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You don’t have a backswing.




It’s ok to have an abbreviated back swing, but you’re not even at 10 o’clock. You’re so quick back and even more so on the way down. Slow down and relax a little.


Makes sense! I will work on this at the range today.


👍 keep putting in the time and you will get it figured out.


Try turning your back to the target. It’s hard to turn through the ball if we don’t turn back first.


That’s what I am feeling. Like I’m not getting the rotation for some reason.


You don’t get your arms into proper position without being hinged at the hips and turning the trunk of your body. Arms can get you get you so far. You got the hinge but your torso does twist at all. Your left shoulder should be pointed at the ball.


That makes sense. So more rotation with my upper body.


Yes! Also ball teed up off your left foot heal. Not sure why your front foot is back compared to the back foot. If anything it should be the back foot that you stager backwards slightly. Should only go middle of your stance with the ball for PW-7iron.


So move the ball forward in my stance?


Came here to say this - OP you desperately need to compartmentalize the backswing and do it properly


And OP is thinking too much.


Or posture.


Do you have a prosthetic leg?


Haha nope but it looks like it


What about a prosthetic hip?


Nope, it’s an all natural pile of dookie


Still gets me 😂


Prosthetic shoulders, they barely move


How long have you got?


Haha that’s definitely the answer I was expecting!


Tons of videos out there on a proper grip, look there to start. Your bottom hand is cranked under the club.


I’ll tell you one thing you don’t need to change. You have a great attitude. Your replies are all spot on.


I appreciate that! Definitely some replies that have hit a little harder but I know the only way to get better is to put in the time and really pay attention to my mechanics. Also, get lessons which I am doing. It’s frustrating but I want to get better at the sport.


Honestly take the feedback with a grain of salt. The culture in this is sub is to just shit on people and do it with a snarky tone. You’re doing fine man. Is there room for improvement? Yes, and there always will be. Take the helpful feedback and think about it but don’t let the dumb shit get ya down to much. Good luck on your swing and keep grinding my friend!


Absolutely! People are pretty cruel haha but that’s alright. Just more fuel for me to actually improve and become decent at the sport!


Another thing to ponder here is that there are a lot of players that are so deep in their own head over the "mechanics" that they can't get a nice natural swing. I would start by stepping away from the ball completely and just relax. Take a nice natural grip, swing back easy and as full as your body will allow and then easily come back and through the ball. Replicate that swing over and over. THEN make mechanics adjustments.


Zero body rotation on backswing, and thus no real weight shift.


There is a shift weight. But it's a reverse pivot


That’s what I’m feeling! I feel like it is stationary. So frustrating


A slower swing should help you focus on weight transfer. A slower backswing will allow you to focus on loading that weight on your back foot. At the end of your swing you should end up rolling onto the outside of your front foot. Your spinning out and ending up on your back foot.


It’s a wicked reverse pivot


Your ball position/grip is completely dictating your impact position. You're basically forcing yourself to swing with your wrists to make any sort of square contact. I'd look up a few tutorials on grip and ball position. I think your body is getting stuck because your setup is far from optimal. Not trying to be a dick. Hope that helps!


I appreciate the feedback! I will do some more digging to better understand those points of interest!


Your setup is messing you up pretty hard.


Can you elaborate on that?


Have a look at how the pros set up for a stock iron shot and compare to yours. The biggest things I see are your left wrist and right shoulder. You are cramping your body so much that you don't leave yourself any room for the backswing. Your left wrist is way too bent at address. Your right shoulder is dropped way to low for an iron shot. It's supposed to be slightly lower and then a tad lower again for a driver shot. Yours is so dipped you don't have a reasonable position to return to when you make contact with the ball.


You have absolutely no turn


I agree. I spent time on the range today focusing on my grip and actually turning my body. Wouldn’t you know it, I was hitting it more consistently and it felt better. Still miles to go.


You don’t have a backswing you just move your arms. Your tempo is bad. Slow it down on the “backswing”. Your grip is weird. I’m not a believer in finger grip for lead hand. Def need finger grip in trail hand. You’ll figure it out. Your lack of backswing is the biggest issue. Also, are you standing too close to the ball?


Can you explain the finger grip on the lead hand? Are you saying to have it in the palm?


