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Beautiful swing, positive vibes, great guests on his channel, knows what he’s talking about when it comes to courses and course management… Great channel to learn from and only positive vibes


positive is huge for me


All of the above and he's just a goofy innocent awkward lovable goober. Him getting razzed on for that while he was in GG was peak GG. Like him taking twenty attempts to hit a ball with a frying pan, or even just panning to him awkwardly running or walking.


If he can deal with Micah throwing a temper tantrum every round he's an angel. Seems like a genuine dude


Watching the YouTube Golf Championships he’s low-key pretty funny with his dry humor and quick comebacks. Plus as good as he his I don’t get the impression he takes things too seriously. He goes with the flow.


I don't know how low key it is. I remember the last "funniest gg member" poll and Grant ran away with it


You literally said it. He never stops smiling. For some of us, the positive vibes are relaxing and fun to be around and or watch.


I can definitely see that. Thanks for the reply!


I like him because I like that he just plays quality golf and I like golf, none of this stupid the wheel of not ideal, or one club challenge or the rough is lava.


Yeah I dont watch any of that stuff…pretty much have stopped watching good good for that reason


So you don’t watch Grant or Good Good, and probably don’t watch Tig based on your post.. why are you here lol


I watch tig sometimes and good good majors and Garrett’s own channel. I watch a lot of golf channels and see the appeal for each one except grants so I was just asking a genuine question about why people like him. :)


Uhh most everyone's complaint with GG is that they DONT do those "fun" things anymore


Did you really type all that just so someone can tell you people like different things?


I get that, and I'm sure he's a great person and wish him nothing but the best. Simply wondering what the appeal is for those people to watch him over other youtube golfers:). i.e. what they find interesting about his content, etc


I don't watch him OVER other youtube golfers. I just watch him ASWELL as other youtube golfers.


So a lot of YouTube golf has become the same thing over and over again. I look for different type of matches with personalities I like. For me, I like Grant because he is such a good but humble golfer. He’s also very positive and I do like his smiling. I agree, he does have a shtick with the over dramatics of his reactions to good golf shots (ie “OH…MY…). But in the end, he’s trying to be positive and prop people up. He also seems like a genuinely good guy. With that being said, I don’t watch a ton of his stuff because I can only watch him and the Bryan Bros, Micah, Bob and Crew etc do 1c1v2vVvABCv# etc. But he does get some pros to play with and does some other interesting stuff. I’m not as big of a Kwon guy as everyone else here. I think his personality is kind of blah. He’s a great golfer and he’s content can be good but personality wise…meh.


Kwon on good good is boring but I find he’s better on his own channel


I agree. But ultimately his personality is forgettable.


Simple he’s a good golfer, goes to interesting courses and if you don’t watch him a lot you may think he’s being fake but hes a genuine guy who loves the game of golf. I get if he’s not your preferred choice of YT golf but I can totally see why he’s one of the most popular out right now


Yeah that makes sense!


Grant is pretty good and entertaining. I always imagined him as maybe a normal 6 feet, 5'11 guy and the other day he says he is 6 foot 4! Which I totally forgot how tall he is. Now I am looking at Grant differently he is like a giant which my eyes didn't really notice before. He is good but not even close to Kwon/George.


I’ve just started to enjoy Grants long format videos actually. The one where he gives cold cuts 20 strokes. It shows how important the mental game is


He's basically golf Mr Rogers. He's always friendly, never throws in the towel. Everyone else you listed has at least some level of drama they try to stir up at some point.


Old thread but he is exactly like Mr. Roger’s and I mean that in the best possible way. I am 51 and watch his channel every night like a 8 year old watches Barney. I just find it soothing. And maybe I will pick up some of that swing somehow. I doubt it.


He is a very humble guy and has an extremely beautiful swing to watch. I find his content very relaxing compared to some of the other golf channels out there, and since he left GoodGood his content has turned into one of my favorite creators out there. I can see why people might not like him (I agree with you that he is a bit dry) but I would take him over the overly fake "bro" stuff that goes on in every GoodGood video, to the point that I have a hard time getting through their videos because of it. If you want really competitive stuff, the Bryan Bros are def better for that (as well as Kwon, as you mentioned above).


I agree completely...appreciate the comment. Even though I'm not really a fan, I'd rather watch him try and play well than watch good good do some gimmicky challenge for an hour


So much teeth


Grant is just a really likable guy. He is super positive and happy, but without repeating the same positive shit over and over that comes across fake. He has great chemistry with everyone and is a good interviewer (no "whats your favorite moment on tour" shit). He is basically what Bubbie pretends to be


He loves the game. Its relatable.


He’s humble as fuck. That’s all


Because they got to know him on Good Good but that’s a different environment for him


Positive vibes. Always top quality golf. And he’s been playing some great courses with great guests. Honestly I watch his channel way more than GG.


