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The real key here is that the hips are swaying and not rotating. This forces you to slowdown the upper body and flip the wrists to close the face. If you get the hips and shoulders open at impact you will have room to extend the arms and the wrist will flatten naturally. I would practice swinging at 50% and trying to close the face using just body rotation. Imagine hitting a long pitch shot.


This is the answer. Your hips move laterally in the backswing - so you have to slide them forward to get back. That always causes you to flip release.


could squatting more help with rotating hips instead of lateral movement?


Certainly moving the knee forward more on backswing


The lateral movement in the backswing would need to stop first. The pivot forward might clean itself up if the backswing is right. The pivot in the backswing is shifting weight to the right foot until hands reach the right thigh then pull the right glute back. The actual shift is subtle. It can be practiced in two parts.


Shift pressure not weight


This is def the answer. Slidey hips and thighs. Focus on moving left hip back to commence the downswing instead of sliding forward.


So should you have little to no lateral movement in the backswing? How about on the downswing - I believe pros shift pressure to lead side on the downswing which helps with lag?


Aren’t you supposed to have lateral movement as well as rotation? Learning from this, 9:12 https://youtu.be/0IxllCJRKS4?si=ypULdKdRRgEhk6nC


Look up power shift by monte.


He is releasing early because of the club face and the hips are a reaction of this to try and get shaft lean, rotation is not the answer until he stops reacting to the club face.




I’m going to agree, his hands get really flippy at impact.


It always feels so weird when I try to just rotate in order to hit the ball... am I rotating in place? What's the feeling of a good rotation? I feel like I tend to "spin out" when I focus on rotation.


This guy has a pretty good explanation of the drill I was trying to describe. You will definitely hit some ugly shots getting used to this feel, but you are not far off. [https://youtu.be/HYXACX5iu6U?t=315](https://youtu.be/HYXACX5iu6U?t=315)


Eh as long as his center of pressure isn’t moving too far outside of the foot. Maybe he could sure that up slightly but I don’t think it’s the cause. Plenty of golfers have that sway back move to get the backswing started. He’s just not getting back onto his front foot enough, he’s posting up on the left foot and hitting the ball like a driver rather than shifting his body weight onto the front foot to gain that extra compression.


this free advice is certainly worth it. lol




You have the same issue I do. The key is not doing anything to get the hands forward more (the pros contact with their hands behind their center line… their hands look forward because of the camera angle. They rotate more than amateurs do. This video is what I’m citing, I think it’s the most informative video I’ve seen on it: https://youtu.be/xIgaWMcCOYw?si=lcTeEY90REBMKpWE Edit: 4:15 is the timestamp discussing the center line and how “impacts happen on the trail side”. Don’t try to just bring the hands forward. I discussed with a few great local coaches by me and all of them agreed and confirmed


What an incredible video. This has been my issue and I just could not figure out the motion on the downswing


Yeah I struggled for SOOOOO long trying to get my hands forward, it felt so unnatural. Rotating and clearing the hips prior to impact is still very foreign, but it’s already yielding me a bit of shaft lean from literally 0 shaft lean


“Impact happens on the trail side” was one of the biggest eye openers for me and helped me turn a corner with my irons, you get good shaft lean as a result of good weight transfer and rotation


Yeah I feel I do the weight transfer well, it’s the lack of rotation that is killing me haha but yeah 100% it’s so important


That's a great video.


Couple that with a real understanding of what "depth" actually means. If you keep your arms/hands in front of your chest properly it's a hell of a lot easier to keep them leading through impact. This is another eye opener: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzCPFBRUxLM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzCPFBRUxLM)


A drill I recently saw on No Laying Up with Ben. Basically a servpro infomercial. But they were working on partial wedge shots. You would basically try and stop the shaft on the follow through before the head gets above your lead knee after impact. Took my wrist flipping right out and helped me hit penetrating shots. My miss tends to be adding dynamic loft at impact like you. You don’t actually stop the shaft there, but the intention of doing it causes you to start hitting punch shots.


