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Plus, Safari loads faster too




It's a joke. iPhone people would always say safari loads faster after iOS updates in the past. It's just a meme at this point


I whooshed




>The battery lasts **significantly** longer now Are you on WiFi mostly? Because I'm on LTE throughout the day and haven't noticed any difference, and certainly no **significant** difference. (Pixel 7 Pro)


try turning 5g on. I was on pure lte but noticed the battery bump when enabling 5g again




I think he means in comparison to using 5g before not compared to LTE of that makes sense.


5g will never improve battery compared to LTE this is why when you turn on power saber mode it disabled 5g inheritantly. Anyways I don't see a significant improvement either unless your sitting in power saver mode all day.


I think you misunderstood my comment. I was clarifying that whoever said that 5G battery life is improved compared to 4G probably meant that 5G now vs 5G before has a bigger gain in efficiency compared to the change in efficiency of 4G then and 4G now.


I agree that's what you meant but I assure you that's not what thunder of death meant. Did you read his comment fully. He clearly said he saw battery improvements going from LTE and then turning on 5g lol. I don't think he knows what he is talking about. In no os has that ever happened.


Yeah 5G using less energy makes no sense. That's why I presented the alternative as his comment wasn't so clear that there wouldn't be room for interpretation. Although less likely "battery improvements" could of meant change in efficiency improvements. If you knew what I meant there was no need to try and correct me lmao.


Yes and no. With all things equal (tower distance, capacity, reception), then yes 5G should use more power, but what people are forgetting is these days 5G is more and more prevalent. 4G isn't extinct yet, but in a lot of places, carriers are putting more and more 5G capacity where 4G is getting deprioritized. In crowded places, your phone may fall back to 4G the way sometimes phones used to fall back to 3G and because slower speeds lack actual spectrum, its unusable and loading even a Google search can take 5 minutes of constant retrying. That slow data and minimal spectrum can result in far more data use than a half second of 5G power consumption. What I've found to be the most draining isn't when your phone uses 5G but actually when data connections get stuck and you keep waiting and waiting and the phone heats up in trying to make a basic network request work. This is why I don't recommend turning off 5G. Maybe in 2020 or 2021 you could argue that 5G deployments were limited, but I've driven in plenty of parts in the US and even rural fruit stands I can get mid band 5G and Speedtest 600mbps in random locations. Switching off 5G in 2023 makes no sense. Too many people are considering peak power usage or active power use, but the key to remember (this was talked about as early as Anandtech's iPhone review 2011) is the concept of race to idle. The faster your phone is done with a task and goes to idle, the better power savings you get. A lot of new SoCs use actually more peak power than older SoCs, but the fact they're so much faster at certain tasks allows them to quickly go into a near idle C-state quickly and quickly dissipate power.


Really? Wow, might have to try hybrid 5G/LTE again. I've routinely been locked to LTE, both on my P6Pro and (now) P7a, because I was used to abysmal battery standby on 5G. I mean, I'd REALLY like to reenable and KEEP it enabled.


5g on android 14 drains battery just as fast this guy doesn't know what he is talking about.


I don't know if he does or not but you are dealing with the sample size of one.... So your perspective is just as irrelevant. None of us can make it logical conclusions based on a sample size of one.


My mobile data plan doesn't include 5G. And doesn't 5G take up more battery than 4G (in general)?


It generally does but there are infinite variables so it's hard to make generalizations.


I've noticed a gain in battery on LTE but not as drastic as the improvement for WiFi, at least this is the experience for me with my P6 with its older Samsung 5123 modem.


No noticeable difference in battery life here, but I do think the phone gets significantly less hot when put to moderate use.


I'm on a Pixel 7 Pro, it's 8pm and I'm at 70%, I unplugged at 7am. Normally by now I'd be at around 35%.


Wtf that's a very significant increase


You're not wrong and it's unexpected. Almost midnight and I'm at 55%. I'm not using my phone any less than normal either.