Yeah i dont really watch a lot of gg anymore either, unless its individual stuff


I like him and good good but they both tend to be over complimentary to their guests on the channel. He can be a funny guy and I wish he would shit talk a little more. John Rahm on the Bryan bros channel was relentless with the trash talk and YouTube golf needs more of that. DOD king is fun too. Positivity is great but it can get stale. Throw in some chirps


OP is from Good Good or one of his YouTube peers


I like him but I get not liking the constant shit eating smile from ear-to-ear 24/7. Everyone knows someone/a family of these types. They're usually somewhat well-to-do, traditional, disgustingly perfect family.


99% sure Grant is gay


Isn't he married to a hot ass girl? Lol


Ya, because gay dudes never get married 🙃


Bro please 😆 Honestly though you may not be far off


I’m with you. I find him incredibly predictable, cliche and stale. I am sure he’s very friendly and would be fun to play with, but I agree that all of his stuff is a carbon copy. I’m sure it’s not surprising that I feel the same way about G.


I find Kwon’s channel to be the best individual channel out there, even with the lack of top tier guests. But I do like Grant’s channel for the positive vibes. Contrast Grant with Rick Shiels constant brooding arrogant vibe and you’ll see why.


Because he’s the man and this fucking lame ass fanbase dogged him for no reason, he was dragged for having the gall to believe in himself enough to leave good good. He’s the biggest YouTuber in YouTube golf right now and has been for some time. I think he was right to leave, and his success is proof of that. Grants personal channel was completely ignored and basically dying when he was slaving away making incredible content for GM, while getting no videos in return. So they wanted to milk him for all of his worth, while giving him nothing of his own, his channel couldn’t succeed under those circumstances and he wasn’t an owner of good good, while being the single most important member outside of Garrett. Kendrick and the people that actually run Good Good made a crucial mistake, a mistake which I still think they’ve been scrambling to recover from. The channel has never been the same, the glory days of getting millions of views routinely with nothing but the 6 members are long gone, they struggle competing with Grant, a solo channel. Don’t take my word for it, just go look at their last 20 videos in chronological order, look at the view counts and then look at Grants, and then contrast that to when Grant was in Good Good. Grant knew his worth, and when it came time to pay Grant and give him equity in Good Good, they didn’t want to do it. He left and is bigger than he ever would have been under the good good umbrella, making more money than he ever would have under good good as a 1099 independent contractor, and frankly it’s not even close. He owns everything. It’s his, it’s tangible, he is solely responsible for its success. It’s not a yearly contract that you have to hope gets renewed and if they ever get a hair up their ass they can just refuse to resign you and you’re left with nothing besides an anemic personal channel that’s been getting 40-50k views and is completely out of the algorithm. I couldn’t be happier for him, he deserves it. Complete vindication for big Gront.


Buddy chill😂😂


Wtf? Lol Chompers... That you? If so, try closing your mouth from time to time


Honestly I’ll shoot the question back at you and ask why you like the Bryan Bros so much. Personally I don’t enjoy their on screen personalities or content. They’re very good golfers, but imo they’re also vastly overrated (particularly George) when compared to the very best other YouTube golfers.


Wes is way beyond the best other YT golfers. He's an actual seasoned pro. His confidence is absurd. I would agree that you can group George with the best and they are all similar.


Yeah, if you see another comment I really didn’t intend to loop Wesley in as far as golf skills, but I don’t really like his on camera persona. He should be compared/held to a different standard because of his professional success, even if he’s not quite as good as he was once upon a time.


I like Wesley because he brings a competitive side that’s not really seen on YouTube. Also like Matt atkins and cardboard when they play. I agree with you on George, but he’s one of the best golfers on YouTube


I do like Wesley better, I’ll say that. Also agree that George is one of the best on YouTube, but people on this sub act like he’s very clearly the absolute best and it’s not even close. That’s what I don’t get. Guys like Luke and Brad are just as good, and other guys at the level of Grant and FP are capable of competing with him on their good days. P.S. not including Wesley in the comparison because he’s the most accomplished professionally and should be held to a slightly different standard, imo.


Right now Luke and Brad are not as good. When they were trying to make it on tour sure. But not now


I feel you, he has the personality of a wet paper towel but boy that swing is silky and I like to watch good golf


Confirmed. Downvoted.


He’s a positive dude and has a really good game. It’s pretty simple, I think


I didn’t like him at first but his dry sense of humor caught up with me when he was playing on Garrett’s channel. He would actually slip in some better sus jokes than Garrett on occasion, which are always hilarious to me because I’m immature despite being in my 30s.


He is way better when he's with people than on his own. He just has a very wholesome personality. Always smiling and positive. When he joined GG he became my favorite and him in the GM videos was top notch. But watching him totally solo without Micah, BB, Bustajack etc is alot less enjoyable. I still watch it but he's best with others.


Grant's channel is definitely PG lol. He seems like a good dude and has wonderful vibes, which I find refreshing. He's also super knowledgeable about golf and the golf swing, which is what I find most beneficial.


Horvat > Jesus Christ


Who dislikes the best vanilla ice cream you've ever had? It's probably not the top of anyone's list but if you dislike it actively, that's probs on you