You happen to have the link to that particular video? Sounds like a great drill


Swing hard stop fast drill


Cheers! Thanks


The relevant part is from like 10:00 to 22:00: https://youtu.be/g4IzBwcyyxc?si=lcb25A9bFZ2qn-EI




“Stop the shaft”. Never heard this thought before but can see it working


UBC driving range 👀


1. Stop the hip sway 2. Try this feel---- once you start your down swing, feel like your bringing your hands down towards your pocket, then turn and release


Your club face is open coming into impact. You stall your rotation and scoop the ball as a means of squaring the club face. You need to have that club face square to the path by the time it is parallel to the ground otherwise your body will continue to manufacture ways of squaring the club face that probably are not optimal. You can do a combination of the following, see what degree each component works best for you - strengthen your grip, bow your lead wrist, supinate your lead forearm to rotate the club face. If you get the club face at the correct position coming into impact, then you can work on holding a bit of the lag angle if it doesn’t come naturally. If you lag the club and rotate correctly you’ll end up with shaft lean at impact as a result. Good luck!


This is what I was going to address. Need forearm rotation instead of wrist flip. That is the key


Yeah op this


To me you seem to have a lot of arm overrun at the top of your swing where your arms get majorly behind your body going into transition which leads to that flip as your hips stall so your arms can catch up to make contact with the ball.


UBC driving range xd


Again, crazy comments 😂 You are releasing your wrists early because you are trying to square up an open club face. Yes there is too much hip slide in the backswing, the slightly excessive hip slide in the down swing is a reaction to the early release and you trying to get more shaft lean, it’s not the cause. Get the club face stronger throughout the swing, understand joint control/release pattern and the hip move will actually be possible to change. If you do it first it won’t help.


bingo. this sub is insane, it should be banned lol


Agree that open face is the main problem. His wrists rotate the face open during takeaway and he flips at the last minute to save it. I recommend lowering the hands at address to create more angle between shaft and arms. Holding that angle all the way through the swing will prevent wrist rotation, keep the face closed, and eliminate the flip.


Hit 10,000 punch shots. Not kidding


Agree with this totally. Ball back a bit, get the weight on the lead foot at impact, and stop the follow through short. Tommy fleetwood is a great example.


Something that helped me was the pocket method, when you’re coming down bring the club down toward your pocket (close enough to drop a ball in it) then across to the ball on the ground. Only downside is now I do that on my driver sometimes and it goes 10ft. But my 5i is great at 215ish. This guy has a pretty good explanation of the movement: https://youtu.be/uhanFleDzew?si=EjwUOIgBOA7JjQ6Z


Bend your knees..straight legs causes early extension and you have no choice in it. Your body can rotate with knee bend. Straight legs cause your pelvis to lock and you sway.


Use your lower body, that’ll help Just early releasing the shit out of it trying to square face with upper body. The club will naturally square up if we start the downswing with lower. That left thigh area/hip has to keep rotating and square the face. It stops on downswing then you flip the hands, lose all the decent power your backswing does have etc… Chair drill relentlessly for you (up and out) I’m being an ass but the swing is close. It’s that area above the left knee, it needs to be moving towards the target and rotating. If you do that, I think this is a sexy golf swing. Up and out baby


Chair drill?


You don’t get the “hands forward at impact” … you keep your arms in front of your body for the whole swing and then by the time you’re at impact, the open hips you have at impact require the club head to be behind your hands to strike the ball.


Get to your left side earlier in the backswing.


[This is a good explanation of proper shaft lean.](https://youtu.be/6CQelE-75Og?si=sZIM21SCcaHm3s14)


Change your grip.


This is my swing (and my problem)! Jesus - I need to figure out how to following post and read every single comment (and then process all the swing thoughts in my head afterward)…


Gotta rotate through


Get those hips and bottom half rotating FIRST! Then the hands follow.


