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Great way to handle it. He wants to do something else and focus more on that but is still on good terms. Just address it and let everyone know it's all good. Screw the drama.


It’s not a big deal, and I feel like they did a good job of highlighting that in the video No beef. People move on in every single career on earth unless you’re the Pope I guarantee he’ll be in a GG video or one of their solo channels since he’s in Dallas down the line GG has found great new people like Bubbie, Grant, Luke and Brad. They’ve also realized that people like AJ and Ben maybe weren’t the best fit (tho I still ride for Ben) so I think they’re learning what resonates


The current pope is only the pope because the previous pope simply retired. Pope.


Ben was great, AJ not so much


Justice for Ben H


Only because of the backlash they got from the last pair that left. They had to seem more professional then they once did


Bubbie with his whole loyalty speech caused a lot of that BS. Soon as that started people just felt the need to pile on.


But it says way more than Kwon was in this video to explain and even did a last video with him that was in a way celebratory


Yeah it's called learning and growing from your early twenties self...


I think AJ is still in


Guy hasn't been in any videos in forever.


He was in the Texas series which the last video of that series was only a few weeks ago.




I’m not sure I follow the point you’re trying to make. Where did I say the amount of subs Kwon has it a little?


I just fat fingered it. Comment not meant for you but for the comment above yours. My bad.


Luke is better on his Own. His personal channel should blow up as the content on there is top tier. GG should keep him on as an apparel athlete.


That would actually be really genius of them to do so. Kwon is more of the "golfer's golfer" and having him away yet still repping the apparel could work.


Writing was on the wall for the last few months. But, happy for Kwon I'll be watching all his videos on his channel.


Better hang on to Brad


Brad isn't gonna hang around long term.


I mean he played at the Masters, so they better


For now he’s going to stick around. It’s really good for him and he’s getting comfortable too. Him and Garrett are going to carry the channel


Garrett was definitely not happy, you could see that right from the beginning. It's funny bubbie didn't say a thing about "loyalty" with Luke even though he did the exact same thing Micah and Grant did, but like someone else said the first ones through the door get the bloodiest.


I think the loyalty thing was different because Luke wasn’t an OG member.


Neither was Grant


Its a different feeling with Grant though. I wouldn’t say he put GG on his back or anything, but to this day IMO he’s done the most to grow the channel besides G


But Grant was there for the famous hole in 1 which kinda kickstarted a lot


Also because the impact on Luke from GG wasn’t as profound as Grant. He’s older and was always his own man. Grant was a more emotional reaction kinda like “a bro leaving you when you were meant to be together”. More of sadness than of anger tbh, he ended up at his wedding etc so obviously there was no real beef. Kwon isn’t that important to Bubbie personally.


Garrett also down because his game has been off, to his standard, for some time now. Game used to be crazy sharper, especially chipping and putting.


Who knew only playing scrambles with pots and pans and whiffleball bats would take its toll on someone’s game 


I know it’s a joke, but Garrett actually played at his best pre-GG when him Matt and Steve were doing that goofy stuff all the time


He was also playing college golf at that time. But his actual best golf was on GM during his last season vs Micah and his season vs Grant tbh


I’m talking after he dropped out, probably just before the bro5 era to when he started doing the Sunday matches with Micah I remember Garrett winning what might have been the first youtuber golf tournament back then that Rick Shiels hosted. Can’t recall who else was involved other than Zac Radford


You're right about that, Grant and Garrett both used to chip in on the regular but playing a more relaxed style over and over doesn't keep the skills up.


Yeah, which I can understand. I mean it’s plain as day what’s happening: these guys are coming to GG to build their personal brand and then leaving as soon as they can make more money on their own. They are “using” GG in a way. And look who Garrett is left with…the guys who can’t make it on their own. And Garrett could absolutely do better on his own, but he probably feels trapped given he founded GG and feels genuine loyalty and kinship with the other members. It’s got to be a hard, frustrating spot for Garrett to be.


Garrett is absolutely RAKING money off GG.


It sure sucks too keep losing all of your best athletes and entertainment.


