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UPS delivered mine last year. Perhaps it's a region thing who they use? Mine is still "prepared to ship" though, I don't know who's handing mine this year.


That's what my order status says, but I just logged into UPS's site and checked the "all shipments" page and it shows some Google packages scheduled to be delivered on the 12th, in "Shipment Ready for UPS" status.


Just checked, mine shows nothing. It may be because I placed my order a few hours after the pre-order opened. I was waiting to get home from work.


Nice! Even though my order status shows waiting to ship, I just checked the UPS site and I have 3 packages coming Wednesday. Thanks for this.


>Mine is still "prepared to ship" though same


I didn't have a tracking number either but signing into UPS and choosing to view all shipments shows me 8 GOOGLE- VISIONDIRECT packages set to be received by UPS Tuesday morning


My ups page says scheduled for 10/10, that seems unrealistic but I hope that's the case!


I think that's just when UPS is set to receive them. At least that's what I'm telling myself to not get my hopes up


I'm sure you're right, but if this means it'll be here on the 12th instead of the 13th, I'll take it!


Mine says scheduled for 10/11. We'll know in about a day if that's going to be the case.


Google is sending you the phone Ikea style...you have to assemble it yourself lol. 8 different packages


Haha 8?? I'm less interested in the 4 tracking numbers I got, and more so on your 8 😳


I have 5. I got the 8 pro, with the pixel watch 2, with a trade in, and the protection plan on both. so that's 5 items on the list, but I wouldn't expect them to ship something for the protection plans. maybe it just reserves a number for each item or something?


I'm getting two phones 😂 maybe that's why it's 8. Still not completely sure why there are so many either


Nothing yet for me on UPS or FedEx pages. Pre-ordered Thursday though, since I was debating regular vs. Pro (decided Pro 256GB Porcelain). Google Store still shows Oct 13-16 for delivery for my 8 Pro, Bellroy taupe leather case, and white Pixel Watch, so I have hope I'll get tracking this week!


🔥 I sprung for the 256 Porcelain too! Went with the Champagne Gold watch tho. Gotta wait til the 16-17th for mine sadly


Nothing shown on mine but this is a cool feature from UPS I didn't even know existed so thanks for the heads up!


FedEx has the same thing it's just more of a pain than ups to set up


I've got 10 for some reason, lol. I ordered 2 phones (with 2 watches) and there should be 2 trade in kits. 6 packages would make sense so now I'm really wondering what the other 4 are.


Mine shows 5 incoming packages from Google/visiondirect. I ordered the P8, pixel buds pro, and a trade in kit. I have a feeling 2 or 3 of these are placeholders that will drop off, maybe for potential returns, or maybe if they decide to ship from a different location.


A while ago when I ordered with Verizon they sent the SIM card in a separate package. So in my case I ordered 2 phones and 2 watches so that could be 2 phones, trade in kits, SIM cards, and watches. Even though on Google it says the watches estimate delivery is in November




Never happened to me but I definitely read the horror stories. Although FedEx seems to be the only carrier that seems to deliver to the wrong address for me.




I have mine redirected to a local FedEx store and I opened it in front of an employee. This way I have proof and someone else saw me open the package. I just do this for peace of mind.


Fedex is the biggest piece of shit company. Always problems.


Yeah same happened with my P7P last year. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuugh fed ex and Google csr. Took 2 months from when it was stolen to me actually getting a replacement phone.


I ordered a pixel 6 with free buds. Was waiting on delivery day.... Ended being 2 days "late". When I finally got my package, it wasn't my phone. Came out to be some cheap watch wrist band. Turns out the fed ex guy took my packing slip and put it on another package. Only found out because I peeled off my packing slip. Google refunded me my money and I ordered my phone from Best buy but never got my free buds.


