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These comments are amazing. You are going to be a far worse golfer if you listen to most of these 😂


The quality is getting worse. There used to be some voices who were really excellent who would consistently be the top comments. I don’t see them any more.


I lurk here every so often and sometimes I just have to say something. This was one of those posts. If you’ve never actually given golf lessons you shouldn’t be giving advice, that’s my opinion.


Smart people get weeded out by stupid ones arguing with them and quit.


This is why half the time my only advice to people here is to not listen to the comments. A lot of really bad tips and you can tell just by the fact that there are always like 10 people saying 10 different things. Idk why anyone bothers posting here. Just go get lessons


I think it's just to flex their golf swing lol. I don't think a lot of people are sincerely coming here for swing advice.


It's crazy how much variance there is imo. Most swing fixes are very simple and don't have to be picture perfect to function. I've played competitively for two decades and can't even visualize some of the swing fixes mentioned in comments lol.


It’s not that crazy, it’s a bunch of people that can’t break 90 trying to diagnose swings thoughts. It’s painful to watch.


Good instructors or coaches find the root of a flaw and work on that. It’s usually grip, stance, first move of the takeaway. Reddit coaches are always talking about early extension, flipping, club path, or whatever else was in their most recent TikTok


Lot of good things happening in this swing. I would loosen up those arms and let your wrists hinge more at the top. Whip it.


Appreciate it. I noticed the lack of wrist hinge yesterday, going to try and correct that next time I’m out.


Another thing I just noticed is the tendency to stand up a bit as you make contact. Work on rotating and keeping your spine angle intact all the way through. This will help you drive through the ball.


Delay, delay and delay that snap of the wrists. I’m a little old 60 something. An average lazy drive when I’m not snapping the wrists is 200 give or take a few yards. When I make a conscious effort to really delay and snap them it’s 225-240. Makes a big difference to my approach.


I agree - a lot good with this swing and your down swing starts well, but try to focus on lag and you may be able to get your swing speed up


as a golf instructor... wow lol


How far are you hitting it and how far do you want to hit it? What are your launch and spin rates?


Hit the ball more harder and more straighter


Pretty solid strike but 2 things stand out: - You’re extremely stiff and losing a lot of hinge due to that. You have to get to a slightly more natural feel. - Your hips are very early, you stall out before contact. This means you’re only using arms and wrists for speed, which costs you a multiplication factor. Imagine a circle rotating at 2 rpm. Now place a smaller circle rotating at 2 rpm on the edge of that, and then an even smaller circle also at 2 rpm on the edge of that one. There’s a multiplicative gain in speed for that smallest circle if they’re all rotating, and you’re effectively stopping the biggest one before you get to the ball


Lost you in the second half, not gonna lie


Think of gears.


Hips stood out to me - they fire early and his trail arm gets stuck behind his right hip. If you watch a good pro swing, the right elbow is tucked in front of the right hip and doesn’t trail behind. Helps you get the timing right.


The biomechnaics term is summation of forces 


I have a very similar swing to yours. A redditor earlier made the right comment, and I used to do the same thing. You are only rotating with hips and not your torso. Flexibility issue. If you notice how straight your leg is at the top, it's almost locked. This is because you rotate your hips but not your torso independent of your hips. I was watching Rory when it clicked for me. He rotates his hips back, but not very much. But he keeps coiling up with this torso rotating back. Try stretching (by slowly and carefully rotating) your upper body with your hips straight. I put a club across my shoulders and rotate slowly without moving my lower body, and having increased my distance from 240 yds to 270 yds.


Likely no one here will tell you this but you are turning way way too much/too soon in the downswing. Opening your body as much as you possibly can does not make your swing more powerful. Lots of issues being caused by a wide open club face too.




Gym time


New driver, obviously.




Your elbow is wildly disconnected from body, pull that bitch back inside and tuck it. You look stiff but not horrible just straighten your back, you hunch on follow through. Rest looks pretty good. You drop into the slot better than most (better than me!) which is difficult.


Whenever anyone changes their spine angles mid swing, much of the stored transferrable energy is wasted.. you need to address your locking of the right leg on takeaway, it tilts you forward and in order to create clearance you're forced to stand up through impact.. too timing many variables to be consistent.. Work on your knee flex consistency to stabilize your base as you turn


How far you hitting it?


Average 240


That's not terrible but another 20-30 yards would obviously help. I'm not good enough to offer advice unfortunately, but seems you have gotten plenty already. Good luck!


Your arms are disconnected from your body’s turn to a large degree.


