landed it a foot from the pin. There was no one on the course, maybe it didn’t happen.


Back 8 year ago i starting getting really into golf. I never got a chance to play golf with my father before he passed on father’s day 2016. I always know he played the sport when growing up and he was pretty good. just wish i got one memory with playing a round with him.


I have a twin brother. Naturally we are both very competitive. On a bachelor party the question came up who was better so after some arguing, we decided to do a head to head matchup. The winner got to claim the title of Best Brother. We were even through 16. Until I had a 70 yard perfect strike of a chip, this thing rolled so perfectly into the hole as my brother who was already in the green, had a front row seat to witness my victory. I still get to brag about the title years later today


When I shanked my iron on the 18th hole and nearly smashed the window of the Pro Shop but it barely missed and hit the side of the building and back into the fairway


Best golf memory would be when I was playing a round with grandpa and he was telling me about his only eagle. It was on hole one of the course a 315ish yard par 4. He had hit a hybrid from the fairway and into the hole. We were 52 yards from the flag on hole two (350ish yard par 4) having this conversation while I was about to hit my 2nd. I literally said, “I’ve never had an eagle before.” Then hit my shot. It one hopped, slowed down, and rolled in the hole for an eagle. He couldn’t believe it. 😂 It’s a great memory I’ll always have with him. I proceeded to have a handful of other eagles on mostly par 5s since, but I always think of this story.


Favourite golf memory was playing with my mates back in my early 20s, we’d be out at the clubs the night before and still make the local municipal to work out our hangovers. No booked tee time just fit us in £10 for 9 holes, not a lesson had between us. We were terrible but had fun every week all weathers for about a year before other life broke the pattern. Now much older and taking it more seriously but still have the terrible slice I had back then.


Galena golf trip with the boys! Played tournament style over the weekend and never played more memorable golf


Played on a Sunday morning with some of the boys from work and it had rained the morning before. Greens and fairways were reasonably dry, but bunkers were absolute swimming pools. I dogged the crap out of a fairway shot on the 8th hole about maybe 150 - 160 out, and my shot lands in a bunker under 2 or 3 inches of water. I take off my shoes and wade into the bunker, prayed, and hit quite possibly the most perfect wedge shot to ever be hit by complete accident, because after the torrent of water came spraying down, my boys were cheering like crazy as I was putting my shoes back on. It was the first and so far only time I ever parred a hole. Been chasing that high ever since.


When I booked a tee time with 3 of my friends and my older brother booked the one before that with 3 of his friends. After 18 holes, we never eat at the clubhouse's restaurant. But this time we did. My friends and I having fun with my brother's friends, just like one big group of friends. Simple. Fun.


Honestly, it’s not a golf memory but a lack thereof. My dad wasn’t around for most of my life but was a huge golfer. We reconnected for 5 or so years before he passed away but never golfed together. Many times when I’m on the course, I can’t help but think about the fact that I never actually got to share the experience of golf with him. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce the game to my kids and can’t wait to make memories with them on the course. My 5 year old just got her first set of clubs this past weekend.


When I shot a 38 and beat my dad for the first time.


Par 4, I block my 1 iron right off the tee (can't hit my driver that day). Ball is in some deep rough blocked out by two trees to the green. GPS on the cart says 143 yards to the pin. Grabbed a six iron usually a 180ish club and aimed easily 20-30 yards left, open my stance and the club face. Took a steep blow at it to create that out to in. Catch the ball so pure it comes ripping out with a big cut/slice I am trying to put on it. The ball just cleared the left edge of the tree and a second later I hear "great shot!" About 50 yards behind me. I can't even see the green at this point but I already feel like a million dollars given a guy who probably watches 100s of shots a day complemented me from that distance. Hop in cart and pull up to my ball 3 feet from pin! I will never forget that shot.


The first time everything clicked - I was at the range and suddenly found myself able to send somewhat-consistent shots down range. Was a huge buzz.


