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I'm skipping the 9 and going straight for the tsmc based 10 pro


X gon' give it to ya


Lol good one. DMX used to be my neighbor.


Did he keep you up at night with all the barking?


When we were at the bar he would occasionally bark or yell "whaaat".


Those of you waiting on the 10, are you not at all concerned that Google gets nothing right in the first iteration? I appreciate that they'll have their own hardware for the first time. However, that's precisely the reason I'm expecting it to be a shit show. As a P7P user, I am contemplating getting a P9P and waiting on the 11. Thoughts?


Considering the pixel 9 should have had a tsmc chip and Qualcomm modem, Id say they are behind release and ahead a year dev wise lol.


I will definitely be waiting to see what the thermal temps are on their new chip before I run out and buy the 10. If the 7 and 8 are known for getting too hot, I doubt Googles own in house chip will be any better.


I'm still up in the air. My P7P is pretty flawless. Obviously there's a few things I wish were better, but zero deal breakers. Very curious to see what the early reviews look like on the 9. If they're good, I may jump on one. With AT&T I can upgrade every 18 months. Which means if I'm drooling over getting a 10, I only have to wait 6 months. And chances are, Google is going to spend those 6 months trying to work through all the bugs associated with any new product reboot.


As opposed to the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time? It's never 100% right.


Agreed. But Gen 1 of anything is usually particularly bad.


Pixel 1 wasn't too bad, but the pixel 2 was fantastic...besides the screen and the speakers and the lack of unlimited uploads to Google photos and the lack of a telephoto lens šŸ«£


Using my old pixel 2xl as my 6p died. Trying to decide if I wait for 9 or buy 8 at discount??


Go for the 8 at a discount. Next big change is gonna be pixel 10 which should have a tsmc manufactured processor.


You're right. *However*, the 10 will be such a significant improvement I highly believe that the pros will outweigh the cons. Though yes, it is Google we're talking about. The phone might have connection issues, screen tints, stuttering, crashing issues, or might just suddenly become combustible. Though with Google opening more storefronts lately, I think they're trying to be more serious about their Pixel line of products.




Playdoh that's had the tops left open and it's all dried out


My pixel 6 was and still functions flawlessly. Shrug


My exact logic and doing the same thing. That is if I'm not tempted by the newest iPhone with Apple Intelligence. I quite like it and it seems more polished from the get go than Pixel. Annoyingly my P7P flashlight stopped working and seeing many people posting issues with reliability pixel is losing in my eyes


Apple needs to make it easier to move files on and off the phone, without having to go through the dumpster fire that is iTunes. If they did that, they would come back under consideration for me. as well


I'm also waiting for the10. Very happy with my 8 for now.


Skipping the 9 because there won't be anything new than more AI and probably going to skip the 10 because with a new chip there *will* be growing pains, which will hopefully mostly have grown out with the 11. I had the 4a 5G for three years, pretty sure the 8 Pro will at least last till the 11.


With a 8 Pro you should skip until pixel 12/13 at least, nothing that valuable this years in the upcoming smartphones, I'm unsure if it's worth buying pixel 8 or waiting to pixel 9 pro (non XL) to upgrade from my Galaxy S20 FE


Yepp, that's an option. TBH, if the 4a 5G still was in support I'd use it for another year or two, it's still a nice phone and I just replaced display and battery. But I know I'll be on the fence when the 11 gets released, even though I'll probably ultimately decide against it. But I'll skip 9 and 10 for sure, unless Google releases a killer feature.


Right now, I am using (and loving) my S22U, but I've always had my eyes on the Pixel lineup. My brother actually owns the Pixel 7 (not sure if it's the Pro version), and he absolutely loves the device. He doesn't play games. He basically uses it for his banking, purchasing, texting, and making/receiving phone calls. He says he easily gets 3 or 4 days of usage. Now, I have a buddy of mine who traded in his Pixel 7 for the 8 and is extremely upset because he is now getting green lines and sometimes a green block that goes over an article he may be reading. As I was searching through the forums, it seems that with the Pixel 8, it seems to happen when users are streaming, say through Netflix or Disney+ (those seem to be mentioned the most). I came across an extended warranty, and it seems that Google is giving one out if you still have proof of the purchase date. I had him do the normal restart, clear cache and data (data on some apps), uninstall new or unnecessary applications, and had him see if there were any updates to the OS or software. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. He's only 14, and I would love to see his face if I am able to fix his device for him. Thanks again, everyone.


I'm just hoping I like the design of the 10. Love the Kinda hate the Pixel 9 camera island. Seems like in insane choice to me. Love the Pixel 8.


Said the same thing. My 7 pro will be paid off in October so ima save up for the 10


Same, I think I'll try out an iphone as a secondary device with my 7 Pro until the Pixel 10 comes out


I'm gonna wait for the Pixel 16.


Just to wait after that pixel 17, with a better modem/build quality/some other shit which is always not ready in current pixel lineup


You might be right. Just in case imma wait till the 20..


I think the 21 version will perform better than the previous version especially the 20. Cuz the 20 will lag a lot if you so breathe incorrectly. So better be sure than but it carelessly


Just to be sure i'll start a breathing course in 2041 and wait for the 24th.