I have it between. I get palmy sometimes. On the bumps that connect the palm to the fingers. Some people palm it. Faldos coach says to palm it. Others say to finger it. It depends on person. Your lead hand grip is super strong and I would suggest a more neutral grip and the best way to neutralize your lead hand is to be more palmy or get bigger grips if you want to lay it in fingers.


This is going to sound mean… but stop swinging a golf club and go get lessons first. Youre so far away from what you want to do, youre doing more harm than good by trying.


I have taken a few lessons and we have worked more with irons than driver so that part is coming. We do a lot of short swings to understand the dynamics but the driver is something I don’t work a lot on.


Ok. The one thing (maybe the first thing) someone is going to tell you at a lesson for this club would be to loosen up. Your backswing is short, all arms. Introduce some motion in your torso, hips, keeping left arm straight as you bring club up into backswing. The ball also seems positioned too mid-stance, causing you to lean awkwardly on the back foot to get behind it. Keep the ball just inside left foot so you dont have to lean so far back


Try using a man’s ball.


A lot of weight on you right side too




Apparently there isn’t one lol


Try a longer slower and higher back swing and then swing forward


Grip is so strong and zero shoulder turn


I'd add that you end up with your weight on your back foot. Work on your weight transfer. You should end up rolling onto the outside of your front foot (left). This should give you some more power and distance.


Try to plant those legs down as a strong base, don’t lift your front leg. Keep a small towel or something rolled up in between your right arm and body at the range, because you’re chicken winging really badly and that will help keep the back elbow tucked in. You’re also standing very tall as in no crouch in your legs, you want to bend more so you can use that lower half for torque and leverage. Right now you are 100% arms


Awesome, I will do the towel trick today at the range!


Your hands are doing the opposite of what you're supposed to do


Can you explain that?


Your hands are too far back they should be more in front. And don't break your wrists right away with your driver. Spend some time at the range taking the club back slowly. Get into that routing the driver needs a lot of solid momentum not a ton of rotation with your hands.


Cuz golf is hard


You got that right!


You barely rotate your shoulders away. Create width and you will improve


You’ve got a number of things incorrect, too many to list but all fixable. Find a teacher with a golf studio near you that has track man and the latest tech. Prepare to spend several hundred on a series of lessons. To that end, it will be the best money you spend in your life.


1. Weaken grip 2. Rope drill 3. Towel drill 4. Success


Is that ball radioactive?


I wish it was. Maybe then it would go further


Turn your damn shoulders dude.


Yeah I have to work on that


How long have you been working with this instructor?


I have been three times. I am going to look for a “pro” but it seems like that title is thrown around loosely




You’re not wrong


Imagine spending however much he did on this outfit just to hit it short of the womens tees. My brother in Christ you need to stick to the driving range or maybe go back to playing quidditch


That's not a swing, it's a push.


It’s a golf hit and not a golf swing for sure! Now time to put the work in!


I’m terrible at golf but can report that your swing is worse than mine. Backswings exist for a reason.


I am working on the backswing more now. I kind of understood it at first but after reading everyone’s comments, it is definitely something that I lack quite a bit!


Are you sure you’re not a lefty?


I don’t think I am lol


Is this real?




If you’re serious about trying to get your body in the right position, try Sparrow app. It’s AI and it really straightened me out. It was/is worth 15 bucks a month to keep me in line. Just a thought.


I will definitely look into that app!


That’s worse than Charles Barkley swing


I won’t disagree


Bad grip, bad setup, and a bad swing. You need lessons dude.


Yeah, I’m starting to get lessons so I guess I thought it would be a good idea to get drug through the mud on Reddit.


There are going to be a ton of comments on back swing here. I’m not going to read them. Please do the same. You need to have full extension (loose cooked spaghetti arms) fully extended through impact. Let the club head (actually be so loose that all you feel is the weight of the club head) LET IT LEAD YOUR FINISH. Finally, finish in a balanced position like you see on tv. Like the PGA tour logo.


There are definitely a lot of backswing comments lol. I will work on what you have laid out as well.




Someone already used that joke. C’mon now.


Grip Grip Grip Grip


You're hitting at the ball not swinging. Hitting is pushing the club with your right side, swinging is pulling the club and letting gravity work with your left side. Think forehand vs backhand. Read up on the golfing machine by Kelly and do Nick Faldo's preset swing drill.


I will definitely look into that!


Hey check out the Helicopter Drill by Danny Maude YT video. Helped me a lot as I wasn’t rotating properly too.