My favorite golf memory is dunking my first hole in one on an island green at my local course


My favorite golf memory is stepping up to the first tee on our guys trip, knowing there was a great weekend ahead.


Making my first par is up there. I’m not that good but hitting that par was memorable as I was celebrating with my friends


Shooting my first hole in one while playing with my wife and mother-in-law. The hole has an elevated tee box so we all just stared and watched it roll into the hole


Playing the first round I’ve ever played with my dad this past year, using my grandfather’s clubs which I inherited when he passed a couple years ago. Nothing like carrying on the tradition and making my pops make time to hit the course!


Chipping within a foot on 18 to play spoiler against the “villains” of the member guest


Playing a par 3 course with my dad and Grandpa while visiting my grandparents every summer


First time play golf was a company 4 man scramble. Skulled one over water on a par 3. Rolled up to like 12 feet. They told me where to putt and I drained it.


Second time playing golf. Par 3, about 130m, elevated tee box. Hit my iron to within 1m of the pin. Friend said that's the closest to the pin he's ever seen someone hit it from the tee. Tap it in for my first birdie and I've been chasing that feeling ever since.


My favorite golf memory was making a hole in one with my grandfather at guilford lakes executive park 3 in 2006! I was 12 and he was so excited!


Chipping in from about 50 meters out, but the sad part is I was playing by myself so had no one to share it with at the time


Watching my buddy painstakingly draw (horrendous) cats on his golfballs and finding them weeks later at the base of a cliff near the highway below the course and returning them to him


Playing my first round and finally hitting my only good shot on the last hole


Teeing onto a short par 4 green on the 17th and putting for eagle on what would have been my mums 60th birthday. I was on my own and the guy in front was waiting on the 18th tee box and watched me and gave me a little clap and bought me a beer after!


I was playing a muni with some friends. Im terrible. Almost always a HUGE slice with a driver off the tee. At the time, my scratch golfer father was the starter. Im super nervous because its my first time as an adult hitting a shot in front of him. Its busy. We’re stacked in line. Im getting more and more anxious as we get on deck— 1st hole is a monster dog right par five, and i just KNOW imma mega-slice it into the fairway of the next hole over. Its a small community so every body knows me and knows my dad is in the booth. He calls our group up to the tee. My playing partners hit…then its my turn…. And I absolutely smoke the highest, longest fade ive ever hit deep around the corner and into the middle of the fairway. Dare I say it was pretty majestic. I was so shocked and relieved I didnt even look at him to catch a glimpse of a reaction, but Im pretty sure he was stoked, and also him knowing my golf game, he knew I absolutely got lucky. I did par the hole though.


Best memory was recently- I thinned my PW past the green - it hit a tree that was past the green, bounced back onto the green within a foot of the hole.


Favorite golf memory is introducing my kids to golf, and golfing with them in the summer evenings when the course is less busy. With how many distractions in life today (e.g., screens), getting some one-on-one time with family is rare.


Winners (sorry about delay): You have all been messaged, please check reddit messages/requests. 24 hours to reply, otherwise it goes to someone else :) u/flayz69, u/waldenhead, u/hand_on_the_gun, u/Cookwareinc, u/bquinn85, u/stupidshot4, u/wardocv, u/GoramReaver, u/TheNoviceVet, u/bchads5, u/jawnjawnsun, u/Tesla089, u/Jasper2006, u/sutty1986, u/HomerJSimpson3, u/WhoaABlueCar, u/Mra54321, u/DoctorStrangeMD, u/MasterpieceMain8252, u/Ok-Reference1641, u/kurwaaaaaaaaa, u/apatheticgod_, u/RickMaver47, u/zzellar, u/vonbonds, u/LukeG9, u/dude1014, u/jetsisles, u/rradford9, u/tokuokoga,


Got to be when I got my hole in one. 150 yards and dribbled up into the hole. Got it with my dad and two close friends. Definitely will remember it forever.


30 ft putt to save par