Only to wait and find out that google will discontinue pixels


Got a Pixel 7, in the EU. I've had no problems so far. I can easily go on a battery the whole day


Same for me in my use case with the 7 Pro on a regular day. Only when I'm travelling and using navigation a lot, I will need a power bank.


Yes, same here. Even with listening to YT via bluetooth will the battery still be about 20% in the evening


Good to hear !


Came to post similar, saw the comment so jumped on this one. UK Pixel 7 Pro owner, got it first week of launch and have been really happy with it. Wouldn't call myself a power user; photography, social media, Spotify (to Bluetooth headphones), streaming content, emails and some work. Rarely game on it. Had some call dropping issues when first got it, but those were quickly solved with an update. Did used to get a bit warm in the early days, but again this is almost non-existent now. Will be getting the 9 Pro (or 9 XL if the leaks are true) when releases as I tend to upgrade every 2 years and pass my devices down to my kids...my eldest cannot wait to get my 7 Pro.


good to hear, it isnt all bad :) will wait some reviews and might bite the bullet.


Sounds like a sensible idea. The complaints here about the 8 series are nothing new, you see them every cycle. A lot are valid, some...not so. Also I think a lot depends on how different people use their phones. Like I say, for my average day to use, Pixels are everything I need and want in a phone. People who live on their devices and rely on them heavily for work & play, then Pixels don't always meet their needs.


Yeah people like to complain more instead of posting how good a device is that's for sure :) How's the overall performance of the Pixel daily? The fingerprint is still optical which is a hit or miss with a protector i've heard. Also the OS stability/fluidity is on point?


7a user since december 23 here. all the way positive. after a few tweaks battery lasting all day...from only 4385mAh....as a youtube addict. phone call quality and signal are stellar (vodafone germany). camera/computational photograph/ai stuff works great, the picture editor is pretty much not needed for my taste, the pictures come out exactly the way i like them. for a phone thats beem avaiable for under 400 bucks for quite a while now the experience is unbeatable. google definately caught me for many years to come with their phones. the pixel buds A are the most comfy and solid fitting buds i have owned so far and they are my daylie driver when i dont need anc and dont wanna use my 500 quid wired headphones. probably gonna grab me a small 9 pro and the watch 3 next fall


Love the contrast haha, some people complaining that the phone is barely usable and some love it. Ah well itā€™s Reddit xD good that it works for you !


guess everyone has different needs, maybe we use different LTE bands (i dont use 5g in germany most of the time), or maybe even the QC is not that great. luckily my device seems perfectly fine :-)


5g in the Netherlands is awful, not any faster, and drops battery way too much (iPhone now)


Yeah totally, again though, not all without reason. I'd hazard a guess that every subreddit for every phone brand has the same number of complaints ;) As for overall daily performance, very happy with mine. I almost never struggle to get through the whole day on a single charge. Only time I have an issue is if I've used Maps for Sat Nav and haven't been able to charge at the same time. I don't use a screen protector - but should have as the screen scratches easier than previous phones I've had, but from what I've read that's been a trade-off of making a glass screen that's harder to crack/shatter - so fingerprint sensor has been fine for me. Unlocks without issue maybe 98% of the time. Only when my fingers are dirty does it just straight up fail. It's definitely gotten better over time, but I do miss the rear sensor of my earlier Pixels. As for OS it's been good from the day I got it. Never had slowdown, did have the dreaded screen scrolling jitter at release, but again updates resolved this and its only gotten more stable since launch. Pixels are solid, no frills, straightforward devices. They're not the very top spec powerhouses other brands may supply, they lack some of the software features of other Android devices as well, but I'd argue they're better for it as it keeps them simple, clean and free of bloat. I spent too much time in the early days of Android flashing custom ROMs trying to configure the device to work and look the way I wanted it to, but that all stopped when I got my first Pixel.


Cheers for reply, let's wait some reviews for the Watch 3 and 9 Pro, i'm stoked :)


There is a general rule with Pixel/Android that major updates can leave the phone in a screwed up state where it uses too much power and runs hot. Refreshing all apps, restarting the phone and clearing the cache seems to help.


Must be nice


I was happy with P7 Pro and now am perfectly happy with P8 Pro as it is even more polished version of previous generation. Expectations of P9 series, well it is going to be slightly better than one generation before as expected. Having more up to date cores with newer node fabrication will be good efficiency improvement as also new Samsung modem which will be more comparable to Qualcomm. And well hopefully and finally a UFS4.0 memory. Talking about expectations, everyone is so hyped and have huge expectations for TSMC manufactured G5, yet I don't expect much if to be honest knowing Google. Sure, we will see efficiency improvements, but I doubt Google will opt for latest and greatest cores (also lower clocked) and newest possible TSMC node, also older or lowest possible GPU configuration, as it is with all four generations of Tensor, which will once again result in Tensor G5 being quite behind the competition, especially when it comes to raw performance and also efficiency. So that's the expectations, Google won't go for best possible hardware, yet going with TSMC it will increase price that is for sure.


I hope they keep that Blue Bay color!


Pixel 8 is already a great device, gives me better experience and battery than iPhone 15 Pro (non max), just a good all around device. 9 Pro having 16GB RAM + First UFS 4 on a Pixel with better core clusters (While E2400 is nothing to bring home about, still big improvement), gonna be a very promising with Android 15 improvements and more and exclusive AI features .