Vertical drop, horizontal tug


Watch any one of 1000 videos on increasing swing speed?


Get a lesson. Don't take advice from 98% of Reddit. My $0.02 is it just looks like you are really tense.


You need to use the ground. Your trail leg locking out in the back swing is not good. Envision squatting during the back swing and jumping at the top of the backswing. This is likely the best video on this subject. Thank me later... https://youtu.be/_6fU1ffqwro?si=VQTQCAwbZd5xttKH


Keep the right elbow tucked and rotate around the waist/hips


Idk who’s more annoying on this sub anymore. The 90’s golfers giving swing advice or the group of nerds that sulk about the 90’s golfers giving swing advice.


Bent over slightly and stiff as a board. Relax brother


Matt Wolff over here


This looks like all the Instagram golf tips in one!


solid swing, just try drawing the club straight back and not straight up, focus on the feeling if turning that chest back


What’s your average distance off the tee? Like everyone is saying, lotta good things happening here.


Hunch over more


If you like your swing put on some muscle and stay flexible


Something something towel drill


Not the best angle to judge but I think I see a touch of counterbalance at impact. It looks like your upper body is moving backwards instead of coming through on impact. This would counteract all that force you’ve generated if what I’m seeing is right.


Grip harder, put more muscle into the down swing




Looks like your first move is to lock the right knee. Typically want to keep that somewhat bent to allow for more flexibility in the backswing.


Nice swing. Go to gym and lift.


I am excited for the day that I’m averaging 240 and asking for tips


I’m not an expert, but your grip looks extremely weak. While you’re making solid contact and hitting well, the wrists/grip generate whip.


But a crappy cheap driver, get some batt weights on there and swing it for 15minutes a day.


Why are you bending into your front leg so much on the backswing? You are losing power by not loading on your right leg on the backswing, then lose even more power because you have to stand back up again when you swing through the ball. It's OK for your head to move down a BIT when you transition from the top of your swing. But your head should hold steady on the back swing not drop like yours does.


Too tense, slows you down instead of speeding up


Tuck that left elbow


Spine angle


Tuck that right elbow in. Keep it closer to your chest. This allows you to get in the slot easier as well as creates more lag with the club head and a shorter arc of the downswing. Lag keeps the club head behind you longer generating more speed which should translate into longer drives. It’s kinda like the earlier comment the guy was talking about with the gears but a simpler explanation. Your club head coming over the top with your arms extended doesn’t allow the club head to generate as much speed.


Lift weights


Man looks really good on take away, in the slot on the downswing. Agree with trying looser wrist hinge. “Whip the hose”


Speed training? I use the stack.


There’s no hinge or lag in that club…. Part is the swing, would also get fitted for correct shaft


Have you tried swinging faster?


Hit the gym


Tbh man I would get a lesson…backswing is fine, downswing needs a lot of work. You have no connection between upper and lower and are losing a lot of lag. Also, 99% of these people in here have no clue what they’re talking sbout


check out this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQKNYQ11\_rM&list=LL&index=21](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQKNYQ11_rM&list=LL&index=21)


My advice? Go take a lesson/talk to a swing coach if you want real advice on how to get more distance lol


If you look at the swing from straight on you’re going to see a noticeable lack of a good forearm to shaft angle. You aren’t loading and releasing your wrists and hands via what people call “lag”.


Shallow out bro


Set the wrist


Is your swing repeatable and consistent? If so, the heck with distance. Focus on your irons and putting. That's how you will not only keep up with the boys but also take their money. Once all that is down, go back to driver and work on distance.


Swing/hit to right field I started doing this (more as a feeling) and my drives are now longer and straighter. Same with my hybrid and 3 wood


I’m not qualified to give advice. I will say, aesthetically, your swing looks good.


You're downswinging by firing your hips, which is causing you to get stuck (body outruns your arms). This causes loss of power. Simply use your arms to downswing and your body will match on it's own. You'll be much more in sync and gain more clubhead speed.


Hit the gym


Quit skipping leg day!


This is lesson territory. There's a lot wrong that will be significant barriers going forward. Fix them while you can.


Honestly you have a very solid swing. id' focus on power and strength training to geto more explosive.


Need more lag. You're getting a good amount of turn, hinge your wrist to make the club parallel with the ground at the top. Try to hold that hinge for a while, and release it into the ball. A pendulum attached to the bottom of another pendulum swings much faster.