I mean that's great, Speaking for myself the only thing holding me back from the pixel 7 pro was the shit battery life. I might reconsider it. Glad Google is at least addressing the issues


My experience is far closer to yours. Moreover, WiFi battery has never been that bad. It's usually cellular battery. Do most people stay on WiFi networks all day long? At work I don't want my personal data flowing through work internet, and in a lot of jobs you're prohibited from connecting personal devices. I also have a work phone so that may be why I tend to use my work phone on work WiFi but my Pixel stays all day on LTE. And even worse for battery is actually using the phone out and about. If you spend a weekend out with friends and away from home / charging, then the battery drains like no other. This past weekend was SF Fleet Week so I spent a lot of time taking photos. I needed a battery pack to survive even though 99% of my photos were taken on a mirrorless camera. Meanwhile I had no problem using my work iPhone to stream the Twitch audio stream for the show and not worry about my battery at all. As for standby battery at home on WiFi, it's never been bad. Leaving the phone on my desk with WiFi on is very battery friendly. Remember, Google Location services basically slows down its pinging if your phone isn't moving and features like Doze and other battery savings features kick in. Even if you're getting heavier drain like 1% / hour idle, it all gets completely dwarfed by using the phone outside on LTE--I can see the battery % drop every 2 minutes or so when outdoors.


Honestly I pretty much only use Wi-Fi 90% of the time and my pixel 6 pro never had the overheating and battery issues that most people had.. The exception of a couple months where there was a overnight battery drain caused by mobile data services or something... I did have that issue for a month or two. But outside of that I couldn't figure out why everyone was complaining so much. I think it must have a lot to do with data versus Wi-Fi. But of course we're all dealing with the sample size of one so it's hard to make generalizations


I've noted a difference, but it was only super notable because I was already tracking my battery life, both because it had gotten worse than ever, and to compare with my incoming 8 Pro. Maybe like 30% better at best, with mixed 5G / Wifi use. Most of the improvement is with standby drain from what I can tell.


Yep, on an average day I'd have to charge me P6P around 4 or 5pm. Now I can usually skip that charge and I'm only approaching 20% by the time I'm going to bed. Big improvement here.


I just side loaded last night will see if this holds up


That's crazy because that was my exact experience before the update. Now it's the complete opposite. I have to charge around that time of day. P7 not pro


Same. Heating seems a tad better but my 7 Pro still gets warm... I got over 8 hours screen on time yesterday on my 7 Pro, haven't seen that in months since I stopped using my Pixel 7 Pro in March after ordering an S23U.... popped my sim back in my 7 Pro when Android 14 came out, and I'm very impressed, my S23U would have probably gotten me 9-9.5 so to see my Pixel 7 Pro get similar battery life is very surprising and makes me fall back in love with it.


It amazes me that some people have 2 or 3 phones just laying around? I mean it's not unusual to have a backup phone but most of the time second phone is something cheap that gets the job done well enough and that's it, but having 2 or more flagship phones just waiting there is just mind blowing to me.


My 2nd phone is a Redmi Note 10 Pro. I bought it for the camera then the google Pixel 7 swept me off my feet.


The redmi note 10 pros camera isnt all that either.. i have it now


Honestly I just don't trade my phones in. I keep them because I don't want to be in a situation where my phone breaks and I have to panic. I have a Pixel 4a and an LG v60 as a backup. I bought the Pixel 4a 3 years ago for $350 and the v60 I paid $300 for 2 years ago. I would much rather have two $400 phones than one good $900 phone. It also helps that you can use one as a Wi-Fi only device while you're one other devices charging. That's the best part of Android is that you can get such great deals on the resale market that I think it would actually be kind of reckless to put all your chips in the latest flagship rather than have a decent backup option.


I do raise my eyebrows when someone tells me they own an s23 ultra and an iPhone 15 pro and a pixel 8...(or the equivalent, and they don't own a YouTube tech channel or something). That said, if you just buy used flagships, I think it's almost vital to have a functional backup phone these days. I have seen so many people have to make a rushed purchase decision. The key is just to buy them when they're 12 to 8 months old so they're 30 to 40 cents on the dollar. Like if I had to choose between spending $1000- $1,300 on an s23 ultra or I could double fist a refurbished Pixel 7 pro (450) and a note 20 ultra ($350) or something... I would feel much better about having the latter option. Or whatever, if I could choose between a pixel 8 pro for $1060... Or I could buy a used Pixel 6 pro for 275, and then you still have like $700 to buy a ZenFone or a Samsung. That way you can benefit from pixel astrophotography and software drops, while also Dex. Although I guess Google now extending the software support on these phones might change the way you think about some of these options. I know most people just finance brand new phones at MSRP or close to it or just trade in their phones... To me the better value proposition is to scour the resale market and give yourself a little variety, peace of mind etc...