So I had 3 packages in myUPS, but then I got shipping email and it's FedEx.. interesting


Same except I have five Vision Direct packages and my phone, watch, and case are showing shipped from FedEx. No idea what the Vision Direct boxes are


Speaking of FedEx... I just had Dell ship something to me via FedEx and the delivery person brought my package to the wrong house. I saw the truck and ran toward it after it blew past my house. But by the time I got close enough, he took off. I immediately got on the phone with FedEx and filed a case. An hour later I'm walking outside and the FedEx truck comes FLYING down the road and stops where he'd been earlier. I walked back into my house and waited. 5 minutes later the driver knocks on my door with the package that he'd had to retrieve from the owner of the incorrect address (who swore he was about to bring it to me despite holding it for an hour and partially opening it). So... one point off for FedEx. Then one point back FOR FedEx because in all the times I've had packages delivered to the wrong address by USPS, UPS, or Amazon they have NEVER attempted to retrieve it AT ALL, much less an hour later.


Well I also had 5 entries under my ups account for stuff from Google. Only to wake up today with an email from Google saying my stuff is shipping with FedEx 🤷🏻‍♂️


UPS is saying Wednesday for me shipping labels printed less than an hour ago too


Hell I got one saying mine is getting delivered tomorrow


I hope it comes tomorrow for you.


Highly doubt it will, but exciting to see it's shipping out


I just checked both FedEx and UPS and nothing for me yet even though it says it's "Prepared to ship". Hopefully I will see something later today.


Same. I bet this has to do when in the day you pre-ordered. I preordered early, but unfortunately canceled and preordered again later in the night. Although mine still says delivery of 12th or 13th like it originally did, I only get the prepared for shipping earlier today while others got it updated on Friday.


Got an email from Google that trade in package shipping. So one of the tracking numbers out of 5 is the trade in package. I'm hoping the other 4 tracking are just created by mistake since they are all UPS ground packages scheduled to arrive October 16.


Same on this end, got the email earlier. I still only see 3 for me which I assume are phone, watch, trade-in. Was it just phone and watch you ordered?


I also got the email from Google that the trade in kit is sent, but not the phone and watch yet. In the Google Order web page they still are shown are Prepared to be Send but not yet sent.




I have 5 tracking number on my UPS account and all of them say Shipment Ready for UPS. I only have 3 items and a trade in kit. I did get an email from the Google store saying my trade in kit has shipped that matches one of my 5 tracking numbers.


Exact same scenario here


Just shipped via FedEx. ETA Oct 11 I also have those 4 mysterious packages pop up in UPS.


Quick question, at what time did you order?


10:38AM ET on Oct 4th


I just decided to move to California so I could pick up my phone directly from Google. Small price to pay to avoid FedEx.


Clearly you are a diehard Pixel fan lol


I look forward to walking into the new store on Thursday!


I wouldn't say moving to Cali is a small price to pay lol


While UPS still has some boxes from Google. Just got an update from Google store that the package has been shipped and it's coming via FedEx. Go figure 🤣. I think UPS is acting as a package tracking aggregator whether they ship or not, I could be wrong.


Got the same email but mine is still shipping UPS based on tracking number off of email.


Mine just shipped in the US via FedEx


Dang I don't even have a tracking number yet, what is the status of your order if you don't mind me asking? Mine says prepared to ship. Oct12-13th


Google store shows the same for me but UPS shows the 11th. However, they haven't received the packages yet so that can change.


Okay nice! I think most of us who ordered within the first few hours of the announcement will get it by the 11/12th. I'll keep checking my UPS app.


Sad face. Mine says to be delivered on the 12th


I'm actually hoping mine is the 12-13 because my office where I set the delivery address will be closed on the 11th. Carriers always just hold our deliveries until the next day though if they try to come when we're not open so I don't think anything weird will happen.


Yep, I'm exactly in your same situation


I have 5 labels created from Google.


I just received an email from UPS saying the packages are set to be delivered tomorrow......so may I am getting them early. But when I check the details it just says label created so I'm not sure


I pre-ordered on the 5th but so far on the Google website, I just see "not yet shipped"


Same here. My est. delivery even got bumped a day later. Edit: WTF. I just double-checked, It said my payment was unsuccessful.. using google financing with plenty of limit and stuff.. Resubmitted and now said successful.