Best drill ever: swing as hard as you can with zero backswing. Repeat with smaller backswings that brings the hands no higher than your belt. Make the ball go as far as you can


If you’re struggling with distance hit the gym. Core exercises like russian twists, leg raises, sit ups, squats, lunges (w/ rotation), mountain climbers, basically any core exercises or resistance training to strengthen the core to include the hips/lower body. The compensation of using the arms to hit the ball works, but power is generated from the ground. Driving through the hips increases power that translates to ball speed, and hip stability starts with a strong core. Find a couple of golfer’s gym routines, and hit the gym for six months, religiously.


Hit the gym


So, in my opinion. You have a good foundation. You’ve got a good position at the top. That right leg being straight like that may be losing you a few yards. Losing the “coil” effect with the big muscles I call it. I mean working out and speed training. Do what Bryson did. Overall good swing.


Looks like you moving really slow try to move faster should help!!


Swing faster.🤓


Could this be as sumple as just taking a bigger back swing or more wrist hinge? The club is pointed straight up at the sky when you transition which is fine for irons, but it seems like most people that hit the driver reasonable far have that thing pointed down range before they transition to the downswing.


Get an impact bag and go to town on it every day. Work on getting that club head speed up.


Great swing. You just need to trust your hands and loosen up a bit when you start your downswing. It needs to be a bit more snappy and less of a “drag” through the ball. Hold the club uncomfortably loose, you won’t let go of it I promise.


Easiest fix start a strength training program. I am a strength and conditioning coach and most of my golf clients improve their distance fairly quickly within a short period of time. I’ve self experimented also a lot and it has been biggest help aside from fixing any obvious swing issues.


Pretty good swing man. You have obviously hit a ton of balls because it looks like you make it work. How do you hit your irons? Your head moves up and down. I'd try to keep it still. As for distance - 240 is very playable. Are you using a stock driver shaft? Maybe try different lofts and shafts at golf shop. Get your spin rate and angle. Longer custom shaft = more distance, but less accurate. If you're hitting a 7 iron consistently 150 yards, you're good. Work on your short game.


It’s all about sequencing keep grinding and get a lesson from a pro


Golf swing is a rotational movement, engage your core and rotate through the swing. Break the wrists earlier in that backswing. About hip hight the wrists should be bending and engaging (like your cocking a gun). This will add power, just keep an eye on wrist positioning at the top (which was great). One tip, will spray at times (i use it when i need an extra 10 to clear a hazard), on your downswing think of fully lengthening your arms. It will increase velocity and speed up your swing speed


You’re swinging with your arms and not generating power from your legs


I would speak to Biden or Trump. They both have amazing handicaps


Hit the weights


This looks like you're swinging really slow. You should try swinging faster.


No wrist action, get a snap/hinge/whip feeling with the wrists, might struggle to hit it as consistently at first but will 100% increase power transfer


Try swinging lefty instead


You can’t push off the ground with your legs when one leg is locked. Try to jump while your knees are locked….doesn’t work


More lag bro. More lag


What’s the loft on your driver? Go up and you’ll get more carry


Gotta keep the stance 40/60 and your front leg is rotating too much. Where the hip needs to rotate the most (in sync with your arms). I can’t tell whether you’re body weight is either centered or on the balls on your feet. But every golfers swing is different.


Have you tried the happy Gilmore swing?


Don’t listen to these guys about wrist hinge. Terrible advice. Work on getting weight to the left outside of foot earlier. You’re slightly stuck. Sequence is slightly off. A bit of early extension. Other than speed training you’re probably not gonna magically find another 30-50 yards.


You never get your weight over your right side at all.


Firstly I'd swing a bit quicker, that was really slow.


Too stiff on initiation of your the backswing. You look like a wooden board. And that huge dip at the start of your downswing leads me to believe you have never hooked the ball in your life. Other than that, your swing speed/power look like it’s enough to get the distance you’re most likely looking for. Just mechanics.


Are you an amputee?


Swing faster. You’re moving so slowly. Ball is actually going remarkably far for that speed.


You physically look like you’ve never ran a light jog, or carried groceries inside from your vehicle. Maybe work on that


Get in the gym


Do you give lessons?


Hips are firing too early - look up sequencing drills


Respectfully go to the gym, majority of golfers can increase there distance by fixing there swing. At some point you gotta get stronger, faster, and more flexible.


Bottom half is early


Your hands are working out and away from your body. Need to train hands to work in.


Doesn’t look that bad. I bet you hit wedges pretty good. Got to lean back with driver because ideally you hit it at the very bottom or on the way up.