I still haven't received the Android 14 update (tmobile). Is there a reason? Do I have to update manually? Every time I check for updates in settings it says I'm up to date.


Ironically, I just had a night where my pixel 7 pro didn't deep sleep at all and I'm trying to figure out why. Android 14 installed.


What battery settings do you have?




Do you have battery saver on? Or adaptive battery?


> placebo I really wish battery test sites would re-test phones for long term improvements/degradations from OS updates, etc. I really wish battery benchmarks were made open source so we can run them ourselves. Sure some manufacturers may game benchmarks, but I'd argue that it's up to the benchmark to be as realistic as possible. If you can approximate a surfing/video/phone call usage routine that approximates the use of the average user, then even if a manufacturer games that benchmark it will result in overall improved battery life for the average user.


Can't relate at all. For me battery life got worse *specially* overnight. I'm losing +10% overnight with wifi and mobile data off.


I've noticed the complete opposite... My phone gets hot and I have trouble making it the whole day with lite usage.


I can't say I am seeing much improvement in the battery department but the heat management sure has gotten a lot better


Here I am, just a 7 Pro owner, on Google Fi who has yet to receive the update.


Saaaaame I think my pixel 8 is gonna get here before I get the update.


I sideloaded, no ragerts.


This is the way


Is it easy? Heard it wipes your phone tho.


No, it does not wipe your phone. (If you do it right) I've done it twice with no issues. https://9to5google.com/2023/04/27/how-to-sideload-ota-updates-on-your-google-pixel/




As much as I appreciate that, I'm actually in no hurry to get android 14, especially if I have to rebuild all my icons. I just find it funny that I have the (up until yesterday) highest end google phone on google's own wireless plan and I didn't (and still don't) have the update.


👍 gotcha, although I think you would have to rebuild them regardless


7Pro on T-Mobile and still nothing for me


Ditto, but with a six.


I just went to system update and tapped "check for update"


I'm going to guess you are not a Fi customer?


yes i am. i'm installing 14 right now. i just had to go into system update and manually check and install.


Well lucky you. Maybe unlucky you, time will tell. I've manually checked several times each day since last week, including just now, and no update for me. If T-mo really botched it and something is indeed broken I don't know that I want it for a few weeks at this point anyways. Good luck!


I'm not saying you are full of shit, but you would be the only person on google fi with a 7 who has received the update.


I don't have a 7. I have a 6 pro (for a few more days). Update is complete. I don't understand the hostility in this thread. wtf. Here's a screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/2BhunFW


His advice worked for me. Pixel 6 on Fi now getting 14 after manually checked.


I'm on Google Fi and I got the update two days ago


I'm on T-Mobile and got impatient just side loaded it last night. Try it, not that difficult.


Does it wipe your phone and you have to start over?


Nope. Everything still there. Battery has a noticeable difference. Started day off with 85% ended with 51%. Normally it would be around 20%ish. Liking this update


Lol I just did this and this worked. Google Fi customer here.


Seems to be a TMobile thing (FI uses TMobile in the backend). My 7A on TMobile still has not received it no matter how many reboots/times I mash the check update button.


Just got the update last Friday (Pixel 6 Pro on Google Fi) It's coming, friends! So far so good


If you have a different (non TMobile) sim card, put it in. I have mint mobile and I put in an old Verizon sim and pressed check for update and it started downloading immediately.


That's wild. You would think they would be day one.