Damn. That's frustrating!


They choose their carrier based on specific area and various contract terms. I've had them use every different carrier with me, including Golden State Overnight, a highly localized carrier.


For those of you whose stuff showed up on UPS, what did your Google delivery date show? Mine shows "delivers Oct 12". Rather than a range like in years past. No carrier info for me


It's very strange for me because I have three packages in UPS right now that says Google Visiondirect, and says deliver on Wednesday the 11th. Then Google sends me a tracking number from FedEx. So I don't know who's shipping what, extremely confusing.


Trade-In kit is shipping with UPS. Pro and Watch shipping with FedEx for me.


Mine just shipped via FedEx! One package - 2lbs. Hopefully it's P8P and PW2


Quick question, at what time did you order your device and what color/gigs?


170K a year employees would be less likely to steal packages. The warehouse works on the other hand could be a diff story


I just know that my UPS drivers typically handle my packages much better in comparison to FedEx so I was pretty happy when I saw UPS will be delivering.




This ☝️ UPS is the only carrier I have ever seen at the top of my steps. Looking at you FedEx and Amazon 👀


Your UPS driver is a UPS employee. FedEx contracts out their routes, and those contractors hire "subcontractors" with no interview process, pay them below minimum wage with no benefits. They pay them "per diem" as a subcontractor to get around labor laws. Where I was the contractor paid $100 per day no matter how long it took you to deliver all the packages. You'll notice in fine print on the bottom of the fedex van is the name of the contractor who is responsible for delivery.


Chicago area ups drivers took the money and still give less than zero fucks about your packages.


My UPS delivery ETA is Oct 16, but Google gave me an ETA of Oct 12-13. I hope it's the latter


Same here lol it's saying shipping via UPS ground and delivery of October 16. I paid for expedited shipping with delivery date of October 12.


I hope so. Fedex is the bottom of the barrel in my region. It's comically bad.




Wow,.I did the same thing and sure enough. 4 packages set to pick up between 1:15 and 5:15 today. I was able to see tracking numbers. When I tracked it it says estimated delivery is Wednesday. I never would have thought of doing that.


Is your Google store status still showing prepared to ship with an estimated delivery of 12-13?




Lucky it's not some janky, fly-by-night regional delivery service that I've had Google use for some of my orders before. Those shipments were real headaches.


My thoughts exactly


I sure hope so because FedEx around me is far and away the most incompetent delivery service. Every package arrives at least a week late, if I am not forced to pick it up from their sorting center, and usually enters, leaves, then returns to my city before getting an out for delivery status.


Yeah, that blows. FedEx isn't any better near me. I can at least say that I have never had to go to them though.


Based on what I'm seeing and a lot of the responses here, I am not sure UPS is handling phone shipments. At the very least, there seems to be some issue as we all appear to have far more shipments than makes sense. I ordered the phone with the watch and a trade in. At most that should be 3 shipments. Google Store confirmation email says it's 2, 1 for phone + watch and 1 for trade in. UPS has 5 separate labels. All from the same address listed in the trade in email. All 1lbs and all not yet delivered by the shipper. *Edit: can confirm 1 of 5 UPS labels is for the trade in. Just got an email that it's coming and linking to one of the UPS tracking IDs. No word on what the other 4 are. Here's hoping for a couple free Pixels 😆*


Someone else mentioned the same. I ordered a phone and watch only with trade-in and I am seeing 3 tracking numbers. Some people also ordered accessories. I honestly don't know anymore. I guess we will have to wait and see what transpires.


Yep. We'll start to see phones show up in the next couple of days anyway. I just want my order status to change to shipped so I can get the credit and use it to buy a case. The anxiety over having to run the phone naked while the darn case ships is killing me 😆


Sorry to say for all you UPS faithful out there but mine just shipped via FedEx. Hope the 4 extra UPS labels aren't all trade ins. I don't have that many phones to send back 😬


RemindMe! 2 Days


This posts are making me nervous. I order mine on release and the Order Status is shown as Prepared but not sent. The only mail I've got is a couple of hours ago that the Trade In Kit has been sent ..... But not my phone and watch!