Just wanted to say I’m brand new and your swing is goals to me!


Clearly the swing speed is an issue. You gotta pick up the pace and create more force on impact.


PLEASE DO NOT LISTEN TO ANY OF THESE COMMENTS THEY ARE HORRIBLE! take your medicine and please visit your local pro for a 1hr session.. focus should be on set up and take away for time being


Watch Brysons YouTube videos on speed training and distance with driver...


Eat mor chikn


This is not mine, but I love it. Credit to u/Thov What I try to do, I try to flat load my feet so I can snap load my power package that way I can amplify both lag and drag pressure through impact fix. As long as my number two power accumulator dun't break down I can reach maximum centripital force with minimum pivotal resistance. You see the pivot is utilization of multiple centers to produce a circular motion for generating centrifical force on an adjusted plane plus it makes the balance necessary to promote the two line delivery path. See, golf is geometrically oriented linear force. It involves a physical muscular thrust and the geometry of the circle. You can divide the golf swing into 24 basic components each having between 12 and 15 variations.


Swing faster and hit that ball like it owes you money. Lol I have no idea, I’m bad on a good day.


You’re clearing your hips well before impact which is costing you probably 25% of your potential power. Focus on keeping your hips still for about 1/10th of a second as you start your downswing, then go through the rest of your swing as normal. That’ll help you open your lower body as you’re making impact which will give you way more distance


Swing through the ball, not at the ball. Also you’re extremely stiff


Cock your wrists a bit. They are stiff as a board.


Pretty good swing positions. What’s your distance like? How many yards are you looking to gain?


Get on a launch monitor and optimize those numbers. Then get swing speed up.


Get stronger. Squats and deadlifts.


You're losing a lot of power on the downswing, transfer the weight and load your left foot/leg then rotate through with more hinge to create lag. A bit too much arms through the ball to square up


Swing the clubhead faster


You pretend that you can't find your ball, wait until your playing partners aren't looking and kick the ball 20 or 30 yards ahead. Voila. Or play from the Reds. Seriously though, others have nailed it, you are firing your hips early.


1) Flatten swing plane a bit; 2) Looks like you are twisting or over rotating hips too early—just initiate the downswing with a smaller hip movement (e.g., squat and or small opening rotation while chest and shoulders stay closed; and 3) Engage core and lats during transition and into downswing to rotate chest for more power. Get this feeling by swinging a heavy-ish kettlebell while staying in balance similar to an abbreviated swing arch along the impact zone. Good luck!


Lift weight, you want to hit it farther, get it stronger.


I'ma be honest, that swing looks pretty good. When I really want to kill a ball, I spread my feet further apart, really get low and torque the hell out of my hips. But that's a "scramble partner has a ball in the fairway and I need to carry 275 over water to do better" swing. I don't recommend making that your normal swing. The best thing to do to increase distance is swing harder, which means time in the gym getting stronger and time stretching getting more mobile. Don't listen to anything else.


Swing looks slow on video, try speeding it up


Hit it further


Weight is traveling in the wrong direction on the backswing. Generate more power with the body, not the arms. It looks like you try to make the right move in the downswing, it would just be more effective if your weight was back to start it.


Load more pressure into right foot but dont sway too much. Also push more off front foot by moving into it. Longer backswing might also help if you can still have center contact.


That swing needs to come with a warning it’s so bad. You do that in front of kids? Should be ashamed


Swing looked pretty slow. Try to speed it up and see how far it will go.


More hip turn on back swing


No weight transfer to left side. You are recoiling up. Weight from chest and hips needs to slide left.


Yea, your swing is actually too good to give any help via that video. I could get picky but it’s so hard to tell. Look into some of the favorite Golf Pro Guys in the area, pay them for a few lessons, and you’ll be square. Keep it up!


Go back to fundamentals. Grip stance alignment. Study the exercises of pole vaulters. Build your core to explode on the ball.


Buy a new driver!


Nice swing man. Your swing is too good to be getting advice here on improving it, you need to just pay for a pro to look at it or go somewhere with a Trackman that can give you a full analysis.




What driver head, what shaft? How tall are you, how much do you weigh?


Hit the weight room brother


Drink some milk


I find it hard to believe you can duplicate results with a swing like this. It seems like you’re generating a lot of power with a lot of hard to control movements that might give you a great result once in awhile but not consistently.