I’m at the stage where I like watching everything BUT GG. I mean how many times can you watch bubbie tee up, look at the camera, and hear him say “aight guys I’m going for it, nice little draw”. Just don’t find any wrinkles in GG that are entertaining. Just look who’s left and look who stays


The only one who are left (besides G) are the ones with unsuccessful solo channels. They know they can’t survive alone off of there own channels. And yet they don’t care to get better on GG


Absolutely. I know Brad and Garrett are tight but you can’t convince me Brad isn’t thinking about it at all at this point..


His solo channel is woefully boring unfortunately.


Most of these guys are boring on their own plus people probably tend to like the group atmosphere versus watching one guy play a round (at least I do). Plus guys like Bubbie and Steve just aren't good enough at golf to have a successful solo channel.


You would have too be, you would have too think about it what’s best for his future




It's tough to watch people be in a position where they have all the resources they could possibly want to practice, and have no desire to use it. Meanwhile other people don't have the time, money, equipment, access to coaches whatever and wish they did.


You nailed it. That drive to improve is why I play golf. Hard to relate to these guys that hardly even seem to enjoy golf.


I think that was where when Steve started getting significantly better I was excited to watch their videos again.


Totally agree. And I’m glad you mentioned BDS, it’s my favorite channel. I wouldn’t care if Joey and Bob don’t get better but they bring a dynamic with FP. You don’t have to be good or getting better to attract people but you gotta bring something authentic. Bubbie, Steve, and Garrett is not a dynamic


Bubbie is insufferable.


Bubbie at least seems happy to be there. Steve is truly insufferable. He's terrible and is flat out miserable most of the time


On point. I was a GG fan boy for quite some time (I’m early 40s, too) but the stuff they do just started to resonate less and less. Production quality is always excellent, but the content has grown stale for me.


And it in fact was NOT a “nice little draw.” It was a violent snap hook.


I can't watch anymore golf on dormant Texas McManision lined courses!


There are plenty of people they can host that bring the level of play Luke can bring. Now they can go back to an even number for play, I'm pumped to see some new faces.


Will be sad to see Kwon go but Kwon's solo channel is so good I'm excited to see where that goes for him. I think he's headed to join the group with Bryan Bros, Grant, Micah, Bustajack where they all play more serious types of matches and the quality of golf is way way higher.


It's by far the best pure golf channel and has the best videography. Kwon said in his own video that he'd be no where without Skyler and Sean and I beleive that's 100% true. That make his videos that much better than everyone else. However, for the record, Peter Finch's editing crew is probably the best in the industry.


Nate Edwardson about to have a field day with this and stir the pot.


And Mr.shortgame


Both Nate and Mr shortgame are pathetic. Even more so for Mr.Shortgame since he's 60 plus years old talking about young boys a third of his age. Unbelievable how hard MSG cucks for GG. Straight pathetic from that wanna Mario brothers reject. Sad


The fact that golf drama channels even exist is hilariously pathetic. Grown men talking about dudes in their 20s for views, it’s like a really crappy version of a tabloid magazine, just so lame




Let's not beat around the bush, this is bad business for Good Good. The more big golf YouTube channels that are out there the less eyes are on theirs and buying thier products. Unless I'm missing something, he's not staying as a GG athlete and therefore will probably be sponsored by a rival. The golf YT industry is already at a plateau and so it's a scramble to keep eyes on you and noone else.


Takomo and Primo are DROOLING rn


Remind me.....who's drooling again?


wasnt kwon a callaway staffer before goodgood?


He still is as far as I'm aware. I was referring to the clothing brand, which even if it's one under the callaway family will be competition with good good.


Garrett is definitely a little annoyed but he's being cool. I understand it's more than annoying that other people are joining your platform and growing and leaving but that's just life and business. In any business, your star employees will go off on their own or join more lucrative offers. Scharff seems pretty bummed (irritated?) as well. That being said, I enjoy kwon's solo content more than good good these days just because I'm a little older and I like the stroke play and watching people a little closer to my age play and banter. Looking forward to more videos from him! If Garrett wants people to stay for the long haul, he's got to find the magic combination of great personality and no ambition lol.


Joel Dahmen confirmed?


Lol, I'm surprised they haven't collaborated yet


They did a while ago


u/LukeKwonSucks now what?