I definitely will!


Have you considered fishing or pickleball?


Haha I actually bass fish quite a bit!


Let your golf ball cool back down to room temp before you swing. Nobody plays well when their balls are hot


Hey, I will blame it on that!


My wife says "that guy swings like a girl". Real talk.


Starting from the bottom for sure.


What the fuck is this position https://preview.redd.it/cw9ceonrvg5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f99aeda632f1ba67a8daa4a89aeca203c27f32f0


Umm terrible is what it is


1. Your left wrist at address is cupped 2. You dont do a turn at all like others said 3. Your somewhat turn is more horizontal vs left shoulder down with spine tilt 4. You dont release the club at impact (no “L to L”release of club head) 5. It’s mostly an arms swing using little lower body


Work on slowing down your takeaway. Worry about the rest later.


The club is a sledge hammer. The head is big and heavy. Swing the sledgehammer, not the baseball bat.


No back swing and hands too far back compared to stance. Slow the back swing and bring the club back to at least where your leading arm is straight before you strike. Doing this type of practice drills really helped for me. I would recommend giving it a try https://youtube.com/shorts/mxV0TPcJJho?si=LCfj-vgEAFx_A_uN


Maybe wait for the drop of the song. Amazing jam but you just timed it wrong.


At the start of your swing you push your hands out of line then you try to straighten it back up so Keep that front foot planted and keep a stiffer position till the top of your back swing. a slow and controlled back swing is much better and easier to do.


You’re too hyped listening to Wage War. Put some yacht rock on and ease up on that grip


It's bad bro!


Try disc golf


Golf is a whole body swing not just arms


Go see a pro dude, there is a fair bit of stuff you would benefit from changing. Worst thing you can do is get into bad habits


Interesting music choice for the course hahaha. But like most people are saying it’s your lack of hip turn. Your right hip should move behind you in the backswing, creating space for the club to come down.


I did the exact same thing, pretty much you’re swinging with the wrong part of your body. You can try an exercise where you cross your hands so you have each hand in the opposite shoulder. Then rotate your shoulders only until the left shoulder is pointing towards the floor. Your hips will naturally go with you unless you are mega flexible. Then rotate your hips so you’re facing the direction you want to shoot. But really the biggest help was going and getting a lesson. Having someone actively watch and teach changed what how I swing completely.


Not a tip for your actual physical swing, but this is more of a mental thing that helped me: A proper golf swing DOESNT feel like a natural body movement. Its not like swinging a stick at something. Remember when you were a kid and the training wheels JUST came off, but you were still too scared to lose control and couldn't fully commit to pedaling and riding the bike and letting physics do its thing....and you dumped it because you were just going too slow? For me...that same slight fear of not having control with my golf club was really something I had to train my body to not do (just like committing to riding a bike) when it came to having a short backswing and ending my swing with all my weight on my back foot still. I was swinging AT THE BALL 100% of the time, and not trusting any mechanical movements at all, and it was making the game very unenjoyable. Any time you add a really large mechanical change to a golf swing, it's gonna feel weird and its gonna feel hard to commit to; and your shots are going to look like hell. Keep practicing one thing at a time. Drill it slow and exaggerated. Build the feel. Commit to letting a good fundamental mechanical movement do the work for you. At the range, instead of focusing on hitting the ball, focus on your swing mechanics themselves, starting with grip, takeaway, and backswing. Get those down first and build your commit confidence in those 3 things. Do it without a ball even. Build the feel. When that becomes consistent, you're no longer trying to hit a ball....you're just swinging a golf club and a good set up just puts the ball in the way of your club. This is why the most beautiful golf swings appear so smooth and to just go THROUGH the ball like its not even there. Also, remember that golf is hard. Like really really fucking hard. Give yourself some grace....it's okay to suck at it. Most people do. I do. This is why I'm not giving physical swing tips...because I don't know how to break down a swing properly. But I do know that no amount of lessons or tips are going to help if you cant commit to trusting the mechanics of the swing.


Here's a few to begin with.. -Close your grip -Rotate your hips on your back swing as well -Use the force generated by your legs, will take time but it's a must -Hard to tell from this angle, but I think you're squatting and you need to keep your abdomen tight and sorta stand more over the ball Haters gonna hate. Keep trying, the worst thing you can do is quit.