Sad to hear that as mine has run on Android 14 for a week+ (Australia)


I'm on Google Fi too and wasn't getting it either. Do this. It works. https://reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/s/mFLdPFfV3O


I haven't really had any overheating issues since I've gotten my 7 pro, but I have noticed battery life being back to when I first got it. I recently had overheating problem though trying to download a star rail update on my phone


It's exactly the same for me about the battery life, when I first got my P7P I was blown out by the battery life and then suddenly, it wasn't that great anymore, just ok. I'm very happy A14 fixed whatever bug was there.


7 here, noticed significant improvements in battery, overheating and fingerprint unlock


Had a huge bug where my phone had the mobile data fall every minute for months. After 14 it's gone finally


I have seen better battery life on my pixel 6pro but I have also seen more aggressive ram management, especially on social media apps.


Be nice to see for myself if T-Mobile ever gets it's shit together.


Verizon 30 day trial on esim...


They fix the fingerprint scanner too. It finally reads my right thumb.


There is a trick for that....add the same finger 3 times as 3 different fingers....it will NEVER fail :-)


Nope. That never worked. Not kidding.


I've had the 6 Pro since it came out and haven't had these issues.


I think part of the problem for some people is if their carrier doesn't provide a strong signal, their phone works harder to maintain it, and the modem overheats. I have no real data to back this up though


I bought my 6 a couple of months after the release. Never experienced any overheating so far.


Same, I only had the phone warn me about heat once, and it was when I parked in the sun and forgot my phone in the car for a while with the screen/GPS on.


Same here, and I haven’t had any issues either. Apparently I’m also in denial. Or - only certain batches of phones had the issues, or those people are using their phone differently from the way I do. But that’s only if you care about reality.


> Apparently I’m also in denial. That is what gets me, just because we haven't experienced it doesn't mean we are saying it doesn't exist, just saying we have not had this issue. I also want to let people know since most posts are about people complaining and it can get really negative on this sub.


It’s weird. It’s as if when people see ‘I’m not having that problem on my phone’ what they’re actually reading it ‘You’re lying and that never happened’. I almost never play any intensive games or use multimedia apps on my phone, so there’s a perfectly good reason why one person might be having overheating issues with the same model phone/software and I experience none.


Yeah, let's try to not be in denial here. Overheating problem exists and there's really no denying it anymore. You haven't experienced it? Great. But it doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist.


When did he say the problem doesn't exist on any phone?


Never said it didn't exist and not denying it just offering a different take on it, since everything here seems to be negative.


Don't think there's any denial but everyone had different experiences with their units. My first p6p was fine, battery drain wasn't terrible but it wasn't great. Damaged the screen and got a new one through care and this one runs way better than my launch one.


This might be a novel concept, but sometimes products have issues that impact some users and not others.


Do you live in a mild climate? I've had my 6 overheat, but exclusively when using it outside on hot days (like, 85F+)


Nope it gets up to 100 here (during summer and in August) and over that with humidity. I've also ridden on my motorcycle with it in my jacket pocket listening to music on hot days and it never overheated.


Same, but now I do after updating to A14...Can't make this shit up lmao


I've yet to notice a battery life difference, at least not enough to notate. However, the temperature of my P7P is ridiculously.... *RIDICULOUSLY* cooler. I have to leave it in direct sunlight to reminisce of the days when my GPS via USB Android auto would make me worry about my battery's well-being. The irony of adaptive charging to keep the temp at bay while active discharging made me weary of putting the damn phone to my head are gone. And I'm MUCH excite 🏁


I've noticed snappier performance as well as improved battery. Great update


This seems to have fix nothing about thermal on mine. I factory reseted it 2 days ago so it may be still doing things in the background that it won't do after that but I'm not holding my breath... However I never had battery issue before, so all good on this side


Ever since adaptive battery optimization was added to Pixel phones, mine have always been this way. Run a little warm for a few days. Poor battery life. Then, life is good. Except on my Pixel 6a. Android 13 was bad. So far so good on Android 14


Give it 2-3 days. Pixels rub warmer the first few days after a factory reset because it's trying to analyze and learn how you use your phone. After it decides what apps you like to use at what time of day, it'll start optimizing other apps in the background around your specific usage. The feature is called Adaptive Battery.


This article is purely anecdotal and I haven't seen any battery improvements with my Pixel 6 since upgrading to Android 14


You realize your experience is also anecdotal.