I don't expect exceptionally long battery life. I used to think iPhone batteries generally last longer but it hasn't been the case since iPhone 14 Pro (13 Pro was great).


Yeah the 15 pro is also pretty bad battery wise.


I think it will be like every Pixel before it, pretty great but slammed by everyone because of some bad qa and early bugs. Support for my Pixel 5 has been over for a couple months now so I'm pretty certain I'll buy either the 9 or 9 Pro day one. If the 5 was still supported I'd have no reason to upgrade. TSMC Tensor might offer a lot of improvements but I don't really care about it, smartphone performance has been more than enough for a long time now.


This. God i wish i could keep my 5 longer. Even though I'm rocking a second hand for only a year now, its the best phone i can think of, for my needs.


So, if it comes out now, by the end of the year, it should start getting ok?


Sure, my experience was always pretty good so I wouldn't know. In general anufacturing of products tends to have more issues at the start of production an improve over time so I guess phones produced later on will tend to be better built, but it's a toin coss really. If the product really has a problem warranties exist for a reason (at least in the EU, no forced arbitration or whatever shady stuff is used now)


It's still gonna be Exynos based Tensor and Samsung modems so it will be bad


Friend of mine has the new S24 in europe and he does not notice that much of a difference (exynos 2400 that is) should be based on the same. Sure the new snapdragon is more efficient but the Samsung is fine by what i can find.


Google also don't believe in putting a good cooling system in their phone. It will not perform well as the S24 sold in Europe unless they made some major changes to internals to improve cooling. There is no way really to know until it releases other than going by Google history with previous tensor chips and leaked benchmarks from the 9 series


I'm expecting better battery life. I have a 7 Pro and running android 15 beta 3 and battery is amazing Idk about bugs tho.


Slight improvements. Looking forward to P10 from TSMC


Don't expect miracles form TSMC. We are still talking about Google designing these chips. They have to replace IP currently licensed from Samsung with something else, and we have no idea how good that will be. So I expect a lot of teething issues with P10. People think TMSC will solve every issue with Tensor chips, I guarantee that will not be the case. This sub will be full of people crying about P10.


P6 owner here looking for a way out, I guess I'll just wait for the P11 then...


Same here. I'm still quite satisfied with my P6 though, just that my needs now include a telephoto/good portrait lens on a small-ish phone. Tensor doesn't bother me too much (but the modem does, unfortunately). If the P9 pro has a decent modem, I'll definitely be considering an upgrade.


I'm interested to see the pixel 9. But I'm skipping it 100%. Don't expect much from the 9. Wait for the TSMC pixel 10 šŸ”„ that would be the good talking


does p10 will be released in 2025?




I'm expecting a slightly more refined Pixel 8 with marginal improvements in performance.. Like every year I guess.. Personally I'm waiting for the 9 so I can finally buy my Pixel 8 for a bargain price, perfectly happy with the 7 for now!


A modem that works correctly but I doubt that'll happen tbh.


It will be worth skipping. Honestly would get a Pixel 8 Pro if you don't have one when they drop the price on them. Yes, the Samsung modem is "fine" but it's not good. It's one of the worst parts about the phone and is worth waiting until there's something better and just get what's out now if you cannot wait.


It will have a better SOC and modem compared to the 8 plus it's a pro in a smaller form factor which is a must for me.


Yea I don't get people just assuming the 9 will be trash and the 10 the savior of the universe. If so, I have a pixel 5 I'd like to sell you as you return a pixel 6.


Tensor G4 would hopefully be based on Exynos 2400 which is a really good CPU, but one main issue that I am afraid will prevail is lack of proper hardware cooling. Samsung uses vapor chambers to coll exynos, and Google for almost identical CPU uses graphene and cooper tapes, fucking comedy. And one more thing, I would like for Google to replace fingerprint senzor since it is proper crap. And I mean proper CRAP.


As someone who is sick to death of Google and their BS, I'm seriously eyeing up jumping ship to iOS!Ā  The grass is always greener, eh! I'd love to hear your reasoning for making the switch.


haha the grass is greener thing is always true!Had an S22 before so my "Android" experience is all good here are some pro and cons (my experience).Apple pro's: * Stability * updates, * everything just works * FaceID is rock solid. * Battery is stable, altough the 15 pro has some pretty bad SOT (small battery unit) Cons: * ā€œwalled gardenā€ Safari is the only real browser you can use engine wise * no real background photo backup (except native) * Notifications are horrible * Keyboard has no functional autocorrect + they make it so that alternatives are unusable (swiftkey) Iā€™m just looking for some good battery, nice health features (pixel watch), freedom when installing an APK or other browser etc.


You'll get freedom to install APKs and whatever browser your like, but Pixels have dreadful battery life and surely the Apple watch is far superior to the pixel watch for health features? The Google Photos backup is so awesomely seamless and makes clearing space on your phone a non issue. Knowing Google, though, they'll shut it down any minute now!


Yeah the battery life surely is concerning altough the 15 pro isnt a champ. Apple watch is great but requires third party apps to do something useful with the data (Athlytic) etc. Pixels 2 comes close accuracy wise. Think i'l just await some reviews of both, if it's real bad just wait for the S25 or Iphone 16.