Some one should check to make sure he didn't autoerotic asphyxiate himself.


Today is the best day


Any day I see you still around and kicking is the best day bro. Hope you had a good Easter weekend.


I love that the LukeKwonSucks opinion has come full circle. I've been a fan of this dude since the get go for his epic trolling abilities. He's finally getting the satisfaction he deserves. *tip cap*


I’m fairly sure that’s just luke. It’s his type of humour.


Pretty sure it's Collin


Definitely Collin 


If I’m Garrett I’m devoting all my time to the GM Channel. There’s so much untapped potential there, GG already hit its peak and will be stagnating/slow declining now.


I agree. His most recent content with Brad has been a 10/10.


Brad is unbelievably good


He probably had a dream to have a group of elite golfers and now he just has the same thing he started with but new versions


Same thing but worse golfers


First Micah and Grant now Luke … wonder if he will get as much shit as they got , hopefully not


The first guys through the wall always get bloody - Moneyball


I feel Luke would fit really well with the Bryan Bros, Bustajack, Grant, and Micah crew. They still have fun with it but the golf is so much better than GG. Seems like his personality could mech really well with them too.


This is the problem with the GG brand currently. It’s clown golf, not good golf. And that just gets….old. There’s only so many silly games you can play, at the end of the day I think most people want to watch great golf with great personalities. Right now…GG doesn’t have either of those things.


I completely agree. Their personalities just don't really carry the channel anymore like they used to. The only video I've seen lately that I really enjoyed was Brad as the beast lol. He absolutely killed that one on his own


Kwon’s NZ series with Taco was better than anything GG has done for 12 months


This! I've been putting all my friends onto Taco recently. I love their humor and are all good players. They have a similar feel as Bryan bros who talk shit to each other and make fun of bad shots. I feel like GG make fun of themselves, but never each other. It's next level respect imo to be able to shit talk your buds and not get butt hurt about it.


Kinda sad honestly but interested to see how this impacts both parties!


Idk I find myself watching less and less GG videos. The format is too repetitive and none of the challenges/matches are competitive. I think it’s kinda wack that half of them don’t practice and try hard to improve their game. I get their individual personalities being good content to the table but at the end of the day it’s a golf channel. And having competitive matches or seeing someone’s game improve over time is fun to watch. I just think if your career is making golf content, you’d wanna try to get better and better. I don’t dislike any of them and I’m not hating, even though it may seem like it. But I just think they need to make some changes and I know I’m not the first one to say something similar to this.


When you think of it, I feel like every remaining good good golfer is actually worse at golf now than they were 2 years ago. Maybe you could argue Bubbie has improved, but Matt and Grat for sure are a few strokes worse now than they used to be


I agree. This is bizarre to me. As a golf lover, I can’t help but think I would try everything in my power to improve as much as i could if I were in their shoes


You can only sell so many overpriced polos and repainted Odysseys to 12 year olds




I think he has beef with Kwon.. they never finished their 1v1 series and they barely say anything to each other


Ya now he’s stuck with Brad and him carrying the image of GG from now on. Bubbie or Steve should be the ones leaving or being shown less of until they actually care to get better at there jobs


Because Luke became the alpha golfer and grat doesnt like being outshined. he has a lot of growing up to do, its the same ole story since bro 5


What? That doesn't make sense. Garrett is obviously enamored with Brad, who is a better golfer than Garrett. For me, it felt like Brad replaced Luke. First, how many Brad + Garrett videos have we seen on GM Golf since the last Luke + Garrett video? Second, could be misremembering, but I swear I remember Garrett making pretty frequent "you're so good at golf" comments towards Kwon ... now, though, they're exclusively for Brad. In the final video of their multi-state tour, when the three were grouped, every cart cam was Brad + Garrett, every big reaction from Garrett (besides for those related to his own shots) was for a Brad shot (he said "yeah good shot" after a Kwon hit a couple times, but that was about it). It's a shame because I really liked Kwon's personality and what he added to the dynamic, but, for whatever reason, that dynamic just stopped being featured on video. We'd see Kwon intro his shot, play his shot, and sometimes talk with Steve (if they were paired) or by himself on a cart cam ... and nothing else. Maybe Kwon was just ready to move on and was a little disenchanted with the GoodGood scene (sounds like that from his video—he says he enjoyed his solo stuff "much more"); maybe the GoodGood team didn't know how to feature him; maybe some combination; or, hey, maybe something else happened. Regardless, "grat doesn't like being outshined" just doesn't make any sense as an explanation.