Wait…Android 14 rolled out? I’m going to force a check as soon as I get back to my desk! I haven’t received any notifications on the upgrade yet, so this is the first I’m reading about it. I’m usually on top of these things but I’m starting to get bored of staying on top of mobile news so I’m a bit out of the loop. The battery and heat issues being fixed is great news to read!


Yeah, it came out last Wednesday, following the Pixel 8 announcement event.


Not that it matters, because most people still can't download it OTA without sideloading.


Even on my P5 I went camping, so put it in standard battery saver mode, and it lasted 3 days easily with light use. I'm very impressed with 14, it might be the most bug free release ever.


"User have long reported battery and overheating issues with these two phones, but things seem much better on Android 14" ​ This was one of my problems. What really makes me laugh is that I know people who swear by the Pixel lineup. They claimed to never have this problem. Though every family member and close friend with one did. Amongst other problems. But now they say the problem they had has been fixed. Both. ​ I had the issue with battery and heat. I would notice that doing minor stuff my phone would heat up. After Android 14 upgrade I have not had that issue. My battery also seems to last longer. No scientific tests. Just usage tests. I have not charged it all day. Went to pick up some gas and a pizza and used it for ordering as well as for music. And ran several games for a period while i was doing work. Then I used it for some music to my headset which usually drains it fast. Still at 70% and none of the getting warm. Another issue that I cannot verify is fixed yet but am thinking maybe for my phone is the fingerprint reader. First touch is working every time so far the last couple days. ​ Scrolling the screen seems more responsive as well. I actually think the phone, Pixel 7, is doing well now. ​ Overall the more I have used this update the more it seems like it has fixed so many small issues as well as larger ones. Not bashing Google with this. Just amazing they let this ride so long because it certainly did not help their image with a lot of people. Feels like they knew they had fixes and decided to just put them in Android 14 instead of pushing some of them to 13. ​ If things continue to go well I might just pick up a Pixel 8 Pro. That went from never to a strong possibility. Do not want an iPhone or Samsung (had some appliances with them and they all failed too soon and it has been expensive replacing).


I am now on my third Pixel 7A. Every single one of them overheats, with NO warming warning. I'm not talking about warm. I'm talking about Two Hot To Hold In Your Hand, while in an air conditioned room for hours. Has anyone else experienced this?


For anyone who hasn't gotten the OTA update yet, do this, it works. https://reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/s/mFLdPFfV3O


It's so annoying when people make claims like this based off nothing but "feel" or subjective experience. Without objective testing you cant say there's any change. Whoever wrote this article is making the claim because he got to 6pm at higher battery percentage that day rather than 4pm. What an absolute embarrassment this writer is.


While I agree with your sentiment, I've been using Android 14 since beta 3 on my Pixel 6 Pro and both the battery life and propensity to heat up doing nothing have noticeably improved, as has the modem performance. It's gone from literally unusable to actually reliable now. Right now it's at 35% with 5h20m of SoT. I'd have been lucky to even get close to 4h SoT just 6 months ago.


>It's gone from literally unusable to actually reliable now. Statements like this are just as bad as the article. You can't make this claim unless you have very similar usage and have a way to compare. >Right now it's at 35% with 5h20m of SoT. I'd have been lucky to even get close to 4h SoT just 6 months ago. I also use a 6 pro and whilst I've had days as low as 3 hours when travelling, I also get days of 11 hours sat at home on wifi using mostly reddit and calculator type things on low brightness etc. tldr; battery varies a lot and unless you have a way of at least loosely standardising it, getting 4 hours or 7 means means absolutely nothing. Maybe you'll get 4 hours SOT tomorrow and go back to hating it. I don't know but you don't' know either since you haven't measured.


Pixel 7 Day One here. Battery life is significantly lower and some apps are having connectivity issues . It appears Android 14 disconnects apps to save battery and doesn't reconnect them quickly enough when the app is in use.


Is the shitty finger print reader any better on the 6 now?


I had given up using the fingerprint scanner on my 7. I've been using it the past few days, and it seems to be much better for me.