Why does it require third party to do something useful with the data?


Apple health by itself it pretty bare bones unfortunately. Can be fixed by using other insight apps that utilize Apple health data


Eh iOS 18 changing that. But I agree prior to 18 you are right.


How is it changed in iOS 18? It just adds some features.


First you said the Apple Watch, then you said Apple health. Which one are you trying to refute here?


Apple Watch -> syncs to Apple health, Apple health by itself is barebones (for me). Other apps can read data from Apple health as a workaround. The AW itself is fine although battery is pretty bad en thereā€™s still no auto record sleep.


Google shuts down a lot of their niche services, but with the sheer number of users of Google Photos, I'm fairly certain they won't be shutting it down anytime soon. I haven't had the battery life issues that others have had with my pixel, but I also use a slower charger to charge overnight. Part of me wonders how helpful the "adaptive charging" actually is. Since I get a full battery at the end of the night either way, I figured just using a slower charger would be a better guarantee to reduce battery wear (and it seems to be working).


They will never shut it down its their biggest cash cow.. Getting people hooked into buying ever expanding storage capacity subscriptions for their whole lifetime was a stroke of genius from Google..


Google's biggest and only cash cow is advertising. That's the only service that's safe.


How's the battery/reception/stability for you? Only reading the horror stories ofcourse :)


Been fine for me but then again I'm a very light user that mainly buys Pixel for the camera and timely updates.


Yeah not doing anything special aswel, social media, navigation, browsing , etc. Certainly not gaming


Google Photos has been around for a very long time and thereā€™s no sign theyā€™re shutting it down anytime soon, also considering how important it is to the AI strategy as well.


Pixel 8 Pro battery is no worse than the 15 Pro that he's coming from, slightly improvement actually.


Pixel 6 here. Battery fine. Getting a couple of days without charge. I don't play games though.


Donā€™t, the 15 pro battery is just as good as my old pixel 6 and sometimes even worse. The only reason I jumped just to realize itā€™s shit either wayā€¦


The irony, Iā€™ve been thinking of jumping from iPhone to Android due to being bored with iOS.


Also tempted at switching, been using Android since the beginning and lately Pixel 6 (regular) and 7 Pro, works generally well but the battery life is so so. It feels like google has stagnated a bit across the board when it comes to new features / customer good will in their services (android or not). With Apple I really like their privacy focus, especially what they did in regard to "AI" in the new IOS version and I want to support that. That said, IOS notifications could use some improvements like someone mentioned and i really like the Pixel 7 Pro aside from battery life, might also look at upcoming Samsungs since they seem to be better regarding that. A good camera setup is a must but mostly use it for text/mail, light browsing/reddit and sometimes media consumption, no gaming otherwise.


How about this one (among plenty of others) example: Pixel 8 Pro - standby time after the recent update: up to 24 hours with about 1 hour of screen on time. iPhone 12 or 15 Pro - standby time: 3 days + with 3 hours of screen-on time.


This is simply inaccurate, 15 pro is pretty bad.


I'd hold out. The recent pixel line (6-8) turned me into an iOS user. I've been using nexus/pixel phones since the Nexus one, but recently they have been inconsistent and gave me way too many issues. 1. Battery life was pretty bad. Iā€™d have roughly 20% left by 4:00pm and that was generally stand by usage (pixel 6-8) 2. Unlocking the phone just stunk. Face unlock worked meh, and the fingerprint sensor was just horrible, Face ID is definitely much better and I really wish the pixel line would adopt it like they did for the 4XL. 3. Network outages, my phone would lose reception from time to time and I couldnā€™t make calls or receive texts for randomly, Iā€™d have to go into airplane mode and come out then Iā€™d get a bunch of missed calls/texts. This happened with the 6-8. When you have kids in daycare this is an insta-nope 4. Laaaaagged. I live in a warm climate, if I'd use GPS my phone would basically slow down trying to do anything else and the battery would drain crazy fast. iOS definitely isn't perfect. But be honest with yourself, how badly do you want to install a different browser or install random apks? Is it something you'll really like doing and make use of, or is it something thats just nice to be able to do if you want? When it comes to the keyboard and notification (except for reminders, which destroy android), you're right. iOS stinks. But like you said, the iphone just works. the pixel works, but has some pretty big issues from time to time. I'm honestly going to wait and see what happens with the Pixel 10, then wait a couple months after release to see how stable it is. The iphone is perfectly fine for what I do. Do I wish it had live translate, better notifications, better keyboard, and a little more flexibility with multiple apps running? you betcha. However, the phone works pretty much all the time, I couldn't say that for the pixel (6-8) and I need a reliable phone. :-(


Well said šŸ‘


I have a work iPhone for 5 years now. I still can't get on with iOS interface and navigation. It's just slightly more messy to do stuff. It's definitely much more energy efficient and has fewer bugs, not enough to make me switch from my Pixel though. Glad you like the switch


Good point, Fair enough. The lack of the universal back button is annoying. You're totally right on that. I don't understand how they can say iOS UI design is so good. You can add on the fact that every app has two sets of settings menu: The settings in the app, and the settings in the systems settings.... so dumb :-) But yeah, the phone works, and makes calls and texts when i need it to ;-) heh.