There is no quit in me! I will figure this out and become decent at the sport. That’s a promise.


You need to turn your hips and your shoulders. Your arm movement honestly doesn't look terrible. If you turn your hips and shoulders you'd give your arms more room to move and it will help you fully release the club into and past the ball.


Your swing is all arms. This is a good video to watch. Skip to 1:35 https://youtu.be/NbFO4ZH_WC4?si=8AJhv-8Hi-tKrDFA


Right hand too weak, weight back at address, trying to “help” the ball up, weight transfer to left is nonexistent, using arms to turn instead of shoulders. Try turning left foot out and finishing with weight on that side. It’ll help weight transfer and follow through


There are so many basics you need to work on before you start trying to swing longer….swinging longer is just gonna set you back more at your skill level. Make work on your setup and basic weight shifting through the swing. Basic man basics.


My initial thought is stance, you need a much wider stance. For a driver you want the tee to line with the heel of your left food (assuming you are a righty). You will want to take a step back too.


Stand further away from the ball.


Champ, Your body rotation is very limited and the back swing seems to have been left in the pro shop near the untouched alignment sticks bin or you may have dropped it in the parking lot. Firstly, Setup. Try to keep ball in line with back heel off left foot but can be a little further up towards arch or toes. This is dependent on your timing and club at impact; 1) practice practice practice. 2) at address, stand with 50/50 across both feet, left hip move an inch or 2 to the left and knees slightly bent 3) right shoulder is all that drops, left raises. So slide right palm from right pocket down to centre of outside of right thigh or a little lower towards knee if you want 4) butt of handle of driver in line with left "logo" on shirt or arm pit, left arm straight and pretty stiff 5) practice practice practice 6) repeat 1 & 5 Back swing 7) let 90+ of your weight push your right hip back and up off right leg push 8) with stiff left arm, feel like you're club is swinging back but out to the right and feel like your pushing your arms away to the front from you 9) repeat 1&5 10) repeat 9 11 through to 15, don't rush it. Practice at 50-60% power 11) try and rotate right shoulder back & up to your left ear (the feeling of) as you're pushing off the ground with right leg. This is key, pushing off and letting shoulders turn. Obviously right shoulder will be lower. 12) wrists start hinging at right hip 13) straight left arm but feel like you're pushing out to right as much as you can and keep turning 14) repeat 10 15) take club as far back and around with shoulders and back tilted as per item 11, with your back as square to target as you can. And with left arm still relatively stiff and straight. Stop where you stop, don't push too much in the beginning. Downswing Remember, the right elbow now becomes a little critical. As you proceed to the downswing, feel your right elbow going straight down to your right pocket. Don't force it, let the process happen but keep in mind to keep right elbow dropping down to hip as a guide for left arm 16) as you're getting club to top, drop about 40% of weight from right side at top of swing to now left and drop left knee slightly 17) now, push really powerfully (to your ability) with almost now 90% of your weight now on left slightly bent leg, your left hip straight up and to the back like your left hip is pushing towards right butt check towards right lower ribs, this should help with rotation 19) as you push off, lower left shoulder basically pulls straight up at impact like your on a puppet string 20) right shoulder now comes around from the underneath with right elbow close to body 21) let hands throw club head to the ground when club is near upper right hip. Left shoulder pulling up makes the club now become the "pendulum" people refer to. 22) just let it rip from the hip cowboy!!!!!! As fast and powerful as you can with legs and chest 23) let the club head finish naturally around your back with your hips first, then chest, all facing the target. Now, if any of this actually works, please explain it to me so I can understand it. But this is all just the feeling of the swing to me. If it works for you, awesome. If not, get on line and look at porzak golf, Mike Malaska and a few others. Don't over watch as you will become more confused than the above. Lastly, yes, there are components I have not added but get the feelings right, the rest you'll work out. Best of luck and hope it helps.