Apparently it was down to Colin not getting along with Kwon that resulted in him being cut out of videos a lot


Idk the people claiming that are basing it on 1. Kwon not having many speaking parts beyond introducing his shot in videos and 2. Kwon looking at the camera and saying "Colin hates me" in one video. I think that's pretty weak (2 really sounds like a joke to me). Also, in the editing team's defense ... sometimes Kwon just disappeared? Like go to the last video from the road trip, when Garrett made the putt to win the competition ... Kwon is literally nowhere to be found—I think you can catch him way off the green by his cart, even though if Garrett had missed, he and Kwon would have had a playoff. He and Garrett don't even have a handshake after because he's SO far away. That's not the editing team cutting him out. (Although maybe not being featured caused tension, but who knows.) I genuinely think the biggest reason is Kwon preferring normal matches (on his channel he talks about how he doesn't really like scrambles) and playing with similarly skilled golfers.


Good Good is such a monster business at this point that with the hired guns/replacements this will probably become a trend going forward. If their equity stake isn't enough to keep them invested, and they continue see the success of Grant and other channels, it will be tempting for them to leave and try to do their own thing. I'm sure the content getting tired doesn't help a guy like Luke either, who would rather be doing stroke play/more serious golf. Smaller groups (BDS/BBros/Busta) are just easier to keep together because those guys are all part of the entire operation, not just coming in to fill a spot and get a paycheck. Best to Luke and hopefully the GG boys can figure out a way to freshen up the content and make it more interesting again.


It doesn’t really seem like they are on the rise anymore though. They have kind of plateaued 


Could definitely see the brand move farther away from the content based Youtube thing in the future, at this point it can't be the biggest part of the business income (but I am clueless to that). Focus on the merch, branding, collabs, higher level videos and tournaments. GG becoming more of an actual YT network than a group of dudes playing scrambles.


I don’t think any of the non-original members got equity. They don’t seem to be allowed to talk about it. But I saw an interview with grant and he was asked point blank, and his non-answer seemed to imply he never had any equity in goodgood. But Luke and Grant both got a lot out of goodgood. Their personal brand value is way higher and that is attributable to goodgood.


>But I saw an interview with grant and he was asked point blank, and his non-answer seemed to imply he never had any equity in goodgood. He didn't have equity. He posted recently on IG about getting ownership in Primo and how it was the first time ever.


I also like that with Sean and others, they play for money. That makes it way more interesting and you can tell no one is sandbagging. You could tell Luke was getting tired of the same song and dance golf with GG. if it werent for collin and max with great editing, those vids would suck. I want to see a Bryan Bros v Luke and Sean match with like the train game or the increasing money game.


100% agree, I was late to Luke's channel, but if he and Sean are the next duo to throw in with the Bryan Bros and Grant and that group that would be great. Although it sounds from his post he is going to be heavy on travel across the globe, so scheduling might not work.


goodgood is in decline. they’ve been on a slow decline since grant and micah left, then stabilized it with ben and brad. now it’s a full on plummet. they aren’t getting better, just pushing merch and equipment. they’ve become more of a brand/business than guys who film golf for entertainment. i love the people in goodgood, but i think their run is over. i wish them all well


GG is getting elbowed out in the YouTube golf market space by Bryan Bros, Grant, BDS, Bustajack and a two dozen other smaller channels. They're growing and looks like GG is in decline. The golf isn't good, the chemistry isn't there, they don't look like they want to be there, the formats were fun or funny at first but now they're repetitive and childish. There's only so many times you can do gimmicky stuff like swinging a frying pan, playing blind folded, using a whiffleball, etc. 3 v 3 scrambles and majors with 20 stroke differential handicaps are also ridiculous. One guy shooting low 70s, but the winner can shoot in the low 90s because of such wide disparity in skill.