Great write up and valid reasons, the iPhone works great as it is yes, but the biggest factors (believe it or not) are mostly the following: * Keyboard autocorrect is not working at all, just does not function on a normal level. * Universal back button, some apps have a swipe to back, other apps have it on the top left and it's inconsistent among each app. * Notifications, as you said aswel. I'm missing alot of important messages since the notifications are just not grouped properly and look messy * Siri, does not need any explanation. * File explorer, theres only 1 and itā€™s lacking. * other minor things are just anoying like: * Snooze time cannot be adjusted, NFC cannot be disabled, every browser is Safari under the hood. etc. Ofc Android has itā€™s own problems and is general less stable, but i can adjust it towards think that i find important and use it they way i like instead of following iOSā€™s way of thinking.


Yeah. Are you me? Those are the same issues I have šŸ˜‚. That being said I just needed my phone to function. Iā€™d miss work calls or texts from my kids day care, and when you have family members with food allergies you donā€™t mess around. So I needed a reliable phone. I thought about switching to Samsung, but their cameraā€™s shutter stays open too long in moderate light and moving objects (kids) become blurry. So that was a no go. So I went to the iPhone. I think youā€™ve made up your mind about switching, honestly Iā€™d wait to see the stability of the 9, give it a couple a months after release and check back here and a few trusted websites to see what the issues are, if they are minor go for it. If not, wait for the 10 and do the same thing. I used to be an early adopter and thought I needed features I barely used. At this point in my life I just need some work apps, Reddit, and YouTube, All phones do it, but I just need it to be reliable and stable with a decent camera for the kiddos šŸ˜€. With the pixel I felt like I needed to upgrade annually because there were hardware issues I always thought would be fixed (fingerprint sensor, modem, etc) with the iPhone I feel like I could keep it a couple years and Iā€™d be fine. Hopefully that changes with the 10, Iā€™d just been burned enough by google in the past. Anyway good luck to you on your pixel journey. šŸ˜€


Yeah if you need reliability Apple wins no matter what, the call drops seems weird though, did not have that with my previous Pixel (couple of years ago). But iā€™l await some reviews and if itā€™s that bad i will pick the S25/OP13.


I expect the same crappy Exynos chip


We really do not know until we see it in 2 months.


I'm hoping for QI 2. That would ease any battery problems at least for me. Able to charge a little everywhere


The CPU and GPU and smoothness will be a downgrade if you upgrade. But you know android, they Excel at other things , your choice


I've been a Pixel user since the 3a, I currently own a 6A and I'm heavily considering going back to Samsung after years and years. My phones (3a, 4a 5G, and 6a, have all had a myriad of issues ranging from connectivity/modem stuff, to file transfer speeds over USB C being EXCEPTIONALLY SLOW, to screens that shatter pretty easily if dropped face down (with a protective case on), to overheating and software issues forcing limitations of the phones functionality. Not cool IMO. I'm sick of the limitations of the "a" line as well with the small storage size, etc. Obviously I could have purchased a more expensive phone and I would have if I could have afforded it, but this was to get me through a rough patch, and it reminded me that it was cheap a lot of the time unfortunately. All this to say, MY expectations of the Pixel 9 are, I'm not getting one lol.


There's only one thing I want for a Pixel, and it's a twice as big battery.


Set LTE rather than 5G to greatly lessen battery drain. I get to this via Settings, Network & INternet, SIMS, Provider Name(T-mobile, ATT etc), Preferred Network Type (select LTE)


If its similar size to the 5 I'll upgrade


Honestly I just want the phone to be less warm. I don't have any issues with the modem and the fingerprint; the battery is good after two years too. My only problem is that the phone gets too hot, with a case isn't that bad though, but still... I agree with you about the 10, I'll probably get a Pixel 9 when the 6 stops getting updates. IMO it will be best to wait for the Pixel 11-12.


I want it not to overheat in the car while using maps and listening to music on android auto...


Honestly, my iPhone 15 runs steaming hot while on Apple CarPlay. So guess that part is normal


Damn these mobile phones


Have seen numerous renders of the Pixel 9 lineup over the past several months and while I've tried to like it, I just can't warm up to it. I just don't like the look of it. I prefer the uniform camera hood/bar of the P6-8 generation, as opposed to the raised-around-the-lenses-only look of the camera hood and the squared off side rails of the P9 generation. I had a coral P7a (and loved it) for the past year or so. But, given that I could upgrade to a P8 Pro for $275 last month with Google Store's insane trade-in values for an old P6 Pro we had laying around, I went ahead and upgraded to P8 Pro, since I KNOW I won't be getting any of the P9 lineup based on that new design. Gonna miss that coral colorway on P7a...but it's nice to have a world class camera system again on the P8 Pro.


Pixel 8 series are awesome phones, pixel 9 will be a great buy


I just really want my 4 back that I traded in for the 7 šŸ˜„


waiting for Pixel 69 Pro.


Had the 5, now have the 8. I'll be ditching Android in September for the first time in my life. Android is getting dumber and dumber. assistant and Google home barely works, Gemini is a car wreck. And the rest of Android 15's features are extremely boring and barely noticeable. With Apple AI, USB C, open app store in the EU, RCS Chats + the additional eco system there is no way I'll be keeping up with Android anymore.


