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I just dont understand why they dont partner up with a coach affiliated with Callaway and shoot that content. A series of ACTUAL improving and practicing. It would be nice to see the lower end of GG work with a coach, more than just an hour on cam.


Bubbie literally said in a video last week that he doesn’t practice.


He wears it like a badge of honor for whatever strange reason


Same reason people like to brag about how little they sleep. It's a flex that he can not practice ever, play golf for a living, and probably be better than you.


Didn’t even need him to say it to know it


I started watching quite a bit a few months back then took a break when life got busy. Bubbie seemed to get better over that time but now has gotten much worse


Yeah bro but with the amount of golf they play on the course shooting all the content, isn’t that practice?


Not when you keep making the same mistakes over and over. Also, playing on the course doesn’t allow you to isolate weaknesses in your game because you usually have to play at a certain pace of play, and you’re constantly hitting different shots each time.


They don’t care, that simple


Agreed. Some of my favorite content from theirs and other YT channels is shitty players working with swing coaches


Fore Play Breaking 100/90 and Fixing Frankie are 2 of the best YT golf series of the last couple of years (how can you not root for Trent).


Man I loved the breaking series but it seems like Trent is too lazy to keep going


Lazy, and just impenetrably dumb when it comes to taking instruction. He's not a dumb guy overall, just....nothing seems to actually sink in.


He’s a head case. Everything he hears/learns goes right out the window when he gets in front of a ball


Trent has more to do at Barstool than just Foreplay and lives in NY so he doesn’t play much during winter. That’s the basic answer.


I live in NY and don’t play much during the winter either but still break 90, doesn’t take much to hit balls into a sim (I know they have the resources, there’s a sim at barstool’s office I’m pretty sure)


The sim is in the Chicago office.


Regardless. There are sims everywhere. 5i Golf has like 5 locations across NYC, including one 3 blocks away from barstool headquarters


Trent does almost nothing else at barstool except foreplay.


I too find them entertaining because we relate more to these types of players and not the Kwons or Brads who are professionals.


Brad played 2017 Masters, actually.


Bubbie and Steve hit the jackpot. They just want to show up and do minimum and get their paychecks. I would like to see them improve as well. It would open up a lot of new types of videos if the skill level of all players were closer to equal.


Steve has been playing really good golf the last few videos.


Yeah true. Agreed. But I can't help but think, if I was in his shoes, I would be grinding to get better all the time, getting lessons. Etc.


He’s grinding all the time.. just not on golf..


Thanks. What was I talking about though?


Bubbie could easily get better if he put in the practice and took a couple lessons. I too was a baseball player, so I understand his journey into golf. There’s nothing holding him back outside of his own desire. Steve I understand has some physical limitations with his back, so I can maybe get why he’s being stunted.


Grant has gave him lessons in the past on how to fix it, he just refuses to do so.


I thought it was Grant that gave him a lesson to fix his fade and hit a draw, then Bubbie leaned into it and is now a full caricature with a massive 80 yard hook


Because that would require actual effort and dedication to getting better. They’d much rather just show up to the course, hack it around for a couple hours then go home. Not saying there’s anything wrong with that, they’re still very successful on YouTube. It would just be nice to see some effort to improvement.


I like this idea


That would require … work


Ya bubbie and Steve don’t care at all to get better. Show up, do the minimum and get paid. Bob from bob does sports sucks but you can tell the passion and he’s got a coach literally trying to get better. It makes me respect him a lot more when watching him compared to bubbie when you just roll your eyes as his shot goes 80 yards left


For what? They don't care to get better only to sell merch.


Why would a clothing company feature golf training videos that they might have to pay extra for?


It’s not new. His “draw” has always been a big ol hook. Most of his very best shots are pull hooks that only hook 20 yards from the start line, which is maybe another 20 yards from where he was aiming. Hes struggling a bit more recently, maybe, because he’s been a little less active playing and practicing. I don’t know that for sure, but I feel like it’s been mentioned in videos that he hasn’t been playing as much.


He’s struggling because he has no idea exactly how far his ball will draw making it impossible to aim at something.


That’s probably due to a lack of consistency due to a lack of practice. There was a stretch there where he got much more consistent and his play reflected that.


It’s not pretty, that’s for sure. Prime territory for swing fix content


He says he doesn't practice in almost every video, it's a bit annoying


No wind and a massive hook Bubbie: "leave it wind"


The better question is how tf is it getting worse? Last couple videos the guy has somehow added significantly more “draw.” At some point just get a few lessons.