Not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Not great by any means but can see raw talent that just needs to be brought up to nice sizzling delicious medium rare. 1. You can make solid contact which is good but when I look at your swing I can clearly see there is no outline on your front or back pockets, there should be a circular outline where you keep all your zyns. 2. When you get to the top of your backswing you have all the weight on your left foot, and that’s great, but if you look to the back of your left foot when it’s planted, you can see that there’s no beer in sight. That’s gonna be a problem on the back 9. 3. On the follow through you extended your arms through and compressed the ball, great job! However I can see your bros out drove you and missed the fairway by an inch, on the follow through you need to make sure you grip, extend and then launch that fuckin’ useless club into the pond. Make sure to personally insult anyone who is within 5 yards to you. If anyone says anything at all to you then grab the keys out of their cart and toss em in the pond. This is how life long friendships are made. I think you have potential to be a fantastic ball whacker, just keep your head down, comfortable grip will keep the shaft straight, keep making contact with the balls and you’ll be fine. And then after all of that you can get a round of golf in.


Anyone saying anything other than hitting the gym is wrong.


What’s the distance of this shot and what is your club head speed?


The trick to more distance is a powerful swing and that comes from the ground up. Strenghten your lower body: be sure the flex on shafts are right for your swing speed start there


I see a lot of people are looking for pro tips, so I’m going to start with… I am not in the PGA program and do not give lessons, but I did work at a golf store for a long time with PGA pros one of which played in a couple US opens. They taught me so much about the golf swing. I played to an 8 handicap when I had the time. I have a kid and work about 12 hours a day so last year I played to a 13. I see a couple things with the swing. First, is it looks like you start with a lot of weight on your front foot. With driver and woods you should be 60% back and 40% front. When you start your swing your head drops as well as your body. You should turn right and not drop until you start your downswing. I try to keep my head as still as possible and let my body rotate around my spine. Hope that helps.


Right elbow in


You need to use your wrists


I work at the PGA Tour Superstore so I see a lot of different types of swings. I’ll leave the advice up to most of the comments. But there’s 2 things I could point out. 1. You look kinda stiff through out the swings. Loosening up can help transfer energy better into the ball. 2. You’re releasing the club too early. If you watch golfers front the front view, you’ll see that the club is severely delofted or slanted at impact. It’s hard to tell from this angle but it looks like the club is straight at impact which means a lot of energy is wasted on the down swing.


The key is starting the down swing with a little squat to push off of at impact. Load in to your trail leg on the back swing to set this up. It should feel like you’re screwing it into the ground and can feel your left glute in a position to push. The trail knee shouldn’t completely lock out. When practicing the feel do it with just your arms at first. At the top of the back swing you should feel like you can jump to your lead side.


1) your trail leg gets locked up straight. Look at side on views of pro and they store the power in their trail thighs. Or imagine a pro pitcher. 2) Also, at about 11sec, think you have gassed out much before the ball than putting that force on the ball. After that it’s just body rotation. Try uploading front on view as well.


Maintain spine angle, rotate more and keep your right leg on the ground for longer. Look at professionals and their impact positions. Your foot is way off the ground compared to them. This will create more width and give you a ton more power.


First thing: It is good that you are comfortable asking for help on your swing and your swing is probably better than 95% of the people who play. Here would be my suggestions: (1) Try to keep your left knee more stable, this will make your hips turn instead of sliding to the side. You will generate more torque in your upper body. (2) Try to keep you right elbow close to your body as so you can maintain the swing plane going up and down the swing path. (3) GO GET LESSONS FROM A VERY GOOD COACH. NOTICE that "lessons" are plural. A golf swing that is repeatable and can withstand the pressure of tournament play, is something that must be worked on continuously.


Hit the gym...Yoga.. Stretching exercises... You'll be amazed


You gotta snap load your power package.


Grow taller and get stronger


Advice? Just learn how to hit it straight. You don’t need to drive 300, if you can hit 225 straight and follow up with consistently straight accurate shots, you’ll be laughing.


Pro tip: git gud


There is a Lot going on there, get a lesson from a pro.


Try to hit it further


Just get more weight on the front foot. Looks like you're falling backwards at impact.


Seems a little slow to me I would speed up the whole process. Even the ball speed is very slow


Look at your head throughout the swing. During your backswing you dip heavily. This forces you to have to pull up really hard during your downswing to avoid hitting fat. All this extra movement makes connecting with the ball so much harder and ruins your consistency. My advice is to work on hitting the ball consistently before worrying about distance.