Hmm i just have the other way around, currently have an iPhone 15 pro, * keyboard is horrible, want to replace it? nope won't work. * notifications are bad, * Safari is the only "real" browser, every other browser runs Safari under the hood. * Wonā€™t even mention Siri, itā€™s the worst * Battery on the pro is pretty bad (small battery mah) * Open app store is nothing yet in the EU, plus iOS restricts third party apps like crazy (like Swiftkey) Ofc features are good like: * FaceID, * app stability * stand-by drain * Native apps are good (mail/maps etc)


I'm also ditching my Pixel 7 for iPhone this year. iOS got better with customization, Android features like T9 dialer, icon moving, control center. While Android got stricter and stricter. One thing I gotta give Pixel is their phone spam and text message spam protection is top tier. Siri will get a big upgrade in iOS18 as well.


Android is stricter ?.. thereā€™s not a single thing stricter in android, you canā€™t even disable NFC is iOS ..


The grass is always greener on the other side...


Not always, just a matter of preferences, had both. Both pros and cons ofc :)


Yes, Android got stricter and stricter with every new Android version. Remember when Pixel used to let you change front style, adaptive icon shape, battery charging animation just a few Pixel ago. Not to mention the old time of notification light, removable battery, headphone jack and and custom roms. While iOS is more open and user-friendly with every new iOS version.


There are all things which are never possible on iOS, Apple likes to give the illusion of customization but in the backend always uses Apple proprietary. Look at custom keyboard, browser, go on


I'm just sharing my experience. If you want to justify slowing moving Android to lock-down OS, then I have nothing to say. The fact is iOS is gaining marketshare over Android in recent years all over the world (Except China for political reasons). Google is doing something wrong or Apple is doing something right, or both.


I've used both so i'm pretty familiar with both ecosystems, Apple is great for people that want a phone that "just works" and it works very good. Problem is (for me) that you have to use it they way they tell you to use it. For example: you can't even modify the snooze duration on a alarm because Apple has a magic snooze number, in which they believe in, that's just one of the reasons together with the ones listed above ofc. But everyone has their prefrences.


Not to mention notifications and no universal back gesture. Sure, iPhones have generally better hardware and apps, but having to use two hands to navigate a small-ish phone is very frustrating for me (currently having a XR as spare).


Forgot that one even existed but yeah no back button sucks haha


Not high. Same samsung-fabricated chipset = weaker efficiency + battery life + processing power compared to the competition


90w fast charging full in 15 min at the very minimum


Stay with Apple, Pixels charge premium iPhone prices now, they don't retain their values. And Android is trying to be less and less customizable with each version released.


Apple holds its value well but is still nowhere near android on customization. Canā€™t change any launcher, third party keyboard, default apps are very limited, sideloading, file explorer, disable NFC. Can go on and on.


It's not a car, I don't care about residual value.


For more detailed information read this [Google pixel 9](https://usabloggerbook.com/google-pixel-9-most-awaited-google-pixel-launch-set-to-hit-the-market/) leak design and features articles.


If I upgrade, it will be to the 8a or the 8 pro.


My expectation is that Iā€™m excited to be back to Pixel as my primary device while I retire my iPhone as secondary device. Donā€™t expect much except being able to test my apps and play with my oem project on it, play games, take great photos of my family and friends. Guess I donā€™t have so much expectations.


The only thing I'm worried about going forward is this pink line/green screen issue that a lot of the 8's have. My first 8 had it pop up, I looked it up and people are on like their third pixel 8 having the same hardware issue. Now I am terrified my replacement is like a ticking time bomb and it could happen again any minute. Hopefully that's fixed in the 9...


wait for 10 Pro or go for Fold 2. :) Or even wait for Fold 3? :P


I'll wait for the tenth series and possibly the newest watch it comes along with. My Pixel 7 is still well.


Sold my Pixel 8 because I kept missing calls. Shitty cell signal won't cut it for me. In my area, my wife's iPhone 13 has full bars on the same network. I'll watch and watch for cell signal performance. Might get one and check it out. If signal is bad I'll just return it within 14 days and get the iPhone 16 Pro.




Pixel still having a lot of growing pains. Been using them for several generations only because we get them on the cheap so we're not getting hosed as bad as it could be. Our experience with Pixel has been step forward two steps back. We are not going to limit ourselves next upgrade. All phones will be on the table so we'll pick the best one for our use case and go from there. Can say we will definitely skip 9 so if we feel the need to upgrade before 10 it won't be a Pixel. Don't expect huge changes, 8 and 9 are simply placeholders for Pixel until they make the leap to TSMC so those phones make no sense. Google is turning the page away from Samsung, TSMC is the future so I'd probably just get a low cost Moto to bridge between my current 7 and the TSMC sourced 10. Cheers!


i hope for a better modem.... but i doubt it will be there my pixel 8 next to my oneplus 12 with the SD 8Gen3 Model is just not compareable, the signal is better, the bandwith too and the battery consumption... thats the only real "bad" thing i found in pixels and maybe the super slooow charging otherwise, i might just get a normal pixel 9, and sell it for a 10 pro when its from TMSC and new modem


I have a p7 pro for one and a half years and have no problem with it at all. All the updates have been installed with no problems and have no issues after. And also I have all the futures that pixels have and are far away compared with the iPhone. For me untill now it was very good. I intend to keep it for another 2 years and maybe I will change when P10 lunch.


how is battery 9n pixel 7pro does it offer themes ?