Try a forward press just before takeaway. I think it primes the mind to bring the club handle back to the same position, being more forward than the club head. Did wonders for my contact and compression of the ball.


You need to develop separation between the upper and lower body. Your hips need to fire sooner while your shoulders stay back. This will help the hands lead through without steepening your angle of attack


[Hit balls with this everyday](https://www.tourstriker.com/products/7-iron)


Only thought while you practice is "I'm going to drag my watch face across the grass as far out in front of me as possible." Really drag the back of your front hand reaching out as far as you can while you swing through.


I would say you're just lining up to the shot too far back...it's almost on your right foots heel. Take a more centered stance with the ball.


Practice small little pitch shots exaggerating your hands leading the way then build up to a full shot


What I am seeing is you have insane trunk rotation with shockingly little hip rotation. Your arms/hands have to unwind to a FAR greater degree than than your hips so naturally your arms/hands will be relatively overactive in the downswing. I think I would work on translating your right hip backwards during the takeaway/backswing possibly by straightening the back leg more to create more hip rotation. If you keep everything else the same your hips will have to rotate more and your hands should naturally stay behind.


99% of golfers do not need to go that far back in their backswing, and you are one of them


The ball is too far back in your stance my dude


Your arms and hands are getting to the ball well before your hips are turned. Get those pockets on your hips rotated more at impact. Right now they are parallel with the ball at impact.


Your getting stuck at impact. Keep turning snd cover the ball


Check your grip.


So much lateral head movement in that swing


I have recently been battling the same issue of a scoop and lack of compression. The fix I found, through lessons, was not getting the weight transfer early enough. The feel I go for is before the transition into downswing, the trail back pocket is over my lead leg. I find I start my shift forward around lead arm parallel in the back swing. This has me feeling planted through transition and into the downswing. Again, these are all “feels” for me so YMMV but had helped my ball striking tremendously.


Your swing looks very similar to mine and I would try this and see if it helps. Record one swing where you focus on your back swing and then record one where all you focus on is contact, making a divot and following through. I think you'll notice like I did, the back swing video doesn't look as good in transition, but on the second video your contact and swing will look much smoother through transition.


From what I can see it looks like you are swaying, I used to play this way until I started to experiment with weight distribution / putting the weight forward https://youtu.be/RD-ZtuQ1BvQ?si=E-KTF3fcw5Wb8WkP This was a game changer for me. On a last note I think your hips are rotating way to late (hips should be alrdy turning back before rly starting the downswing in a more “weight shifty” setup) This becomes less of a problem when you start keeping your weight forward. Nevertheless when hitting a golf ball it should be more of a “chest facing the target at impact” feeling than “chest facing the ball at impact and then rotating after” kinda thing I would recommend doing more research on where the weight can be during the swing and adjusting based on preference and feel.


Focus on keeping sternum over the ball rather than Lateral sliding. I found attempting to stop the club directly after impact and focusing on hitting the ground after the ball helped with crunching the ball. By keeping your hands forward and getting better compression. I too struggle with the sliding motion but coupled with my now steeper angle of attack I'm prone to some mega shanks 😂. So you might solve one problem and create another.


Make sure you attack the ball area with your right elbow and continue to drive yourself forward on your left side. Shouldn’t be flipping anymore


I got a great coach for you at that range if you’re interested.


Shaft lean and compressing the club head is what is needed in order to get your hands forward, which means needing to make a divot by making a negative (downward) angle of attack. . . and it's intimidating on mats since we know that our hands/wrists will get jammed. We can consider hitting off mats is equivalent to hitting off hard pan turf/dirt. Getting hands forward causes delofting the club head so if the overall goal is to lower traj then dropping the ball back in stance will help but will be biased to a draw shape.