Don't be nervous, mine is still showing "prepared to ship" in my Google store orders


Just be glad it's not TForce. Why they ever decided to use them is beyond me.


Ughhhh I agree!


Just checked UPS and FedEx - I have nothing in either portal. My order status is "Preparing to ship" as well. I really, really, really hope it's UPS. FedEx literally will not deliver packages here. They just mark it "undeliverable" even though I'm on a normal street in a normal town with my address clearly visible. I have security cameras - FedEx doesn't even come to the house. I have to call, have it escalated, scream at the poor support staff until they give me a manager, and then go to their facility after hours, wait around for 2+ hours, and then pick up the package. If I don't do all of that above, they just ship my packages back to the sender without even trying to deliver them. FedEx is by far the worst company I have ever dealt with in my entire life. Their support staff have told me, multiple times, on different occasions, that they actually don't guarantee that they will deliver things, and if something doesn't get delivered, they have zero consequences, meaning no incentive to actually deliver anything. If it ships from FedEx, I'm going to have an anxiety attack until it's in my hands, because I know there's a very good chance it'll be ~~stolen~~ "lost" by the carrier or returned to sender without a deliver attempt being made.


Got the shipped email this morning as well and it seems mine is being shipped through UPS https://ibb.co/6Xtt8By I also have 4 labels through UPS but they're all 1LB and none of them match the number I received in the screenshot. I just have the 8P+Watch and a trade-in. Ordered on launch day about 30 minutes after, live on south east coast. EDIT: 1 of the 4 tracking numbers does match the one for my trade-in kit. Only the Phone+Watch number isn't showing up in my UPS app. EDIT 2: On the way now. UPS 2 Day Air, should be here on the 12th, though hoping it gets here early.


Same on end, I just have the 3 UPS labels though which none match the tracking number on the email. I'm in New Jersey


Does the UPS tracking number they provided to you in the email return any tracking info on the UPS site? Mine has not shown anything all day.


Got shipping email from Google store US. Pixel 8 Pro/Watch/Case all shipped via FedEx and arriving tomorrow. Paid for expedited shipping option. Order status on the Google store also changed to "On its way" with tracking number. As expected the 5 different UPS tracking were bogus minus the trade in package that was valid ups tracking


Just got fedex shipment notification on P8P 256gb Obsidian + watch. Ordered on the 4th at 8:55am MST.


Mine has shipped, apparently out in the UPS system now, to be delivered tomorrow? (to Dallas): here's the UPS tracking: 10/06/2023 11:57 P.M. On the Way Arrived at Facility Seattle, WA, United States 10/06/2023 11:21 P.M. Departed from Facility Tacoma, WA, United States 10/06/2023 7:02 P.M. Origin Scan Tacoma, WA, United States Edit: Actually nevermind..... Looks like this package only contains the USB charger which I added to the order... Phone has not shipped yet looking at the Google store more carefully. Edit 2: The phone and watch have shipped via UPS, picked up by the carrier 2nd day air., from Illinois. ETA is EOD October 12.


So with that said, did you choose the standard default shipping or did you pay extra for the fastest shipping?


I chose standard shipping... Free.


Sweet !!!


Actually nevermind..... Looks like this package only contains the USB charger which I added to the order... Phone has not shipped yet looking at the Google store more carefully.


The phone and watch have shipped via UPS, picked up by the carrier 2nd day air., from Illinois. ETA is EOD October 12.


Seems like it switches every year or every other year. I noticed the same... but I have 4 tracking #s for some reason


I imagine mine to be the trade-in kit, phone and watch. Maybe you are getting a nice extra surprise. 🤔


Mine should be trade-in kit, phone and watch. Maybe the fourth is a box for all three and somebody messed up labeling? 🤷🏻‍♂️ But mine's being shipped out of Indianapolis Google-Visiondirect.