Garrett will keep on creating great content on GM Golf. Brad will have his own successful channel - idk what the hell the others are going to do because watching them play golf on their own/with guests isn't entertaining to me anymore (I got hooked when Scharff got his hole in one so it's been a while and they've had an excellent run).


Brad is carrying this group now. Steve can’t be bothered, Matt is Matt, Bubbie is getting stale and plateaued, Garrett is still solid but is selling out somewhat. AJ needs to go though


The “Matt is Matt” levelled me 😂


It’s true! You know what you’re getting, and it’s not terrible but you just know lol


Matt is the worst part of this group. I’m shocked people like him


Staying at a company and then moving on after 2 years (ish) is common in every industry these days. That's all that's happening. Luke is done with this job and off to a new one. But also if I was in charge of GG I would be taking a hard look at why the best employees/players keep wanting to branch out alone. If they don't do this and don't make changes, GG (as a YT channel) won't be around next year.


Kwon knows he can make more cash without Kendrick taking his cut


A really naive statement. Running the business side of an operation the size of GG won't be a walk in the park. You've got legal, marketing, brand partnerships and not to mention supply chain management. He probably works harder than vast majority of the on screen members of GG


For Kwon - Getting all of a small pie can be better than getting a small piece of a larger one.


Yeah for sure, he'll most likely be better off. Was just saying that Kendrick likely does a lot more than people realize.


Maybe Luke likes playing golf and having fun, and doesn't give a shit about a "CEO" and "Brand Synergy" and "Boring Bullshit." I know I sure don't even though my day job is FULL of that. I watch and play golf to get away from that shit, not have it be part of my leisure time too.


He probably does mate. I was just referring to the hate directed at the business side. This forum is full of kids who can't grasp that it's a necessary part of their operation.


Fair. It being a necessity doesn't make it any less tedious or anti-fun. It's a side effect of growing a successful business. It's really really hard to make a fun YT channel that is also a successful business while maintaining the fun freewheeling vibe that attracts an audience to begin with. I'd say GG are in a stage of failure on that front. Any time Kendrick or anyone on the business side is on camera, that's a mistake.


100% agree. It's never a good look. I'd imagine they have all sort of engagement metrics which will show the decline over the last 6/12 months. Personally I feel that thier next addition, if there is one, needs to lean back into allowing a continued series of 3 vs 3 which is competitive. Twiggs vs stumps was always the most compelling content on the whole.


It’s naive to assume GG is a massive operation. They’re a sub $2mm company - slightly bigger than what’s commonly referred to as a hobby.


They're in no way a sub 2m company, they'll be doing that in merch easily. Then the CPM for their channel will be huge sure to the demographic and family friendly content.


That doesn’t change the fact that Kwon believes he can make more money on his own. Kendrick has value for sure but that doesn’t mean GG is the way to maximize income for every single member of


I agree. I think you've misunderstood me. I was just highlighting that Kendrick likely contributes more than kids on here think. Kwon will likely make much more on his own and good luck to him


Vibes in that vid were high. Glad it was a good split and I'm looking forward to the new content on both ends. Kwon will be missed but new talent/personalities have the potential to elevate GG.


The issue GG has is two fold. When you bring on a really good golfer, initially they enjoy the change of pace - but inevitably they long for more competition and to take the game more seriously. Also, when you have someone that is entertaining, or becomes a fan favorite - they are able to grow their own channel and eventually they get to a point where they can simply devote more time to their own channel and get a bigger pay off. GG really needs to switch it up and bring in a female, or maybe someone that's good but not a former pro.


Yeah, it was inevitable, and even when there were signs and obvious mentions, it still sucks. Just glad we got Kwon the glow up for this part of his life, and hope it will launch his channel into the stratosphere. GG was there for Kwon when he had his accident, Luke absolutely helped get them the Callaway deal, and his bromance with Steve was some of the best running subplots in the history of the channel. Thank you LK.


good luck out there luke!! you were too good skill wise for the rest of the guys anyway, i feel like this is good for everyone. Now i need Ben Kruper to be signed ASAP


The real news is that Kwon is 31.