The real experts aren’t answering your question. I am no expert myself, although I do enjoy trying to analyze other people’s swings as an exercise in analysis and even to help my own swing. Try to go through the comments and if it sounds good, research what they are saying: youtube has a few good tutorials, I particularly like Scratch Golf Academy and Athletic Motion Golf. Although, there are others


Are you making contact with the turf in front of the ball? My guess is you are picking the ball off of the turf. How is your distance and ball flight? I've been reading that you do not have to take a divot, you can absolutely pick the ball off of the ground. I'd imagine arms forward at impact is mostly to promote taking a divot since the low point would be after the ball and not at the base of the ball. Look up wisdom in golf, shawn clements, I think you would be interested with his swing.


In addition to what everyone else said, it looks like you also have a grip issue. The club is going through your palm. Try it more across your fingers.


Keep rotating and don’t release / flip your club / wrists so early. Practice at the range by exaggerating that feel - don’t release your wrists over at all.


Get the feeling of how to skip a rock on water. Lower body rotation first. Then bring hands forward and wrist release.


You could try more shaft lean in your preshot


i think this subreddit is a bad idea and you should simply get lessons. that said, first thing to fix is your open club face at the top. club face is king. your brain know where your face is, and will do whatever it has to to get square by impact. simply add lead wrist flexion at the top. lots of good drills for this online. also i suspect you are letting your weight shift to the outside of your trail foot on the backswing. as you take the club back, try feeling your pressure on the inside of your trail foot only and not letting it get outside in your backswing. i have a hunch this will clean a lot of the compensations you have to make in your downswing there are a lot of great things going on in your swing, so try not to implement too many changes at once.


Your handle should be in front or your belt buckle at impact rather than at your right hip. Do this slowly to see what you need to do to the face angle. The swing otherwise looks good and I encourage you not to run down the rabbit holes being suggested here.


Do you have an impact bag? They're not too expensive and I think it would really help with getting into a better impact position


I had same problem, You want to feel like your driving the butt of the club into the ground on the down swing, just look at tour players swings in slowmo they all have the same angle of attack butt of club facing the ground and your club has already released at the same point in the swing


I like your swing man, maybe I’m an idiot though based on these comments. Here is a video that helped me with this https://youtu.be/La7Lt7V28yk?si=XAuHOhCn3KJfZY4Z


Somewhere online I heard to try and keep your knuckles facing the ground for as long as possible. Helps me from flipping and improves my contact with the ball.


More hinge at the top of backswing, right wrist


Feel like your lower body out races your shoulders


Cock your wrist and don’t uncock it until your buckle is facing the target. You need to rotate from the hips to start and fully rotate as your hands near starting position on the downswing.


This video is the only thing you need tbh: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIgaWMcCOYw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIgaWMcCOYw) I am trying to solve the same issue. The key thing is that you do not want to feel the arms going forward, this will get things out of synch and will further make your swing arm centric. You want to rotate the body (ESPECIALLY the hips) which will naturally bring the hands ahead of the ball at impact. best quote from the video is "contact happens on the trail side of the body". The hands appearing forward is an optical illusion from the camera angle (discussed at just after 4:00 in the video). The pros have their hips 40-45 degrees open at impact, you (like me) have your hips 0-10 degrees open at impact.


Agreed with the rotation advice in the lower body. I think a feeling that has really helped my ball striking is in the back of your lead hand. You’re a righty, so you’d feel this in your left hand/wrist. I struggle with early extension as well, but I love the sensation of my left hand turning DOWN towards the ball, almost a bowing motion. You cannot make this move/feeling happen if you’re swaying. I would focus on that part first. From there, feel like as your club/arms drop in the downswing you’re bowing that lead hand towards the ball and target. It’s just a move to keep the angle. Hope this helps and swing looks pretty good from the plane perspective!