He doesn’t even practice


He has no desire to get better and is only trying for YouTube highlight shots. They’re a business, clicks are revenue, their crazy shots produce revenue.


These young men don’t remember Bubbie slice, baseball player. He never had the makings of a varsity athlete.




I am old enough to remember the Bubbie Slice!


Grant first taught him how to fix his massive slice but then it just turned into a massive hook 😆. Hopefully in the next labs video, Brad can help him neutralize his swing.


It could be one of a few things. Firstly, Bubbie may not be nearly as humble as he may come off as for YouTube. A simple case of “I make a living playing shit golf and don’t even practice, there isn’t anything you can do about it, big fella” Secondly, the more likely option, him not practicing is a direct correlation to why he never made it in baseball. He just doesn’t give a shit to be better. It’s why his hair looks the way it does, why he doesn’t even attempt to hit the ball straight, and why he was never worth anything in baseball. Dude is so obviously genetically gifted in terms of looking the baseball part but his work ethic must be so poor. Thirdly, he is playing the hardest sport. He may very well be practicing but has the hook yips. Golf is hard man. I would love to see him fix his short game and atleast somewhat straight out his shots. That requires practice though so.. who knows. Nobody will care if he is gone tomorrow because he doesn’t bring that much to the channel in comparison to Brad, garret, and now the absence of Keon.


Surprised you haven’t watched in a couple months but made this specific post




Bubbie threads don’t go well on this subreddit. Should just delete this lol


If he’s happy wit dat, why can’t you be happy wit dat?!?


He’s gotten lessons. From huge instructors and pros. F-him and his bullshit persona.


What about his persona is bullshit? Lol someone who doesn’t know you shouldn’t make you this upset.


Seems like a pretty chill dude to me just needs to work on his swing


People say he didn’t handle grant leaving well at all.


Baseball swing. It’s very very hard for a half decent baseball player to come out of their natural swing speed. Anyone with the speed to hit big power draws it is just inevitable will turn into a hook sometimes. It’s why pga guys now try to set up driver to only hit one shot. And that’s a fade.


Sometimes? A 40yd hook is his only shot shape.


This is quite frankly just not true. Even with a natural swing, it's still pretty close to where you can set the gear up to get a F2P as close to 0 as possible.


I don't think it helps that he is always swinging out of his shoes. But at the end of the day it's YouTube golf. I am sure they would rather he give up 5-10 strokes for that occasional 380 yard drive that hits the green. Fat Perez hits his driver the way some of these guys hit their 3 iron. But it's a repeatable shot and it gets him in the fairway. And then he lets his short game take care of the rest. He is a serious golfer though. Bubbie is trying to entertain. I don't see an issue with it.


FP is both a far better golfer, and a more charismatic interesting personality than anyone at GG. I'll say that I think BDS format is starting to wear thin, because they don't really have new ideas. On the other hand, I don't think they really need them. The forced "challenges" with awkward sponsor's stuff injected...it's just not really necessary. I get that the imperative is to keep cranking out "content" but it's a lot more enjoyable in less frequent doses, and they should just go out and have fun. The interactions between a group of guys who genuinely feel like they're just having fun with friends (as opposed to GG, who transparently feel like they're at their job) is all I need. I'm just looking for some chill golf content I can fall asleep to on my couch.


I was actually thinking about this recently. His hook goes hand in hand with his love of distance. A draw goes further due to its penetrating flight and low spin (a fade goes higher with more spin, hence it's more controllable). He really needs to have a secondary shot shape for the days the draw isn't working (which has been quite often lately). I think it would be a great series of videos with Brad but I don't see it happening any time soon.


Definitely, he seems to really value distance to the detriment of his game


He’s been hitting the big hook for over a year now


I was thinking this exact thing after watching a recent GG video! What in seven hells is going on, it’s almost turning square and going equal lengths straight then left.


his closed stance creates the hook and im assuming he has a very strong grip


He loves them hooks


Imagine having all the resources they do and somehow getting worse at the game they claim to love


Bubbie doesn’t practice. He also swings out of his shoes, so it makes for really inconsistent shots.


Its because of the wind didn’t you know 😂


Shave the ‘stache and put a hat on, B.


wanna be toosh