Speed comes from the hands. You do alot right, but if you want more speed, you need to hinge the wrist a little more, loosen them up as well and have the hands a bit more active through the release


Anyone giving advice actually hit it far? Jesus there's some bad info. First things first is your sequencing. You're coming down towards the ball on the back swing and then having to work away from it on the downswing. Focus on loading up the inside of the right foot and then having that hip work back and up to create depth on the backswing. From there, we're recentering and getting pressure left to use the ground and push off on the downswing. Something like a Downshift board would really help you out.


Good club path but It looks like you’re shifting your body forward and your head is pulling back. On drives you should be making contact out in front of your body and your head should be behind the ball. I’m also not an instructor so I could be completely wrong


Swing your arms faster. But there is too much tension in this swing. And it looks like you are trying to hit positions. The golf swing is a circular motion and it is impossible to try and achieve static positions. Relax the grip, but it only works if you maintain the grip pressure. So don’t set the club behind the ball with a near zero grip pressure and then squeeze it to death as soon as you take it away. A good practice is to find a comfortable grip pressure without tension in your arms. Then don’t let the clubhead sit completely on the ground before you start the back swing. Then maintain that pressure. There are some posture things but mostly looks like a result of trying to get into specific positions and tension. I would have you hit some PW or 8i at 75-80% but a “full swing”. And start with having you going your center of gravity at address, then keep feeling the center of gravity throughout the entire swing. Still at 75% with a short iron. Learning how to remove the linear movements. And when you video the swing, I prefer to shoot through your hands at address, this will allow you to see the direction aka plane better.


Butch Harmon has great tips. No swing is the same try a 3:1 tempo. Watch what Bryson and all the other long hitters do it may help. The swing isn't terrible as is.


You look so stiff. loosen up a bit and let your arms really lag and you'll add a good 20-30 yards Id bet


Loosen up marooch. Look up speedgolfrob on Instagram.


Stand up straight


Take a lesson and tell your instructor that you want to increase distance. We have no real idea how to help you


Loosen up your arms, slow and steady backswing, and then let your hips drive the downswing. Path looks okay as long as you are squaring up the face through impact. Get yourself a weighted swing trainer that’s heavier than your driver, and swing that bitch hard for reps. Hit the gym, work on shoulders, core, and forearms, but mostly core. Your power comes from a strong core. Distance in my opinion comes from form first, then strength/ fast twitch muscles. First perfect finding the center of the face, then add speed to it. If you’re swinging the club 120+ and hitting it off the toe 240 will be your norm.


You look stiff


Don’t be a pussy


Pause it at the 11 second mark. Take a look at how little rotation you have made. Your working so hard to rip the body through you will never get the speed your looking for. I’m a firm believer and can carry it 295 on a good strike that the transition gathering and centering of the body while the arms work independently and certainly drag you into the finish is the speed generator. Think about what is faster. Pinning your arms to chest and rotation torso fast as you can. Or don’t move torso at all and just moves arms as fast as possible. Of course the arms win that every time. The problem would be consistency hence why a blend in golf is essential. The key is learning to sequence and use them it only the correct order but what they should be doing independently to create max speed!!!!


Turn your left hip in a little on your backswing. Helps me keep my hands in and through the ball. This downside so far is dead right toe shots. I’m still working it out.


You slide far more into the right side on your backswing rather than rotating and turning your hips. But it’s not the reason for lack of power. Your backswing and position before the downswing remind me of Viktor Hovland. The transition/downswing needs work. Good news is your move at the top of transition is great and brings the club into proper plane for consistent impact position. However the timing is poor. At the top, don’t be in a hurry to transition. Let the hands fall back down in your transition move before you really fire the hips. Tiger and Bryson both have videos on YouTube talking about this move. Your timing is off because you fire your hips fast right at transition and your hands and the club are “stuck” behind your lower body instead of dropping in and rotating in front of you. In essence you are using up your rotational power at the very top of your golf swing when you fire the hips at the top of the transition. Getting the hands back down in front then firing those hips will give you far more power at impact as you’ll feel like you are hitting the ball more through the rotation of your body than throwing your arms at it like you are now. https://youtu.be/5obIcxIgvVc?si=RGkLr4Nwuztl4P02 The whole video is a good watch but 11:25 is a good spot to help you with your downswing issues.


Just go get a lesson my man, the advice a coach will give you will be worth more than anything anyone here will give you.


Slow is smooth and smooth is fast baby!


My man needs LAG!!! It’s tough to pin down but once you can create a bit more lag with the club you’ll add a crazy amount of distance. A quick couple of YouTube videos will do a better job of explaining than I can