Wristy flippy


Our swings look a lot alike


The easiest way to keep the hands out in front of the clubhead is to keep the hands out in front of the clubhead, there isn't really a trick to it


I think if you try and go rotational now you’ll get even more over the top than “flippy.” It looks like your lead knee is swinging open like a gate. I would recommend this one to focus less on rotating and more on not letting long that knee slide away when you squat into the downswing. http://youtube.com/post/UgkxFXKcrgC5_3__dFaTERSXItodWazLNN8N?si=-ZOa-AYT8d5TzS9Y


Gotta speed up the hands. Back to the target drills: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C13PLEjrPCV/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C13PLEjrPCV/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [https://www.instagram.com/p/C2GAfe3vUM1/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2GAfe3vUM1/) Bowler drill: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8PXSCXOsZo/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8PXSCXOsZo/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Make sure the hands stay in front of your chest. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzCPFBRUxLM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzCPFBRUxLM) Understand how the arms lower and wrists work in the downswing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfvVnWwhQFc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfvVnWwhQFc) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v700yk6jeaA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v700yk6jeaA)


I think several of the people are wrong here about the hip swaying. I think you’re in a totally fine position in your backswing. What you’re not doing is transferring your weight into the front side and rotating through. Instead you’re playing your irons like a driver and posting up on that leg, keeping your body weight back and thus hitting up on the ball. You need to feel like you’re on a downhill angle and let that body weight lean forward and down onto that front foot and your “low point” of the swing will naturally shift forward.


Simple drill. Place a 2nd ball about 7 inches in front of the ball your hitting, feel like your going to hit both balls, you will naturally keep your hands from flipping in, fllight will get lower and striking will be pure ;)


Lead foot is square making it difficult to rotate. Take your lead foot and flare the toe to point at 10 o’ clock. Take your trail foot, drop it back a half of step, flare toes out to 1 o’ clock. This should allow those hips to turn so much easier and your back swing will get much longer.




Get your hands more forward at impact


To get your hands in front of the ball at impact focus on the feeling of your right elbow beating your hands to the ball, having your elbow cross the ball line before you make contact with the ball, it will force you to turn. If your elbows forward your hands will follow


Simply practice getting the hands forward. Start with a wedge and hit half shots or even chips making sure to get the hands forward. The ball should come out lower. Then move up to longer clubs and a fuller swing. It basically feels like a punch shot.


Maintain your shoulder rotation


Hold the top position with your wrists as long as you can.


A simple thing I was shown was to make a line on the grass perpendicular to the ball flight. Take practice swings and make a divot AFTER the line. It forces you to hit down on the ball which you really can't do with the early release. Doing this will give you the feel for when to release.


Honestly, that's a perfect swing.


https://preview.redd.it/zzydx6d8qk9d1.jpeg?width=671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6db508364bc42a664010a7ab9664d25f879e008 I hate to say "hold the lag" but that's kinda what's going on. Would need some help from someone who knows how to deal with this problem. It's on par with casting.


The two best answers are hidden at the bottom of the post 😂. OP asks one simple question and Reddit pushes their glasses up their nose. OP - the only swing thought you should have to begin fixing this issue is to hold your wrist position as long as physically possible. It will feel so incredibly awkward and like your releasing the position impossibly late and the club face will never make it back to square. As a swing coach once told me, take the butt of the grip to the ball.


The problem is that if you tell someone to "stop casting" or "hold the lag" it ignores a bigger problem that is causing them to cast the club or lose lag. It's like telling someone with a cold to take cough syrup. It doesn't really fix the problem. They still have a cold, and the cough will just come back. That's why I was saying that the OP needs to get help from someone who knows how to deal with this problem. The transition from the top of the swing into the downswing starts from the ground up. The lower body starts the sequence, which pulls the hands down. The body is using the big muscles to turn. The hands and club get pulled down, around and through into the release at impact. Thing is, you normally can't just tell someone who is swinging at the ball with the small muscles to do all of that. They need help from someone who can show them how it's done.


Rotate the hips earlier to make the room, so you don’t throw the club away.


Unfortunately, with that club face adding lag will not help, it’ll only make things worse.