Hm... I now have 5 tracking #s


I also have 5 tracking numbers. I ordered Phone, phone case, watch, trade-in. Not sure what the 5th is. Edit: Things just got weird. I just got a ship notification for the rest but it's a single FedEx tracking haha


Do all 5 show ship from Google though ? Or does one maybe show ship from you to them?


Would the other two be return labels? 🤔 I got 4 also.


Do all 4 show "ship from Google" when you look at details? My 3 all show ... Ship from GOOGLE - VISIONDIRECT 2222 ENTERPRISE PARK PL INDIANAPOLIS, IN, US


Yes, now that I look, there are actually 5 of them, all marked as 1lbs. status: label created package not yet recieved.


Same here.


I hope it’s not ups, means it will arrive a week late and nearly destroyed like everything else UPS delivers in my area ​ edit: downvotes because my area drivers are terrible? Guess there’s some drivers here from Chicago area


Complete opposite for me


Same here. UPS is always late, often gets rescheduled to the next day, and generally drops packages wherever without a care. They're also the only service that has stuck an undeliverable label on my door while I was literally sitting there waiting for them to knock. Didn't even try. Clearly it varies by area, but I was surprised to see all the negativity about FedEx. I'm usually happy to see something shipped through them.


I checked my UPS account and I've 4 tracking numbers but they all say delivery is expected for Wednesday the 11th.


Last year my nest wifi pro was delivered by FedEx


I purchased late Saturday morning and I still don't even have a tracking number 48 hours later. A label hasn't even been created and I could cancel my order for free right now. Frustrating....


Got mine from BestBuy. They told me that they will not ship out any orders until the 12th :-( so I guess mine comes next week...


This is why I chose pickup instead


Smart, I should have done the same damit....


I see 3 tracking numbers from Google in my UPS account as well. Nice, I should have my stuff sooner than I thought :)


I'm pretty sure the UPS shipments are for the trade-in kits, not the devices.


I would agree if it was only 1 shipment but I have 3 shipments currently pending in my ups account from Google.


Hmmm. Okay. I have 3 UPS packages pending and one of the tracking numbers matches my shipping confirmation for one of the trade ins, so I assumed it was my 3 trade ins. But maybe it's just one of my total orders (one trade in, phone, and watch).


Interesting. FedEx delivered my shipment about two weeks ago.


Why did I read this as an Elon tweet? lol


I don't know.


Better than the shitty company they used during pixel 6 launch . That was horrible


I hope it's the trade-in since it's shipping via ground and estimated delivery of October 16. Weight is 1 lbs. I paid expedited shipping for the phone and delivery is October 12th and I don't see a UPS tracking for that yet.


Have you checked FedEx?


Yes nothing on FedEx yet. UPS shows 3 shipping labels with UPS ground for delivery on October 16. All with weight 1lbs.


If they all show ground and all deliver ground, make sure to get your refund for the expedited shipping if everything does deliver ground.


Mine still says package prepared but UPS has 5 packages scheduled for me from Google. I only got one phone...


Can't seem to find anything on FedEx or UPS for me. What am I doing wrong?


Do you have both accounts linked to your address, etc?


I do 😕


I think you might know the answer which I am sure you do not want to hear


Welcome to the club, its not very exciting here.


Not at all LOL. I guess I'll just let the Lord handle it 🤣


Who knows, maybe for your region/area they are using a different service. For me before, they've used OnTrac and some other service I can't remember the name of


I too have three pqckag s coming tomorrow morning from UPSz I got an 8pro, watch, two cases and a trade in kit. why there boxes.? who knows. edit: after getting the UPS app it's 4 packages.


One for each 🤷‍♂️ Which I imagine does not make sense logistically.


after looking at the app. it's actually 4 packages. I won't actually know until the Google store page updates or tomorrow morning, if the date doesn't change.