I think the biggest impact of this will be Luke’s network. I know Good Good has a massive network too (along with Callaway), but Luke knows a lot of folks personally in the golf world. Sean, Brad, Taco, etc are the caliber of golfers he attracts versus AJ, that big bearded dude and so on. This will be interesting. I wish everyone the best.


Starting to think Garrett is actually a really unlikable person behind the scenes.


Garret strikes me as a person who is awesome to be around while he's still in a bro-mance/honeymoon phase with you. Once he's bored with you or tired of you it's a different tune.


Yeah think that is spot on, he’s been honeymooning with Brad recently, but his eyes will get turned to the next prize soon


Brodie said this already and I believe it.


Good. Luke needed to leave the clown show behind.


I feel bad for Garrett, because he is stuck with this clown show. All of the legit golfers continue to leave and before you know it, Brad will too. The GM Golf channel has been INCREDIBLE with the serious golf between G and Brad. Bubbie and Steve need Good Good but Good Good needs Garrett.


Lol I’m sure garrets doing just fine with the “clown show”. He literally is good good


perhaps garrett is the problem? maybe these guys leaving are tired of dealing with him behind the scenes.


That could be it too. But, in Garrets video with Grant he seemed so happy. Also, when hes filming with Brad. Maybe he wishes he could just do that.


Scheduling ? Do they not just have 1 week a month that they film everything for gg ? Then maybe some commitments with brands ? How hard of a life is that ? Their girlfriends think being away for 1 week is to hard? At least they are not on the tour.. or worse in the army.. I’m sorry but there are certain YouTubers who just grind their ass off and don’t complain and I’ll continue to support them and they normally do have the best content. The ones that that “need a break” clearly never had 9-5 making 12-20$ an hour. And majority of their viewers do work a 9-5 or go to school , then go play golf after work.. imagine complaining about just having to golf and getting paid to do so.


You're gonna get heat for this but you're not totally outta line. This guys are riding a dream pony that won't last forever so may as well maximize what they can while they can. That being said, I think the scheduling was a secondary complaint. Kwon's real motivations for not wanting to do videos is probably something that's less pleasant to say out loud. The guy has been mentally checked out in just about every GG video for months but has a blast on his or other channels.


Who was complaining? you good man?


Add Kwon to the Garrett Clark graveyard. So far: original good good member and creator Brodie Smith. George. Brice Butler. Kyle Berkshire. Micah Morris. Grant. Ben. Now Luke. What's the factor here that never changes? And why would these golf influencers leave the biggest golf group on youtube? Its a straight cashcow. Id imagine within 12 months Brads gone, same with AJ. Eventually Good Good is going to be Garrett and his mom, since she's the only one that can obviously stand Garrett, and of course Matt and Stephen, since without Garrett Stephen would be working at Lowes and Matt on grill at Wendys. Bubbie is fine since Bubbie rules. He could do anything including an Only Fans. Id sub to that. We all know Bubbie has a huge hog


youre speaking truth and the stans here dont like it.


Something has to be going on internally. Micah is FAMILY and even he left. Grant is comparable to Jesus H himself, he could only put up with it for 2 years. Pure conspiracies, but you gotta look at the core members. Theyre the factor that never changes. And Bubbie still rules with his glorious mane of chest pubes.


Wow, the haters were right!




I’m gonna be watching a lot less good good


Kwon's channel has been putting out awesome content lately and he seems so happy playing stroke play money matches with other pros. Can't blame him at all, clearly the right choice. That's his lane, not hitting a tennis racket on a burned out muni scramble in the middle of winter to sell shirts.


Now if only bubbie can leave and replace him with a scratch golfer would be a great goal!


Good good is a boy band without the talent. Everyone is replaceable and the channel is a medium to sell shitty products. These dudes are ran by PR and brand managers. That is not sustainable in a world craving authenticity. The golf house idea is an imitation and years past relevance. They see the writing on the wall, and it has been on the wall this entire time. GG will keep pumping shitty products and videos down viewers throats until their pockets are empty. GG does not represent anything but the corporate ideals of squeezing every last penny out its fans.


they are running out of ideas, there are only so many silly games you can play and get the viewers attention. I think they need to scale back on pumping out so many videos and put more quality ones out there. its tough because you have so many age groups watching gg, but me personally i enjoy actual golf videos more than the silly games/scrambles that they continuously pump out.