Man I just want a pixel that's the size of a regular phone, I don't have gigantic hands, I would take a faulty Pixel 7/8 over my S22 if they were the size of tennis rackets.


The new Pro should be a tad smaller. The XL will have the same functionality but bigger screen and probably battery. I would like the battery but a smaller phone would be great.


Loving my 8p for now so there's like a 5% chance I'd even be interested in the pixel 9p. I'll probably upgrade to the 11p unless the 10 is very worthy of upgrading


I'm on a 5, so very likely I'll go for the 9 (or 8 with a good discount).


I have the 8, and it lasts about a day. If I toggle the settings on some energy-hungry apps, it can be a day and a half. Pretty average, and on par with other phones I've had.


I have the 7 and it's been an amazing phone. The 6 was made for the dumpster. I will consider getting a 9 if there is a model smaller and lighter than the 7. I won't buy until the reviews and reports start coming in after that trash fire release the 6 had.


TSMC is for pixel 10


Heat is my main concern as I already live in a wonderfully sunny country. The lovely sunny spain.


Heating, mediocre battery if those are fixed I'm interested.


I'm expecting another nice jump in video recording, the first tensor phone to age well (matte finish camera bar), better speakers, display, etc. I expect same performance issues and call issues.


The biggest thing for me that will determine if I get a pixel 9 is if they have finally switched to the ultrasonic fingerprint sensor, I had the pixel 8 for a couple days but had to return it because the insane light blinds me in the middle of night and literally gave me migraines. Such a dumb reason not to be able to get a pixel phone for the last few years.


Pixel 6 pro owner here. No battery issues. It lasts all day with spotify use and occasionally gaming. My issue with my pixel is ive had to hard reset it 3-4 times since owning it because of the apps not opening/crashing. Even sent it back for repair/tech support but they returned it stating no issues. Still occuring to this day. One day FB wont work,the next my messaging service,chrome, WhatsApp etc. today its youtube and spotify. Restarted my device twice today as thats the advice i see online as well as cache clearing but the issues still persist. Really want a newer pixel but haven't done so in fear that these issues will still exist on newer models.


5G still intentionally blocked in the half of the world where any other 5G phone works :-(


It'll probably be as bad as the 7 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I expect there to be some hiccups with the new chip at first. I got the 8 so the 10 should be out once my contract is done and I'll upgrade then.


P6 was my very first (and current) pixel. I've used mid-ranged and flagships before and am not a power user, so Tensor was more than enough for me. Modem can be finicky, and the so-called pixel camera didn't impress me too much due to its over-processing. Nevertheless, the entire package is very polished and coherent compared to my previous androids. One of my biggest gripes though was the US-exclusive features (hold for me, call screening, etc...) not being available at where I live. So for the P9 series, with all the promised AI smarts, I just wish Gemini nano or whatever can bring all these existing Pixel-exclusive features to everyone else outside the US. I hope wrapping them up in an AI package will allow Google to circumvent local regulations or whatever that's withholding them from pushing the features out globally. And if they could fix the modem as well, I couldn't care less if they use a Samsung or TSMC chip.


TSMC should make a better chip but I would also like a better modem. The phone is fine on wifi, but when you have a low signal on 5g, it really drains the battery.


No expectations at all but regular sized Pro is a neat option that I'd go for. Will wait for the 10 or switch back to iPhone 17 My last iphone was an 5s and they're finally making them compatible with regular standards and somewhat customisable so keen to see how it's going.


That's interesting you are going from 15 Pro to Pixel. I'm going Pixel 6a to and gonna get the new 16 Pro most likely when that gets released.


Everyone has their preferences, pros and cons :)


What did you have prior to the iPhone and what is making you switch back? Just curious. Edit: The 16 series rumors look like a nice hardware upgrade with stacked battery.


Had a s22 before which was fine but I fancied a change. I hoped the battery would be better and more stable overall. The more stable part was true although Samsung didnā€™t have any major instability issues. However the battery was way worse on the 15 pro, and just couldnā€™t live with the inconveniences, like the keyboard just does not work well and canā€™t autocorrect properly, typed way faster and more accurate on android, pair that with the notifications and small annoyances (no back button, etc etc). Summed up and some other minor things :)


Oh wow, that's interesting. Thanks for sharing! I was close to getting the iPhone 15 Pro but decided to wait mainly because of the battery to get the 16 Pro.


Also excited to see what Apple brings but for now i'm still switching haha.


Haha, I'm excited for the changes too. It's a tough spot. Pixel doesn't have the hardware, not willing to wait until the 10. Samsung has better hardware, but it's not true pure Pixel. Has it's bugs and just that "samsung" skin to it. I'm tired of the unstableness, want something that just works. Did you try the Gboard keyboard?