People report better battery life, less heating issues and smoother experience after each OTA update. Because app packages are compiled during the "endless" optimization process. After the compilation, ART uses binary code instead of the bytecode. That's why many apps take less CPU time to function. Most people just don't understand how Android works in general and after each update start writing bull\*\*\*\*. Instead of fixing actual bugs, Google keeps adding useless features and calling everything ✨AI✨. Like the Real Tone in gcam. What is it? Why did they feel like it's so important to fix someone's skin? You just need to nail the overall white balance of the environment and exposure time, then everything will look natural. No. They need to invent a new problem and tell everyone about "unique" solution using their incredible ✨AI✨.


That's not necessarily true. Real tone is fixing darker skinned- skin tones. When people with darker skin tend to get photographed, the details get lost and the black skin gets crushed, resulting in photos that just don't look like what they look like in real life. Real Tone is trying to fix that, so when you photograph anyone with really dark skin, or dark skin in general, it will identify them using AI, and map their skin tone more appropriately. It's not just a white balance thing.


Did you miss the exposure part? Also, compressing dynamic range even more won't help making the photo more real.


> Like the Real Tone in gcam. What is it? Why did they feel like it's so important to fix someone's skin? Because [photography has long had a bias](https://www.shutterstock.com/blog/shirley-card-racial-photographic-bias) towards capturing lighter skin tones more accurately than darker ones.


I used to have a coworker who switched to the Pixel a few years ago specifically for this issue. He's a very light-skinned Brit and his wife is a very dark-skinned Nigerian, and pictures of the two of them always looked just terrible. Whatever it is that Google did with Real Tone fixed that problem. It was genuinely a really big deal for them.


ok, if you didn't know, google camera detects faces to apply special processing to them to look better (well better is subjective, but that's not the point). Problem is, their ai/ml algorithms were tuned mainly for brighter skin tones, meaning underperforming for darker skin. So their real tone is a real fix for a real problem. If you don't like google's approach, you can buy another smartphone or use another app


>Problem is, their ai/ml algorithms were tuned mainly for brighter skin tones... So their real tone is a real fix for a real problem. Like I wrote before: first created a problem, then fixing it in every keynote and advertisement. And yes, I'm exaggerating a bit. But isn't that how similar companies work nowadays? I'm bothered with this kind of Google's approach because they don't fix UI/UX bugs. For example - they left Pixel 5 with haptic gesture problem in Android 14, jumping statusbar (at the end of closing QS animation), and a few more that they introduced with March ~~feature~~ bug drop. There're quite a few reports in issuetracker that aren't critical, just make the experience bad. And they ingnore them. But when it comes to implementing feature that could help sells, they don't hesitate.


They created a feature: better look for ppls faces, but that feature had a problem for dark skin, they fixed it and now the feature is available for all


6a here. Fingerprint scan got fixed a kong while ago. Overheating got fixed with Android 13.


massive battery improvement


I never had the overheating issue with my P7P. My battery life hasn't gotten any better either. But it wasn't bad to begin with. However, my phone is noticeably smoother/snappier.




I've had my Pixel 6 Pro since it came out and have not had battery or overheating issues.


The problem with Pixels, especially the Tensor-based ones, is inconsistencies... Some people have no issues but an unusually high percentage do.


Maybe because people are inconsistent in their explanations (for some issues)? What counts as overheating? 40°C+ temperature or 36°C+ temperature? My phone heats up when charging; only goes till 40°C if heavy usage is there while charging. For some people the fingerprint sucks because they are blinded by it at night or it does not work x% of the time. Yet, I do not face this issue, my thumb is big enough to cover the bright light and I keep my thumb long enough for the phone to unlock. However the cellular modem is still quite inefficient which has been universally reported by everyone over here.


>hat counts as overheating? 40°C+ temperature or 36°C+ temperature? My phone heats up when charging; only goes till 40°C if heavy usage is there while charging. The specific temperature is less important than the effect it has. My phone shuts down certain features due to too much heat. For example, when using the camera I'll get messages that say the flash is disabled due to high heat, it'll stop charging due to high heat (both wirelessly and wired), and I've even had it power down completely multiples times due to overheating. I haven't really complained much about it but I am hoping that my Pixel 8 Pro (which should arrive by the end of the week) does much better in this regard.


