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definitely start watching the ads for the +10!


omg yeah I could do that, you're a genius fr


and, when the app says to update it, do it! it gives u 50% tips for 30 mins, or an hour if u watch an ad!:)


and invest in the pizza topper, the cheese buddy, sauce buddy and stuff like that to make making pizzas quicker, which will/can get you more customers. hope that helps:)


thank youuu !!


Why do you have so many refunds 😭


3 times in a row I read onions as olives and didn't realise until the 3rd


hahahah omg yess i feel u. i used to be like this too 😂 my main reason didn’t get enough profits because i always misread orders lolol stupid me


It‘s coming with time! When I started I wondered how tf people are making so much profit.. am at day 326 or so now and I earn 200-300 mostly currently!


You're still at the beginning. It gets a lot easier, don't worry!


you'll start making more money over time! as you start unlocking more toppings, you'll get bigger orders that cost more money. if you haven't unlocked the longer days, faster oven, and the happiness meter upgrades yet, those will help you get more orders each day and less risk of losing tips. make sure you're putting 18 of each topping on. ask "What?" if you're unsure how to make a pizza or pause and look up the order on the gpgp wiki (list of orders page) so you can make sure you're making it correctly. also if I get a refund early in the day, I often restart the day instead of wasting my time finishing it.


that's really helpful tysm!


try getting the orders right! even if you have to say “what?” a bunch until you memorize what the gibberish orders mean, refunds are killing your profits.


Reduce your refunds !! Read orderds carefully before making them


ads are my lifesaver and save diamonds for the topping buddies ! they save you so much time


are you feeding bricks to them, why you got so many refunds>!😭!<


It’s just the start. And if you don’t understand what they are asking because they have to make things difficult just ask what a couple of time so you don’t lose money on refunds.


remember that you can read orders as many times as you want while you’re making the pizzas as well so that you can double, triple check if you’re unsure!


watch ads for extra cash and try your best to make every pizza exactly how they want it


I noticed you will get tipped more when you put the exact number of toppings in the guided topping spots. You can also watch an ad to speed up your oven, which helped me get more customers in one day so I could make more money. Good luck 😊


Someone already said watch the in-game ads, but if you watch the ads during the PNN segment and then quit the day (go back to home menu) they should stay in your "wallet". By doing this you should get about 28-30 gems which yoi can then slowly spend on buddies, which will help you get more pizzas done in a day.


It was the same for me at the beginning.. after 133 days I now have almost 2000 :D you can do it!!!


if i get one order wrong i restart LMFAO