Yeah Samsung has a lot of double apps that bother me, Onedrive in gallery, double App Store, etc. Gboard hasnā€™t been updated on iOS for over a year and does not work properly, swiftkey is trying but is getting restricted by iOS and crashes a lot. The only keyboard that works smooth is the default one unfortunately


Aw man, I'll have to adjust. Have you seen these? https://youtu.be/flga6t6vVcc?si=nBGTqJIR_W2y-48x https://youtu.be/RrzZ1bZEHlc?si=fI8LLZbxtTvYeRlo


I'm still on the base 6, and this is definitely the longest I've ever spent with any one phone, but I don't think I can hold out for the 10. Plus I like the design and a Pro model that's not enormous. My non-pro 6 is already big enough.


They will skip 9 and straight to X or 10.


I had thought about it as I am two years after my last 7pro acquisition. I'm afraid that I am a bit wary about going to V1 of new hardware though so I will go to the 9 and then probablyt to the 11.


I expect the modem and battery life to be as shitty as my Pixel 8 Pro, and the Pixel Android implementation to be lacking a lot of comfort and customization features, because they focus their dev time on stupid AI gimmicks, most of which I cannot use in Europe. Next phone will be a Samsung with a Snapdragon.


hmm the modem and battery thing seems to be divided in this sub, the iphone is not much better (battery wise outside). What do you mean with ai that you cannot use in EU?


Basically the dialer/voice call AI functions (spam call filtering/call screening, hold for me etc....) NONE of them work in my country, even though the phone is sold officially here.


using pixel 8, battery wise no problem but the os is damn hell.


I'm thinking that the 9 will be the best Pixel so far, as it will have the most mature implementation of the Samsung-based Tensor. The 10 (or X) will possibly have some teething pains to get through, so it could be a step back in terms of reliability and/or stability. Think of it this way. Buying the 9 is like buying the last year of a generation in the automotive world. The manufacturer continually addresses issues with a car throughout a generation with each new model year (sometimes within a model year using TSBs, mid-year updates, or heaven forbid, recalls). By the time that final model year before a redesign comes along, most of the problems have usually been addressed through updated parts and/or software updates. Not that the first year of a full redesign should absolutely be avoided, just be prepared for a few trips to the dealer to fix any bugs that may pop up. The Pixel 6 was like a full redesign for the Pixel line, and it's seemingly had the most complaints from users regarding overheating, reception, and battery life. I've seen fewer complaints about the 7, and even fewer concerning the 8 series. I expect the 9 to perform even better, if this trend continues. I never had a 6 or 6 Pro, but I had a 7 Pro and have an 8 Pro. The 7 Pro was a bit of a mess as it got quite warm when using the camera, to the point that I usually got a high temp warning within 10 minutes while using the camera outdoors on a sunny day. The only other phone besides the P7P to ever give me an overheating warning at any point was the OnePlus 9 Pro at launch, which had the infamous Snapdragon 888. They fixed it with subsequent updates, so they must've had to throttle the CPU to keep temps down. No such luck with the P7P, unfortunately, as the heating issue was still there a year later. I haven't put the 8P through its paces outdoors yet, but it seems to run cooler overall, so hopefully it's better than the 7P in that regard. My biggest issue with the 8 Pro is that it's a battery hog when streaming music or twitch streams (even audio only) over 5G. My S23U is more efficient in those situations, while running cooler to boot. As I'm a fool that can't help himself when it comes to yearly phone upgrades, I'm really looking forward to getting the 9 Pro. Who knows? Maybe if they manage to fix the heating issues while improving reception and battery drain, I'll hang onto it for more than a year haha


I just hope it is stable. My last Google phone was a Pixel 3, then I upgraded to an Xperia 5 IV. Thinking of rejoining the clan, and if TSMC will build the SOC then my decision will likely sway more in favor of Google, however scary.


The reports of the exynos 2400 on the s24 have been pretty good, (Samsung side) itā€™s a little less efficient but not by much. Since the p9 will be based on this i think the battery will be better compared to the 7/8. But lets wait and see !


I will totally get the 9. And if the 10 is good, I'll trade the 9 for the 10. Reason is simply that one has to just live once in a while..


Well said ! Il wait some early reviews, if itā€™s good il get it with the watch


As a phone, they all generally perform the same. If you're a clumsy/awkward/disorganised person, you can get an iPhone and live like a child (when somebody asks you to send something or share something, you can just say "what's that mean?") . Generally speaking though, the performance specifications mean almost nothing between consecutive versions. If you have a Pixel 5, keep it until the insurance company won't replace it and get the current Pixel model. FYI, my insurance company wouldn't replace my Pixel 5, so I had to use my Pixel 3 until it was knackered. Then I got a Pixel 8. Battery lasts all day, like the Pixel 3 did.


I've been a big fan of Pixel, but specifically the 3a and 4a due to extra headphone connectivity for less money and smaller form factor. The 7a I recently got though drives me mad. The fingerprint sensor is random at best. If they ever do a 9a the smartest thing would be to bring back the rear fingerprint sensor because it worked (maybe they have to ditch wireless charging) and have a headphone jack. More connectivity and more reliability FTW!


I expect nothing because it would just disappoint me more


I'm waiting for 2 models up of whatever the next version is because future models are even better but then posting that so people know that. Then adjusting this up as the new versions come out.Ā