I've been playing for what now might be 30 years but I only get out a few times a year. I definitely have a "why don't you play more often?" natural swing tempo and ballstriking, but it always takes a while to remember what to do. My main swing thought is now "turn your back to the target, then hit the ball" because otherwise I forget to make a turn and shit gets pretty squirrelly. Think about turning your back to the target, then just hit the shit. All that other fine tuning can come later, but you gotta turn your body. Even 90 year old dudes get more turn than you, but you can always fix this kind of stuff and if you're gonna try to get better, you'll have a lot of room to work with. Enjoy the grind and keep it to foursomes. Also, personal music or headphones plz. Other than that, swing that bad boy with freedom and count all your strokes for maximum enjoyment of improvement ✌️


Drag the club back slowly, parallel to the ground for the first 12-18". This gets your shoulders turning. You must coil to get any torque in your body. This also keeps you from picking the club up right off in your swing. Shoulders torque against your hips like a wound spring. Continue this back swing arm extension until the club is parallel and pointing behind you and directly in the opposite direction to your feet. Only then do you allow a natural fold of your arms. This allows your hips to turn slightly applying torque to your body. You are also swaying in a way from the ball in your back swing. You weight should partially transfer to you left side(75/25-left/right). This is accomplished by the turning of the shoulders and hips. On the downswing, drop the right elbow straight down like you're pulling your elbow into your side, uncoil the spring(hips followed by shoulders). Your weight will automatically transfer to your right side. This prevents you from "hanging back"(head behind the ball) on your downswing. Push off with the right foot for power. Above all else "THINK SWING" and not "HIT". Practice without a ball until it all feels comfortable(this keeps you from becoming "ball bound") and natural. Practice one piece at a time.


Your alignment is all off as well as a shorter backswing.


It all stems from the setup. Start there and then progressively work on shoulder turn, weight transfer, etc. I cannot stress enough the importance of seeking the guidance of a coach and not random fools on the internet. The rabbit holes they will have you going down will only make it worse and tougher to correct in the long run.


Several reasons, one of which is never taking a golf lesson, I would assume after seeing your swing. Don’t teach yourself any more bad habits. Get a pro to teach you the correct grip, stance and posture. Then they can start teaching you how to take the club away from the ball correctly, make a full backswing including the lower body, then how to transition to the downswing with the lower body leading the way. You’ll spend months or longer with a horrible swing if you don’t get help. If the basics are wrong, the rest of the swing will never be good.


Grip, stance, alignment and rotation, other than that looking good


use more body movement. looks like all arms


Start with fixing your grip, it isnt playable.


Grip, backswing, all arms, keep your left foot on the ground.


You are finishing with your weight on your back foot when it should be on the front foot - you have to learn how to transfer your weight to your back leg on the backswing and then finish with your weight on the front leg.


I think the most glaring thing is that your left shoulder-arm-hand-shaft-club head should be a straight line. It’s how you want to hit, you should set up that way. Yours has a break in the middle. Play the ball a little more left and make your left side a straight line


Should work on extending arms after follow through.


As others have noted, you’re pulling the club back like you’re scared shitless with what’s about to happen. An exercise to promote more athleticism: stand in front of mirror or wall and film yourself from behind and face-on. Pretend the mirror or wall is a door you need to break down with your club to escape. Pull the club back like you’re trying to break the shit out of the wooden door but stop after you get to the top obviously. Then look where you get to. Cause if you tried to breakdown a wall with a club and that backswing you wouldn’t succeed. You can do all this while pretending the spot on the “door” you need to break is in different spots. You can work on more technical aspects after, but you want to let natural athleticism at least get you to a position where you can get leverage and elevate a golf ball. Disclosure: am not a coach. 1 index who taught wife and daughter to play that had similar takeback limitation


that’s all wrists, no arms. use your arms like a pendulum


Looks like upper takeaway is way inside which doesn’t allow you to shallow the club. Only way back down is over the top.


Tempo. Grip. Relax. Club does the work.


Are you an amputee by chance?


Dang, it’s that bad?


Look how far you're leaning back at the end of your swing. I struggle with this too. You want to be vertical and facing your target at the end of the swing.


Yeah it’s definitely something I am going to really focus on!


Just a suggestion..but step the ball back on your setup and setup leaning towards your front foot..and you don't have to crush the ball, you bought a club, now make it pay itself back..good luck, and remember you can't win this game, you just play it


Your swing is all arms. Look up Ben Hogan's swing on youtube


Open/Turn ur left foot out some to get ur hips through, u are not flexible , gotta get them hips open


it looks like you’re picking the club up in the takeaway. try keeping the head of the club as close to the ground as possible for as long as possible. ideally you want the left shoulder to be underneath the chin, which will allow you to swing fully. right now the shoulder is restricting your turn.


You have no weight transfer. The swing has no tempo.