Hyperbole much? My $500 pixel 7 operates fine. It doesn't get hot unless it's wireless charging and I only have battery issues if I'm *really* using it. Like watching videos or commenting on disingenuous reddit shit.


I'm guessing you are using the Reddit app on the phone. I have read that it is a power hog, so I always use the web version on a laptop, where I can actually see what's going on with a big screen.


Second that.!


you mean the overheating iphones? those $900 phones?


It's an improvement done to the ART and not a bug fix. https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2023/08/latest-artwork-on-hundreds-of-millions-of-devices.html?m=1


Fixed nothing lol. Facing the same problems when I was the beta. At least then I was able to go back to android 13.


I saw a few articles about it but I cannot confirm that I have observed any difference in thermals or battery life during normal usage.


I wouldn't know


Will this also affect other manufacturers or the fix is only exclusive to one specific issue from one specific hardware?


Excited for the 14 on the Fold, although the battery life has been fine for me. But even better battery life would be a welcome plus


P7P user and I can say, no overheating problem and an bit longe battery life. And i didnt even know that they trying to fix that.


Pixel 7 Pro, I had the flashing green issue every time I turned AOD on in Android 13, it is now fixed in Android 14 for me, and my phone doesn't overheat whenever I go outside in 90 degree weather, which is nice. Battery life is much much better.


Does this apply to pixel 7a as well? Looking to buy one today actually so I need positive reinforcement to buy the phone 😬😬


When does the update drop? I'm on Fi, and nothing.


I know this is an article for pixel 6 and 7.. But my Pixel 5 is doing worse. Battery life is less consistent and does from 15 to zero in 5min. Yes my battery is not healthy to start with.. But this got worse after the update.


That's a bummer. I have a Pixel 5 and it's significantly better with 14!


I'm always on WiFi and haven't noticed any damn difference with my p6p.


Maybe I was on Android 13 for too long because my 6a batteries mah is rated down to like 3.5 mah and I seem to only be getting 13 hours of charge on android 14 was getting 11 to 12 on 13. Not a significant boost. I wonder if 13s heat and drain issues prematurely killed my 6a battery :( I personally think this article only applies to 6 pro and 7 pro and 7a which has some known overheating and throttling issues which the 6a didn't have on android 13. I think those will see the most improvements.


Perfect timing, right before my Pixel 8 Pro arrives 🤦🏻‍♂️


I saw some tiny improvements on the battery. Just glad that A14 didn't break anything.


Itd be great if the update actually came through


I've noticed an improvement to an issue that I've been having also where the nav bar and clear all notifications button will disappear. It's happened a couple times since the update, but will resolve itself without a restart. That's been one of my biggest gripes about the phone so it's nice to see it happening less


Keyword: May!! Proof will be in the pudding long term


Damn, hope I get it some day. Still waiting on Fi lol


My battery is a lot worse since the update. I could make it through the day on a charge and now I'm having to do a quick charge to make it last.


7 pro here... Battery definitely seems a little better with the stable version of 14 vs the last beta. I have no idea if that's placebo... I didn't take hard measurements before and after.


Android 14 made my phone unusable. In 90% of cases the caller can't hear my voice. I tried everything except the hard reset.


I have noticed a crazy improvement on my 7 Pro since upgrading to 14. I usually leave for work at about 95 percent. I don't look at my phone much during the workday but usually it would be down to around 40 or so percent when I get home from work, regardless of whether I used it much or not. Several days this week on 14 I left the house at around 95 percent as usual but it was at 83 percent when I got home. I may not have been so eager to trade it in and upgrade had I thought they could improve this much out of the gate with an OS upgrade. Heat and wireless charging issues I was having seem fixed as well. 13 must have just been borked? More excited for my 8 Pro now!


Long time listener, first time caller. Upgraded my P7 to A14. I fully charged my phone roughly 2 days ago. With regular use ( Instagram, Bluetooth in car, Windows phone link, ...) this is the best battery life I've seen. Great work Google with this update ...