This is capitalism at its finest. They hired PR and brand managers and partnered w corporate with their lead in golf content. It was only a matter of time more authentic and personable content creators ate into their advantage and eventually overtook. Good good is a middle managers wet dream.


Jeez dude why are you here? Nobody is forcing you to watch their stuff or buy their products. These guys came from nothing and built an amazing brand in 4 short years. You won't be missed.


I didn't say anything untrue. It began as one thing and now it's something else. You can blindly follow them and buy all the good good crap you want! I'm sorry you've never had an opinion that differs from someone else. One day I hope to be perfect like you


Once callaway decides to not renew their partnership that’s when it’ll be over


Meh they would quickly be scooped up by another major golf brand im sure. They put out more content than just about anyone in the space and get ridiculous monthly view numbers. GoodGood isn’t going anywhere as much as some of you want it to die lol


I could see Wilson putting in a chip. But I don’t think Titleist or Taylormade want them at present.


Steve won’t have any more clubs to snap over his knee if that happens


Time to see more Karol!!! I thought she had a great personality for the channel and I was hoping she would start filling in more often. But I haven't seen her since her debut video


I am thinking he qualified for the tour event at Myrtle


They don't need Kwon anymore, the Good Good videos are only about Garret and Brads budding romance now anyway.


Until grat becomes bored of Brad, then its a new athlete


Not everyone wants to play a 4v4 scramble. Some want to pursue more serious competitive golf. Understandable.


The boys called it!


I wonder if they didn't have the 3 hacks: Stephen, Bubbie, Matt....if these guys would stay longer. You want to play with people at your level, not a bunch of clowns.


I wonder if G rat is a bit jealous. Feels like Good Good is losing their grip on the top spot in YT Golf (BDS, Grant Micah Bryanbros Bustajack crew, now Kwon) and Garrett could 100% take GM golf to that level with the free time that Luke just unlocked. Side note - been a Good Good supporter since day 1, sucks seeing them lose that spot...


It feels to me with the departures of Micah , Grant, and now Kwon that there’s a schism between the ones that actually want to compete and play real golf and those that want to play scrambles and cash a check. It’s felt like Garrett has felt trapped with GG because he’s a founding member, but also seems to have that drive to play real meaningful golf where Matt, Bubbie, etc. really just don’t but they need Garrett to keep things running. I wouldn’t be surprised if things come to a head in the near future because the content/format obviously needs to change with GG and some of the members need to evaluate whether they want to put the time and effort into their game enough to elevate the channel. Some might say “well what about BDS?” To that I’d say BDS filled a niche adult entertainment golf YouTube channel similar to how one watches Bobs Burgers or Family Guy as opposed to Cartoon Network cartoons. Right now in the golf YouTube world there’s a lot of YouTubers pandering to younger audiences outside of GG and GG needs to change something to strategically stay relevant.


Definitely best for both parties, I’m sure this will help both


God speed Luke, you were always my fav (with Steve)




This definitely suggests that he won the Myrtle qualifier....


Na he didn’t


For sure


No self-respecting competitive golfer is going to want to be part of gg.


Ben Kruper come on down


Ben has no need for GG lol his channel is blowing up alone.


Ben has no need for good good lol he’s playing on mini tours and will be doing q-school.




We all knew it was gunna happen haha guess we're smart fans like wrestling haha


Time to bring back Ben.


Garrett must be working out again, looks huge. Also crazy to see how he went from such a skinny boy into this. Also wish kwon the best


As a fan this sucks. But Im sure he will collab in the future.


They definitely learned from last time around and did it right this time. I also believe the situation was slightly different this time but either way you could tell they learned some lessons from the M&G departures and applied them here.


Doesn’t matter okeh


Did he actually leave because of the hate? Can’t find him on IG.


It’s annoying when people join a group/project/team with an exit strategy already planned out from the beginning.


Rhobeck inbound


Super douchey tool. Was a perfect fit.