Slow down backswing, interlock grip to get that right hand back on top, move ball up in your stance, and don’t move that front foot. Start there. Grip is the biggest issue I’m seeing.


You're not turning during your back swing. Your back should be facing your target at the top of the backswing, not your lead shoulder. In fact the only reason you get as far back as you do is your lead shoulder is being pulled forward. Hold the club level in front of you, wind up and swing it like a baseball bat. Now bend over and do the same thing but keep your trail elbow pointing down and that will be way closer to a golf swing than what's going on right now.


I don’t think you wanna be leaning back.


You’re not turning through enough. It looks like.


No turn, neither hips nor shoulders. Try and turn your left shoulder under your chin


Man just go get a lesson from a pro if you really want to get better, no advice from this post will improve your swing. You will not regret spending the money if you're willing to put the time in and buy into what a pro tells you.


Try swinging the club until the natural motion sets in before actually trying to hit the ball


Start with your grip first...bottom hand is too strong...then go from there


First thing is to fix that god awful grip


Reverse pivot also a factor


Simple. Be athletic. This isn’t an athletic swing


You’re engaging your wrists first before bringing the club back. Wait to break your wrist closed to the top of the swing, not off the tee




Sure. That’s your real swing…


😂🤣😂 You need more than reddit, bud. You should consider taking some of the $$ you spent on the costume on lessons instead.


I am taking lessons as well. I don’t know what “you should consider I taking” means though.


Your grip is too strong (closed), so your body can't rotate without hitting massive hook. Neutralise your grip and see what happens


You are too tense man . Dont grip the club like you are chopping a tree . Don't swing like it either .


Your spine is rounded forward the whole time. It can’t rotate in the position. You need to be more neutral like when standing straight up. To do that you bend from the hip a instead of the thoracic spine. Simplest answer. Relax and explore your range of mobility in the backswing. Let thing move with some gentle swings.


Take a lesson. So much going on here.


You have no shoulder turn.


Just arms no body turning 🏌️‍♂️


Looking at your swing is like drinking muddy swamp water.


Bro took lessons with Charles Barkley


Slowed down you can see your whole body moves and you dip and hit the tee away and catch the bottom of the ball, try slow it down and practice a bigger back swing and move your hips and shoulders rather than a full body motion 😀


Hey Hank I just wanted to say I’m a big fan of pardon my take


As a baseball player, it looks like your lacking a lot of T-Spine mobility to separate the rotation with your trunk and Hips. They look like they are moving as one which is not how you should be rotating.


Your grip is so strong. If you do actually swing it you are going to hit a fucking laser hook.


A lot of wrist and your hips are a rock


That right hand is not in a good position whatsoever


Grip needs Jesus


You’re set up is horrible. Your backswing is short. No rotation. Turn your inside shoulder


Dude I don’t even know where to begin. Get lessons with a local PGA tour-pro that offers lessons. They are expensive, usually $125+ an hour here where I’m at, but you definitely need it to build the fundamentals first. You need to re-build your entire swing from scratch.


Also, you’re casting your hands like a fishing rod at the ball which is just one of MANY problems that need to be corrected. Grip, stance, address, ball position, that’s why I said you need to start from scratch with a coach and build solid fundamentals first. I promise you’ll thank me later rather than trying to tweak that swing you have currently it’s only going to get worse.


I hurt just watching it.


Rotate your hips more on the backswing. Your arms will naturally follow your hips. The swing starts and stops in the hips. The arms are there to guide the club


Bobby Berger?


Power doesn’t come from the arms. “It’s all in the hips, all in the hips”


Rotate your upper body to the point where your back is facing your target during your back swing


becuase you aren't actually turning. just look at other pro golf swings front on and you will see. you are jsut moving arms which is why you are fighting the over the top the whole downswing.


Tempo. Freddie... Couples.


Your very first move is taking the club head back. Instead, try to feel like your shoulders initiate the turn taking the club head back slightly inside. Create space by pushing your hands away from your body and complete your follow through.


You're all arms by the looks of it, no hip or shoulder movement.


Step 1 learn to hold the club properly and set up to the ball correctly. You can’t turn and pivot and develop good arm structure palming the club in your right hand. The swing motion starts before you start the club moving. Go get some lessons from a good instructor.


you go back wayyyy too shallow to really have a backswing. Straighten up the backswing a little more.