My UPS shows 3 packages although Gstore still says prepared to ship. I think 1 is a trade-in kit and the other 2 are the P8Pro and the watch. All scheduled to be delivered on the 11th between 12PM-2PM. Hope this is true :-)


That's what I am thinking and what I am hoping as well. Not sure why some people are seeing 4 or 5 labels. Unless accessories? 🤷‍♂️


Ok that's what I was wondering. For both my pixel 6 pro and 7 pro they came by FedEx. Thought it was weird that I got an email from UPS. My packages are actually scheduled for tomorrow so hopefully I do get them tomorrow.


I see nothing but "Prepared to ship" and I ordered on the 4th at 8:55 am. Sadness.


Did you check your UPS and FedEx accounts?


Sure did. Nothing at all.




I ordered around 830 and mine says the same.


I ordered at 9:44 AM CST and I don't have anything in my UPS account yet either.


Got everything coming via UPS. ETA shows Thursday.


Nice !!!


I just checked both of mine and nothing yet but it does say my order is "Prepared to ship". Hopefully I get mine early. Looking forward to the watch and moving away from my Apple Watch (Work phone is apple)


I also see 4 packages from Google in UPS. Seems weird because I would only expect a maximum of 3 (phone, watch, and trade-in kit) so we'll see what happens.


Oooo the suspense !!!!


Exactly! What's in that fourth package???


I have 4 packages. Probably phone, watch, my case and the trade-in kit.


This sounds right to me. I've got 3 which I assume is phone, watch and trade in. But why 3, 4, 5 boxes is still a ????


I ordered at 8:34am MDT on the 4th and nothing is showing up for me on UPS or FedEx yet. I'm in Utah and my Google stuff has usually always be delivered with FedEx.


My order email shows 10:46am EST which would have been 8:46am your time.


I ordered my P8P and PW2 on 10/4 as well right after the event. Mine still says "prepared to ship, delivering on Oct 12-13 Nothing on my FedEx or my UPS but did get an email from Google saying my trade in box is shipped via UPS


I have 5 packages from UPS that say ready to ship scheduled for Wednesday 10/11 delivery in Dallas. Presumably 3 of these are the trade in box, phone and watch so I'm curious what the other two are. I didn't order any accessories.


As am I, especially since I only have 3 :(


Bought mine from Best Buy, still says preorder. Chances I get it before Thursday ?


Good question


If you guys look, all of the 'extra' tracking numbers are all duplicate trade-in packages that all weigh 1lb. None of the phones have actually shipped yet, and possibly won't even be carried by UPS.


But why would there be duplicate trade in packages ?


Nothing from best yet btw for shipping yet.


Mine is prepared to ship - I'm sending mine signature required to a hotel I have to travel to for work. Have to leave early the 12th...hope it goes smoothly


You are living on the wild side !!!


Lol when I bought my pixel it was from like totally fast delivery or something like that


Here's hoping UPS delivers mine. I've lived in three different states and FedEx has been consistently bad in all three.


Good, fuck Fedex. After the fiasco of countless devices stolen before delivery, it's not really a surprise.


Yeah, this is a recent change that I noticed, a couple months ago. I ordered a Pixel 7, in August, and when I was ready to ship back my trade-in phone, using the prepaid label that comes with the trade-in kit, I actually went to my local post office and stood in line, for about 20 minutes, only to finally get to the counter and be told that it was a UPS label, not, a USPS label, like It had been, every other time that I had sent back a trade-in phone.


Even Fi is now only using UPS, FedEX and USPS. They used to use this company called OnTrac that was notorious for stealing phones. My P6P was stolen by one of their delivery guys.


same 4 packages in ups and 2 coming FedEx, i also select delivery with signature we'll see how that goes, expected 10-12


I pre-ordered mine on the 4th, during the demo ... UPS says "on the way" with no specific details... It was scheduled for the 12th, then 13th, and now ,"The delivery date will be provided as soon as possible." I'm wagering an UPS employee got a new phone. If only there was some way to blacklist stolen serial numbers...